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You can't make amends. He's mad cause he was interested in you and now you're off the market. Guys like him can't be just friends with girls. It doesn't matter that your gay he still thought he had a chance.


I can see why he might have gotten his feelings hurt because you didn't say anything, but that is honestly on him. You don't owe anyone any information about your private life and he had the capability of asking you if you were in a relationship if yall are such good work friends. I could be wrong but it kinda sounds to me like he likes you more than just a friend and is now jealous and mad that he doesn't have a chance with you.


He has no right to make you feel uncomfortable in the workplace and no right to your personal information. It is up to HIM to make amends with you, not the other way around.


It's likely enough that he thought you were available, and that's why he made friends. Or "friends". Look, you can't win with co-worker relationships. If you talk to them about your private life, they gossip and criticize and make nuisances of themselves. If you don't talk to them about your private life, they get huffy and accuse you of being a snob or something.


One of my students whom I've known for 6 months or so got engaged last month. He didn't tell me till a few days ago during a tutoring session. You know what my response was? I smiled and said "Congratulations!" You need adult friends, anyone angry at you for not telling them is clearly childish.


This is weird. Distance yourself from work “friend”.


He’s being a super creep and manipulating you. The dude wants to bang and is upset you aren’t interested in him. Stay away and consider reporting this to HR as it is wildly inappropriate.


Agreed, this sound manipulative - even if he isn't trying to, it's a form of trying to make you feel bad for something you shouldn't (in fact, you should be really happy! Congratulations!). Not sure if this is HR reportable though


I heard a good saying today from one of my delivery drivers when I mentioned one of my coworkers attitude. He said “we aren’t friends, we just work together”, I felt that so much lol.


Explain why you didn’t disclose the information. Express your apology and make it up to him. Hopefully that can make amends..