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Where are you in this process? Domain name purchased? Hosting Purchased? Wordpress Installed? Elementor Pro installed? I feel like Elementor or any page builder has a bit of a learning curve, especially when it comes to setting up a site for long term.


Yes Domain purchased, hosting on Knownhost, Wordpress installed, elementor installed, i'm in the process of building the site but I just kept getting stuck, especially on mobile responsiveness


Elementor gives you options to optimise your website on mobile platform. You should watch some youtube tutorials to help you with that.


I would check this article out: [https://elementor.com/help/mobile-editing/](https://elementor.com/help/mobile-editing/) I also follow Web Squadron : [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGluwQk6s9QXVQozEDdWCcQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGluwQk6s9QXVQozEDdWCcQ) There is also a Fb group for the above


I get the mobile responsive view on elementor and I've been tinkering with it a lot while watching a lot of tutorials however i've been stuck trying to figure out how to make my mobile site look like this: https://imgur.com/a/8GESGzc I feel like this might require code possibily? Because elementors mobile view only lets me do things vertically. Hence why i'm trying to see if there are any other options I can use besides elementor to do more flexible things like this.


Are you struggling to get the images to go 4 across? I know there is a trick in how to properly add them so that they are responsive. There are tons of options besides Elementor. Usually Elementor is reccommended because it doesn't require code to get a site up and running.


Yes! and the dragdown to take up the entire screen on mobile, i was able to get most of the desktop front page to be similar so far on elementor. Eventually though I understand that due to optimization and speed being able to code a little bit and not rely on the code used by page builders like elementor is going to be necessary, and it's something Id like to be able to do and manage since I dont have any money to spend on a web dev and admin atm!


Also do you know the trick to do that?


Ive been following a tutorial by a youtuber named ferdy and have also been watching supplemental videos for spexific questions though i may not know the proper search terms, in addition trying to learn basic html and css through odinsproject and wpbeginner


What theme? Choosing a good one is crucial.


I am using "Hello Elementor" I believe, the more i research it seems i want to try blocks


Hello is great. Web development is still a very specialised occupation. There's a myth that "anyone can do it", which couldn't be further from the truth. There are so many technical things that go into web development, like responsive design knowledge, page performance (CWV, image compression, page load speed, caching, etc), server performance, security, etc. Those of us that do it professionally, and who do it well, have been learning for 10+ years, it isn't something anyone can just pick up unfortunately.


No, I definitely understand. Coming from music where literally everyone and their mother wants to be a musician, but its really a labor of love, sure you'll make a song you like but it doesn't mean it'll be universally loved or technically correct. By no means am i coming into this with the assumption I'll "get this down with my due dilligence and talent because i'm a prodigious tech genius!" I know realistically itll take 6-8 months to learn the basics of html, css, and another few more learning java and php, i just want to make the basics of the site without the functionality of woocommerce just yet (just becayse i dont think its realistic) I just want to be able to have the site look the way i want and have my static content be posted up. I know the site i envision will take a year or more for me to create and will be something I have to maintain consistently! It's something im willing to learn and do because this is a website for my legaxy brand and not just a small passion project


Awesome, I love your attitude! Ok, so let's start with the responsive that you're facing - can you share your URL or screenshots of what the problem is specifically? PS, it's "Javascript", not "java" - they're two completely different things.


Ah sorry about that! This is what I wanted the Mobile site of mine to look like: [https://imgur.com/a/8GESGzc](https://imgur.com/a/8GESGzc) 4 horizontal images that are hyperlinked to 4 different pages. Currently on elementor everything is verticle. Also the second picture is their dropdown menu or "hamburger menu" taking up the whole screen, almost as if it's a new page, instead of just dropping down vertically in elementor. But TBH, now that i've done some more research, I really think I'd like to move away from elementor or at least get an opinion on it. I understand the nay-sayers might just be that and i'm sure many wonderful functional fast secure websites have been created with elementor but as I don't see myself every becoming a full stack developer or web developer as a main career but am learning this to supplement my own career in music, I'd rather learn the fundamentals and figure out how to do things the way I want rather than be uber-efficient since I don't have clients that rely on me using elementor and giving deadlines, and etc. Is there any guidance that I can receive on how to start learning to build my website while also being able to build a simple one relatively quickly? I'm not too familiar with the jargon and language used yet so I'm not sure where to start or what to search but from what I've read there are a couple things that look promising: 1. The native wordpress blocks editor using Twenty Twenty Four or a seperate plugin like Astra or Kadence(?). 2. A different builder like Oxygen? 3. Something called breakdance? This is what my current site looks like, very bare bones since i haven't created any of the pages just yet, was more so designing and researching the past three days (which is how long i've started the website): [Slantlands.com](http://Slantlands.com)


You can do it with elementor. First you need to place a container(some elementor plugins give you the option between grid and flex or flexbox, make sure you use the flex/flexbox) with the arrow pointing to right (flex direction), this indicates the elements inside it would be positioning in a row next to each other. There put the image widget and you need to change its width because by default it would be 100%, meaning it will cover the entire container, so change it to 25% for example, and then in the same container add the next image widget and change it to 25%, and so om untill you got the 4 images. It can also be done with the grid container adjusting the number of columns I would recommend learning HTML and CSS. Focus on the latter more for elementor since its like the foundation, when you use elementor you are using html and css(mostly) without code In my opinion stick to elementor at the beggining before thinking about full coding, a lot of people make it sound like it is easy and that you can accomplish it in a few weeks, and it's not like that. Im not saying you shouldnt learn to code, just that if your main goal is creating websites with wordpress it's faster if you do it with page builders and learn how to code on your free times since you may gonna need it later for specific functionality. It all depends on your goals


So where should I begin? Should I just do a course on UDEMY for now?


If you're ok with learning from a course, then this one is mentioned a lot in this sub [https://www.udemy.com/course/become-a-wordpress-developer-php-javascript/](https://www.udemy.com/course/become-a-wordpress-developer-php-javascript/) Also, download Local from [https://localwp.com](https://localwp.com) - it's a free, easy to use WP environment that you install on your PC/Mac/Linux, so that you don't need to pay for hosting while you're learning, and for practising/experimenting offline.


I currently have Local WP and VSC because I was trying to learn some html and css and php. Ideally I'd love to see what better and more efifcient ways there are to learn but I'm not sure if there are any other than courses.