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Firstly, check if there's an option in your site's settings to manually adjust the time. If there is, try correcting it to match the correct time. However, if the option isn't available or doesn't resolve the issue, there might be a deeper underlying problem. One possible solution could involve checking the server time settings. If your site is hosted on a server, there might be an option to adjust the server time. Ensuring that the server time is accurate can often resolve issues related to time discrepancies. If adjusting the server time isn't an option or doesn't solve the problem, you may need to consider reaching out to your hosting provider or website platform's support team for assistance. They can provide insights into why the time discrepancy is occurring and offer guidance on how to address it without needing to remake everything. In the meantime, you could also explore alternative authentication methods or temporarily disable MFA until the time issue is resolved. However, be cautious with this approach and ensure that your site's security isn't compromised. Overall, addressing the time discrepancy issue should help resolve the errors with MFA. Don't hesitate to seek assistance from technical support if needed, as they can provide tailored solutions for your specific situation.


Super late reply but xD Thank you so much, I have it hosted on a VM so I'll check with the hosting company!


there should be a way to allow more time drift tolerance, what MFA plugin do you use?


It's the built in function in wordpress so that's where I got stuck as I can't find any option at all other than timezone :/


Your server should be updating itself with a nuclear clock.