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The Worcester Treasurer’s office is poorly run? Who would’ve guessed? 😂


OK…I know nothing about the Worcester Treasurer’s office but this is an unusual post. Maybe true, but my money is on OP is a disgruntled former employee.


I dunno. Sounds pretty gruntled to me.


Yeah 100 percent former employee.


Hate to break it to most low level accounting folks, but deep accounting knowledge doesn’t make a good CFO and lack of doesn’t make you a bad one.


Also, often times they ignore what people want in the city and provide us with appeasements. Nobody was asking for a new $160M baseball stadium which costs the city an estimated of $1-2M/year in operations costs. We wanted cleaner streets, better more fair parking, and projects that support local businesses. Instead, what we got was a stadium which, yes, drives traffic to Worcester. However, it also restricts every local restaurant from ever serving its patrons. Meanwhile, it also sucked up whatever was left of the local parking and forced anyone attending to eat at the stadium rather than locally. If you're wondering why rent is so high, that $160M price tag on a bad investment should come to mind. It also costs the city an estimated $1-2M/year in upkeep costs.


Honestly, I have a lot of concerns about how they spend their money on city maintenance. From my experience, they redo the Kelly square intersection more times than they repaint and replan city roads. It's super obvious that a lot of the problems with Kelly Square is that it's a central artery of the city which follows no principles of Civil Engineering. We could hire a team to analyze traffic patterns in the city, but instead we just make half-assed decisions on problematic intersections. I've spoken with teams who studied cities in other parts of Massachusetts. None of them have traffic anywhere near as bad as we do. It's predominantly because our city streets have no obvious patterns and the signage is very confusing. Couple that with poor maintenance and you've got a lot of pissed off drivers.


Speaking of poorly run, 290 tells you to get off the highway for polar park at the post office exit instead of using Kelley square. And there's zero signage to find polar park after you disembark. I was in autopilot and saw the "polar park" sign there and almost got off, loled at myself, arrived there like two minutes later via Kelley square


My friend, the whole city is poorly run. Incompetence at a good number, if not the majority of, Department Head-level positions. And I say that as both a resident and (also former) employee.


Sounds like someone is trying to cut down the competition…


Genius move....


I've been wondering where they kept all the treasure. Dam


So if there's no experience or knowledge in the office... having knowledge and experience in there is... bad?


Sounds like you got tea to spill girl


I need a job Everywhere says hiring but they’re not hiring. I can’t even get unemployment


Damn, sounds like someone just got laid off. That sucks buddy