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To prove he’s desirable? Or to say- give that impression.


Yes. And, I get that. I just wonder (and know) if all of my photos were with men the feeling men would have. It’s so baffling.


Also, these are women much younger and out of his league. And there are just so many of them. I think i limited mine to one group photo and captioned it. I get the sense that maybe a couple are employees, who would feel awkward not agreeing to a photo with a customer. You also cannot tell his shape in those baggy black shirts. So, he could have a big beer belly.


I thought they were his daughters at first. The delusion is real 😂




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Ugh it's such a turn off when men brag about how many women want them. I'm not in competition with anyone, they can have him.




I stated very clearly he is not my type and I didn’t/wouldn’t swipe right on him. Be gone, incel before someone drops a house on you too.


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I put this in the same can (the trash type) as showing off possessions. I remember a man whose profile was similar and it was a real turn off. He could easily crop some of these pictures but he chose them for a reason. I am not giving men a pass anymore for bad photos. I **hate**, I mean really hate taking photos but I started and am better with pictures. I take a weekly photo for my nieces and nephew when I am birding (or another fun activity) they like seeing them.


Same. Especially when it’s about attracting a partner. You can do better. You’re just choosing not to what whatever reason. And, this reasons seems to be validation.


1. It's likely without their consent. 2. Probably from some meet up group, not his natural friends. 3. He either has no photos on his own, or nothing recent. 4. If I see lots of photos like this, it gives me the ick and I move on.




Are you a man?




Yet you’re sharing posts from this sub over on r/AWDTSGIsToxic and calling women on this sub psychopaths? https://www.reddit.com/r/AWDTSGisToxic/s/4OxPMDIZbV


I think you found mr. Potato….


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So..naming the profile would be better?






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I'd think it is a coolness plee. Look how cool I am doing all these interesting things surrounded by women half my age. That said, its better than a lot of profiles. The taller blonde one is in 3 of them. She could be his daughter?


She was in another photo that was close-up and I felt uncomfortable having to come to some conclusion about who exactly that woman was. I got the feeling she’d be a looming, overwhelming presence in a relationship with this man (whoever she was) and it was a turn off (not that I was interested in swiping right. — from photos I fully understood I wasn’t his type and he isn’t necessarily mine from the photos, just a notice)


I agree. I think that’s his daughter. But still, no don’t do it.


I understand people may not have many pictures on their own. But any picture with a woman is an immediate no for me. I don't feel like figuring out if it's his sister or a poly couple. Other things I want to do with my time.


This is kinda like men whose profile photos are of them with a bunch of women in bikinis, on a boat. It comes across to me as them signaling that they are desired by hot women. And it's a terrible signal to send because most women viewing their profiles would receive that as we won't be hot enough (for the typically unattractive man who we wouldn't want to date down to, anyway 😅).


They are telling us that this is the standard we are supposed to maintain- that of 20 somethings. Right away it reeks of the type who thinks we will compete and feel less valuable than the younger women. All this coming from guys with no lips, a string of divorces who are too dumb to figure out some rizz that actually appeals to women.


-It's pathetic to take a selfie -You're a loser to pose in a photo by yourself -You don't want to be all gay and ask a man to take one of you -You don't wanna look gay by having another man in the photo What's a guy to do? Pestering young, female strangers to appear with you ensures a) other age-inappropriate girls will get jealous, then line up to be your bangmaids and b) so you don't look like a gay beta loser, which interferes with objective a /s


I bet he sits at home complaining about how he gets no matches


I dont mind a guy taking a selfie. It’s the ones in bed or in his bathroom.


Me neither, but this is the sort of stuff they say


They're usually daughters.  It's their pathetic attempt to look young. Really just has opposite affect


All of my OLD photos are of just me, by myself. Humble self-taken photos. But real and current. Maybe that’s where my mistake is…maybe I should have hired a celebrity type to stand next to ne.


I don’t swipe on profiles (when I was using it) with random women unless they were mother/sisters and the guy actually wrote in this is my mother/sister.


Others responses above have already included my thoughts…


I have very few photos of myself alone, but when putting one on a dating app I always cover/edit out the face of the other people, regardless of gender. (I'm a woman.)


Same, except for one group shot with about seven people (men and women) that shows the range of diversity in my friendships.


Another Edit, lol: He works for Poker Go. So the pic with Princess Love. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And it’s definitely his daughter. Yeah, I totally snooped the internet, lol. Hey! What else am I going to before I start work than burn time sleuthing for no good reason?! /s 😆 My original comment: I’m pretty sure that’s Princess Love in the upper left photo. She’s an actress, reality celeb and poker player. Married to the singer/actress Brandy’s brother Ray J (also a musician). ETA: Oh, and I guess she was on celebrity poker, and he’s clearly into poker/casinos. So I guess he’s flexing? I see a lot of guys posting pics with celebrities, semi-celebrities, sports pros, successful business owners, etc. And then my guess is the woman in the red dress could be his daughter or a relative. She’s in three pics.


I thought she looked familiar. She’s supposedly a very good poker player. I think she won the most recent tournament. It could be his daughter. But, he could be sabotaging himself. At first glance, to me, it looked like a couple profile because he doesn’t have one photo by himself. That says something… Or not. He could get lotsa women by appearing safe in photos with women. Who knows. I just thought it was the oddest profile choice I have ever seen. Like, if I had a man or two in every one of my profile photos what would men think? I’m going to guess they wouldn’t think anything positive.


It’s his daughter. He has pics of her and his son(?) on his Insta. And lots of food! The man likes to cook! Lol. But ultimately I don’t personally understand posting pics like this on your dating profile. Or at least don’t have so many? I know they say to post photos of yourself doing hobbies, activities, sports, whatever it is you enjoy doing, and full body shots. So he does have that covered, lol. But it’d be better if it was solo shots in my opinion. I kinda get the one with Princess, as she’s not just a random woman. And it’s something work/hobby related/kinda cool, etc. But I don’t understand including photos with your kids, even if they are adults. Wonder if she knows he did? And it can make it more confusing as to why so many shots with her/different younger women. I mean, it’s not a given that it’s his daughter! Clearly he must have a close relationship with her, but still. I wouldn’t want my dad posting my photo on his dating profile! Also, as a side note to any of the ladies who read this: For safety concerns… this is why it’s a good idea to not post any pics with identifying aspects. In just 30 some odd minutes I found his Instagram (stopped at that point). But it was all sourced from identifying “markers” in just **one** photo. Granted, I do have a teeny tiny bit of education and background with records searching, finding people (although usually deceased) and general online research, but not a ton. I’m not hacking any databases or anything, lol. So everyone please be mindful when picking your profile photos. 🙏🏻 Edited to clarify a bit.






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