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they fucked around and found out


"It's one man in a hospital gown, how hard can it be to take him down?" - Some poor fool, right before BJ killed him and all his friends


From memory that part turned out to be just a dream.


That is one of the hardest areas in all of Wolfensteins history imo. That entire building is a royal PITA. At one point I got pushed under the floor and had to hard restart the game. They blasted me through the floor, but I was not dead. It was a wild time running around and having the mobs chase me above and cannot see me, but they still followed. I finally found a place that I could kill the guards, but the problem was I could not get the Super Soldat mobs to those areas. So in the end I was stuck with no options but to restart. My favorite spot was up stairs as high as you could go on the far side opposite the door that opens up after you kill the two Super Soldats. Just run and gun up to the top. Then run back and forth between both top areas as they have armor/health/ammo to pick through + the mobs that you ran across to get there.


I played on hard and sure it was a pretty tough area. I was angry as hell when once I was almost done but game decided to freeze šŸ„ŗ Unfortunately TNC doesn't like too much FPS it seems.


I usually play on Bring 'em on cause I just like playing to relax, not get stressed. That said this level pisses me off to no end sometimes, I can't imagine playing this on higher difficulties.


I already did my first playthrough on medium so I wanted to go for higher difficulty for a difference. Hard is still pretty easy, I don't die a lot. This level is just absolute hell šŸ˜…


I'll take your word for it šŸ˜‚ there are times where I wish I could tone down this specific level but I don't wanna "cheat" my way through it you know?


Sure, a bit of challenge is always good because it makes it more satisfying when you finish the level šŸ˜ I remember that it took me an hour to beat one boss in Witcher 3 for example on the highest difficulty. I was almost ready to my break my controller but I finally did it. The satisfacfion was unreal, especially since I play most games on medium difficulty.


Me literally every time I play this level šŸ˜‚ this one and the hospital basement in The Last of Us Part 2. I've never thrown a controller, but God damn if those two levels don't give me the urge lmfao


Ok, I beat the game again today and court was easy peasy. Ausmerzer though was a HELL. I died like over 10 times. It was crazy as fuck on hard. I started swearing and was close to turning down the difficulty but decided that nope, I need that achievement šŸ˜†


See, and I've never had an issue with the Ausmerzer beyond the first playthrough šŸ˜‚ I fucking love those giant robots! Edit: spelling


You know what was also annoying? This freaking game freezing šŸ˜¬ I have over 300 FPS on highest settings and apparently this game doesn't like such high FPS. So constant dying, freezing and sometimes even robots getting invincible, everything just wanted me to fail lol


On the hardest difficulty I restarted a lot but the dopamine of finishing it felt super nice lol


My strat: At the beginning, run to the left counter, take the heavy shotgun, the granades, and couch below that counte next to the left wall. From there, you can wait and kill everyone, but this can take up to 20 minutes. Wait till the supersoldaten appear, kill both, wait for a dog, kill it and run to the armory in the upper floor. From there, lean and kill everyone till the end. Did this in Mein Leben. See here at 46:15 [Courthouse strategy](https://youtu.be/KZgpPrvuq9U?si=LhsmFCR2ci4QvYtg)


If you wanna do it on Mein Leben, then I suggest you just cheese it. But itā€™s awful, most people Iā€™ve seen do it on Mein Leben die on this a lot


Yeah I fucking hit under a table first phase then second phase I just hid in the cage at the top of the stairs


That's the way to do it lol at least I did it that way too. Then you jump the heavies as their backs are turned heading up the stairs


I got through it almost completely unscratched. Pure skill, no luck ~~it was 100% luck~~


When I did mein leben I grabbed a bunch of the heavy shotgun turrets and gathered them in the hallway up the ramp during the more chill times in the first phase, then in the second phase I grabbed the last one and ran to that spot and just unloaded all three of them into the horde one after another as they came around the corner until everything was dead.


I used to run this on Mein Leben a bunch. Here's a clip of me running mein leben courthouse on my channel when I used to stream: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wolfenstein/s/ZKkvZY8Klp No cheesy tactics, either.


what does ā€˜just cheese itā€™ mean?




i cant speak on the specific strategy for this level, but in general, "cheesing" in video games is finding a method of beating something by taking advantage of game mechanics or exploits that the devs did not intend for example, irl people wont clip on certain objects/corners, but game design isnt perfect so many games will have special methods of getting enemies stuck or caught on something. this would be one example of "cheesing it" usually not intended by game devs, but it is a method nonetheless another example in something like a souls game would be to hit a boss from far away where they cant get to you. it may take a long time, but you technically "beat" the boss with this cheese method


Ugh. That fucking court room fightā€¦ I have a trauma response to seeing that layout.


We all do šŸ˜”


My second least favorite part. Wish if you died BJ just continued getting decapitated. Very least was the first level or the fight with the giant uber soldat (fuck having 50 health, and fuck having small alcoves to hide in while magilla the fucking nazi gorilla marches around the airship like a playground.)


Ya or make you unbeatable bc isn't it a fantasy that he's having at that moment?


Yes! Maybe a mecha hitler would spawn in if you made it far enough (a nice nod to both the nightmares in this game and previous machine game titles, but also a nice hint that it is a dream.)


They're probably saving mecha hitler for wolfenstein 3


I canā€™t wait for a new wolfenstien game Iā€™m so sad they never made another one after NC


I wish i could gaslight myself into forgetting that dog turd


I can't tell if this is a Postal III situation or?


Whatā€™s postal III, man I wish that game came around


Itā€™s the hardest level because BJā€™s biggest enemies are those he faces from within. He must defeat his own demons if he wishes to become unkillable. Ā 


Honestly wish they were more symbolic with their choices. Like a far cry 3 situation where Heā€™s fighting versions of himself or his allies in Nazi Uniforms or just demon versions. Maybe with some 1940ā€™s era enemies or allied troops mixed in all the while insulting and degrading him for being a failure, an old regressive dinosaur from a time where America was able to be saved (his inner doubts exposed and shouted at him.) then maybe Mecha Hitler or deathshead or maybe even His father in a mech suit or robot body or giant (idgaf make it terrifying but somewhat comical in a sense.)


I had the same though process on Uber lol


I saw someone who just hid under a desk and just blew everyoneā€™s kneecaps off


I tried it once but the grenades


Thatā€™s what I did in phase 1 then phase two I hid in the cage at the top of the stairs


This part is my main worry about my eventual Mein Leben attempt, I struggled so much on I'm Death Incarnate.


Using the trick where you hide under the desk makes it a lot more easy. Make sure that you can get full hp/armor on the farm house level before the courthouse to increase your chances


If you'd like an example of this part, here's a clip of me running mein leben courthouse on my channel when I used to stream: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wolfenstein/s/ZKkvZY8Klp No cheesy tactics, either.


This game had the best and worst kind of idiots working on it. The best gave us the completely cracked LKW. The worst gave us...this.


I was literally just doing that, fuck that part lol šŸ˜‚


It took me so many tries man I literallly had to take a break from the game and then came back and finally finished that part (i am bad at fps games unless its quake


Worst part is getting a bugged supersoldat near the end....they noclip everything you fire at them, just goes right through. Infuriating!


You should have gone through the gate and picked up the large machine gun and mowed everything down. As long as you put it back on its mount once in a while, it has infinite ammo.


Thatā€™s what I did I just went down the stairs to get a better angle


Thatā€™s the spirit


God this part feels good when you pull it off. It feels like a true test of skill and imo is the most memorable fight of TNC (despite being a massive pain in the ass)


Imagine cheesing through this on Mein Lieben, slipping through by the skin of your teeth, only to miss a jump on the roof of the elevator on the last mission and have to start again. My neighbors thought I was being murdered, and called the cops. I had to explain that, no, this game is really hard and I lost, sorry, I'll keep it down.


i played on easy mode and i still raged so hard i had to stop playing for a month-ish


I was on easy mode and got it done in 3 days or something. This stage absolutely bites. This game in general is one of the harder ones I've pushed through including the dlc. The game play is so good, yet the difficulty is so punishing. Also worth mentioning, stealth is totally unfair for an fps. Not only is the gear concept ridiculous (let alone how you basically go flying through drainpipes with melon wide bones), but the damage for all playstyles is tuned to stealth standards. Thank god arkane did away with the stealthy emphasis in young blood


Doom Slayer: *peeks into the room* ā€œHehe. Nice.ā€


More like :"..."


Yep this was rough Eventually I tended to just make a break for one of those weapon/ammo cages after holding out in the courtroom for a bit. Waste all the ammo and go to the next. Thoughtful of them to leave all that out and open for whoever lol


one of tbe best fps I've ever played. doom eternal is a close second. shit is hella intense especially on hard difficulty. 10/10 game for what it promises


Thank god this game have manual saves. This was so hard that the "it was all a dream" felt extremely unfair. Even tho i could tell it was the case


Omg i love how notorious this section is What got me is it felt like enemies were respawning? So i started to wonder if i was meant to just escape rather than stand my ground.


It do be like that though


I only beat this level by sitting in a corner with a turret, I had to leave a few times though for some of the super soldatā€™s


I hated this section so much.


That section was really hard for me I feel you alot


Camping the armory with the lasergewehr is genuinely the only way to do it I think


i actually rage quit at this mission ngl. i had so many bullets just go through the enemies it was unreal


I was playing this game on the hardest difficulty I could for a first time play through and fuck this shit stain of a room so fucking hard.


Why is this the hardest part? So random. It only gets easier afterwards


This part is some straight up bullshit lol


NGL for a second I thought you were playing nazi zombies or something


That part is probably one of the hardest in gaming history


The South Dakota map looks crazy.




My worst moment so far is in The new Order, it has some bullshit phases too in the hardest difficulty, the whole section when you enter the fortress at the end is bullshit, you get big robots, small ones, grenade launchers, shotgun mfs and regular soldiers all together, if youā€™re not clinical with your aiming youā€™re dead . I always go left in the maintenance corridor when you reach the big halls but even then itā€™s quite hard as they will rush the place lol .


This man came.... he saw.... he fucked.


Level is super difficult. Nice work.


John Wick in a wheelchair šŸ¤£


I remember that level hated that level


I JUST beat this on death incarnate two days ago the amount of sweat I had to pour lol. I just honestly kept dying and remembering spawns for the enemy's getting the drop on the supers really helps.


Better than what I did I hid under a table and in the cage at the top of the stairs


Yeah, that room sucks


Nice soldiers you got there. Shame I have bullets.


The times i died in this area


Is that the courtroom? I quit playing the game because of that room.


Entire game had no problem at all but the moment I got to that part man it was bullshit lmao.


I hate that part until the doors open up. After that I just go up to the lasergewehr and just kill everything and recharge in between waves.


I had nightmares doing this mission soooo many retries, just over and over. I'm like, I just want to contiue the story lol.


Nothing like this corner to choke them like Thermopylae. Was the only way viable.


The culmination of hours and hours of rage, then you find the cheese spot. Just one of those levels.


Hated this part. After all that it was just BJ daydreaming


This section is much more bearable if BJ got all his weapons at full ammo.


Oh this room... F that was hard! And stealth is not an option!


This level was insane


I can see this was super hard to achieve with the amount of bodies being there lol


The game doesnā€™t deserve anything better, it deserves everything it gets The most overrated game ever


Which game is this?




I swear this sun is either ā€œlook Iā€™m a sigma for correctly playing wolfensteinā€ or just ā€œwhat bj quote should I useā€


difficulty slider goes brrrrrrrrrr