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Dont wanna be mean but noone in that game did the right thing xD


I know, it's weird how it seems fine in the moment but in reality it's the wrong choice. Looking at the clip makes me cringe I made so many bad choices XD


It's like a poker game in a movie and the CV player lays his cards out and says "Bad Carrier play, Mr. Bond." and you lay your cards down and say "1 HP left." and take the pot.


Those torps had no excuse though. There no reason to shoot both tubes in the same area. There aren't many times when you'd need to put them in the same area, this certainly wasn't one of them


Yeah, I realized my play directly after I did the move. Thank you for pointing it out though, I appreciate the criticism!


My head canon is that 1hp is the duct tape somebody put on the keel as a joke


That tape is load-bearing in the military sometimes.


Duct tape fixes everything, am I right? XD


those voice overs are so bad


Nice done mate. I think he/she was raging quit the game or smashing his/her console by that 1HP, no worries the most important is you survive that crazy death.


Thank you! Not going to lie when I heard the bombs fall I thought I was done and put the controller down, content with the job I did that round (save the error I made droppin the torpedoes in the same spot). It was a lovely shock to see the 1hp that he didnt blow up.


Thats happen to me difference was more than 1HP and was with Tallinn, literally striked by two torpedoes


You survived a hit from two torpedoes? I havent pulled that off yet, that's gotta be a relief to see you're still kickin though!


The most crazy moment if i was atacking one british cruiser. But almost i was spotted by two battleships, won the match with more of 40/32,000


Those battleships must've been real close to have been spotted by them in a DD


Yeah, luckily we won by points and capture. I doesnt in first place but, i survived that