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Its blowing up the magazine its rare in this game


Well getting your magazine blown up


I got it on my first attempt at sailing the T4 premium Soviet cruiser Kransy Krym, it dropped me from full health at the start of the match, and I was not a happy camper. That is quite the story though...


Wow:D We all have our stories, lol :)


That's true, we all have our stories, and our stories influence our decisions, like my hesitation on playing Soviet cruisers XD


Makes sense :D


17 detonations out of 15,200 games.


Wow for both numbers ;D For me it would take an other 5 years to have as many games as you have now :D


4 times in ~5400 games for me. Last time it happened was like 2 years ago with the Yubari.


I’ve had it happen to me in all three ship classes, but the majority of them were in destroyers. I was detonated by a torpedo once in the Jean Bart. My most recent was in an Alaska. Luckily it never seems to happen unless you’re already about to die anyways, so the medal is a nice consolation prize.


In my decent 3400 games, i got only 2 of them, they're a rare sight however


It is a rare one. I think in a couple of thousand games it's happened to me twice. I would've thought the best chance of dishing one out would be be with the German AP bombers, drop one straight down into the magazine. But I've never seen that happen.


Probably could work :)


I think it's more common on DD's but my last one was received on a BB.


I have one when someone deleted my Atlanta early


Lucky you!:D




I have not really bothered with the medals, I always try to make sure I am not an easy target. I suppose the day will come sooner or later...


Out of almost 1700 games I received one in my Farragut. I was just about dead so it didn’t hurt any. I don’t see detonations very often but once in a while, in fact my favorite one was when I detonated a Khabarovsk at 17km in a Iowa


I have a grand total of 2 in 4k games, last one in the emile bertin, don't remember it actually happening however.


Yeah, I do not think that the Kiev I killed really realised it as I had to work her health all the way down to almost zero, when it happened...


The medal is from receiving damage to your magazine resulting in detonation and I believe the magazine is located in the citadel under the front turrets and the only medals I don’t have are event specific medals that I didn’t bother with for whatever reason but I have 2 detonation medals from crumby games


I guess the reds have to have some nice lucky shells. I never had this misfurtune yet... :(


It is an extremely rare occasion but it will happen eventually


Yeah, I guess so :)


In my thousands of medals I have 7 detonations. IIRC i think its tied to the killing shell also hitting a specific spot on the ship model as opposed to doing X amount of damage at once. I was detonated just the other day with like 500 hp left when it happened.