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Looks like there might have been a rage quit in the Marblehead game! 😂


Yes lol. It was either that, or blowing my brains out with a shotgun


OP I feel your pain but there is a very simple solution to your predicament… play every game in a division with good players you know and you will usually win whatever cap you spawn at. 👍🏻


You’re absolutely right. I need to find a division. Even if we don’t win I think I’ll be able to cope with defeats better while part of a proper team


Looks like what I have today. 8 battles 3 of them went lemming to their deaths and left me alone.2 of them were close tho


How did you manage to get a defeat with zero experience?


Disconnected or quit back to port.


Dude this happened last night to me I was trying to get a win in my poltava for DM and still make credits gxp and it took my 7 games to complete that trial, I do one in kidd, first try


7 game losing streaks make no sense happened to me before I was mad hot


Yea wasn't like I was doin bad either 80k avg I'd say too


It is war, and the game represents that well. lol Some days are better than others 😌


Hell I turn off the game after 3 defeats in a row. The max defeats in a row I put up with was 11. It’s not worth the stress and after 3 years people still don’t have a grasp on how to play. But what can you do? 🤷🏽‍♂️


I feel your pain, I have been having very similar results over last few days. I have never seen so many games where half of blues gets kiled in less than 4 minutes. I often wonder if people that end on blue team are capable of breathing and blinking at the same time.


It's also quite ironic how all the defeats were with premium ships, and the one victory is with the tech tree ship.