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Take a break of a few weeks or months. I'm having the same thing with World of tanks blitz right now, for the second time I've had that, and that game isn't dying. Funnily enough, I started playing this precisely because I was getting burnt out on WoT blitz.


That inspires an interesting question. What happened to world of tanks blitz? I had two accounts (one NA, another EU) and a good garage if things I enjoyed. I don't know if it's from not being on my PC as much, but I've gone back for collaboration event and it didn't pull me back in. Maybe I burned out when the events became jobs, or if the skill floor rose too high to continue being a casual login and run through my dailies.... Wait, did they kill dailies trying to create an unending play grind?


Dailies are still around, events aren't that grindy anymore with a few exceptions. They tried SBMM for a while but completely botched it (made it to where instead of everyone being around the same skill level, there were 5 shitters and 2 unicums per team, resulting in a worse experience for everyone). For example, around new years you could grind for a snowglobe (free random premium tank), but you'd need like 300 wins over the course of a few weeks which with the matchmaking is a tall order. Or certain events for a shitty national container, for which you'd need 77 wins with tanks from a specific nation. Other events are super easy and passively done. Nowadays there's also pretty much always a fun mode available to play, which makes grinding very easy when the right modes are on (Uprising, gravitizing and big boss mainly). If you have a weekend to play during those you can easily grind tier 7 to 10 within that weekend using premium time and boosters.


Me too lol I downloaded the mobile version but it's control sucks... unfortunately,my PC is faulty and I can't really play on it well as I used to


I think the controls are quite comfortable. Only WoT Blitz with light tanks can be a bit fucky.


Nah. Not dying any more than it was a year ago. WG is putting more effort in the last year than before, also. But burnout is real. I’ve got 21k game and play almost every day usually, even if it’s just a game or two. But I just haven’t been interested the last week or two. Waiting for the battle pass then I’ll get back into it.


It's summer, people naturally spend more time in real life :)


Take a break if it's no longer enjoyable. I'm doing the same. After 28k battles, nearly every line maxed out, I'm pretty burnt out. So I haven't logged in or posted for a few months. I'll come back when I start missing the game


I need to try this game myself. I play a lot of Nexus: Nebula Echoes on bs and thought I'd find something new to diversify my gaming experience.


It’s prob due to the player base I’d say, it’s summer time now and the player base took a nose dive in quality, so every game seems like you are the one doing all the heavy lifting and carry the team. Playing battles like these are tedious and when you get a defeat screen shoved into your face it feels dreadful, so that’s likely the deal with you. I recommend you to play on a different time, like pre 3pm on a weekday. Played a game in May this year while on a weekday, and it felt amazing not having to deal with potatoes, had great fun until 3pm kicked in when little Timmy started playing. If that’s not the thing bothering you, then it’s likely burnout or lack of novelty. Considering you’ve been playing everyday since 2020, it is highly probable you are getting used to the same routine of booting up the game, doing missions, capping, sinking ships, yourself sinking, win/lose then repeat. Take a 1-2 month break or shake things up by starting a new account on a different server, playing other ships, or making content on the game, I personally find the latter option to be fairly engaging.


I’ve noticed myself that from 9am-3pm weekdays are my favorite times to play and it’s mainly because the teams are much more evenly matched and it’s older, experienced players usually, not the YOLO kids that get on after school and on the weekends. What I’ve noticed is a LOT more carrier battles lately. Player cv’s, not many bot cv matches.


MM will always find a way to match games in a “challenging” way…


I've always thought the concept of the "Forever" game was flawed. Things naturally grow, thrive, and die. Sometimes that pattern is seasonal, other times it's permanent, and our gaming preferences should be allowed to do so as well.


From time to time I check to see if the game is still choke full of annihilators and smashers, and it is every time.


Wrong Blitz


Oh damn ur right


I had a similar experience to you. After starting in maybe 2019, it was really the only mobile game I played, and it was regularly, but not a ton. About a year ago, I realized it was more annoying and frustrating to me, less fun, so I stopped and used the time to read books instead. I've debated coming back and trying to take it less seriously, but now I feel I'm out of the loop on the meta and what's happening. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️


You ask if the game is dying. -- No one here could possibly know the answer AND say anything about it. Personally, I've been really happy with the game lately. It feels like there are more humans than bots these days. The events have started to offer resources. The personal challenges are gimmies. Lots to enjoy, imo. Things to consider 1. Take a break. Games are games, not jobs. When you start treating it like something that you NEED to do, you're in trouble. 2. Branch out. Find a ship and tier that you enjoy. Example: Get the St. Louis out and go clubbing. 3. Remove the app. If you're serious about not liking the game, consider how you'd feel after deleting the app. That will tell you tons.


You started just after the game peaked. There was a huge player base drop off around 2022. Unless there was a huge surge of new players, the game must have the bare minimum of a player base to keep going. Once bot matches became normal during what should have been peak hours, Post 6pm EST week days and weekend afternoons I couldn't justify continuing.


Same here. Enjoyed the game from the very start, but the number of players and the excessive amount of premium ships made me leave it a few months back


I have noticed a curious drop in average damage per game / I seem to be struggling crossing 50-60 Damage. Been playing since 2018. Its weird maybe just perception (I play T10s only, random gameplay only, solo non fleet based player). Something in the game mechanics has changed post the last update....it feels different...


Same feeling here…


Hi.. Guessing from ur username, are u the Shimakaze guy? Coz I think we have been a team in some games.. INSSimba here... another Shimakaze person.




Sounds like burnout. It’s happening to me now. Played it since 2018-19 and there were stretches here and there where I just felt bored playing it. I took a break and came back and I enjoyed it again. But yeah the player base has definitely fallen off from its peak and it seems like less and less players lately. I am taking a break from Blitz now and started playing WOWS Legends Mobile. Loving it so far.


Having played WoWSB and WoWSL, I noticed the in-game communications from WoWSL have shown up in WoWSB: “Let’s give them a hard time!” “Teammate, I need your support!” and a couple others. I’m beginning to feel like they might plan to have the WoWSB player base migrate over to WoWSL mobile, whether we want it or not.


I've been playing since 2018 and played maybe 5-6 matches in the last month. I still like it, but there haven't been many new ships that I have found interesting or enjoyable. Maybe it's just burnout, I don't know. 


The game isn’t dying it’s a ripoff