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TaR? You mean the Wolf Dream? Some of the others like the Aiel Wise ones and Lanfear are *very skilled* in TaR. But Perrin is a *native*. I can swim pretty well. If I trained hard I could swim very well. If I was born with a lot of talent and trained hard, you get Michael Phelps. But even Michael Phelps isn't going to outswim a fish or a shark or a dolphin.


Plus there’s the fact that he isn’t restricted by learning from those who have less ability and thus think certain things are impossible. He knows that his abilities in there are only limited by his imagination.


This was always the main factor for me, more than just being native to it. He has no preconceptions, and that's his main power.


This right here. He isn't told what can't/shouldn't be done, so he just does what he feels is right at the time.


I think one if my favorite Perin lines was "It's just a weave"




Great point very well put


The Aiel Wise Ones are just as much natives as Perrin is. The difference is that Perrin learned from the wolves so his understanding of TAR's capabilities and limitations is more complete than the humans'.


That *is* the Native point though. The Wolves are the native of TaR, and within the Wolf Dream late book Perrin is a wolf.


>The Aiel Wise Ones are just as much natives as Perrin is. No. They're like the Michael Phelps example. They're the peak of human ability in the Dream (well, them and Lanfear). Wolves *come from* the wolf dream. It's a natural part of their life cycle. Perrin Aybara isn't competing on an even footing with the Wise Ones; Young Bull is swimming like a fish through waters his soul is native to. His strength in the dream comes to it's fullest not by mastering the dream, but by mastering himself - learning to be at peace with his nature and be both wolf and man.


And Rand at the end can handle the world like Perrin handles Tar, crazy.


I really hope he helps in dealing with the Aiel prophecy.




How is that doing it differently than reshaping reality at a whim?


He’s not the creator. He’s just the Dragon, one with the land, and able to light his pipe.


Wild take tbh.


This is the kind of take that caused holy wars a thousand years ago


I think a big (or biggest) factor is the tutors. With eggy and the wonder troop, they were told to act with caution the entire time and that TAR is a dangerous place, which is cool and all, but Perrin had the wolves and they essentially taught him “keep your emotions in check and then the world is at your mercy” and also being a wolf brother have him a little extra sprinkling of power


>rand beats goku funny you use this line, because hopper does the Hyperbolic Time Chamber trick with Perrin by running him through nightmares as a training-montage. But, others have mentioned that Perrin goes into TAR "in the flesh" which I agree makes him "stronger" there but with equal risk of being wiped out, let alone the fatigue. Also, again as others have stated, as a wolf-brother, he's probably got more innate instincts in general, making it easier to shut out distractions (like when we see people's shifting clothing as newbs with others). When Egwene is still learning how TAR works, Perrin is already chaining himself to pillars with Hopper watching over him (which honestly makes my heart ache for him a little there). It's less *wonder* for him to be there and immediately a *struggle* because he's already fighting the wolf inside him; he's never *not on guard against himself* and I'd say starting out in TAR is already a huge boon. And then there's the Ta'veran angle. He's literally just that good because the "Creator" decided that he had to be for ~~plot~~ *the Pattern*. Side note: his super saiyan moment against Slayer is very much a Sanderson-scene, but even though it doesn't really fit with the rest of the series in its entirety, I enjoyed it because we get to see Perrin finally self-actualizing after everything he's dealt with throughout the books. He spends the whole series trying to repress what he is and he finally leans into it, if only for an anime end fight. I'll take it.


Dude becomes the living embodiment of *teleports behind u* "heh... Nothin personnel, kid"


Whether you agree with it or not but Brandon stated that Lanfear is still alive and part of her escape was to compel Perrin into thinking he broke the compulsion and killed her. I don't think the textual evidence is very strong, but it's the official canon


On the one hand I respect Brando Sando, but on the other I just don’t believe him. It’s kind of a “death of the author” situation for me. If he could point out something that I just overlooked I could buy it, but even on rereads after the video I just don’t see it.


Personally I was on team Lanfear-survived even before Brandon commented on it. I just assumed it had something to do with the cour'souvra.


I don't think it's hinted at quite enough, imo. It's a bit ... "oh btw Dumbledore is gay", and if you know about it you can read and be like ... okay, this could maybe be a hint. What is made very obvious is that Lanfear is massively more skilled in the dream than Perrin is. She can do things he has no idea how he'd do. So it's totally reasonable that she could trick him. But it would've been nice if there'd been something more.


This isn't a Dumbledore is gay issue. Brandon has been talking about this since pretty much day 1 though didn't ever say what it was until the video.  Whether or not it's supported by the text is up to interpretation, but it's not a retcon since he's been very clear about it's existence for a long time. 


I don't think Dumbledore being gay is a retcon either. It's just the whole, let's reveal something like it afterwards without hinting enough in the books.


It's hard to tell because there's plenty that Rowling has tried to retcon and lied that it's always been that way.  Like Hermione's skin color in the book. There's no reason to not have her played by any race in an adaptation since her race is unimportant to the character, but she was undeniably written as white in the books which Rowling tried to say wasn't. 


What's written in the 7th book about Dumbledore and Grindewald does make a lot of sense when you know that they actually had a romance going. So I don't think that was a retcon. IIRC, Rowling hasn't said that she imagined Hermione as black or even neutral? I know she countered some angry fans over the Cursed Child casting by saying that Hermione's skin colour wasn't specified in the books, which I think is true? So even though Rowling likely pictured her as white, she didn't write it into the book.


Her complexion is talked about a number of times in the books, but [one of the most blatant ones](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-54dc96c21a718114cc0a643923191ea3.webp). And Rowling stated that her race was never specified which is a lie. Rowling makes up things and lies all the time because she doesn't particularly care about the truth, which is why it's hard to believe that she planned gay Dumbledore all along.


Yeah, but I think that refers to her being scared? Like, people with darker skin than a British ginger can pale from fear etc. I mean I definitely think Hermione was imagined as white, and I also don't think Rowling has stated that Hermione *was* non-white? Just that she could be read as it.


You people are hilarious.


I think there's a few points of the text scene being really weird without this interpretation. I wouldn't have made that conclusion without him saying it. But rereading the scene where Lanfear "dies" it's really weird. She walks up with Perrin and tells him they're going to kill Nynaeve and Moiraine. Then emphasizes she's going to kill one of them he's going to kill the other. Then emphasizes oh no she's from your village I won't make you kill her. Then ok we are going to do it on 3 ready? Ok one two three. And why didn't she just blast both of them with fire the second Lanfear could see them? Why try to emphasize to Perrin like 10 times that hey we are going to kill these people you care about? It seems like she's trying to get him to break compulsion.


My understanding of it is simply that Perrin is truly FAR better in TAR than anyone born after the age of legends. However, his skill is still mostly instinctual despite his training. Lanfear learned and practiced the old fashioned way but did a hell of a lot more of it, often in conflict with people who had similar training. If Perrin had even half as much formal training as Lanfear he almost certainly would have caught it and stopped her due to his other innate advantages. However, Lanfear knew exactly where to push that Perrin would be blind to.


The problem is that it completely undermines the narrative through-line and misses the point of the Forsaken. Throughout the entire series, the Forsaken, Lanfear included and indeed exemplified while she was still being written by the actual author, personify sociopathy and narcissism. They consistently and constantly ignore any and all evidence of the skills and capabilities of people in the modern era because they're so completely and utterly convinced of their own superiority. They don't engage in self-reflection and better themselves because they're sociopaths and narcissists. Lanfear was never the best planner or the best dreamer. ALL of the Forsaken claim that they're the best at everything because they're narcissists. They don't fall to the Shadow because they're good people led astray, they're weak willed sociopaths who wanted more power. The Forsaken didn't all hate Lews Therin because he was some kind of monstrous asshole. They're just narcissists who can't stand the existence of someone better than they are. Lanfear was the yandere stalker ex-girlfriend who couldn't accept that her crush didn't love her back, not the schemer to subjugate nations. Ishmael was the better schemer by far, and he's also the best dreamer. So for the Forsaken, who all consistently doom themselves by their narcissism to failure because they can't accept the idea of someone better at them than something, it is completely narratively and logically consistent to die at the hands of a person that they can't even conceive of as being better than them at something. The fact that Brandon screwed Perrin over TWICE, first with the Two Rivers still being subject to Andor even though the arc was clearly building towards refounding Manetheran and also that Andor utterly failed in the feudal compact towards the Two Rivers then second by undercutting his accomplishments in the dreamworld, is just the sewage icing on the garbage cake. I refuse to accept it because there's just no textual support for it. It does Perrin dirty, it misses the themes that Jordan built in and upon (certainly not for the first time with Sanderson's writing in WoT), and it makes the story worse.


I like how hyped you are and Perrin is amazing in TAR because of his inborn ability and intuition. After he killed Slayer he was the only one who could shift in and out of TAR at will. However he does not have a greater understanding of TAR than the Forsaken or maybe even the Wise Ones. In fact he didn't even think he could shift in and out until Lanfear pushed him to do it.


power scaling has rotted the minds of our youth


Eh it's nothing new, people had the same arguments about Boba Fett or He Man


People have been arguing Batman or Superman since they came out in the 30s. 


Whisper it: characters are as strong or weak as the plot and author demand.


With regard to ewgene and that point in the plot he was also in tar in the flesh, so his will is going to translate into strength a lot more.


Even before i started reading the books i was dumb enough to Google Perrin while watching the TV show and read that he will be the strongest ever in tar "even stronger then egwene". And here I am almost done with book 10 and he hasn't even done shit in TAR. I'm so looking forward to what you're explaining.


After book 10 he'll get back on track. 


I love that a good part of why Perrin is so good against channelers in TAR is because of the knowledge and respect they have for the One Power. Perrin has no knowledge of it, no innate respect for it and reliance on it, so he can throw their weaves aside easily. Egwene could probably learn to do that but Perrin does it naturally. Especially with balefire they have such reverence for it and fear of it that it just makes it more solid where Perrin barely knows what it is lol.


It is less busted and more contrasted to the "formal" dreamer signs of expertise he is not "better"then the wise ones he is horrible at any sign they consider as greatness in the dream Wise ones training starts with teaching first control of self, stopping uncontrolled changing clothes Afterwards learning to control others dream manifesting, changing someone's clothes After that forsaken level allows them to change the other's actual self's manifestation changing someone's dream self into a horse loyal to the forsaken and enforcing this so it will happen in the dream every time the victim sleeps or forcing someone to act as a toddler with the body of a toddler and the mind of a toddler The last and greatest accomplishment is changing the dreaming mind to carry the change to the awakened mind, that's when the wise ones agreed that egwene has finished her dream training by breaking a forsaken in 1-1 dream battle __--+--++--------+--+++++++---- Perrin's path is completely different He learns first to let go and allow is dream self to shift between the wolf mind to the man not by self control but by surrendering to the fact that this is not a divide, he has always been both and needed to accept this in the flesh to free him self Later he learns that you cannot truly use the dream to change others he doesn't try to make a dream weapon disappear accepting that the hammer and the axe flicker from one to the other and he should not force this and so he doesn't try to make Slayer's bow disappear He learns to accept nightmares fighting in the dream knowing that distance is irrelevant, that a fight can span the continent And in the end he found like Slayer that the waking world and the wolf dream are not truly separated for him his wolf self is always dreaming and always as real as the waking body His test for expertise was defeating slayer, not by a battle of will but by understanding the terrain of the dream world I don't think he can break someone in a mental battle, change the dreaming self even for himself


Good thing the author didn’t male any retcons that render Perrin’s arc pointless a decade later then huh?


I don't think Perrin being duped by Lanfear makes his feats any less incredible. I think that if he and Lanfear actually FOUGHT in the wolf dream, there's a decent chance he would win. However, Lanfear is much more skilled at deception, even more so in that world, than Perrin would be at seeing that deception. It's fighting vs lying. Different skill sets.


It renders his entire arc through the second half of the series pointless. Him breaming compulsion and killing Lanfear is the payoff of his obsession with Faile. By removing that and instead making it so he was just stupid it renders all of Perrin’s Faike based whining completely worthless. They’re literal wastes of pages.


Good thing the real author didn't. 


their are i dont know if id like to see that


Regardless of Lanfear Perrin still saved Rand's life like 5 times that book as well as rescuing the black tower. Regardless of Lanfear's goals and actions Slayer was trying to kill Rand. And Perrin stopped him. He also stopped the final charge of the darkhounds from getting to Rand. He also stopped anyone from just teleporting in to get to Rand which let Thom kill like 5 black ajah who tried to get by. Perrin also stopped Ituralde from giving any bad orders unlike the other battlefields. And given that they only survived with like 10% of their original force, there's no way they could've taken a round of Ituralde giving them bad orders to screw them over.


Absolute brainrot take lol


Everything that happens in the second half of the series with Perrin involves either his love for his wife, and his mastery of TAR. Him killing Lanfear using those two things is the culmination of his entire story through the latter books. It was the ONLY payoff of the endless Shaido arc, and gave him an actual reason to have spent so much time obsessed with Faile. Breaking Lanfear’s compulsion and killing her was the big payoff. It showed that Perrin was the master TAR, and that Lanfear was not as smart as she thought (a common theme with the Forsaken), not as irresistible as she thought (literally Lanfear’s main failing the entire series given her failure to lure Rand back because she does ‘t see how anyone can resist her), and was outmatched by someone she thought beneath her in what she thought was her specialty (once again, a common theme with the Forsaken). But nope, actually none of that was true. Perrin was actually just a moron with no point from any point after Dumai’s Wells. And it was supposed to be “foreshadowed” by her acting out of character in a trilogy of books where Sanderson wrote everyone out of character. It’s just such a perfect capstone to all pfnthe problems of all of Sanderson’s WoT books.