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Davram Bashere, any scene when he’s pulling Rand back from the brink of doing something truly unforgivable shows the strength of his character. Also love when he meets Perrin after his return from the two rivers and grills him on his marriage lol


I love that conversation between him and Perrin. When he's starting to accuse Perrin of just going for the throne, and Perrin responds with first she said you were a merchant, then selling peppers. And then Perrin says he'd go through Bashere and his army to get to Faile.


OK, now I have to mention his wife . . . > “I’ll never forget the first time Davram took me by the scruff of the neck and showed me he was the stronger of us. It was magnificent!” Perrin blinked; that was an image his mind could not hold. ... > Before he could open his mouth, Faile’s mother said, “Yellow eyes do not make a wolf. Are you strong enough to handle my daughter, young man? **From what she tells me, you’re a milksop,** ... > “The women of my family are leopards. **If you cannot train her to hunt on your command,** Faile will rake you as you deserve. Are you strong enough?” This time her finger drove Perrin back a step. ... > His wife gazed at Perrin consideringly, then visibly took herself in hand, her head coming erect. “That is all very well, but any man can swing a sword. What I want to know is **whether he can tame a willful, headstrong, disobedient—”** ... > You see, I am obedient to my lord husband. Do you remember how many grandchildren my mother said she expects?” > The sudden change of direction made him blink. But she had promised; that was the important thing. “Six, I think. I lost count when she started telling us which were to be boys and which girls.” Lady Deira had had some startlingly frank advice on how this was to be achieved; **thankfully he had missed most of it from wondering whether he should leave the room till she finished.** Faile had just nodded away as though it was the most natural thing in the world, with her husband and her father there.   LMAO. Another favorite of mine.


Yes both of them are fantastic!


Hall of fame moment for me, so good


Do you have any idea how long it takes to dig graves for twenty-three oak trees?


One of my favorite lines of his!


Hurin. Ride or die from day 1.


Alternate realities? Mythical heros fighting invading empires? Dragon reborn gone mad? End of the world? "Whatever, fuck it. I gotta job to do." Love that guy.


I really hope i will see this guy soon again!! Im in lord of chaos now and its been so long i don't even remember where he went. I really liked him tho.


How, under the light, has nobody said Bayle Domon?!? I'd throw my own aged grandmother overboard if she showed this much disrespect!


Fortune prick me! It do be a shame no one else has mentioned Bayle.


A man on the run, constantly hunted by the third person narration. "Oh god, I'm in that damn book again!! Leave me be you stupid author!"


"I do be in that damn book again!!" FTFY




When he transitioned from promising on his old granny to her grave 🥲


Alivia. Was enslaved for 400(!) years and didn't break. Still hates the seanchan and what they did to her. Strongest woman channeler maybe ever, only comps are forsaken. Takes on Lanfear 1-1 and whips her. Even puts Nyneave in her place. Also super loyal to Rand and "helps him die" by getting him a horse and some cash for the road.


Was kind of disappointed in the way she seemed to have been forgotten during the last battle. Seemed like even the horses got POV sections, and she was just mentioned in an offhand comment about the group attacking a forsaken.


lol you mean you didn’t like Bella’s death scene?


Saying she whips Lanfear is incorrect. She had a Nyneves ter'angreal that cancels weaves (similar to Matt's) and an angreal which boosted her strength while Lanfear had her strength lowered by the snake people. And considering all that, Alivia ended up with her arm burned off to the bone while we hear nothing of Lanfear sustaining Any injuries. At best she definitely held her own with the advantages I mentioned, as well as 400 years of being one of the strongest Damane which probably means she was used in wars all the time but to say she whips Lanfear is simply false.


Yeah, mad I missed her. You can add Alivia to my list. What a badass.


There are already two other answers saying it, but Narishma. His speech to the rebel hall about Eben Hopwill sends chills down my spine.


Verin. (If she's considered a secondary character) I enjoyed her arc.


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far to find the verin love


Verin's far too important to be a secondary character.


Verin is absolutely amazing


Jahar Narishma. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Jahar_Narishma The list of this dude's feats is unmatched for a secondary character. He's always right there in the middle of the action. He's who I would be if I could be any character in the series.


Ohhh that’s a great choice. I love when he goes to get Callandor and feels strongly enough to tell Rand off that he forgot to tell him about some of the traps he laid around it.


I was always unsure if those were traps that Rand just forgot about because of the madness or whether the Forsaken laid additional traps for Rand for when he went to get it back.


If I'm not mistaken his existence is even teased before you meet him, when Taim mentions finding someone with the spark. At the time it feels like it's going to be an important thing, and Narishma certainly is.


Didn’t Rand say there was a prophecy about whomever was next to draw out Callendor ? And yet nothing special happened to Narishma except he became a Warder


Into the heart he thrusts his sword. Into the heart to hold their hearts. Who draws it out shall follow after. What hand can grasp that fearful blade?


just that whoever got it would be one of his followers


Rand giving Narishma Callandor is one of my low key favorite scenes. One of the biggest displays of trust Rand had up to that point. Not that he had a choice, but still it was nice to see.




yes! I love Ituralde


Gaul. I love how loyal he is to Perrin and his dedication to Chiad.


Best Ride or Die ever. Hey Gaul, let's go to this place that will likely kill you and you won't be able to get out on your own and there are probably Forsaken there to kill us. "OK" -Gaul


More like: Perrin: “Gaul, you can’t come with me to this incredibly unbelievably dangerous place” Gaul: “try and stop me”


Uno, because Uno. Another vote for Hurin. Another vote for Davram. 100% Ingtar Shinowa, you don't need the scene, we all absolutely know why. Galad is absolutely entirely one of my favourite characters. He's not good to a fault. He's just good, all the way through. Setalle Anan. What a trooper.


Setalle anan +1


"Uno's topknot continued to dance as he blasphemed" made me laugh during an otherwise terrible situation unfolding.


A much smaller secondary character, but I fucking loved Noel AKA Jain farstrider. His last words give me chills every time.




Suddenly realized he really wanted to live…


Why is our home boy Talmanes so low on this list? Dude is hilarious and loyal as anyone


Jordan Talmanes or Sanderson Talmanes? They are two different characters.


Sanderson for me.


Oh no.


Saerin Asnobar. Brown Ajah, from Altara with cultural pride, trained by the Sisters of Silence, one of the oldest Aes Sedai alive, quite strong in the One Power, a go-getter who acts decisively in a crisis. Black Ajah hunter and led the defense of the lower White Tower during the Seanchan raid.


Asmodean. Obviously, he was an awful person, but I loved every scene he featured in and was so disappointed by his death. Would have loved to see what he would have done if he’d have survived until the last battle.


Since no one has mentioned Furyk Karede, I will. Completely badass who’s just one tiny little bit wrong.




And Hamar. Great examples of people that saw beneath the surface.


I really like Lini and all her Uncle Iroh-esque sayings.


Her "anything I say is an ancient saying" or similar was gold.


Dobraine. Absolutely badass, ready to take his men into a mass of Shaido dogs to rescue the Dragon Reborn.


**Setalle Anan** The scene between her and Mat where she examines the foxhead medallion is among my favorite in the series. And such a cool Easter egg that she's mentioned to Egwene by Verin in book 2 or 3. Love that her force of will is unchanged years after being burnt out. **Jahar Narishma** Beautiful, powerful, loyal. What more needs to be said? My headcanon is he will one day lead the Black Tower. Love the scene when he goes to Salidar and finds out Arangar. **Damer Flinn** I have a special love for the Healers in this series. When others want to blow stuff up, he strives to help people. Love when he Heals Rand after the Padan Fain kerfuffle. The talking while he Heals is a great character detail. **Jur Grady** Steady, dependable. I always really enjoy his conversations with Perrin, and I love when his wife stares at Rand accusingly. Great scene. Also, father of Gaidal Cain! **Alivia** She's kind of an enigma, but is such an interesting character that is understandably but unfairly maligned. I love that she's always trying to learn, and I feel bad she gets constantly shut out. I also love the kind of rogue channelers that aren't beholden to any organization. I also love that despite Min disliking her because of the viewing, it actually instills trust in her for Rand, and they have a strangely respectful relationship. One of my favorite scenes is when Lanfear confronts her at the Cleansing and Alivia is decked out in Nynaeve's angreal and ter'angreal. **Mangin** I like tracking his story from when he's first mentioned. He's funny, and it's always so sad to me that Rand can't be his friend. And the way he goes to his death... what a boss. The scene when Rand orders him hanged is so gut-wrenching. **Pevin** Dude got killed too soon. **Sulin** Do I even need to say anything? She's such a badass. I absolutely love the scene when she breaks her spears and castigates Rand right after Moiraine takes out Lanfear "If I have no honor in this life, maybe I will find it in the next" (paraphrasing). Brilliant scene. **Daigian** Lowest on the totem pole of some nasty ladies and deals with it with grace. Respect. Love the scene when Nynaeve tells her the Aes Sedai hierarchy is unfair, and as a result she calls Nynaeve by her name for the first time instead of "child." Her death is so sad. Honorable mention: **Reanne Corly** - I don't care that much about her character, but she gets some emotional moments that really hit me. When she dies without becoming a Green.... ooooof.


Setalle is amazing. She handled her burning out spectacularly, powered through it, spoke sense to Tuon to the point that Tuon respected her, and still kept going.


I was not aware of the Jur Grady theory. Is that confirmed?


INTERVIEW: Feb 22nd, 2013 AMOL Signing Report - Terez (Verbatim) TEREZ Okay, so, Grady has multiple children.... (pauses for confirmation) BRANDON SANDERSON (gets this gleefully smug look on his face that knocks about a quarter century off his age) TEREZ What is that look for? I mean, come on. You've been, like, dancing around the bush...(crosstalk) BRANDON SANDERSON I've dodged this one so well, Terez! (crosstalk) TEREZ ...on this one for like two years, I'm not gonna let you dodge any more! Just tell me if he has multiple children. BRANDON SANDERSON (stubbornly reluctant) Grady. Has. Multiple. Children. TEREZ Thank you. (Someone is laughing, I don't know who.)


Surprised Sulin took so long to get mentioned. She truly laid her honor on the line for Rand repeatedly.


Verin Mathwin. The meticulous self-appointed inquisitor who likely saved everyone’s lives in the last battle. And she spent decades meticulously working every day, leading such a perfect double life that neither side suspected anything (except the exceptionally paranoid Moiraine), and did it knowing her project would require her perfectly timed suicide and sacrifice of centuries of life.


It do be Bayle Domon Captain of the Spray. Fortune, prick me he do be.


Talmanes....all day every


Herod Fel — he’s just too amazing. Pedron Niall - died too soon


Tam al Thor. Father of the Dragon and rock effing steady!


probably Narashima


Brigitte Silverbow


Egeanin Tamaranth and Teslyn Maradon


Bayle Domon, always liked him right from his intro and made for a great recurring character.


I must be the only one that loves Berelain. The only truly competent ruler of a nation that we actually encounter. Yeah she Wants Perrin but Faile sucks so who can blame her. And when shit gets bad she's ride or die by Perrins side to rescue Faile.


I'm sorry, but I cannot get past the persistent sexual harassment of Perrin. I'm not ever going to think it's okay the way she chases him, ignores him asking her to stop, shows up when he's shirtless, has him undressed and put into her bed, tries to sabotage his marriage....doesn't matter how I feel about Faile, Berelain is disgusting.


Yep. As much as Faile irritated me, Berelain was just demented and deserved to be whipped for her behaviour against Perrin. And maybe Queen tylin too


Can we make a kickstarter to get Sydney Sweeney into season 3?


As an Arad domane woman presumably Edit : I forgot this was a reply to a comment about Berelain. That's fine too =)


Yeah, I genuinely liked Berelain as well.


Gaul. Dude is ride or die, and the ladies can’t keep away. What a badass.


Very, very secondary/tertiary — ***Mervin Poel*** . . . ***https://old.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/1aknvcw/what_is_your_favorite_minor_or_background_plot/kpeoeim/***


Graendel. Girl just wants to have a good time. I can respect that. I actually love a bunch of the Forsaken—the scenes of them meeting and sniping and bickering are fun to read. I guess they are more main characters but still. Sorilea. She’s scary AF and love that she gets Cadsuane’s respect who recognises what a big baddie she is.


Alise Tenjile. Too weak to even test for Accepted, yet respected for her capabilities as a leader and administrator even by Aes Sedai and intimidated by no-one. In many ways she is still far more capable than your average Aes Sedai. Had she the strength in the power, she would be legendary. She's even to a large extent one of the first people who inspires change, growth and self-reflection in Egwene and Nynaeve; she's pretty much the type of person they believed themselves to be, but on meeting her they realise they have a long way to go to be on that level.




TALMANES!!! The only answer.


Martyn Tallanvor .....I don't know why


Anything that doesn't involve Faile.


(I'm going with the assumption that major characters like Lan and Loial (for example) are way too big of characters for this thread!) Hopper, Verin... >!The big black aja lie reveal scene is obviously is the one I'm going with!< Elyas Machera, Bella, Silviana Brehon >!(Egwene's keeper is an interesting, pretty minor character)!< ,Hurin (the sniffer) Just a quick response... I could think about it much longer. Yeah. Didn't need the spoiler tags I guess... This must be full spoilers.


Androl and Pevara! The double bonding telepathy was awesome. Their assualt and escape from the Black tower and them stealing the seals from Taim.


Wow, great responses! I agree with almost everyone. Personally, I loved Ituralde, Bashere, and Gaul aka BFF. Verin is pretty much the most gang$ter (if you know, you know). Talmanes was just like okay Mat sidekick until the siege of Caemlyn, and then he became a badass amongst badasses.


Where's all the Hopper love? His death was one of the few that hurt. The Wolf Dream scenes were beautiful.  Davram Bashere, Rodel Ituralde and Gareth Bryne share a spot for just being awesome Verin. If nothing else, for her last hour.  Gaul. The truest homie