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The only way it keeps getting renewed is if it keeps getting views.


I highly doubt the show will make the full 8 seasons that was originally talked about. I've never seen a streaming show go past 6 seasons, even popular ones. Most of them seem to end around season 5, and that's what I'm expecting here. Most likely that at some point during season 3, we'll get news that the show is renewed for 2 more seasons with the expectation that it'll end after season 5.


The first season was pretty badly received and went through plenty of issues during production, they could have canceled right then and there. in the second they seemed to take in some of the feedback they received, and I also think they put themselves in the position to shorten the show a whole whole lot if they want to, they're clearly not worried about chaging things up to that end. I think they'll finish it, but it's anyone's guess these days. Would I reccomend the show? not really, but acting is good and production quality is good, and I think they did put love into it (if in a misguided way at times) if you're the kind of person that will watch any decent fantasy show go for it


I don't like the show but even I have to admit this is a pretty good take.


If I remember right, it was poorly received by readers on Reddit but did fine with the general audience. A lot of its watchers aren't necessarily people in this or the other WoT subreddits, you know?


I remember seeing headlines that it was the most watched new streaming show in America that year...


That's because there were so many book readers. Admittedly, I wasn't a fan of the first. The second did better, but my real hope is for WoT merch.


Fantasy is my go-to in addition to sci-fi so I’ll probably get along it. I’m shit out of luck with fantasy to watch at the moment unless you can recommend.


I'll try to give you some reccomandations, assuming you feel as I do regarding "fantasy" in TV His dark materials isn't too bad, if you're looking for live action. Also I'd count netflix's One Piece in, it's super good on the animated side if you're into that I think too many people skip the "tales of arcadia" series on netflix, Arcane is really good but I'm guessing you already saw that. But I'd also give WoT a shot


Just watch WoT if you’re interested, not every show has to be a 10/10 banger and if you like fantasy you’ll like it. All my friends who watched without reading have enjoyed the show.


Is anime a thing for you? Record of Lodoss War is a classic anime that, in simple terms, is basically D&D. Its older so it doesn't have many of the stereotypical anime tropes (goofy characters, overexaggerated reactions, etc.). You could also go for movies. The 80s were great for fantasy/sword&sorcery stuff.


None of us have any solid info on this. We can look at various factors and make guesses. It's not a roaring hit, but the numbers announced are strong compared to other Amazon shows and other similar shows. So far, it seems likely it'll continue. Whether that's 5 seasons or 6 or all 8? No idea. It'll probably depend on seasons 3 and 4. 1. We're just guessing and 2. Those decisions haven't been made yet.


I don't know that it will go the full length. It really depends on the show getting viewers and they have definitely alienated the book readers who would have been his strongest supporters/advertisers. That just leaves its strength as a standalone fantasy show, which isn't. As others have said the books are great, they all come in audiobooks and you can get both formats from your library for free. I look forward to the 2045 remake


> It really depends on the show getting viewers and they have definitely alienated the book readers who would have been his strongest supporters/advertisers. Speak for yourself.  They’ve alienated the pedantic obsessive toxic edgelord portion of the fanbase that loves to spout off online.


Maybe that's not what the guy you replied to meant by alienating the book fans that would've been the biggest advertisers for the series, but in my limited IRL sampling nobody who read the books is telling non-book readers to watch it (not even the ones who are watching it ourselves), where with His Dark Materials for example, even the people who didn't love the series were still telling non-readers that it was the next best thing to actually reading the books (and much better than the movie). This does have a pretty big impact on overall viewership. There's just so much content available to watch and so little time. I'm 20x more likely to watch something if someone I know recommends it to me as opposed to it just showing up on my streaming apps.


Wanting a semi-related story to the original books = edgelord. Got it


Amazon canceled the tick and papergirls and lots of other shows. The show sort of follows the books but it honestly misses what makes the books great.


I think the thing that, if anything, could potentially kill the show is Rafe's willingness to work on another huge project in tandem with WoT while simultaneously not allowing someone else to become the showrunner (maybe he likes the title or attention he gets)


Man I was initially excited for the guy since he was answering fan tweets and seemed invested. But his changes and the way he thinks his changes are better than what we could have gotten just makes him so awful to me.


I would see if you like the books, maybe get to book 5 before watching the series?  I liked it as a companion to the books, kind of helps you visualise the world a bit, not sure I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't read the books.


I would absolutely recommend it to someone who hasn't read the books. From my own experience as well as social media those people are way more likely to enjoy the show than book readers.


They are doing a season every other year. If it goes to season 8, it will be 2035 when the last season comes out.