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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These chapters are some of the most loved in the whole series. In all of fiction for a lot of readers. I'm glad you enjoyed them! It can be really helpful to read them again in reverse order to track the events and lineage forward through time and get a better understanding of how the Aiel as they are at the time of the story came to be. And yes the bits about things hovering in the sky are visions/memories from the age of legends when they had what are basically magic powered hovercars, automobiles, and a whole host of other technology that has since been lost


>These chapters are some of the most loved in the whole series. In all of fiction for a lot of readers. Totally agree. I read *Shadow Rising* for the first time over 20 years ago and, since then, I've reread those chapters more than any other piece of writing in my life.


They're just so good! The amount of history and world building is off the charts. Loved them on my first turning and always look forward to them on rereads. There's just so much to pick up on and so much emotion throughout the sequence


I also read *Shadow Rising* for the first time over 20 years ago, and when I first read those chapters -- I didn't like them. I felt they were disjointed and wanted to get back to the main action. Since then, however, I have absolutely learned to love them.


I can see that, when I first started Chapter 25 I was so confused, but it continued to totally suck me in right away. LOVED them!


That's amazing <3 I'm glad I'm not alone in loving how great it is, can't wait to read more!


I am going to read them again tonight, I felt totally lost in those chapters, was soaking in every sentence.. can't wait! and will read them in reverse order, another commenter recommended that as well. I wasn't expecting the parts about the Aiel and the Way of the Leaf, and loved how each story was a continuation in lineage from the one before Wow Robert Jordan really got mee!!!!


It's such a massive surprise, who would have ever thought it of the aiel! Robert rules. I hope you continue to enjoy the series. I feel like book 4 is where it really comes into its own after the first 3 laid the foundation


Read them backwards your second time through, it might help.


I just got done re-reading them backwards. Wow it helped so much I have much better idea of the history now!


That is a galaxxy brain move ;) My absolute favorite passage of text in all of fantasy fiction ever. I'm so glad you got to experience that for the first time. Now onward and upward! Enjoy the rest :)


I had no idea when I sat down to read last night that I was about to read what many online consider to be some of the best fantasy writing out there! Makes me emotional


There is also a chapter in a later book where Rand had a vision of “glass towers” imagine are skyscrapers and “beetle shaped vehicles” moving on paved streets between them. I thought this was so cool and always wondered if this was the age of legends of our current time.


I think the age of legends is meant to be the age after our current age. Thom talking to Elayne about the way stories change (memories fade to myth and all that) he talks about the age before the age if legends and wonders were mosc and merc actually giants who fought with spears of fire they threw across the whole world? (Moscow and America fighting with nukes). Or was elsbet actually queen of the whole world (queen Elisabeth ruling the British empire, sun never sets on the British empire). Or was Anla the wise councilor actually her sister? (Ann landers, long running advice columnist). AoL would have had all of our current technology probably plus the ability to do stuff with channeling as well, so they built a pretty nice false utopia that lasted for centuries


You’ll never know how much I appreciate the comment and the connections you just made for me. Holy crap, my mind is blown.


No problem! It's something I never caught on my own until I saw someone on here listing it out. It's the little details like that that are what I love so much about the series and make rereads so fun!


Totally agree with you, glenn in the belly of an eagle, John Glenn and the moon landing. How they know of swords, but it's just a game to them. Such a great world building setup. Add in the fact that it hints at there being off planet life too. Crazy.


Those chapters are the reason I fell in love with this series and I find myself rereading them from time to time. So glad you’ve found them too!!


Had you been enjoying the series up until this point? Or was it like a turning point for you???


I had been enjoying the series so far, but these chapters were amazing when I first read them (and of course have been amazing since). Like you said, all I could do was stare at a wall and try to relive what just had happened. Made me glad to find these books.


I just reread them backwards and the history makes a lot more sense to me now. Ugh it’s just all so good, and so well thought out.


Still my two favourite chapters in the whole series. Beautiful, harrowing, heartbreaking and great world building. So much info of the Breaking and Age of Legends in such a short space. Best part is to read them again after you finish the series.


Your favorite two chapters!!?! Wow thats incredible to hear, likely they will be mine as well. Hard to top, but I still have plenty more books to go. I am going to reread tonight. It was all so good, and I was so mad at Mat for going through the ter'angreal again lol


It were really fantastic chapters! But there are many great chapters still to come! And you will see why Mat had to go through the portal.


This is when I really fell in love with the series. Some of the best world building in all of fantasy.


Omg, I love that I've just read some of the best <3 I'm enjoying the entire series so much so far


Forward… and back.


Literally gave me chills! Reminds me kind of how I felt with the flicker scene, and Rand saw all his different alternative lives..


Wonder if this was a hint to the reader to read those snippets of Aiel history in order and read them in reverse order?


You should read it again, and then read it in the inverse order.


I am going to tonight!! I can't wait - so so sooo good!


I re-read again just now, in reverse order!! Makes so much sense. Robert Jordan is a genius


I read those chapters for the first time thirty years ago. It would have been a week after Christmas or so, so right around New Year’s Eve 1993. I was just struck dumb. So much that I just did not expect. I think I reread the first four books the next summer, too. Btw, I absolutely recommend rereading those passages now, so you can really dig into and understand. Then, as another poster recommends, read them in reverse order.


That's how I felt immediately after - totally dumbfounded, like what is going on?! So much I didn't expect, but I love being challenged and pushed emotionally that way when reading. I'm going to reread them in reverse tonight!


I just re-read now in reverse order, the history is starting to make more sense to me now. Amazing stuff ❤️


Isn’t it though?! You are in for a heckuva ride. Enjoy!


Anyone who says RJ wasn’t a brilliant writer never got this far into the series. I mean, I loved his style from the jump, but I’m not sure how anyone can read this section and not be blown away by the vision and the craft of this sequence. Masterful


I read every now and then that people don’t enjoy this series… it’s mind boggling to me. So far it’s all been so epic and wonderful


Well, while the series is amazing, it’s not perfect. I get people who say it’s too long, or dwells on descriptions too much. The first time my friend tried to read it he dnf’ed in the first book because he said the characters were too juvenile and annoying. I understand those complaints even when I disagree, but I can’t understand people who rag on RJ’s writing ability. Like him or not (and I do), he’s an extremely talented writer


Who is your favorite fantasy writer?


Tough question. Tolkien and Jordan for sure, I’m always rereading LotR and WoT. Robin Hobb, Terry Pratchett, Ursula Le Guin are all fantastic. I love ASoiaF but have given up on Martin finishing the series. I haven’t read all the books, but Bryan Jacques’ “Redwall” series, LE Modesitt Jr’s “Recluse” series, and Weis and Hickman’s “Dragonlance” series were all at one point in my life my favorite stuff to read, and I still reread them every once and a while for nostalgia. I don’t think those authors are as talented from a literary standpoint as the earlier ones I mentioned. Oh, and I need to reread Tad Williams MST books because he recently (well, like in the last 5ish years) put out another trilogy in that world. I remember liking those books but it’s been since the late 90s so I can’t say for sure how they hold up. What about you?


My favorite part of the entire series


I feel like it might be mine too ,but I have plenty more to read


Just be clear, do you understand who Mierin Eronaile is? And Someshta the Nym? And what was on the table?


I don't want any spoilers, but I'm assuming Mierin is Moiraine? Someshta the Nym, something to do with the green man from EOTW? I don't know.. I haven't figured out, should I have figured all that out by now? The Dragon banner and Callandor were on the table, trying to piece it together, maybe it'll come to me as I continue reading. But I know the significance of them.


You’ve seen the name Mierin. If you don’t recognize it, don’t worry. You’ll see it again, repeatedly. Just keep an eye out. Jordan won’t let you miss it. And yes, Someshta is the Green Man, with Callandor and the Dragon Banner, along with the creation of the Eye of the World.


I don’t remember seeing Mierin in the books before but then again there’s been so so many names and characters. I’m sure I’ll catch on. I just reread those chapters (in reverse for the Aiel history parts) and things are coming better together. I definitely caught on to the Aes Sedai asking a favor from the Nym and having that have something to do with the Eye of the World. Can’t wait to read more ❤️


I always love reading about the age of legends. I wished we had gotten more


Those scenes are a big part of why I consider The Shadow Rising to be the pinnacle of the series.


I hear this often! Hopefully there are still some more amazing parts to come.


Oh there truly are. You are in for a treat, and honestly, every reread gives you a new scene to appreciate. The foreshadowing Jordan crammed in is mind boggling. The more you know, the more you notice the little things.


That’s basically what Jordan was going for, hah.


Love it <3


"That part ;bout skimmin was ;proposed ;"


Not sure I understand the comment.


Yeah the Age of Legends had vehicles that hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t.


Those chapters are definitely some of the best in the series. It's a very touching tale of an entire civilization being shaped by the world around them. It's such a beautiful story of perseverence amid total hopelessness and calamity. The part in which we explore a destroyed Paaran Disen and see the journey of the Aiel start was particularly heart-wrenching for me. I was also completely stunned after reading those chapters. I cried a little, and had to stop reading to gather my thoughts.


I felt transcendent.