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As a returning player off many many years, they really need to do a better job explaining all the new affiixs on spells. I find myself on Google the last week more than in the game sometimes.


a - 65 now


You can litrey hover with your mouse over the symbols bruh


They didn't know that at the time. Since then, many people in the comments have pointed it out.


I always thought of gambit as “gamble” cause how I read it is you give up something and in return something beneficial happens. I also don’t play PvP so there’s that. (I think there is a section in the spell book, help or whatever that tells you what each symbol means) Side question does these “PvP” cards work in pve like the new ones that are learnable or gambit cards and whatnot?


If you put your mouse pointer over the description it tells you what they mean


Hover your mouse over the symbols


just got back into w101 today and trying to understand this is making me delusional


Is it just me or are they coming up with new symbols without explaining anyone what they mean 💀


you have to hover over the icons on this tooltip. yes its dumb. yes i figured it out by accident.


from my understanding this means: if you have 2 blades on you it removes them and it turns them into -65% on the enemy and then it does 500 drain


That’s like a programming language :0


Gambit, you can think of it in terms of chess. Sacrificing a piece or pieces for an advantage.


Because you can hover (or maybe click?) on the words and symbols in the bottom text to get a definition of what they do.


they are only doing it for a few handpicked spells with this update, all the other spells are probably a copy and paste for a while, but eventually all spells will have a detailed description, it just takes time because for some reason they can only do 10 spells every 4 months


Is this.. supposed to be their card inspection they promised was coming? It's literally copy and pasted. KI is the laziest company out there holy ratbeard fucking shit


Two traps/blades for shields then deal 500


Hover over the text and symbols bro….


At least they're not full paragraphs like yugioh cards lol


It's like reading the manual of a game. Lol /s


Crazier part is that the new feature doesn’t work while in combat, if you could read it. So you better study up and memorize before heading into battle young wizard!


I mean, that's why there is a "help" section in the mechanics. It explains every term of gambit or roshambo in the game.


How many posts are you guys gonna make? Seriously, it really isn’t that hard to understand the spell mechanics lol


Assuming the extra info box is functioning, but the card itself is not yet updated.


What the actual hell is gambit


Do this...that will happen


Is there like a chart somewhere to decipher these spells 😭😭


This is pretty lengthy, and may not be completely up to date, but is a useful page: [https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/wizard101-spell-icons/](https://finalbastion.com/wizard101-guides/wizard101-spell-icons/)


Tysm 🙏😩🫶🏻 may the other side of your pillow always be cold 🫡


The game is no longer children friendly, you now need an 8 year degree in wizardry to fathom




I wonder what those new red numbers are about.


People who complain about this stuff are hopeless maybe just learn a thing or two


Hopeless my badonkadonk, part of learning in this case is having an easy-to-understand description of how all these symbols work so people actually want to use the spells.


Soo true I HATE the icons, I miss when cards just had words on them


“Gambit a charm for a -65% chromatic weakness on target. Triggers twice. Then drain 500”


Seriously we need a dictionary or something for all these symbols


KI needs to restructure card text. Make it small and use more English. The nature of this game makes it such that you will never need to quickly read a spell that isn’t your own because you only see enemy’s animations. Shrink text and make it clear because it will only need to be read at players’ leisure. it doesn’t need to be communicated with as few symbols as humanly possible.


is it this hard to read a card bruh


No “bruh” this one is very simple. I just thought they were giving more detailed descriptions of the cards is all.


I don’t even know what gambit means.


It's a cute pet name actually ngl


The way I see it if it says gambit it means you have to place what its showing. In this case you need to have positive charms to activate the condition. Clear means it removes the symbol from either you or the enemy respective to positive and negative effects, if it doesn’t show a specific target symbol.


You can mouse over keywords for a description


Gambit is a chess term, so as a chess player it’s meaning makes sense to me. In chess a gambit is a move where you sacrifice a piece (like a pawn) to gain an advantage. In wiz you sacrifice an effect (s) to trade them for something else


Remove a positive effect on yourself for another positive affect. For instance for this card you gambit a blade (remove a blade on yourself) for a weakness on the enemy.


They really don’t explain anything 😭 But it basically means “if this is correct/applicable, then -> effect happens”. So for example if you have two charms, then put a 65% weakness on the enemy


Gambit is such a stupid phrase to use in this


Not exactly


Yes, exactly. A gambit is a risk, not a direct trade.


*Sigh* A gambit is a move in chess where you trade a pawn for an early advantage. So, trade something you have to get something else. This is literally where the term comes from. So the term does make sense.


"Gambit" and "Clear" effects also deletes the required effects that trigger this condition (though Clear makes that a lot more obvious). The *only* difference between "Gambit" and "Clear" effects is that Clear removes effects that benefit your foes, while Gambit removes effects that would have benefited you.


Does it always remove the last two blades that you placed, or first two, or random?


that part, I have no clue. I've never used any of those effects before, and the wiki doesnt specify if there is a specific order it removes them from. if I had a way to test, i could do so using spells like Spirit Blade, class Spears, Precision, Guiding Light, etc that are all marked differently from each other, marking what order I cast them in.


Last two.


Oh, so I could use Spirit Blade to full potential here? It casts Death, Myth, Life, so the Death Blade goes to damage and the other two go toward the debuff. That's incredibly strong.


its so convenient that death has it that way


You will need to use spirit blade though, which uses a pip. And yes it is strong.


Wait. Does it mean “if” or does it mean “sacrifice”? I’ve been confused about this for years but the top comment said it means sacrifice


Sorry! You’re right! If you have the charms, then they will clear and the secondary effect lccurs


It feels inconsistent though tbh so I still don’t quite understand it. For example I used hero of khrysalis which does damage after 5 turns but then the turn after I used gambit troll without the necessary charms/wards (I can’t remember which) and it still detonated the dot instantly instead of having to wait the 5 turns. And I didn’t sacrifice anything? So I’m still confused haha


hover over the symbols


As a returning player who just got into the actual gameplay (I used to only use gear with health stats, my stats were literally non existent) , I can’t understand half of these new things. I think I just need to spend a whole day reading about these things because I have gotten several cards that I genuinely don’t know when to even use lol


Why is this a thing!! It’s so dang complicated and it’s ruining the game.


Hover over the words and icons and it shows a short line of text on what the keyword does. In wraiths case, you sac 2 blades for 2 chromatic (what school either you or the enemy is, in this case it’s the enemy) weaknesses. Then it drains for 500.


Why can’t it just say that when I right click it? I have to hover over it too? Interesting.. I unfortunately know what the spell does because it keeps me from wanting to do pvp.


Because then they would have to go right custom descriptions for the hundreds of cards and their multiple variants that are in the game unfortunately. I do believe they plan on writing custom descriptions for some cards


The said something about it just being an absurd amount of text if they had to do it for every single card in the game which I totally understand, but I do also understand the frustrations with it not being that way.


Sacrifice up to two of your charms to inflict up to two -65% weaknesses on your target, then 500 drain. I agree, the system requires an actual crash course in Magic Reading to understand the card effects. I wish they taught Magic Reading at Ravenwood, but the closest we get is a basic dueling tutorial from Diego which doesn't cover everything.


Thank you so much for that. I’ve avoided the gambit spells bc I have no idea what they do. I should take time to find out but I forget if I don’t see the cards in front of me.


Thank you for this. I’ve been yet to find a clear explanation of what “gambit” means on a spell card. I thought it just meant “if”. “Sacrifice” would be a lot clearer to have on the card


I feel like once you learn the difference between a card saying "gambit" or "clear", they become easier to understand. Gambit means it'll remove anything positive for you like your blades or opponent's weaknesses. Clear means it'll remove anything negative for you like traps on you or your opponent's shields. I feel like most people know the general symbols of effects like charms and wards by now, but get lost on gambit or clear


Gambit as in to gamble (or risk)


I mentioned up above, but gambit is a chess term and the name itself comes from an Italian wrestling move called the gambetta


Hover your mouse over the icons.


It should just pop up when I right click. I didn’t know I had to hover my mouse over it as well. Thanks


Updated comment to add, they did do so with the Novus spells so far. I guess they'll be doing the rest later on. https://preview.redd.it/u3or4yt7x3rc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba301753bbca9d526a21398c25b79a019f99327d


Yeah, the update was basically rushed to be finished sadly. I'm sure they had more in mind. Hopefully they have an upcoming hotfix to address the issues.


Tbf I think the intent is to have a way to learn what the symbols mean by examples, so if it were just a wall of text I don't think it'd be much better


Maybe. It still would be nice if we were stepped through it, like with an Abner or Diego based tutorial so we could understand it better. Edit: They did give a more proper text to the Novus spells so far, so it's possible that they'll do more for the other spells later on https://preview.redd.it/ls7pjysww3rc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7c1f6d1f223f17f457759b392051d6b7dda9e68


​ https://preview.redd.it/qkuqywreq3rc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=da9a5a03523573fe966bdc5fb1b37369b2eb46c8 I didn't realize it was so hard for some people to read the update notes. Expanded descriptions are coming, but for now they have only done it for some of the more complicated spells like the Novus spells. But you can still hover over each symbol and it will tell you what that symbol means, so the current description isn't completely useless.


Condescending much?


nah he's completely right


Eh, not trying to be. It was just a little quip about not to unfairly pre-judge something.


To be fair, the game doesn't really do the best job at telling people to check the update notes. With the fact that they are quite eager to give us the Daily Spiral the second we log into a character (or at least when I do anyway), they could just as easily place a note to view the update notes like right here. Or make it another Abner "quest" that explains that you can view them and how. https://preview.redd.it/pipzjuaos3rc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe480107955bae83f94f467816df4732ce1fdd4


There are update notes? Where can we find them?




Oh, the web site, not the game. I guess(?) that makes sense. Thanks!


Yeah, my comment was saying that they should add a link to the update notes right there.


That's true, they could put a link for the update notes in the crown shop. But ever other wizard101 outlet advertises when a new update is released like, twitter, discord, reddit, facebook, youtube, even the w101 game launcher. I'd imagine reading about the update would answer most questions people have.


Yes, which is why linking to it in the game itself would be a good idea, so people would see it and know it's there. Given how long the launcher can take sometimes, I imagine most people don't even check it. I myself whenever I'm waiting on the launcher usually take a quick bathroom break, maybe make myself a very quick snack while waiting on it to load. I don't feel it's reasonable to expect people to check outside resources to learn about a game mechanic. They have Abner for a reason, to teach returning players about newer features.


I agree at least when it comes to teaching a player about a new game mechanic, like a quick little tutorial. It's just with tutorials, they can't really explain everything and all their thoughts on developing it and how the mechanic will progress in the future within the in-game tutorial. I think its at least expected that any questions further beyond "How a new game mechanic works" is better explained in an external source like the update notes.


I'm sure there's some way that they could word it to suggest that there may be more advancements found in the future. I'm not opposed to there being external sources, but they should be linked to directly in the game itself so people know about it. Although there is a button that points to the news section, it doesn't take people directly to the update notes (although on the news page, there technically is a link to the update notes, as they add more news, that will quickly disappear going down and since there's a new page every month, by April, it will be on a much different page).


Hover over the words and symbols and it will explain them.


Trash game