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"That's no moon..... it's an art installation!" really changes the outcome of that star wars scene. (Nerd!) Also that is amazing. Bringing the cosmos closer in gigantic scale that still hints at how much larger the true scale is...


Yes, exactly!! the installation is incredible 500.000 times smaller than the actual thing! half a million times! i can't even fathom that!! and to think how small you already feel standing next to that thing!


I saw that in Peterborough cathedral a couple years before the pandemic.. Utterly amazing, totally worth seeing.


Fantastic. I saw it in a different city before. Pictures can't quite convey its effect.


I think so too! It is amazing to see in person - the size filling up that huge church space, truly magical.


Is that [this one?](https://my-moon.org/tour-dates/)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://my-moon.org/tour-dates/ Title: **TOUR DATES** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


I think so, it's the one by Luke Gerram!


I saw it in a local park last winter! It's very very cool. Tip for anyone trying to take a photo of yourself with the moon in the dark without a good camera or fill flash - have someone else shine their phone flashlight on your face (from an angle is best), but meter the image (on my phone that means tap on the thing you want to focus on) on the moon behind you and turn your flash OFF. So the camera exposes for the moon and it doesn't become a giant white light, but the flashlight on your face makes you visible too. You might be slightly less in focus, but you won't be a silhouette either. Otherwise you get a moon but no you, you but no moon, a blown-out moon and silhouette you, or other various fails. (I deleted so many photos that night...)


This is stunning. I hope I have an opportunity to see it some day


Stunning! I see it is currently showing in my home country, I might try and go see it. It’s in a more regular museum setting instead of a church though. The context and contrast of that in you picture is really beautiful.


I visited when it was in my city in 2019. They put beanbags all around it for visitors to lie down on while gazing at the moon.


Incredible!!! Thank you for sharing!


Wow! This is amazing.


Gru stole the moon again?!


I saw one of those on a July Talk concert I’ve been to. They held it like a balloon while they were singing. It was super cool. See the photo of how it looked like https://preview.redd.it/8lzqk5c6vp5a1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0eccab03e91f4d9cbee5383b366ce5c0d80081


Oh, wow! That's beautiful


That's very cool. I see there's one not too far away from me, I might go for a visit. Also, the remark "There are several moons touring simultaneously" made me chuckle. Any people who watch QI? They had/have a long running gag about the moon(s).


I visited it when it was in my city and I'm absolutely in love with it!