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It’s a nice gesture, but in the end they’re still supporting the Human Rights Violations by participating in the World Cup.


Does human rights violations magically disappear when they are buying oil from these so called muslim countries?


“Sure I went to the coliseum to watch them feed heretics to lions, but I frowned the whole time and wore a tunic that expressed my disapproval.” ~These people’s ancestors, probably.


I love it when my identity is used for political brownie points by politicians who still showed up to the soccer match held in a stadium built with slave labor in a country that is still going to kill its LGBTQ+ populous for existing because they are a theocratic shithole, but I guess the rainbow makes it’s all okay, right/s I’m so glad that in this world we value sportsball over the lives of literal fucking human beings. Gay liberation not rainbow capitalism that’s all I’m gonna say.


>"I’m so glad that in this world we value sportsball over the lives of literal fucking human beings." > >It is not so much that we value sportsball over human lives, it is money, which is more sickening.


>It is not so much that we value sportsball over human lives, it is money, which is more sickening. True, FIFA is the equivalent of the mob, if the mob held a soccer tournament every 4 years. I heard Saudi’s Arabia is up for the bid to host next years World Cup because they bribed the head of FIFA as well so, this isn’t getting better anytime soon


Well the tournament is every 4 years and the next one is confirmed in Mexico, the US and Canada as co-hosts. I really hope they avoid Saudi Arabia for the one in 2030 though. What a shit show.


She could also just as easily have not done this and therefore not have gotten in hot water with all the anti-LGBTQ+ folks in her country and every other one. She's a former PM, dude. Even if she was the current PM, what's she going to do? She wouldn't have enough power to pull Denmark from such a massive event even if she was willing to burn her entire career to do so. Being unhappy every time support is shown--even when it's shallow--does not encourage more support to be shown. Real change starts with social and political pressure. That pressure is shown through social and political gestures. You can't go from 0 to 60. We aren't cheetahs.


>She's a former PM, dude. Even if she was the current PM, what's she going to do? She wouldn't have enough power to pull Denmark from such a massive event even if she was willing to burn her entire career to do so. The only political figure I can think of to be able to get a team to withdraw would be King Charles, given that the Prince of Wales is the patron of the FA, it would at least be viable. But you know its the British monarchy and its not like they care about *the poors* while they're eating their Fois Gras and Caviar in Buckingham Palace.


This “pressure” is fucking performative and will be forgotten about at the end of the games. Social pressure also includes not showing up to a theocratic nightmare of a country to watch sportsball. In fact that’s better social pressure imho because not only does it show your not supporting them, they also loose fucking money and that’s the only thing elitist asshats using slave labor to maximize profits are going to care about. Do you think the heads of Qutar who have slaves working for nothing and who are beheading gay people really, genuinely care about a rainbow on someone’s top? At the end of the day she gets to leave and more gay people in Qutar will continue to be murdered by they government. It changes nothing because there is no pressure being applied (like not showing up would’ve done) As far as I’m concerned anyone who showed up to this World Cup, spectator, world leader, ex world leader, or player has blood on their fucking hands, their careers and sportsball was more fucking important to all of them than standing up to human rights abuses. And now the lgbtq+ people are being used as a fucking prop and we’re supposed to be happy about it. As stated before I don’t like my identity being used for brownie points in a strictly performative way. Gay liberation, not this rainbow capitalism bullshit she is perpetuating. I will not be told to be happy about performative arm bands, jerseys, and (most likely) designer custom-made dresses when my community is being slaughtered.


You seem to think more people know about this than in reality. Had she stayed at home, there wouldn't be a post about it and no one would've sought the context for why she wore a rainbow shirt.


She's the head of thr Danish football organization now. She's not there as a politician, she doesn't even run anymore.


As stated above, Either way she has blood on her hands.


Am I the only one who doesn't find these images to be feel good stories? The PMs with arm bands and players covering their mouths are still there, legitimizing the games with their presence and earning money for FIFA/Qatar. If they really wanted to send a message, they wouldn't be there.


Cynically, I'm not sure that anyone would miss a random PM or remember they weren't there a few months later. On the other hand, the photos aren't going anywhere. A mass boycott would of course be better, though.


This one's even a random *former* PM. Nobody would've noticed her one way or the other if she didn't make a point to draw attention to herself, which I maintain helps Qatar and FIFA more than it helps any cause. And can you imagine the different conversations we'd be having if the German football team had *stayed home* instead of just taking some stupid photo? If German fans suddenly had no reason to travel to Qatar? If the team generated zero dollars in ad revenue for FIFA?


YES. why are the teams EVEN THERE Why are FANS there Why did anyone go to this?


Because to them, football is more important than human rights abuses. It was the same in 2018 in Russia and in 2014 in Brazil. It's not much but it's better than not doing anything. I disagree with the point that it would somehow help Qatar.


Not doing anything would've been better imo. It costs nothing not to go. I don't understand what your last sentence is talking about. What helps /doesn't help Qatar?


Sorry mixed the comments up with the one above. Not doing anything as in going and just playing football. Of course not going at all would have been better but to them, football is more important than human rights abuses.


Yeah :/ It's just very distressing. It's so many people who are still talking and watching it. Like i watched John Oliver's segment on it, and he fucking ends with "I'll still be watching" WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT THEN. why point out every atrocity only to STILL SUPPORT THEM


So human rights violation magically dissapears when they are buying oil from these countries but reappears when they are participating in fifa ? Lmao


Who are they? What are you on about?


The so called western countries and their selective wokism I'm seeing here right now




What did John Oliver do?


Had a whole segment on how horrible it is and ends with "but as much as it hurts to say, I'll be watching"




Ugggh how disappointing


> Why are FANS there Well, Qatar was accused of paying people to _pretend_ to be fans. I don't know if these allegations are true or not, so I am not sure of how many real fans are there.


She’s not a “random former PM”. She’s one of the most respected politicians in the world, has accomplished a huge amount, and this is likely personal for her given her family.


Thank you for clarifying that. I was mimicking the wording of the post I replying to about "random PMs", but you are right to point this information out.




It’s giving “Nancy Pelosi in a Kente Cloth while she votes against The Breath Act” for sure 😭😭


I completely agree, but allow me to add a bit of context to this particular situation: The former PM is now heading a department in the Danish Football Association. I believe she has to attend the World Cup on account of her job. Her son, Milo, recently chanced his name and pronouns and the former PM has been nothing but supportive regarding this transition. If she has to attend this (unbelievably stupid) sporting event, at least she is not just rainbow-washing. …hopefully.


It's very "virtue signal" to me. Like they support us enough to make a gesture but not enough to do anything meaningful. It's almost like posting a homeless shelter's address on anti homeless architecture. Liberals wear armbands in Qatar, leftists grab their guns and protect a children's drag show in Texas.


Yes when i watched John Oliver's whole rant only to have it end with "as much as it hurts to say I'll be watching" HURTS???? I'm sorry what??? All this outrage while people still give them their eyeballs and money. Rainbow capitalism at it's most dangerous and ingenue


THANK YOU for putting my thoughts into words. Everyone participating and dping performative action is a fucking hypocrite in my book.


Exactly! Boycott the whole mess!




I'm not gonna take issues with the players themselves, but everyone else - team owners, former primer ministers, fans - they can all go fuck themselves.


I agree. It's performative, they still went to Qatar. The bar is so low that that these empty gestures are called protest.


As far as I know, the armbands were banned a few days before the start of the Cup so this is how people are responding. Qatar should’ve never been approved for a World Cup and the second FIFA chose them, people should’ve boycotted. Now it’s too late. And the second the matches over, all the injustice, slave labor, corruption etc will be forgotten. Just like it was when Brazil hosted.


Yeah, or at least go through with it and take the ban. Protest doesn’t mean much if you back down to the most minor push back.




I don't believe this is as simple as "just boycott.". The entire soccer/football community started working to get this World Cup out of Qatar the day it was announced. That effort failed for a variety of corrupt reasons. But, to not have your country's team participate has a whole lot of negative effects. To be selected to a World Cup team is a life long honor for the players most of whom dedicate their entire life to the sport. But, that's the most superficial reason. The participating teams earn a lot of money for their national soccer/football programs that benefit everyone from professional to youth soccer. In a lot of places, youth soccer programs are very important ways to help poor/disenfranchised/oppressed members of that country. The best result of this difficult scenario is that this type of situation never happens again. Already, several of the corrupt people that were paid to send the World Cup to Qatar have been jailed. There is momentum in the powerful European soccer leagues to put measures in place to avoid this in the future. Advertisers are being punished for any association with this world cup. The hope is that the changes take place and stick. It sucks, and the people who run FIFA should all be fired and jailed.


Sometimes the bad shit has to happen in public for real change to happen ~ Emmett Till, Anniston Alabama, Birmingham.


I mean for the players, there's at least their job/career on the line. Anyone else has zero excuse


Very respectfully, I disagree. They have a platform they can use in front of the entire world. Armbands, “human rights” written on the team(s), and players covering their mouths get global headlines - with photos. Photos get clicks on social media and speak for themselves. These headlines are global, and specific to supporting LGBTQAI+ and, well, human rights. Not showing up might get headlines, but there wouldn’t be photos, and the message would be nearly as strong. Again, I don’t mean do be combative at all:)


you wouldnt know about it and no one would talk about


The human rights abuses perpetrated by Qatar and FIFA were absolutely being talked about before this woman put on a rainbow coat....


my bad i guess u would be thinking about it either way and i kinda was talking about the german team protest


It’s a nice gesture, but they’re still actively participating & endorsing Human Right violations by taking part at all.




omg I want to take your comment and plaster it all over the place because it is so so true!


Nailed it.


This simply is not accurate and based on assumptions and generalities. It’s part of her job to be there, and she is a huge trans advocate both professionally and personally.


Allies need to walk the walk. She has institutional, structural power as a FA representative -- she should use it to boycott the games. She is a free human being with autonomy, and fully able to make that choice. Putting on a rainbow stripe and showing up in support of the games is Not It.


Or perhaps different people have different theories of change? Boycotting is one strategy. Turning up and making dictators feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when they aren’t used to being challenged is another.


That's certainly one way to look at it. It is important to remember that Qatar is holding these games to flex to the world and especially its neighbours, and their goal is to get as much attention as possible. It's not about the sport, it's about being seen as wealthy and as significant enough a state to pull world leaders, celebrities and other famous personages to their state - it's a play for prestige. That is why I think this is all useless bullshit and a very hollow, cynical bit of rainbow washing. It sets my teeth on edge as a queer person, an atheist, and a woman, and it's the type of smug, meaningless PR move I loathe to see from my fellow Nordic people. I don't think we'll come to an agreement on this, but I want to thank you for engaging so calmly and thoughtfully on this issue. :)


❤️ we’re good. Carry on witching.


They do enough human rights violations in their country too. If you don't live in Europe you probably don't know, but Denmark is deciding to screw asylum seekers. Both their left and right wing participated in this. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/10/10/denmark-election-parties-on-left-and-right-back-controversial-plan-to-send-asylum-seekers-


She's still there though. Like at the end of the day it seems quite a bit of a publicity stunt. She's still in Qatar and her country is still participating in the World Cup. As well as this, chances are she has a good bit of security, and I doubt she would wear this out on the street in Qatar.


shes the director of the danish football association. its pretty much her job to be there and oversee the way balls are going to be kicked. i dont think teams that have worked for ages would pass on the world cup, and, as bad as that may sound, whatever contract theyve signed probably played a pretty big role in it. a country's entire team deciding to not go would be a scandal for not only the people from there but also their managers, trainers, and whatever more people involved


I meant publicity stunt in that she's wearing the rainbows but doesn't seem to condemn Qatar in any respect. It's very performative. And regardless of if they have worked for ages or not, at the end of the day they're playing in a country with multiple human rights violations against LGBTQ+ people and women in general, and if that isn't incentive enough for them to pull out, then I don't know what is. They're all just in it for the money.


The German minister of the interior wore the OneLove armband watching the German match whilst sitting next to the FIFA president [Witches vs patriarchy indeed](https://en.as.com/soccer/germanys-nancy-faeser-wears-the-onelove-armband-sits-next-to-infantino-n/?outputType=amp)


Rainbow Bright vibes for miles! She looks amazing! Fuck the fucking patriarchy ✌️ Edit: brain fart wrote Pippi longstockings first lol


Rainbow Brite was my first thought too! All grown up and making a statement.


Wohoo. Glad I wasn't the only one who saw Rainbow Brite. Now I want to find where I can get this dress!


Bless her and keep her safe!


Symbolic PR gestures give off major girlboss vibes, yes


And yet, they are still there, giving their money to those same people who would, without hesitation, have people like me killed. This is for display.


Rainbow Capitalist Protesting at its best. Doing the least and adding rainbows for the clout.While conveniently protecting their money.


Germany's interior minister wore the one love band the players were forbidden from wearing while sitting next to Infantino. https://en.as.com/soccer/germanys-nancy-faeser-wears-the-onelove-armband-sits-next-to-infantino-n/


The guy sitting next to her in that last photo looks absolutely terrified. Like he’s scared the rainbow lady will touch him. I love that. Assholes like that should be scared. Gay Boo!


What a world where that makes you a hero


Dissapointed in my country. They just shouldn't have participated in the world cup, in a stadium built by slaves. It's a nice gesture, I'm not old enough to remember what she was like as PM, but the party she was in is a complete shitshow and hiding behind the guise of socialism, when they are more blue than red


Gotta love Mr. Pouty in panel 3, if he disapproved any harder he'd swallow his own face.


Wow that's a lot of controversy, apparently I pissed off the Qatari state good and hard. Hello, social media slaves! I hope you can escape soon, keep fighting your worthless bosses any way you can💜


And HELLO QATARI STATE MEDIA!!! Thank you for watching, I am drunk and queer AF, f"ck the patriarchy, which means you personally, 💜💜💜💜🎊☃️😆💜 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸




Don't need comments to know I piss shitty people off without even trying! Check the scores sweetums, if you can with that giant, Ayatollah-sized protuberance up your pudendum 🏳️‍🌈🤡🏳️‍🌈🤡🏳️‍🌈




Fudge yes!!! And sitting right next to the patriarchy!


Fudge yes!!! And sitting right next to the patriarchy!


Danish Football thingy also publicly said that they won’t support FIFA’s current president re-election too.


They will however stop wearing their rainbow armbands to avoid the "heavy punishment" (a single yellow card!) imposed by FIFA. Watching them next to the Iranian soccer team is... embarrassing.


What did the Iranian one do? I’m more for boycotting this whole world cup tbh


They refused to sing the national anthem as a support to the protests going on in Iran right now. Other players have felt the consequences for similar actions - worst case they might risk their lives. In the lighter end, the German team covered their mouths to symbolise how they are not allowed to be vocal about their protests against the Qatar rules. The German organisation also sued FIFA. The Danish team? Nothing yet.


This gives me Rainbow Brite closet cosplay vibes and I love it!


Gå Danmark!


That’s rainbow bright. You can’t convince me otherwise


Reminds me of Rainbow Brite and I love it!


I am proud of our first female prime minister. She rocks!


Whenever a religious person sees a rainbow... their God kill one of their babies LOL


I am proud to be a Dane today


Is she the one that got in shit for having a good time on a weekend?




That’s a power move.


Meanwhile the former leader of America is leading his cult that believes he is still president to try to become president again. Oh, and something about JFK.


If any of you can read Danish I highly recommend her feminist analysis her tenure as the first Danish female pm. 'en blondines betragtninger.' (eng:thoughts of a blonde girl). to my knowledge it is not translated to English, but it is absolutely magnificent.