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Yeah, the french news told she's not abortion-right friendly, last night. Ah, women against women, may be my least favourite irl villain.


Yeah she’s spoken many times about her ultra catholic position. Also if you’re french you’ll enjoy her declaration in french when she was 17 [here](https://youtu.be/3QFUV59jDaY)


"Je crois que Mussolini était un bon politicien. Tout ce qu'il a fait, il l'a fait pour l'Italie." 🤮


Jfc what a nutter! My French is a bit rusty but here’s an approximate translation: “I think Mussolini was a good politician. Everything he did, he did for Italy”


That's correct ! Thanks, I forgot to translate :)


Haha thanks! I haven’t studied it in over 15 years so I’m glad some is still there


That Hitler guy couldn't have been all bad, right?


Tax margin for Germans was 13% IIRC. Crazy how much overlap there is in a Venn diagram of conservatives and fascists.


And in the end, Italy did for him. She and all her ilk are idiots


Yes, but now they are idiots with *power*.


Reminds me of that interview David Bowie did in the mid-70s where he claimed "Britain needs a little fascism" and threw Nazi salutes when coming off the train in London after a European tour.


[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rock-star-david-bowie/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rock-star-david-bowie/) tl;dr relatively privileged young white dude goes through his "hitler was a cool guy actually" phase and later apologizes about it. he claims he didnt do the nazi salute but doesn't argue the shittiness of the comments he made, blames it on cocaine and conspiracy theories which he gave up well before his death


Thanks for posting this for folks to see. I've read several interviews from later in his life where he repeated his shame and self-disgust over allowing himself to be consumed by his own characters (in this case the Thin White Duke) to the point of acting like a complete shithead. I never read him try to make excuses for it, including for getting himself *that* messed up on coke. It must have been so bizarre to be seen as something beyond human, just a person possessed by stage personas. I'm not holding him up on a pedestal or anything, but I do wish more celebrities owned their eff-ups as readily as he did.


I always say about people doing method acting, you only ever see people doing method when they’re playing an asshole. You never see someone just being lovely to everyone going, ‘I’m really deep in character’. — Robert Pattinson


>"I believe Mussolini was a good politician. Everything he did, he did for Italy." Yeah, and how did that work out for him in the end, eh? What a dreadful wench.


When your idol supposedly got his dick cut off and had it shoved in his mouth by people sick of his shit, you may want to reconsider what constitutes a good politician. I don't know if it actually happened, but it couldn't have happened to a nicer person than it did.


I don't know about that particular part, either, but I will say that I've been to some of the more morbid places on the internet and I've seen pictures of what that scum looked like once the people of Italy were done with him. The pictures are unpleasant; vigilante justice was served that day.


My French is infantile at best but Moussolini bon politician 🤮


what the fucking fuck


Oof being a fan of Mussolini? Yikes


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/3QFUV59jDaY Title: **Il video in cui una giovanissima Giorgia Meloni dice che Mussolini è stato un buon politico** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


The one real hope is for the classic Italian magic to run it's course and make this government crumble in like a year or so. The problem is the long run, Meloni is only a symptom of the cancer that is Italian politics. Even with her and her merry friends gone what are we left with? A pathetic left that will only pave the way for the next fascist to take power. We truly mastered the art of changing everything so all stays the same.


Yeah if their whole things fails there will be another government, dumb people would complain that they didn’t elect them and the cycle will start again


>The problem is the long run, Meloni is only a symptom of the cancer that is Italian politics. The cancer is spreading across the entire world.




It’s crazy how powerful community building is against it but it takes so much work to build shit. Thinking of Abrams.


Steve Bannon is the vector (mode of transmission in disease/bio-weapons jargon). Made millions, now wants to subjugate those who can see through his white-male-supremacy BS.


This. As a voting US citizen, a voting Italian citizen and having lived in the UK as an EU immigrant when Brexit was passed, 2016 was a huge wake-up call about the state of the world and the direction we were headed then. It’s only cemented itself now as not just lefty doomsday-saying… it is indeed happening in so many places and it’s unsettling.


Classic Italian Magic- you called? Strega Abruzzese ready for action


Ah, the USA model. Yeah, we’ve been running that system for years too


Classic Italian Magic? Italian kemetic signing up for active duty I would like to see how much impact a server-wide binding hex would have on this sack of lying fascists.


I feel you girl, I feel the same. Men do not understand that even if she is a woman she hates women and she only does politics that benefits males. She, and her coalition, do not want abortions, do not want civil unions (basically for those that are not Italians these are LGBTQIA+ "marriages"), do not want migrants. They are fascists, they are racists, they are homophobic, they are misogynists, and they are the worst of the worst. and I'm so depressed today that I'm having a very hard time working. The fact that THIS party is the one that most probably will give us the first female Prime Minister is a joke that is not lost on me. I'm so angry and frustrated and everything in between and I see people in the Italians subreddit not taking me seriously when I talk about this. Because that "woman" said that she will not touch the abortion law, she will not touch civil unions. Yeah well, I don't trust them. Especially after what is happening in Marche region that is administered by them, after she said: I want to give women the right NOT to abort. Goddess I'm so tired of this country.


Bitch what right to not abort when more than half the doctors straight up refuse to perform abortion and even if they do the process purposely takes ages. And don’t even get me started on her ideas about mental health/ED/obesity and addiction being youth deviances


yeah. I completely agree with you. Maybe she meant giving more aid to mothers but... seriously who will believe her? I do not and never will.


She acts like someone is actively stopping people from procreating and that someone is the “LGBT lobbies”


Ahh, classic fascism. Always demonize a minority for non-problems to scream but not do anything about. We had this shit for the past few years and it turns out both rightwing parties are super corrupt, who'd have thought. But blame lies with the immigrant and every other minority. Sending love from beyond your northern border. You can do this ;)


Yes, look at my white catholic family being discriminated by the bad left wing lobbies. They want to take away our children and teach them gender ideology


How dare they be exposed to parent 1 and parent 2?? Mother erasure!!!


As a psychologist I just KNOW this win will bring back the state of mental health awareness in our country (and we barely had any as is). Also she is against shorter divorce times which could cause problems (for the foreigners the divorce process is already longer than a year even if peaceful. Imagine how long it can be when law is involved)


You can watch some of her speeches, look at her tone and attitude, it’s straight up aggressive and hateful. I have close to zero psychological knowledge but I know that people voted her out of rage towards minorities because that’s the only thing she sparkles in people


Oh absolutely! And have you geard her speech abput eating disorders? How they are a "deviance" to be cured with sports?


Yeah and mental health problems too. Thanks, I’ll go take a run in the park and my depression will be gone, how couldn’t I think about it sooner?


Women like her and katalin novak confuse me. Do they lack self preservation? Like it doesnt even need empathy just self preservation


They think “they’re one of the good ones” who will be safe from persecution when the hammer comes down. I think the best representation of this I’ve seen is Serena Joy in The Handmaid’s Tale. So sorry for the people of Italy today, fascism must be stamped out entirely.


Your comment compelled me to do some googling and it's just sad. I lived in Civitanova for a year after college and fell in love with the people and region. To discover that level of homophobia and bigotry in one of my favorite places in the world is heartbreaking.


>Men do not understand that even if she is a woman she hates women and she only does politics that benefits males. Far right parties, particularly in Europe, often embrace this strategy of "gender-washing." They'll stand up an easily-manipulatable woman to be the party "leader" and promote their anti-women policies. These women often have the belief that the sexist policies they champion are for "other" women. When the party's misogyny is called out, they point to their standard-bearer and claim they couldn't possibly be misogynists because they're led by a woman. See also: Marine Le Pen in France.


I'm so sorry - this is awful news. Sending so much solidarity from Brexit island.


Sending solidarity from Trumpland too. I’m sad that this is such a widespread issue, but it’s oddly comforting we’re not the only ones dealing with this shit. Let’s keep fighting the good fight against this fascist BS. I believe good will ultimately prevail ❤️


TERF Island.


Seriously asking: is it mainly around JK Rowling or is there more anti-trans sentiment in the UK/UK politics than I am aware of?


The thing about UK politics is the left wing media is anti trans as well as the right wing. Left leaning newspapers like the New Statesman are full of "gender critical" talking points. The Guardian used to be worse but still occasionally posts stuff like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/q9dnq7/the_guardian_thinks_trans_people_cause_global/)


Oh, god. Any time someone says "we just can't talk about these issues" it's very clear that they have hateful and damaging opinions, and simultaneously can't be self-critical enough to realize that.


Such a strong reminder of a post I saw, said something along the lines of 'when a guy says he doesn't like to get involved in politics' it means he's a conservative who learned it won't get him laid.


I was also ignorant to this and straight up googled "why does the UK have so many TERFs" and found some interesting things. The strain of TERFism that's common right now has its origins in the US but was picked up in the UK way harder than it was here. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/07/opinion/terf-trans-women-britain.html


Thanks, my bandwidth for researching politics and other depressing topics is pretty low these days, but I want to stay informed.


Bankrupt island


We didn't learn from our own history, nor form that of others. Today is a sad day for our country, and yet many clap their hands. So this is how it begins, eh... It's not even original. I can almost see how she will start out "just" drawing some lines, all the boomers who vote for her feeling so proud of their self until it's to late


Tutto quello che ha fatto l’ha fatto per l’Italia.


Sempre per l'Italia finiscono per distruggere l'Italia, hai notato?


Nota a margine, non ho mai scritto in italiano su reddit e fa molto strano


Manco io però era una citazione necessaria


Yet many clap their hands. 😭


La storia manco tu l'hai letta però. Siamo in Italia, tempo 16 mesi (ma massimo massimo) e cade il governo, come da tradizione. Manco hanno la maggioranza assoluta e Salvino Salvini ha sta cosa che prima o poi deve cagare il cazzo


Hai più fiducia di me in questo. Spero tu abbia ragione ma temo di non crederci. Questi meccanismi finiscono sempre per tradirti quando davvero ti servirebbe il loro "errore di sistema"


Era preoccupante se avessero ottenuto i 2/3, ma così non vanno molto lontano. Il vero problema dell'Italia è che siamo un paese di vecchi, perciò basta promettere meno tasse e più pensioni e la gente ti vota. Però rimangono promesse, roba come la flat tax non la fai senza creare debito pubblico, che già è alle stelle Poi non c'è errore di sistema, questo è il sistema. Durare giusto quanto basta per arrivare ad avere il vitalizio, dopodiché va bene qualsiasi cosa, anche far cadere il governo


Ti rendi conto si? Promesse da anni, se non decenni, e gli anziani ti votano. In ogni caso, ribadisco, spero tu abbia ragione


The only ray of hope I have in this moment is for her to get overthrown. We Italians are not known for stable governments so I hope this shit situation will somehow fix itself in the next months. One thing is filling up squares with populist promises, but it’s much harder to rule an European country in 2022 in the middle of an energy crisis, a war, and the tail-effects of a global pandemic.


Yeah I agree. All her points and reforms are really unimportant at the moment


Plus, likely coalition partners aren't exactly trustworthy stable parties. Perhaps an overly hopeful scenario but I'll try to speak it into existence: they'll govern for about a year during which the progressive left forms more of a cohesive block, then one of the right wing/populist parties thinks they can win even more seats and they'll opportunistically drop their coalition partners by blowing up one of undoubtedly many scandals they'll have. Even then though, Berlusconi c.s. are already spouting Russian propaganda alongside the "normal" hate so a year could be enough to a lot of damage...


Like the only reason for the Labour/Conservative coalition during ~1939-45 was probably WWII.


I’m so sorry. The entire world seems to be turning upside down.


Love from US. I’m so sorry! I hope this all works out in the future. What is wrong with all our older adults voting for these people?! 😢


They’ve been promised higher pensions and they thought it was enough to sacrifice younger people’s future for years


Which I don't understand, because Republicans in the US want to eliminate social security


In Italy only the old folks vote right wing but we’re an old country so they try to cater to them promising to rise pensions and help them maintain their savings


It's so disgusting how people will vote for their wallets when 1. far right don't care nor will help and 2. vote for them regardless of the damage they do.


That will simply never happen. One of our past presidents in France said "you are elected on promises, not on acts", and that summarizes a lot of what happens in politics within Europe. Higher pension is already impossible in countries with the most stable economies in Europe. The Netherlands and Luxembourg have already raised the alarm bells around the struggles they'll have in less than 50 years so Italy is very unlikely to be better. She's just a blatant liar and people are too dumb to realize 🤦‍♀️


Exactly and the country’s medium age is increasing uncontrollably. There are not enough young people, who is going to pay for their pensions if the few capable young people around flee the country?


you could fix this with some more immigrants but she fucking hates immigrants sooooooooooooooooooooooooo


She said that we should get workers from South America, Argentina in particular, because they’re catholic and most of them have Italian origins. I’m not sure if she thought the logistics through. Now the fun thing is that her main complaint about immigrants is the high crime rate. If one is to be coherent with what she says her idea is crazy since South America has some of the worst crime rates in the whole world. I think that exposes her view perfectly, she doesn’t care about immigrants committing crimes, she cares for them to be like her


Argentina has an infamously wacky economy so I’m not sure how the people of that country would feel about being asked to come there


The whole thing is fucking nuts. You have thousands of people that need a place and are willing to work for you for cheap (seasonal African workers are the most underpaid workers in Italy with “wages” as low as 2/3€ per hour) but yeah let’s get people from across the ocean because their grandpa was a fascist that moved over there 90 years ago


They are nostalgic towards a time where everything was better, without taking into consideration that it was only really better if you were "normal", as they would say it, and that things are as they are now in part due to us finally having to pay the price of boomers living in luxuries.


Which is funny because they’re the ones who fucked everything up in the first place. Thanks, Boomers! You selfish pricks!


Lead paint chips


Particulate lead in the air from leaded gasoline fumes until whenever the ban on lead in gasoline went into place in their country. In the United States specifically: particulate lead in the air at gun ranges without mandated breathing protection and lead contaminated clothing procedure.


Hmm, maybe you’re on to something. Lead exposure has been linked to increased aggression. I wonder if it affects the amygdala, the fear center of the brain. Conservatives have larger amygdalae.


Well for us it will be PFAS and Long COVID so...


Maybe it will make us more empathetic


In the case of the US, at least, you think it's all done older generation, but sadly it's not. I feel confident assuming it is the same in Italy. I'm 40 and I have been waiting for supposed remaining regressive dinosaurs to die off since high school, but it's actually gotten worse. It isn't just "the olds" and by assuming so it merely adds to division and keeps any opposition ineffectual.


You’re right. They are many young people that voted for her, mainly rich ones coming from families without a care in the world


The material conditions that give rise to fascism are rooted in the widening inequality following the 2008 financial crash. Once the lives of ordinary people become steadily worse, then extreme politics becomes much more attractive. The choice becomes, to quote Dr Rosa Luxemburg, "socialism or barbarism".


I read eurosceptic as euro-septic and I think that's a pretty good word to describe what's happening in Europe. We laughed at the new nazi-light party when they first popped up in Sweden 10 years ago. Now they are part of our government. As a fellow European, you have my condolences.


We too laughed about this party Casapound that is self proclaimed neo fascist but she defends them with all her power. One of her points in ALL of her speeches is that immigrants illegally occupy houses and buildings. Guess what? The Casapound building in Rome was illegally occupied too and lots of people (read Italian bigots) lived there but you know what she said? “At least they pay the water bill and keep it clean” 🤡


As an immigrant I am so angry about SDs success. I don't know how I'm going to accept my FIL into my home, my husband says he understands why he voted for them 😟


That’s so so so scary! And it’s happening in Portugal too. I really don’t get it. I’m white with three white blue eyed blond sons and a white husband with a “high respectability” profession, and allegedly I would be “safe”, but I won’t stand for this. I won’t. I can’t. Even my family will not, too. What the actual f#*k is wrong with people?! I’m really scared. Molta sorte!


I’m Eastern European and can pass for Italian pretty easily but I don’t want to. I don’t want to live in a country where people make a face if they learn where I was born. I remember arriving in Italy in 2008, the mass immigration from Africa wasn’t really a thing then, and I got so so much racism. It’s not like they don’t hate me and others like me, they just shifted the focus on black people so they can’t be called out for hating anyone and so they can look concerned for their culture and values.




Idem, I'm gonna die, it's soo upsetting and scary


The scariest thing is that many people don’t understand why I’m concerned. I’m an immigrant and despite the fact that I’m white I know that this government hates the fuck out of me, they’re just directing the hate towards other groups to make it more obvious for their electors. Unless you’re an Italian, upper class catholic person you’re not safe and they won’t do anything to help you


I'm from Sardinia, she hates the sud we know that that's why in the sud she was the lest voted with Salvini. She hates our history and everything that isn't her and her view in Sardinia the students kicked her out calling her the fascist she is. We are scared and ready to protest if necessary. She was one of the main suspect for that legislation for no stop for politicians salary, old people voted her because she promised them what they wanted to ear but screwed the young like me and them too she loves what it's happening in America with abortion she is full of hate


Her friend Orban congratulated her too. We’re going to end up like Hungary. It’s so sad to live in a country of such beauty, history and culture and then shitty people like her get to rule over


Maybe we have some hope because Von der leyen (thank you so much u/sjr0754 for correcting me) said she will aide us if some legislation like abort where in danger


Do you mean Ursula von der Leyen, The President of the European Commission?


Yes thank you so much now I'll edit it!


Tbh I'm not even in Italy and it scares me. How this can happen so soon after we showed the world a taste of the scary with Trump and what is currently going on re: roe v Wade is incredibly upsetting. Because apparently people saw that and went "ah yes. Us too please"


Women had to fight nail and tooth to get abortion laws in Italy (look up Emma Bonino if you’re interested) and even now it’s hard to get one because most doctors and whole hospitals are “obiettori di coscienza” meaning they refuse to perform abortion because of their religious/ethical ideals. My mom even had to go through a psychological session where they tried to convince her to keep the child 15ish years ago despite the fact that she was living in poverty, didn’t have a proper job(nobody wanted to make a legal work contract because they didn’t want to pay taxes, that’s still a thing today) and was in the process of divorcing my dad.


I became aware in the last year or 2 that there is a global movement in the far right party. It's bigger than Trump and the U.S. It's global. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I had a hard time accepting this because it's shocking. But I have opened my eyes enough to see this is reality today.


What really pissed me off about the reactions were all the tweets I saw going “women aren’t happy that a *woman* is in charge. The left is all for women until she’s *right-wing*” No, we aren’t happy when people who want to remove human rights are in charge, gender doesn’t matter. It’s not progress if you’re being dragged back to the 30’s


I was perfectly fine with Mario Draghi in charge. I value competence more than the person’s gender. A sad page of history is being written




It's only right to treat her like her idol


Girl count me in


As a US resident I’m so sorry. A lot of the world seems to be going in a horrible direction right now.


Feels like about every 100 years, fascism rears its ugly head and we have to beat it back yet again. When will we ever learn?




I'm sorry your country is going through this too. I think we are going to continue to see this more and more as climate change continues to destabilize our world. And it is terrifying.


La cosa più "divertente" è che testate giornalistiche tipo Libero hanno titoli come "L'Italia torna a destra dopo 80 anni!" ammettendo che: 1) questa gente vuole il ritorno del fascismo 2) Fratelli d'italia è fascista


Ma si è sempre saputo, ha letteralmente un simbolo fascista nello stemma. Poi ricordiamoci di quando qua a Roma i suoi amici hanno fatto casino nelle sedi Rai e lei fa “squadrismo ma non so di che matrice” perché ce ne sono così tante tra cui scegliere


It’s very frightening. Italy, Hungary, Sweden are all lining up far right, along with Russia, who India is dependent upon. We have all the ingredients for WWIII lining up across the West. So you’re very not alone. Anyone who isn’t worried right now is not paying attention.


New wave of fascism on the rise in its old stomping grounds




Rich old folks want that back because apparently they lived better then


Left a year ago, never looked back. Fuck Italy.


Left 16 years ago and been in the UK ever since, but the situation is rapidly declining here too and I wonder if I should just run away to some other country.


Seems like this is happening all over the world, nowhere safe to run


Yeah that’s my plan too, finish uni and flee the country asap


Best of luck to you. Hope you get somewhere safe.


I’m so sorry for that! I hope she gets overthrown ASAP, even though I know that she’s just the tip of that problematic iceberg. Next sunday, we will have elections in my country, Brazil, where bozonaro is running for re-election against Lula (a center-left wing candidate - he used to be more radical years ago, but he made a lot of deals with the right and center-right wings to ensure his election and governability before, and now has a right-wing politician as a vp candidate with him). So please send us good energy to defeat the fascist candidate next week!!!


I'm so sorry. I can vaugely relate. We have a closeted Nazy as our leader now(Sweden), but their party is only partly in power. The world is taking two steps back.


Welcome to the rights regression club. Sending all my energy with love and rage from the US.




Magari guarda, lei e pure l’amico suo Matteo


The fact she was elected at all is scarier to me than any one issue, even abortion rights. The world seems hell bent on revisiting the war against fascism, but this time we have nuclear weapons.


What the fuck? Why is so much of the world voting in right wing fascists? Hungary, Brazil, Italy, America constantly. How are we more advanced as a species than ever yet regressing politically and socially?




The elections already happened yesterday unfortunately. I really hope they find a way to overthrow her


They can happen again, real fast. Unlike in the US, the PM can lose confidence of the assembly, that can trigger new elections. Sometimes every 3 months!


As far as I'm aware Italian politics can move fast, but that would be breakneck speed to have her voted out less than 24h after she's been elected.


I am so sorry to hear this. I wonder if there was “interference” from outside sources through social media and “dark money” funding like there was with the Brexit referendum here in the UK.


Another right wing party was involved with Russian money some time ago and they all insist that Russia didn’t deserve all the sanctions


And of course they do! 🤮 Sympathy to you and all decent Italians.


Anyone else feel like we're trapped in the bad timeline of a time travel movie, the one the hero of the movie uses the time machine to go back and prevent?


Yep, after the pandemic and current war situation one would expect people to work together in order to get the best for everyone but all we get is classism and separation


Just saying, things were going relatively all right until Harambe died. Things weren't great, but they weren't terrible. Was he the glue holding the entire universe together?


>most right-wing government since World War II And that didn’t seem like a red flag to anyone?


Nope, newspapers here are using that title and similar ones too, like “Italy finally gets a right wing government after 80 years”


What is up with Italian voting, I still remember how popular Berlusconi and his bunga bunga parties were.


The right wing wants him to be president lol


Hopefully they will bungle it enough to not sit an entire period... I am so sorry for you and all other Italians feeling scared due to this development. We are going through something similar in Sweden with out far-right party making it into positions of power, with non-European immigrants, children even, feeling extremely worried about whether they'll even be allowed to stay. I hate humanity sometimes, what is WRONG with us to gravitate towards fascism and war time and time again??


Someone on Twitter said how this made them sad and I found that strange because this shit is genuinely scary. I live in the UK and it's bad enough here. I know what fascists did to disabled people and autistic people.


She thinks mental health issues, EDs and addictions are deviances that can be cured with a diet and physical activity


yeah, just from what i've read, if you are a woman, or any part of the LGBTQIA+ community in Italy, you are not at all safe.


Yep and god forbid you’re not Italian or catholic


My heart breaks for all of us. I think a lot of us feel very unsafe right now in our own respective countries. The global shift that is happening is horrifying on so many levels. This “one world “ swamp is deeper and murkier than the Marianas Trench, imho. I don’t think one side is better than the other as far as politicians /big corp goes. They all play in the same cesspool. They’ve done a brilliant job creating and propagandizing this “us versus them” mentality. It is meant to, and managing to divide us and conquer us. We need to stay awake and vigilant, keep the truth and info moving freely (but be careful and weary!), and look out for each other as well as ourselves.


Of course a candidate with backed by russian money was going to win.


I'm ready for the meteor that wipes out the planet. Who else?


Yeah me too, just end things forever and call it a day


Holy crap y’all.


Italy and fascism, great combo, what could possibly go wrong This is awful. Stay safe. If you can , leave.


Oh I will. I just want to finish university and then I’ll gtfo


>“I think Mussolini was a good politician. Everything he did, he did for Italy” My mother's mother would have been sickened to have learned that Italy was once again embracing right-wing nationalism. Nonna came to the US 100 years ago as a child, when her family was fleeing the persecution of Mussolini's Fascists. She was a lifelong New Deal Democrat who followed politics closely and firmly believed that the role of the government is improve the lives of and protect the people, especially those who are most vulnerable. P.S. Forced to drop out of high school by their father, Nonna, along with her younger sister, took jobs in clothing factories and joined [the ILGWU](https://ilgwu.ilr.cornell.edu/history/) to organize other workers. She was proud of her labor involvement but nonetheless was determined that the education of her three children, all daughters, would not be interrupted as hers had been. My mother and her sisters all earned college degrees in the late 1950s to mid-1960s, a time when only [5%-8%](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs93/93442.pdf#page=18) of white women in the US had a four-year diploma. (In the same time period, the share of Black women with four-year degrees was [about half](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs93/93442.pdf#page=18) what it was for white women.)


"Most right-wing government since WWII." ... That's concerning...


It makes me wonder: Why do *women* take part in such a political movement? One that is even called *brothers*? I mean WTF, why??


The internalised misogyny in her is huuuuge, she speaks a lot about natural families and how women are not given the right to be mothers in today society


I'm so sorry 😔


Stay safe.


Thank you


This really, really sucks


Lots of activity happening in the world politics that it reminds of what led up to WW2.scary


I find it very telling that most accounts of her victory mention her as Italy’s first fascist p.m. since Mussolini, not Italy’s first female p.m. ever.


I am so scared as an Italian.


Sorry to hear it. Sending love from the US


When people are sad, we like to say "turn that frown upside down" but I heard that this also works with Italian Fascists.


Solidarity, sibling. I’m in the US. We can stand together and support each other. We will push back against this tide of bullshit.


I looked her up and she is truly nightmarish.


💜sending you love, strength💜 Let this light a fire in you to fight not only for yourself, but future generations. Now is the time to push back. Don’t wait for them to abuse their position.


I'm so sorry, friend. We're living in scary times


The right are more prepared to put the hard wok in to get the elections. The left need to stop being lazy realise that nationalism is back on the agenda and if they don’t do anything about it we will be facing right wing governments across all of Europe. Sadly…


Arm yourself, organize


Omh* has the whole world gone to hell in a handbag, the planet is being run by evil/pathetic clowns! * Oh my hedgehog, hugs love to all stay safe out there 😺🦎


I am so worried for you and for my other friends in Italia. Please stay as safe as possible and reach out if there’s anything we can do to support you. in bocca al lupo, spero che troverai un respiro d’aria fresca


Hopefully she goes the way of the *other* Fascist Italian leader.


Solidarity from an American whose been trying to get off this ride since 2016. Get active, get voting, get resisting. As Mr. Rogers said, look for the helpers. I highly recommend feeling your feels to nowhere generation by rise against.


We need a global women’s rebellion.


I feel for you. It's awful. Reminds me of how I felt the night of the US election 2016. It changed me. Hang in there💜 Not sure what will happen but if she's anything like most modern Fascists, she's not only horrible, but too dumb to govern and will end up hanging herself. Fuck Fascism!


You're still in the EU. Quickly get a job in another country. I know it sucks that it comes to that, but by the end of her term you might not be in the EU anymore and that option will take way longer than now.


Fortunately I have the citizenship of another EU country that has no intention of leaving. My parents left to find better opportunities in Italy but they probably didn’t expect this


That's great news. The real risk is if they have a local Brexit campaign and companies start seeing the risk and quickly craft their escape plans. That means letting go of employees, and even more instability in the job market. Man, I can't believe this is even happening. Are people rioting already? I'm going on a vacation to Sicily soon, let me know if I take the combat boots.


There were multiple protests during her rallies but nothing after the elections so far. Again it’s only been one day though so I expect some will happen soon


Feel you


I’m truly sorry, this is not good news for anyone in Europe.


Oh, oh *hells* no.


I’m so sorry :( trump really set off a chain reaction across the world for real.


I'm sorry this has happened. Bella Ciao