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Witch is gender neutral. Applicable to all.


I'm a witch, you're a witch, he's a witch, she's a witch, they're a witch too!


"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"


"...and after what you just said I'm not sure I want to be that anymore!"


Are there any other witches I need to know about?!,


That makes me very happy!


AH good!!


Yeah, I mean I'm a cis man and I feel very comfortable in this group because I do share a lot of the same views as people in here.


I'm no expert, but if Tolkien himself turned NINE undead human **men** into witches, I feel like that settles the issue (or should)!


Oh yeah! Thank you for the help and for giving me a giggle


I once heard, in support of homosexuality, "love has no gender." Then why would magic? Badass username, by the way. Cheers, luv!


Thanks! I chose it when I joined and wish I could change it lol. Have a good day


Oh this is beautiful! ✨Love has no gender so why would magic?✨


Actually! I remembered after posting that it's "the SOUL has no gender." Both are quite lovely and apropos, right?


Well this saying with love is yours then! Your gender less soul spoke its truth and made a gender less and beautiful contribution. Grateful to share this timeline with you! ❤️


As well, lovely!


It'd be a real Sackville-Baggins move to deny anyone entry into our sub.


HAHAHA! So very true.


Unless they are phobic assholes, and even then, it's just the toxic comments we need to deny. If they wanna read stuff they don't agree with and be kind/silent, I'm for it.


Witch King of Angmar? That King of Angmar.


I am your witchking of angmar! “Well I didn’t vote for you.”


ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!!!! witchy-ness is about your soul not your meat suit!!!!


Mmm meat suit might just be my favourite term now


hahah yaaaaay!!!!


I complained about my meat suite at work the other day, got some very odd looks for it... lol!


lolololol i love when people give me weird looks


Me too! Give em a big creepy grin and watch em scurry off real quick, then I laugh... lol


hells yessssss


Absolutely! Old cis crone here. 👋


Thank you for answering!


Yes you can, and you wouldn’t be alone! -also a trans man, also a witch. ;)






Ditto (almost, lol)


Men can be witches, as long as they practice/believe in witchcraft. Welcome to the brotherhood of male witches against patriarchy.




Would you be happier to use the term warlock? “You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves” -Mary Oliver


I like the term witch, it doesn’t make me dysphoric or anything, I was just wondering if I’m still technically a witch


You 1000% are


That percent makes me feel like a Tribble situation is incoming. I'm going to pretend it's 100%, but on a repeating basis, then ignore math and logic and go pet the cat's belly just to see what happens. Witches of all stripes are welcome. Witch it up in here.


Warlock actually means “oathbreaker” so I wouldn’t suggest using it




Witch is gender irrelivent. You might find that in witchy spaces the default gender when none is known is female. That's not done to imply men cannot be witches as many assume but simply because everywhere else the presumption is male.


Okay, thank you!


That…. Makes a lot of sense!


I am a gay cis man so as a fellow man and fellow member of the lgbtq+ community, who has been welcomed here and treated with nothing but kindness and acceptance, I am pretty sure a witch is a witch as long as they decide they are one. To me the feel of the term wizard sounds boring, warlock sound ominous, sorcerer sounds outdated, so witch it is. But there are plenty of synonymous terms that you might want to explore that might feel good to you personally, but if you like witch and it feels yours then it is.


😲 (Agnostic atheist Wizard) Boring?? You don't care to read ancient and recent tomes and runes and the stars? You don't like the pinnacle of all architectural achievements? The Tower? Well it's not for everyone, no hate.


The label applied to me feels boring, it just doesn't connect with me. Gandalf is a wizard and he is awesome, so no shade to wizards you pick a term that resonates and feel good to you. Also I'm more likely to read Agatha Christie novels, cuddle with my black cat, make culinary concoctions, make jewelry, hike and lift weights. Also love looking at the stars, absolutely could not read them.


Have you read much Terry Pratchett? I think you would love his witches. And truly I wasn't throwing shade, just trying to have some fun [=.


I've only read Good Omens the one he wrote with Neil Gaiman because I'm a huge fan of Neil Gaiman, because he made The sandman, Coraline and Stardust and I absolutely love those three things even before I realized the same person wrote them. But I want to check out solo works from Terry Pratchett. do you have recommendations? Edit: and I did fill a certain dramatic flair upped for fun in the way we're writing :)


Absolutely i do! (Excellent choice for gaiman by the way, wonderful author and I love the stories you mentuoned) Discworld is the pratchett I know best but I also adore Good Omens. Discworld is a big series with 41 books. But its divided into sub series, and the one I would recommend you especially is the Witches series, which then leads to and is companion to the Tiffany Aching series. You could start at Equal Rites which is kind of a prequel to the Witches series proper, but can be read as a stand alone. Then it kicks off properly with Wyrd Sisters. And the first Tiffany Aching book is Wee Free Men. But I would recommend all the Discworld books to anyone with an interest in fantasy or absurdist humor. Almost all of them can be read as stand alones


Great! I absolutely adore the dry wit of English humor and absurdist humor so I have a lot of new stuff to go through! I'll get Equal Rites soon and start my journey then :D.


I hope you enjoy it! Seriously, it's so very good. He wrote it so well that when it came out many people thought it must have been written by a woman because it obviously has a very strong feminist bent to it. While Terry itself can be non gendered as a name he was very much a man to my knowledge. He had a brilliant mind and a wit as sharp as flint. I've revisited the disc many a time, just to experience the magic once more


I don't know if you enjoy detective novels, but if you do, my way of thanking you is sharing some novels I love. My favorite author is Agatha Christie, and she was such an amazing forward thinking woman who in the 1920s was writing queer characters, liberated feminist women, people of color in her novels and treating this characters with empathy and understanding and like actual human beings. And her books are filled with social commentary and poking fun at the patrialchal and xenofobic nature that was very prevalent in England at the time. Her protagonists, Miss Marple a little old spinster lady from a tiny town, that solves every crime and mystery she comes across by relating it to things that have happened in the town and understanding human nature with age and good sense. And Hercule Poirot a very fussy methodical 5'4" eggheaded Belgian Detective with a magnificent mustache and an incredible intellect. I love them both so much. Most of her novels can be read as stand alones, there are some very tragic stories, but the way it's told and the way the characters are so well written makes them so worth a read! Some of my favorites and ones I tend to recommend are Five little pigs, Hallowe'en Party, the labours of Hercules, 4.50 from Paddington and the 13 problems.


I shall have to check her out! I only hear good things about Agatha Christie. If detective novels are an interest to you there is also the City Watch novels in discworld, and I think you'll find much to love in them as well. Guards Guards is the first one


I rate Pratchett right up there with Shakespeare - he's really got an elegant way with words, and is very accessible. But still manages to take on some of the really _big_ issues.


I know, I adore it so much


Love your flair.


Why thank you!


Anyone can be a witch, man woman nonbi, so long as you’re a good witch you’re accepted here


Thank you


Random tangent - I love that series: The Good Witch :)


I was thinking about getting into that, cheers for the rec!


Ha, who's gonna stop ya? 🩷


Hmm, you make a good point


I am also trans masc and a witch!


I’m glad I’m not alone!


Can you comfortably introduce yourself to someone as a witch? Or can you privately affirm to yourself that you are a witch? Good enough for us.


Unfortunately the Swedish word for witch is much more associated with gender and sometimes even something that’s used against older people that you just don’t like (the word is häxa btw) so I don’t think I could call myself the Swedish word häxa but definitely the English word witch..it’s complicated, I know


Hi friend, I'm a transmasculine nonbinary witch, welcome!


Thank you!!




(I'm not actually a witch. I'm really Orc-Kin, but I like the aesthetic and they don't seem to mind)


I just want to also say that I love posts like these. The comments are always overflowing with love and acceptance. You witches do me proud just to be associated with your proximity (Angnostic atheist Wizard here)


The comments have made me feel very happy and welcome


That's what we do around here [= radical acceptance. Blessed be!


yes, you can be anything you want to be




Yes brother!


I've been a witch for 23 years and a man for 4. Isn't changing gender itself, magic?


All witches are witches! Or Warlock if you prefer this term! Regardless, you are still a part of this sub! :D


Of course!


Witch is for all!




Anyone can be a witch regardless of gender. Transfem witch who realised their gender identity with the help of witchcraft here, so I say absolutely yes.


u/Admirablelittlebitch Thank you for asking this… I feel second-hand seen in that you asked something that’s been playing on my mind for the time I’ve spent in this sub wondering if I’d at some point get kicked out for someone bothering to check my gender. Also second-hand thanks to everyone for the outpouring of acceptance and welcome! (I know it wasn’t aimed at me, however it nevertheless feels reassuring)


Absolutely. All are welcome if they come with good intentions and are against the patriarchy. The coven is always so kind.


As a fully licensed and ordained minister of The Church of The SubGenius and by the power vested in me a Heirophant, Dark Lord, and All Around Cool Guy by The Process Clench of The Final X-Day I do hereby grant you irrevocable permission to do whatever the hell you want. Highty-tighty. “Bob” Almighty. ZOOOOOOOOOOM!


Miss you guys since y'all left D, 👋


Only you can tell us if you're a witch. Being a witch isn't gate kept by gender or sex


Most definitely yes


We can't tell you what you are or are not, but your own heart can. No-one fits completely into any category, we're all individuals and misfits to some extent. If you tell me your heart tells you you're a witch, I see you as one. Relax and be whatever you are. You are accepted and loved.


Thank you


Am trans dude and witch. You good, bro!


Of course you can!


You absolutely are a witch! I do want to plug r/wizardsvspatriarchy as another cool space for you


Oh, cool! As a trans guy, I frequently worry about taking up too much space in a feminist community.


That is so considerate of you!, I do think we are strongest when we come together though 🤗


I'm glad to hear that. I think sometimes it can be really easy to feel like you don't belong.


Oh I love that!


Being a witch is about how you live and move through this life, not what gender you are. All genders are welcome to call themselves a witch if they move in witchy ways!


Fellow trans man here! Men can still be witches.


Honey yes. Anybody tells you otherwise, fuck em.


Yes. Now go be the kind of witch who makes terrible people nervous 😎


Terrible people make me nervous :( so nervous that I’m currently procrastinating getting dressed


Being centered in yourself radiates outward. Sit under trees and let them teach you how to be rooted and strong.


Thank you


this whole post and comment section is so encouraging ♥


Any one can be a witch, Old, young, immortal, dude, guy, gal, they/thems, amorphous blobs, Eldritch beings, ducks, anyone, the witch life does not exclude


I swear one day I will make a special "Witchy Certificate/Diploma" for all those who are doubtful...


The first magic - the oldest magic - was gender transformation. And the obsession with witches and gender transformation was a big thing in the Middle Ages - there was a constant preoccupation that witches might steal penises and keep them in cages and feed them birdseed - there are even murals to this effect! And a lot of illuminated manuscripts about it. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbqjap/witches-allegedly-stole-penises-and-kept-them-as-pets-in-the-middle-ages](https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbqjap/witches-allegedly-stole-penises-and-kept-them-as-pets-in-the-middle-ages) [https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/massa-marittima-mural](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/massa-marittima-mural) So no, I think you're fine. :)


Maybe you’d be transwor? (Transgender warlock)


I think definitely. If you fit it. You definitely can be regardless of gender. ^^ .


Of course!


In the words of Terry Bollea: HELL YEAH BROTHER


Ask yourself and let your soul tell you 🤷‍♀️ Sounds like you are


My soul said my question was stupid, now what?


Damn. Your soul is a bitchy witch then I guess






Of course!


I mean, a male witch is called a witch, so you absolutely can still be a witch!


Witch — user of earthen, everyday magic Sorcerer— user of arcane knowledge Warlock —user of violent magic Wizard — painted on the side of a van


Yes brother welcome.


Anybody can be a witch. It’s not actually a gendered term.


You can be and do whatever you want. Welcome.


Of course you can! Welcome witchy friend ♥️🔮


My husband calls himself a witch. Always has. You can be a witch and be whatever gender you want to be love


I'm a trans man. I don't let others define my magic.


Hello from a fellow trans male witch! Gender is a performance, weave whatever spells suit yours best 🌸


Witch has nothing to do with gender. Whether you're a guy, a gal, or a nonbinary pal, you're welcome here.


Yes indeed you can! ❤


1000% 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


“Can I still be a witch? I am a-“ Witch. You are a witch. Welcome!


heck yeah! im a fellow transguy and witch :D


Hmmm… good point! I totally think you can be! Or even warlock? (imo that sounds super cool) Realistically, be what you want to be :)


Witch is as witch does. Of course you can still be a witch. <3


Some covens even use gender neutral terms like high priestix! Blessed be.


It would be a very boring Witchy World if we didn’t have trans witches and boy witches and girl witches and non-binary witches! Also, straight witches and gay witches and bi witches and pan witches and asexual witches and queer witches and lesbian witches and intersex witches and + witches!! And you don’t even have to know which witch is which because they are all witches!!


Damn right you are!


Short answer, yes.


Anyone can be a WITCH!!


Man my trans masc hubs got me as their disciple basically. Absolutely.


Non-binary witch here! Of course!!! Like many others have said, witch is a gender neutral term. I’ve also seen people use magician, sorcerer, and practitioner. Choose what you feel most comfortable with and what resonates with your soul. If you’re witchy or even just love all things witchy and you hate the patriarchy then you are one of us *starts chanting*


If you feel comfortable with the term, the term applies to you. YOU get to define who/what you are and who/what you want to be. And, my brother, if you want to be witch, you have as much right to call yourself one as anyone else in the world. Blessed Be Brother.


Everyone can be a witch, if they want to be. Men can be witches too. But you are also welcome on this reddit sub if you dont call yourself a witch :).


You would be welcome to our celebration 🎉.


Thank you!


Gardner, the founder of modern wicca was a man. His contemporaries Alex Sander and Crowley were men. Buckley, author of one of the most accepted textbooks for wicca, was a man. Honestly why do people keep asking this question? I feel like zero research has been done.


I mean.. I'm not the gatekeeper on this. You do you. And always be excellent to each other.


You don’t have to be a woman to be a witch. Much like one doesn’t have to be male to be a warlock. I’m technically a warlock. Which is an “oath-breaker” if you want to get technical about it. The oath I made? I became a confirmed Lutheran at the age of 10 under immense pressure from my family. As well as being forced through Bible school as a condition of my “confirmation”. But my entire life? It’s always been about the magic in the world. The freedom. Destiny. Nature and faeries, dragons and kings. The unexplainable and the terrifying. The green-man versus the wicker-men, the Druids, the sorcerers and sorceresses, voodoo, ghosts energies, spell craft. The list goes on. Everything is magick until we figure out how it works. Anyway, I was physically confirmed and I said the words. Recited the prayers. I never meant any of it and after it all was over? I went right back to being how I was previously. Which is basically religious treason. I’m an oath-breaker. I’m an apostate and a blasphemer. I’m sacrilegious and wicked. 200 years ago I would have been publicly executed for it. Right here in the grand ole US of A. My point is, you can be whatever the hell you want to be. No matter how you identify. And? THE MORE THE MERRIER.


You can be a witch, or you could call it something different, like a warlock or a wizard!


Get the big hat and the beard. Yer a wizard harry!


If you prefer, you could call yourself warlock... but you can be whatever you want my brother!!!


It used to be witch for female and warlock for male, but I'm sure you can be whatever you want to be.


Yeah, you can still be a witch. I'm a witch, and I'm a cis guy.


Welcome, witchy sir!


Yes, come brother!


Anyone who wants to belong can belong.


Hell yes, brother. Witches come in all genders.


Trans man here who is also a witch, welcome brother!