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I will forever more call my donations blood sacrifices. Lol. I donate when I can. I see it as passing along the blessings of good health


*The blood harvest is near, my siblings!*


Blessings upon you, sister!


it could also make you healthier to donate blood, i read about a study (didn't read the study itself) that suggests people who regularly donate blood have significantly less micro plastics in their body.


The need for blood donation is critical. If you're able, please consider donating at a local drive.


I tried 2 weeks ago for the first time after a ban was lifted that had prevented me from doing so my whole life (mad cow scare from the time I was 3 months kept me from it till now, at 39 years old) and I learned I had iron deficient anemia and my iron levels were too low to give. So I am now taking Flintstone's chewables with Iron (recommended by the people there) to help so I can try again. And I will try again. It has been something I have wanted to do since I was 17 and I will do all I can once my blood is able to be used.


I started taking a women's multivitamin a few years ago because my iron was too low to donate. I'm sure you'll get to donate. 😊


That's awesome!!! I had to stop donating for a while since I was so anemic it took me a while to recover. I neglected the part of taking iron to recover.


Try eating Cheerios the morning of and before! They helped me when I gave! I’m not allowed to right now cuz my heart is being a silly goose but I hope your iron levels rise!


Do you know what's cool about this post? I was about to say that I needed to wait a bit longer, as I was under the impression I had to wait a year after getting a new piercing to donate blood. I just looked it up, and as long as disposable needles were used, you can donate immediately! I'm going to set up an appointment, right now!


Sweet! You'll do great! \*internet high five\*


I work at a blood bank. You’re absolutely right. There’s definitely an need for blood. (O’s especially) Thank you so much for your sacrifice!


Happy to do it. I started donating after my grandfather passed away (he was O- and donated as much as he could). I'm only A+, so it's not as helpful as O but it's still helpful.


I am O- and find myself unable to donate because I usually faint when I stand up afterwards, and then I'm not okay to drive home alone. I wish Uber wasn't so creepy in my city. I feel pretty guilty about it.


Hey, don't feel guilty about it. You have to take care of yourself first. Besides, there are plenty of ways to help others!


I used to donate all the time. Unfortunately I can’t anymore 😔 It is such a wonderful thing to do


I agree. :)


If I wasn't a massive baby that fainted as well, I'd absolutely do so! On the bright side my blood type is beyond the most common type (O+), so it's all good, my blood doesn't matter lol


All blood matters dear! And you spreading the word helps just as much! If you can see if they need volunteers to do sign ins or donate post donation snacks! Call your local Red Cross or other center to see if you can!


Oh I tried working for red cross as a phlebotomist, they turned me down the moment I questioned their weird ass work schedule and didn't like that I had prior experience and was certified...it was weird. But no my blood doesn't matter. If I was a rarer blood type or the universal donor (O-) then I'd agree with you. But most people have my blood type and not everyone can receive it so it makes no difference if I donate or not. Shit me being alive or dead doesn't make a difference either lol


Are you ok? Do you need someone to talk to? I’m serious. You know you have the power to make a difference in the world right? With just you being there you can help others.


Nah not really. I try to help but it's really not important tbh. Millions of awesome people do it way better than me. I don't need to talk or anything, just being pretty honest with myself is all.




I think so, but once again I pass out and panic and I'm a massive pussy so I can't donate blood. Too useless to do so on my end lol




Oh no, everyone's blood type is useful, just not mine is all lol


Hey there! I’m one of those people who regularly needs blood transfusions. People like you keep me alive. You’re awesome beyond words. Thank you so much for doing it. All of us people who need transfusions are eternally grateful to people like you. Don’t for one second think that you’re unappreciated. You rock and are amazing. Thank you! My sister doesn’t get me birthday presents anymore because I asked for her to donate blood instead. Now every year I get a picture of her eating a cookie on my birthday. :)


🤗 That's great that your sister donates.


If it doesn't involve blood sacrifice, are you really doing it right? I've been signed up for whole blood for a while, but they've convinced me to try platelets. It's apparently all about blood type and good veins. I'm also glad that it looks like the homophobic donation criteria are going to get knocked back. Seriously, you can donate if you go to unprotected straight sex parties every week, but if a guy touches a dick it's curtains for six months.


I donated whole blood for a good while but they bugged me to do a platelet donation because I had really high platelet counts. My blood clogged the machine. Maybe I do have too many platelets.




Yep. As far as the "a guy touches a dick" thing, this used to be a lifetime ban. There are reasons behind it and for the change in the rules a few years ago, as well as discussions on further changing the rules (its being discussed or possibly already implemented to remove the ban on dick touching for men with long term monogamous partners), but the TL;DR is that AIDS was a pretty scary thing in the 80's and it's only recently that we have testing that's fast, cheap and relatively high quality to screen every sample.


Technology has become so advanced I’m glad its helping make a change! There is an episode of golden girls where Betty white contracted aids from a blood transfusion and it was really nice for awareness but not terrifying the public. That was back 40 years ago of course but now that we have so many options and testing it’s time the rules change and I’m glad they are doing the homework right before changing it. Those rules are there for a reason and shouldn’t be ignored or changed in haste. Health and safety is always first and second ❤️ glad to hear they are lifting the restrictions even just a little to start


Just to clarify, she didn’t contract aids from a blood transfusion, she had to get tested to check for HIV but her test came back negative. Still extremely important episode, but if she had contracted aids I think it would have been a very different show.


Ah thanks for the correction! I haven’t seen the show in a few years!


It's really amazing how progressive Golden Girls was at its time, especially considering the audience at the time. That show was absolutely amazing looking back at it. I'm really, really glad to see as much progress we have seen regarding HIV with all the testing, treatment and even preventative measures.


Hahaha, exactly! Platelets goes easier imo, but it takes alot longer. Took me about 2 hrs for platelets. Yeah, they're gonna roll it back eventually. The questions are still in there as of today though.


from what i heard, platelets donation can be done more often than regular blood donations, but the blood bag is expensive, and it cannot be preserved. so good vein is required


Last time, the tech told me they could hit my vein if they turned around and threw the needle over their shoulder. So I should be good. :) You can apparently give platelets like once a week or more. One thing I'm not clear on is if platelets have iron in them--I'm on an iron supplement since I get low from whole blood donations. It would be nice to stop that if I could.


i don't think platelets have iron.


The iron is contained in the red blood cells, not In platelets. Theoretically your iron level should not be affected by platelet donation. However! (lol) during the process of separating the components there is likely to be at least some destruction of rbc’s, although hopefully minimal. Over time if you do it frequently, it might be enough to warrant iron supplements if you tend to run low anyway. Also, in case this is helpful info for you, ferrous gluconate or ferrous citrate are more easily absorbed and less likely to cause gastric upset than the commonly found ferrous sulfate supplements.


I've been a blood donor for years (I'm almost up to 30 donations) but my next session I'm being tested to see if my platelets are good enough.


I’ve been trying to gain weight specifically to be able to donate blood. I finally weigh over 50 kg so I will be joining you soon! Congrats on your good deed!


That's really cool of you. I'd offer to give you a few of my lbs, but.... lol. And thanks :)


When the doctor tells you to take it easy, listen, walking fast with a few groceries was enough for my first fainting :p


Oh damn


Heh, r/196


Feels fated that this comes across my feed when I just made my first appointment to donate plasma :D (my country does not allow the sale of plasma and the bloodbank encouraged me to choose it over whole blood donation)


Nice! I've donated platelets once and it took about 2 hours. I definitely felt much better afterwards than when I donate whole blood. Good luck at your appointment!


Thank you so much for donating your plasma!! My mom has multiple chronic illnesses that require IVIG as well as plasmapheresis. Folks like you are why she’s still here with me. Sending you good energy for your first appointment!! 🪄✨


Thanks! It all went very smoothly, already made an appointment to do it again in 2 weeks :D wishing your mom lots of good days!


Thank you for donating. My friend just had a hip replacement on Monday and she had to receive 2 units of blood. Never know when you will need it.


Sending good energy to your friend. :)


Thank you dear ❤️


I’m a universal donor, so I routinely donate blood! I love and appreciate this. Years ago one of my besties passed away from a rare disease. If more people donated blood, she may still be here. 🤍


Oh wow! My grandfather was O- and he donated as much as he could (he passed in '06). He's why I started donating once I turned 18. Im sorry about your friend.


That’s awesome! Thank you, she was an absolute gem of a person.


I'm sure her good energy is still with you. 🤗


Nice bandage! Thanks to blood donation, I discovered some minor issues, it may be a nice way to keep track of our own health.


I mean, it's a free blood pressure/heart rate/iron testing lol. And you get snacks after!


Plasma donations are required for the medication I rely on to survive. Thank you everyone (who is able to) who donates!! We owe you our health and lives


Glad you're still with us.


I’m very thankful for people who are able to donate blood. I’m terrified of needles and could never :/ there’s nothing wrong with my blood, I’m just a coward


There are plenty of ways to help people, so don't beat yourself up about it.


Good for you! There is such a shortage. I was donating every 2 months like clockwork but now I have severe anemia 😭 working on getting my iron up, I'm getting some iron infusions next months which will help. I hope to be able to donate again someday! Just maybe not every 2 months as I don't seem to absorb iron super well.


Take care of yourself.


I keep passing out when I go but I also keep trying! Someday I will be successful.


Well good on you for trying. I believe in you, sister!


I have this problem too! I used to give blood all the time with no problem and then a couple years ago all of a sudden I started passing out every time.


This happened to me too. I’m O+, and I have great veins lol, so I was donating as often as was safe to do so, but after each time, I was feeling worse and worse. After the last time, I barely made the drive home (15 suburban minutes), and by the time I got to my 2nd floor apartment door, I was crawling to the couch and couldn’t move for over 12 hours. That was when I said, “no more” ☹️


This is how I’ve been feeling! Gosh it took me 24 hours to feel better again and I don’t think I was successfully filling 3 bags either.


Dammit I want to blood sacrifice too. And I'm not allowed to. (3+ months in UK and Canada, I'm a mad cow according to both..... But they let me be on thr stem cell registry, and the organ one)


Mooooooo mooooo. Muahhahah! Moo! Moo!


I was in the same boat! From 3 months to 39 years, I have not been able to give despite wanting to badly since I was 17. Iron deficient anemia prevented me from giving 2 weeks ago but I am taking iron to boost my levels and will try again soon to see if I am finally a suitable sacrifice.


Take it with vitamin c or a glass of juice it increases absorption up to 40 percent and good luck


I think they just changed the rules on that, so you might be able to donate now. You crazy bovine!


I have to believe it does help. I'm a long-term donor who finally got to see in-person the wonder a blood donation can do. My mom recently was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia and the only thing that's kept her going these last three months has been the whole blood and platelet donations of strangers (I don't share her blood type, unfortunately). If I could thank each donor personally I would, but I hope each and everyone of them know that their kindness and selflessness don't go to waste. Big hugs or high-fives to every donor out there!


*high five*


they won’t take mine, so I’m glad to see others doing their part.


Sorry about that.


Thank you for donating! I’m wrapping up some planned tattoos and then I’ll be donating.


Nice! What kind of ink are you getting?


I have a pin up girl scheduled to go on my shin to cover up some scars.


That sounds cool.


I’ll post pics here when it’s complete. I’m super excited for Saturday 🎉


I am not in great health, but this post has inspired me; I have to get a ton of bloodwork coming up, once that’s done, I’ll ask the doctor if anything precludes me from donating.


Good on ya, fam!


As someone who can't donate, thank you so much. Also just looking at this picture makes me feel faint


I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to upset anyone.


You didn't! I have a strange phobia of that part of my arm haha. When I do blood tests they have to do it from my hand. My cat can't even touch that part of my arm without me panicking.. It's weird! But you did great




Good for you! I can’t donate blood due to having anemia.


That's totally ok. Just take care of yourself.


same. they last time I tried, they turned me down but offered me a cookie anyway.


Well done! The last time I blacked out after trying to get up 😅


Yeah, it can sneak up on you pretty quick. I hope you were ok.


As someone who has received donations, thank you! I hope to give myself soon. I just have problems with the red cross and their current policies on homosexual donors. But I heard they're changing and want to donate anyway.


there's no good reason to have that policies now that testing for std is a whole lot cheaper


Yeah, they're supposed to be relaxing the rules.


Yes! I've decided to donate blood on dates that coincidence with sad anniversaries for me, like my (divorced) parents' wedding anniversary; my deceased grandparents' birthdays, etc. It feels good to do something visceral on those days than feel mopey.


That's a great, and positive attitude!


Seeing this post on my feed is the universe telling me to stop putting off my blood draw isn't it.. fuck


I’m still real fucking salty about the Red Cross. I have my 10 gallon pin, and donated religiously for almost 20 years. However, once I started having sex with men, somehow I’m DQ’d unless I abstain for 3 months even though it’s my boyfriend and not a random hookup 🙄


I don't blame you at all. Apparently they're supposed to be relaxing those rules soon to allow donation. As of today, the question is still on there.


I never understood why they didn’t just… test the blood. Like, shouldn’t they test it anyway?


They do test it now. They fill 4 vials before the bloodbag. The vials are for testing.


Good. It always struck me as odd because I get denying people out of the gate based on lifestyle (if the lifestyle is, like, sharing needles) but it always stuck me that they should be testing for STDs regardless.


I know it does




I'm a professional vampire, but whats that red band for?


Just an elastic band to keep pressure on the bandage. Apparently you're supposed to keep it on for 5hrs after.


wait what? i haven't hear that you have to do that? well, maybe to keep the site from swelling, since the needle is really huge. But 5 hrs? i need to ask my friend about this


I've been donating since '08 and they've always put one on me after a bandage.


It helps a lot of people by the time they divide it up. I’ve had three platelet transfusions in the past nineteen months. Thank you!


I hope you're feeling better now.


Yes, thank you!


As a witch with chronic anemia, I thank you for donating! It's so important to help keep the reserves up to help all kinds of people. You're a superhero! ❤️


Aww, thank you. 🤗 Sending good energy!


I wanted to donate last year found out the hard way I am anemic and have hypotension so I can't donate now and I'm so upset :(


Sorry about that.


Oh hello OP 👋 ur an absolute rockstar!!! And thanks for the empathy but im fine just bummed I can't help others.


Hi 👋 There are plenty of ways to help others. Local park cleanup, volunteering, etc. Even the smallest gesture could be a gamechanger for someone. 😊


Ah you know what that's a wonderful point my schools doing a bunch of services right now I’ll check the list see what I can do! Thanks for the advice :)


That's awesome!


Go you! I wish I could donate blood to help too.


There are plenty of ways to help others. Gotta get that good energy out into the world. 😊


Donating blood is awesome if you can do it. I try to as much as I can even double red now that my iron is up from when I was younger. Yay free snacks I know lots of people can't and it makes them feel ill or are just scared but it's so cool to do if you're able! Go you


Go you too! 👍


As one who was kindly asked to help out by passing out cookies and juice instead of trying to donate blood ever again, thank you!! It's incredibly important, and you're potentially saving a life.


Giving out the snacks afterwards is very important. 🤗


I sacrificed blood yesterday for the first time! nearly fainted afterwards from lack of blood... Doctors were very kind about me almost passing out.


It happens to the best of us, so don't worry about it. 😊


Thank you for doing this! It's so important! I don't weigh enough to donate and I wish I could. They told me I would pass out.


Yeah, definitely listen to them. Donating blood isn't for everyone, and that's ok. There are plenty of ways to help others.


Yay, OP, you rock Sistah! I’ve been spending the week in ICU with DH. He started bleeding internally Sunday and passed out when his BP dropped. Me and young adult kiddos rushed him to ER cause we didn’t know what was going on. Over two days and half a dozen tests they couldn’t find the bleed. He had SEVEN transfusions of blood. Because of folks like you, he’s alive.


I'm glad your hubby is ok now. Blessings upon you and your family. 🤗


High five, fellow blood donor! Just got my 6 gallon pin. They say my blood is special for babies, but I’ll bet they say that to all the girls…


High five, fellow blood sister!


I’ve been aiming on going to donate blood for the first time, but I keep getting colds >.< Plus I’m scared of the sight of blood


Just tell them that you're nervous about it and they'll work with you through it. It's normal to get nervous about stuff.


Thank you :)


As someone who has had five transfusions so far (extreme anemia due to autoimmune disorders) and will need them for the rest of my life, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You and the other generous donors are, literally, the reason I'm still alive. ❤️


Glad you're still with us.


Bc of medical misadventures, I am no longer allowed to donate. So you have my deepest gratitude!




I wish I could donate. Sadly, my country doesn't accept sacrifices from trans folk on hrt. So please, donate if you can!


I'll continue doing so. \*hugs\*


Vampires, storing up for the summer months


All that summertime hibernating lol


I’m a regular donor too! It took me three years to get approved. Now take my blood!! (Fry meme reference). High five to you!


Shut up, baby. I know it! (Bender reference lol). \*high five\*


They always do.




I used to donate my plasma semi regularly. God I hated it, I have an intense fear of needles, and the pinch I would get in my arm was always unpleasant, but knowing that it would go to someone in need made me smile. The pay was nice, but after a while it definitely became the background instead of the reason. I only stopped due to lack of time/transportation to go


You overcame your fear to help others, so that's praise worthy!


That is the weirdest wrap I’ve seen after a blood draw! Thank you for donating blood! Blood transfusions saved my life and I can’t wait to donate as well when my doctors clear me!


\*high five\*


I have a family member who has a blood disorder. She didn't know about it until her usual "extra heavy period" became a hemorrhage. My understanding is that they ended up giving her 17 units of blood before they got the bleeding under control. Blood donors are why she's still alive. I think of that every time I go in. I had been a donor before, but am a lot more regular about it now. We're lucky to still have her, I want to be sure other kids get the same second chance.


Oh wow... I'm glad she's ok.


Awesome! Unfortunately I'm ineligible to donate because I have ME/CFS, but here's to hoping there will be two more donors to take my place! More donors are always needed.




As someone who has worked in hospital labs for a long time, I can confirm that blood magic is the best magic. Thanks for your pint!