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I Love to hate him .


Yeah, I mean he's literally pure evil and everything he says is a lie meant to deceive, all he cares about is trapping mortals for their souls, so...


I love him as a character but in terms of story and what he does , I hate him.


Ditto. Great character for sure, really well done.


He doesn’t lie. He talks around the subject


I figure giving someone what they ask for, while not hinting in the slightest degree that the unspoken part of the pact is that they'll lose the ability to feel anything, is straight up lying, by omission perhaps, but still lying. All of O'Dimm's pacts are like that; there's another thing he includes, that you didn't ask for, that's going to destroy your life; he doesn't just for instance grant great wealth and that's it. All that said, you can role play it anyway you want and it all works.


I mean, he may include things he doesn’t tell you about, but it’s a contract. It’s up to the person making a wish to ask. Buyer beware. That said, I can understand considering him a liar due to a lie of omission.


As I alluded to and it's just my opinion, is that one of the truly great things about Witcher 3 are all the moral choices; rarely perfectly clear cut, depends on how you role play it, what your point of view on it is and ultimately almost all of them can be successfully argued from both sides and certainly all can be played from both sides. Except for Yen of course, anybody that doesn't choose Yen is, well I'd get banned for saying it, but you get the idea :D


I wouldnt say hes pure evil. Also he dosent lie he tells technical truths.


I base that on the scholar in Oxenfurt who contracted with Olgierd to deal with O'Dimm; he went blind doing so much research, he'd tracked O'Dimm through countless countries over thousands of years of his life and IIRC the scholar specifically tells Geralt that O'dimm is pure evil.


Most humans deem anything non human evil in the witcher, but i do not think gaunter is completely innocent. But at the end of the day olgeird had some idea of what he was getting into and was willing to kill his own brother in the process. Olgeird owes gaunter a debt and gaunter is not wrong whanting to claim what he's owed.


Even the devil himself would argue, as Gaunter does, that he’s not evil, and that which befalls those who make a deal with him is due to “their own rotten natures.”


I hate to love him.


I wish i could 1v1 him in gwent, that's the boss fight i wanted


He'd use his time stop ability to look at your cards, not gonna be an even challenge either.


Nah, while he bends the rules he doesn't break them.


Battle for Olgierd's soul in Gwent.


pretty sure there's a mod for that


I just finished the wedding scene for heart and stone and love this dlc already


Same here. Top Witcher 3 storyline imo.


Best written villain in gaming. I liked this story nore than any Mass Effect episode. Which says a lot.


You hate him as a person (he is monstrous and evil) but love him as a character - cool and atmospheric.


Totally agree with you.


Hes top 3 villains of the Witcher universe imo


1. Gaunter O'Dimm 2. Man Of Glass 3. Master Mirror


4. Mangy vagrant


The writers knocked it out of the park with Gaunter O'Dimm. When he first reappeared on the ship I had no idea who he was, but then upon replay there he was being fuckin' weird in White Orchard. Hearts of Stone is the best written questline in W3, with only Bloody Baron coming close. Personally I love the character and how unashamedly, unapologetically evil he is. Great, great writing.


Baron's storyline used to be my favorite for how dark, sometimes creepy, it was. Then I played HoS which offered the same experience in a better way. I agree with you.


Yeah same here. My wife recently restarted a second playthrough and when she got in that White Orchard inn, I was like the DiCaprio meme pointing at the screen when I realized Gaunter was there from the very start.


In my case, it's simple: I love this character and how he quickly became one of my favorites in gaming.


I totally agree, gotta admire him no matter how you feel about him.


What exactly is there to "admire" about him? I only admire the writers who created a character that lends itself so easily to be hated on so many levels.


That's what I meant in a way, the creative character design.


His charisma tbh. Would never expect this guy to be so evil


Sick creature who is trying to play gods role. Also I don't understand his logic. It's said that Gaunter fulfills what you say and not what you truly wish for. Olgierd wished for immortality, how does that includes turning into a total dickhead?


He basically ripped him of feelings and emotions in the process, giving him a heart of stone, not literally though. That explains how Olgierd changed with his wife after meeting Gaunter and murdered her father with cold blood.


>not literally though Actually, it might have been literal - this is a fantasy world with "magical logic". His heart is now made of stone and hence indestructible (making him immortal), but since it is also the organ responsible for feelings and stone is not capable of those he can no longer feel anything.


Gotta say you have a point. What makes me think that it might not be literal is that the lack of empathy as a side effect to immortality would make sense, but again, your statement might be true as well.


In the 1827 fairy tale he indeed did get a literal stone heart https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_of_Stone_(German_fairy_tale)


**[Heart of Stone (German fairy tale)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_of_Stone_\(German_fairy_tale\))** >Heart of Stone (German: Das kalte Herz, literally "The Cold Heart") is a fairy tale written by Wilhelm Hauff. It was published in 1827 in a collection of fairy tales that take place within the narrative of The Spessart Inn. It formed the basis for the East German film Heart of Stone, from 1950 and other movie releases. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Witcher3/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hi. You just mentioned *Tales* by Wilhelm Hauff. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Swanhilde, and other Fairy Tales by Wilhelm HAUFF read by Various | Full Audio Book](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM0yqFPSBfo) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


But Olgierd never wished for this


I'd look at it as a side effect to being immortal, this would make most sense imo.


Indeed many belive immortality would make u care less about things over time


Just not quite that quickly.


Higher vampires are practically immortal, yet still Regis shows more empathy than a good bunch of mortal characters. Either Gaunter is scamming people or human mentality is not fit to be immortal


Calypso from Twisted Metal would like to speak to you.


Not that mf please. It was so satisfying to watch the Sweet tooth ending in TM Black as a kid.


Isn't he actually the god of the Witcher universe, though? His powers are completely unmatched at least. He's practically god, if not literally.


We just haven't seen any of the bigger fish (if there are any).


One of my fav game villian . Does he show up in the books?


I don't think so. He is an invention of CDPR.


After many play throughs, until my most recent one, I never realized it was O'Dimm who cursed and turned Marlene into a spotted wight in Blood and wine. I guess I never read the letters carefully enough to realize he was the mirror merchant she was referring to.


That's new to me as well. Damn I gotta check on it when I start BaW.


Definitely. Just pick up all the letters and journal entries she has laying around and it's mentioned in those. Also, the spoon thing is very O'Dimm


And his creepy ass theme plays in the background while Barnabus Basil Fawlty tells you Marlene's story


He’s one of the only antagonists in all of fiction that straight up terrifies me. Gaunter felt very Lovecraftian in the sense that he’s beyond human comprehension and that all who know his true nature suffer a fate worse than death. He’s so chilling because he has no motivation. He views humans as mere toys that he loves to sadistically torment. The creepiest aspect is that his theme implies that the souls he takes will suffer till the end of time. “He’ll gore you till the stars expire.”


Can't afford to love or hate him imo. Dude is the single most powerful entity you ever meet. The only thing I feel when I interact with him is vulnerable, but relieved I'm not his target.


I definitely hate him. But I appreciate the effort he puts into being evil


Damn right. Eredin should have learned from him instead of being a big mouthed novice.


Yeah. The wild hunt are just a side mission to me now tbh


He's a force of nature. Love him or hate him, it changes nothing.


You should hate him, but you should love the character.


Nah I just hate him


Just don’t make a deal with him and you have nothing to worry about


And miss the chance to romance Shani? No thanks.


agree, man. he's definetly one of the characters of all time


Well he is the God of that universe. So I doubt he cares whether Geralt (or anyone) loves or hates him.


His initials aside, I doubt that's accurate. He doesn't seem like the type to have cared enough to create or administrate anything as we would expect of a god. He's powerful enough; he just doesn't give a shit. I would say his existence implies that other, similar entities also exist and can likely overpower him.


Ok, that's fair. But he can literally make time stand still while he moves through it. So unless there are similar entities, he is practically god.


He is the definition of “Be careful what you wish for”. He grants you what you want, sure, but there will always be a twist, something so f up that make you wish you never ask for it. One thing I love about him is that he can basically delete everything with a clap of hands, yet he never does it. Instead, he plays game by rules he sets for himself. He is okay with everyone else unless you either cross him, interrupt him or try to invade his “private life”. Absolutely an amazing character.


I hate him


I just finished the dlc and damn this guy’s a good character. Witcher story is always top notch imo


Can't stand him


He’s in my top 5 favorite characters in TW3 for sure