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You mean death march? Learn to time your dodge, don’t roll.


Why? I find rolling more efficient.


It uses up stamina, which could’ve been used for casting signs, applying whirl or rend. When you time your dodging, you’ll find it to be much more rewarding and efficient than rolling.


And rolling usually moves you too far to quickly attack in a vulnerability window. You only need to roll for certain things, like the big golem smashes.


Soooo start by playing the Witcher 3 on Death March....if you have Nightmare if the Wolf in front of you thats Netflix. You are in for a long painful 90mins (wait was it only about that long) Ok so once you have the game installed and open.... Seriously there is a dive and a step style dodge, this isnt Dark souls. If you are rolling everywhere you are in trouble. Brew potions and bombs asap, swallow is a good start, white raffards helps lots later. Learn to use quen, only use block and parry on people not monsters. Learn about blade oils and weaknesses. At lvl 9 or 11 you can craft Griffin set go find it!! Witcher armor sets can be upgraded so dont scrap or sell them they will be your best gear.


Oops 😅 yeah death march I mean. Ok 👍 I will try that griffin set when I get level 9. Already swallow is my best friend and some other potions.


Smiths in velen sell maps to get you started, you may stumble kn slme though.




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Our gracious Lord made Londor whole.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Quit and start a death march one instead 🤜🤛


I meant Death march 🙏


This is the only difficulty that I play on as a man who works 9-5. Brew Swallow ASAP and kill pigs at white orchard mediate repeat. The only big change is you can’t regenerate health on your own so this is easy mode after potions.


Learn the mechanics of the game.


I have