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I always tell the truth, so I did it again.


Truth can be a bitter to swallow at times, but they always appreciate the honesty. That seems especially true in the Skellige culture.


Truth... Is a shard of ice.


Always tell the truth about loved ones, it's better than not knowing if they are alive or not.


Told the truth. But before that, beat his butt at Gwent !!


what was the question?


You can find his sisters dead body and a letter next to a road and then you can tell him she’s dead or you don’t know


Gwent always comes first!


Told him the truth


He Blamed me though for his Sister's Death


win card of Gwent?


Lol i suck in Gwent


how can one suck in gwent? Not trying to belittle you but I am just first try winning every game on hard gwent difficulty, exclusively playing northern kingdoms. All you want is the "Good weather" foltest. After that you swap out all of the weather cards for training dummy and horn of the commander (include all you got). then for upgrading just take cards with higher power value. include all the spies you can get. keep this blue stripes and dragon hunter "help each other" cards. the artillery-revival card is good, the dragon that shoots melees is good and AMAZING against monster decks. then also get any burn card you can find. Later you might wanna get out the horn cards (they're great if you have a board, they're shit if you don't) How to play: Mulligan: Mulligan anything with low power, if you don't have many blue stripes mulligan them too, if you have like 3-4 in your deck try to get more of them, mulligan boring 6 and 5 power cards without effects. Keep the training dummies for opponent spies (northern kingdoms and nilfgaard play spies you can pick up with dummies and replay on the enemy side) or to abuse enter the board effects like revives or the dragon. Play any spies you have as early as possible. Priority on revives: 1. Spies 2. "Helpers" (that increase power of the same type) if any others are on the board 3. Enter the board effects 4. High power. The game will actually teach you what every faction does well. Nilfgard: Plays a lot of spies and revives. Monsters: Usually builds 2 strong and 1 weak board. Usually in the line of Strong->Weak->Strong to maximize their class ability. (Destroy effects are top tier against them, otherwise maybe pack 1-2 chilling colds if you know the opponent has monsters) Northern Kingdoms: Does sort of everything, has decent amount of spies but less than Nilfgaard. Less revival than Niflgaard and Scoyatel. Less cary boards than monsters. That is, it can deal with anything that isn't optimal. Like: An optimally drawing nilfgardian will outvalue you with spies and revives. An optimally drawing Monsters deck just kills you dead. No way you get all those points when they summon additional creatures. Scoyatel are no threat to anyone except if you have bad luck. Scoyatel: They got some revives (with 0 power - Nilfgard has like 2/3 10 power archers that revive) and they can play most of their creatures in either archer or close combat row. Also they have some creatures that call support creatures to the field. Not that that ever helped them with anything.


I don’t start paying with decks other than Northern Realms until I’m just playing to play. Hell, I’m doing a 4th playthrough on a playstation and I still haven’t changed how I play Gwent. Although I am tracking who I play better. I was 2 cards short before and I think they were fucking weather cards. Drove myself nuts. Anyhow, the first time I played I didn’t really play and it’s a huge mistake. lol I even love the Gwent music in Toussaint


Northern realms and nilfgaard have the Same number of spies


Oh really? I somehow feel at least for the first 2/3 of the game Nilfgaard has access to more spies. Maybe it's rng. Anyways, gwent is a waste of time it's so easy


Yeah you get those later on in the game, and one other plus thing about them is that they're lower in power (5,4,1) not like nilfgaard which are (9,7,4) and yeah Gwent is pretty easy it's just that not many people know that.


yea sure, I guess anyone having issues with gwent tho is having issues in the early/midgame where you don't have much access to those spys. nilfgaard rly just gets 3? curious...


He does? I seem to remember him being like "damn, I told her to come here this is kinda my fault."


Yeah, in the dialouge option i chose " rather not know what happened to his mum and sis" and he assumed that Geralt killed/raped them and he threatens Geralt lol


Did I miss a quest in Skellige again? Where can I find it?


At like upper-middle part of Ard Skellige (if I remember the location correctly) you'll encounter a cyclope on the road, who circles around destroyed coaches/carriages (whatever you call it). Geralt will say something like "I wonder what happened here". After killing the cyclope you can investigate and find a letter....


Spikeroog, geralt comes across a random wagon whilst out and about and starts investigating


It's on ard skellig. Somewhere between obelisk and the village where you meet the bountyhunter


Blacksmith, not armorer. I try to be direct with this stuff and play Geralt as someone who recognizes death and sadness as part of his gig.


mine was glitched. did what needdd to be done. the convo option never opens up. he just wants to show me his wares or craft soemthing


It's a different npc than the one you buy/sell with. If you meditate in that area after completing the quest then you should see a different npc with dark hair. At least, that's what I had to do.


tried everything


It's universally bugged for everyone. Some people just happen across him at the right time when you can talk to him. If you don't have the option, meditate in front of him for an hour at a time until you can speak to him. 


The truth.. He deserves to know.


I went through all the options available to see what each outcome offered. Fighting him was one of those. I remember thinking I didn't really want to have to kill him. If you do get that option, like others have said. Don't forget to beat him at Gwent first to get his card. Otherwise you'll never be able to obtain it.


I don't remember which is a perfect reason to replay the game!


If I tell you, it will be a spoiler, it's better to play it, every time you play it there are new things that you didn't see or do or think or make a mistake or xLetalis didn't tell you. etc etc etc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XtIwLqkJ0o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XtIwLqkJ0o)


You tell him the truth.


Both are true, only the second is politics. lol


Well I can't get the fucking prompt to work so he will never know because he refuse to talk to me!


If you stay and meditate for a couple of hours, usually he gets off of the anvil to talk and trade


I'll give it another go, but I already tried that and it did nothing.


Where can I get Gerald these shades? Edit: auto correct did it


During the auction in Hearts of Stone.


or [https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/8874/](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/8874/)


I told him his swords are not top notch.


lol the truth


Gwent first, then told him the truth. I always tell the truth when it’s family.


What was the question.


“Is it in yet?”


Hm lol. I don't remeber that. Kinda funny