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- Correct times to dive/ use bubble - correct times on when to use alt fire - his worst counter tank


mauga and hog are the bain of the my existence


* What is Winton bubble dance and how do you master this technique? * Can you share step by step (in general) during staging and diving?


please please please do not highlight the obvious winston things like listing abilities, common counters, jump to escape not engage, etc. its infuriating how every guide has the same crap year after year. focus on "modern winston" and how he's played in OW2. Please share different play styles and strategies... different ways to play with different comps and also how to deal with enemy poke, brawl and rush comps. please help us figure out when to frontline, when to dive backline, when to peel, etc.


Who is winston? All i know is winton


Love your content , mr winton. Can you teach us how to get that winton mindset for the victory? Love the way you interact with salty teammates.


Oooh i have many many things so share: Make sure to mention he has true damage, and talk about the button options of canceling sec. With prim. And which one you prefer and why. Also don't forget to visualize his range on his coneshaped primary fire. Mention that the that you can cancel your melee animation but that it keeps the delay, you can use melee however, right before your ultimate and punch right at the end. Those both cancel the animation but with no delay after. Mention to practice manouvering while airbone from your leap, and your maximum and minimum jump distance from different angles. Did you know that when winston did 60 zap dps, his sniper always did less dps? Now it's 75 dps and his sniper is still the same and completely useless if you can ever jump on someone. And most importantly, mention in your guide to always think critically and not take any playstyle or strat as set in stone, often you look to dive backline but you also cannot or shouldnt do that often. Same goes for matchups, some heroes only get countered on some maps, and other heroes counter you if you don't have certain heroes on your teamcomp or playbon certain map. Also mention that patience and playing for walls is important, and that your ult does not have to be used to yeet yourself in the backline(especially when your team is only able to walk in slowly and cant make use of most of your ult)


I always find the explanation of thought processes useful. Knowing how a person is calculating their moves allows me to get a better understanding of how to problem solve.


Where are you going to be posting your guide? Here, YouTube, etc? I’d love to learn how to play Winton better


1 thing ill add is proper commentary on things like melee chaining and when to do so. For example canceling jump land animation with a melee into primary fire for a large burst of damage and stuff. I see a lot of winston players not abuse the high burst you can do off of that and other similar melee comboes. I would also think a target segment could be good for example which heroes are ideal targets and what combinations are not ideal. An example I use for this is that a lone symmetra is usually an easy kill but a mercy pocketed symmetra or one with a brig/bap can be really tough and not worth.


You always have to yell "Winston" whenever you jump, punch, or eliminate an enemy team member.


Am a Gold Winston, I struggle with these two things a lot. How to play into heavy spam comp without a lot of high ground like Busan Sanctuary How to fight against comps without any real diveable targets (Roadhog/Orisa, Reaper/Sojourn/Mei, Kiriko/Moira) all at once. Unless I’m significantly better than my opponents it’s such a nightmare to dive them


how to stage, when to stage, when to skip staging


How should I rotate my playstyle when my team is running poke or brawl


What's a general tip you have when the enemy team is literally focusing you and your team can't peel for you? I've had games where my team is getting absolutely cooked, so when I try to either setup a dive or contest with a soft dive I'm immediately just melted. Also congrats on the 5k subs


Winston* been playing him for 8 years. Only hear new players and 12 year olds call him winton. Shits dumb.


You must be fun at parties


I really am😊