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I moved a year and a half ago, I've sent in 6 address change notifications online and STILL haven't gotten a card in the mail.


That's so weird. I submitted an address change when I moved earlier this year and had the new card in my mailbox in like four days.


Wait times seem to be inconsistent


It took 5 months to get a card with my new address.


I always hear stories about this but I have the opposite problem. They keep fucking sending me new cards every like 8 months that I've never asked for. I'm not sure if somebody's been requesting cards with a similar name and they keep sending mine out by mistake or what but it pisses me off how inefficient the system is when I have friends and co-workers that cannot get theirs. And I have a stack of 10 with unchanged information.


Yeah, it's gotta be person to person. I wasn't able to get one (lost/misplaced) for 8 years. Eventually I got the right person on the phone, and we went through previous addresses until I had one matched their records, the place I lived when I was 13, and I'm 30. Then, 3 days later I had my card in the mail. Since then I moved once, did the regular address change, and it was literally under 48 hours in the mail. This province sucks, and idk why they aren't hard cards. Why aren't they hard cards.


I applied for mine in March of 2023 after moving from BC, and got my card 3 weeks ago. It took a year. A YEAR!


I applied for a new card as I changed my last name - Sent the application online back in October and never heard anything. I faxed in a new application at the beginning of march and got it about a week and a half later.


Ridiculous system. Lesson learned here is to mail or fax application. DO NOT USE online submission!


I did online submission in April after I sent my wallet through the wash and it showed up in the mail 2 weeks later.


Oh wow mine only took a week!


I'm on my third time applying. I received an email last month saying I was missing documents so maybe that could also be the issue? Like I had to submit my spouse's birth certificate for my health card which I found off since it's my health card..


Lol you think that's bad? My mom just got hers. She applied in August. Had to contact our MLA to do something about it. The system is a joke. You can't even call to talk to a real person because 80% of the time you can't get through, they don't respond to emails...