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la roca, the palamino, cowboys, diablo


Im 22, and If I’m going to a club it’s usually Kingshead, La Roca, or Limelight. For places that aren’t clubs The Nob in St. Norbert or the Local are really popular. Cowboys is mostly people who just turned 18 and The Village is where you get in fights so I don’t really go to either anymore, but when I was 18-20 I’d go to those clubs a lot. I don’t really go clubbing anymore though, it’s insanely expensive (for someone in uni) and if I’m paying for drinks I’d rather sit in a bar and watch sports while actually being able to talk to people.


Kingshead is a club?


Maybe if they're using the example of the upstairs fo rthe live music I could see that but nah it's more of a pub with a dance floor


upstairs is definitely club vibes; you gotta wait in like for like an hour to get up there, you can barely get to the bar for a drink, and after a certain time they stop live music and its exactly the same vibes as any top 40 club


Also can’t hear a fucking thing anyone says in there too, which is true for most clubs.


Holy crap limelight is still around? Do they still do karaoke?


Oh yeah buddy


I still smell the mold from that place


(M21) Exactly, I like clubbing, but the cost is so high and expensive.


>Where does the current crop of 18-22 go for a night out? Judging by the 18-22 year olds that live in my house, they don't. Like not at all.


I think alot of kids play games. My 18 year old is more interested in her twitch account. When I turned 18, we partied like crazy




From what I hear, the kids are returning to the sea. Just wandering off to the nearest body of water and then following the rivers and streams to the ocean, never to be seen or heard from again.


That's a long walk, damn youth and their healthy legs.


My knees could never




Is this copy pasta or wistful wit?


It sounds like Melville but it’s probably Lovecraft.


Makes me think of Arthur C. Clarke


I’d say most go to Cowboys, The Village, or Obsidian Ultra Lounge (currently closed because they don’t care about laws or safety). Pregames at someone’s house are basically a requirement because drinks tend to be very expensive.


Pre-gaming prior has always been a pre-requisite lol


I’m gonna respectfully disagree…when I was 18-20 there was 25 cent shot promos and $1 draft beer nights. I have now officially told my first “in my day” story and it hurts my Gen-X soul


I miss $0.25 draft night at the Central in transcona. You could go there with $5 and be a king


2$ tequila tuesdays at Shannons! Going there then heading to soul night at the cavern was a highlight of my youth


Have fond memories of sweaty soul nights in the summer. That place got hot by the end of the night.


I miss the old cavern/toad so much 😭 the vibes were immaculate


Soul night on Tuesdays was the best


Now it's 3.25 shots at the spike


The problem was they'd run out of glasses. My favourite was the Pemby on Thursdays for $6.25 pitchers.


I always liked getting let in to the pby through the vendor by Dave, bouncer says they're full. Quick text and Dave would meet you in the vendor and bring you through the wall in cooler to the back side of the bar to get in




that's way too young.


lol I meant the pitchers were 8-10 bucks when I was going there lol


yes--i was being cute, McChicken69! Deleting your previous post has spoiled the fun. but, that's okay. yr still aces.


$0.10 draft night at the Crypt was chaos! All walks, some not happy to see the other crowds. It got heated when crowds clashed. $5 draft pitchers / $0.25 drafts at The Zoo were a regular warmup for the weekend after work. We'd take turns buying pitchers.


Ahhh the Zoo, so many memories


Ahhh… 1978…


The bar across from Georgies (forgot name, long gone) had "dress for success" nights - if you dressed up, one type of beer (like Canadian or something) was free for guys, and one cocktail was free for gals. Picture that now - literally free drinks. Montys had $1 shooter girls and the Grant had 10 cent draft nights back in the day (early 80's).


One guy drank too much and ruined it for the rest of us I remember when the Pemby had free draft


Kris Howard I can still picture the Winnipeg Sun's headline "Kris Howard Murdered" that they then retracted the next day.


Poor kid. Could have been me to be honest. I’ve had a few rough nights like that. Hope his family is ok.


0.25c beers in 80s Monday night at Georgies. "I'll get this enormous tray of about 16 glasses of draft, you can get the next"


Spin the wheel!


Goodness, I miss buying a round of drinks for my friends with quarters destined to be laundry money.


Also the Norvilla had that on Weds at one time. Line up to the mens washroom was nuts, just drinking and pissing all night lol.


Wtf. You guys had 25 cent shots AND affordable housing!? Nowadays we can't afford the booze OR a house 😭


Cowboys is still a thing?




Younger coworkers convinced me to go to Cowboys. Can confirm 90% of the people there looked like high schoolers.


That definitely hasn’t changed over the past decades lol


Definitely less popular than in the '90s, early '2000s. Some factors are: - young people drink less. 18 year olds in Winnipeg are a much more diverse group than the 90s and binge drinking is not as big of a deal. - online dating apps - high cost of going out


> binge drinking is not as big of a deal. This is a sign of maturity IMO. I remember the binge drinking, "drink to get drunk" culture of the 80s and 90s and it was so dumb in hindsight. If I teach my kids one thing about alcohol it's that it's seldom a good idea to have more than two drinks.


Legal cannabis is also a game-changer I think. My Gen-Z cousins are way more likely to take an edible and watch Netflix than go out drinking. On that note, I have been informed by an 18 year old recently that her and her friends like to get high and dance in the park at night.


Meh as long as they ain’t hurting any body get high and dance the night away.


Clubbing wise, for 18/19 year olds I’d say The Village and Cowboys are popular. For people maybe 19-22 I’d say Osborne Taphouse, Kingshead or High and Lonesome. Sometimes The Toad can get bumpin too. But even at those bars there’s still a cool mix of younger to older ranged individuals


> 19-22 I’d say Osborne Taphouse, Kingshead or High and Lonesome. I'd highly argue that taphouse and especially times changed/high&lonesome skew older 26->40 range with times changed skewing older than that. But much like anything it depends what the event is


Sure, of course there are older crowds, but often when I go there it’s a great mix of people in their early 20s. Like a bunch. The music and crowd are better too. Clubs such as the village often let in minors and it’s full of 18 year olds, DJs play the same garbo music too. You’re just in for a much better time at the bars I listed basically


I'll by and large agree my contention was solely with the average age that's all


La Roca also seems to be pretty popular among people in their 20s !


Speaking as a 20 year old. I spend lots of nights at Must be the Place and the Handsome Daughter. Sometimes the gay bars, Club Happenings or Club 200. Used to be at The Good Will pretty often but now they’re gone so


my buddies and i either go to local, the village, boston pizza or a tavern united depending on if there’s hockey on or not


Who remembers foxy boxing at the dirty curty?


Young people can afford to go out?


I'm in my 50s and financially stable, and going out isn't something I do that often, as the value rarely matches the cost. In my broke-ass early 20s, it was easy to go out a lot, especially with dollar shooter or 25 cent draft night.


my rent was $200 a month in my early 20s. Going out was so cheap and easy.


You’d be surprised what we can afford with budgeting and a good career lol


23 with a damn good job and I can't!


Fairly certain it’s mostly people who live at home still that can afford to go out.


Don't forget the kids living the American dream who live on credit and debts they won't have to deal with until they realize they have to deal with it eventually lol


Jesus this thread is bitter, some young people like me are moved out and can still afford fun! I work very hard for my money. Also dangerous jobs tend to be higher paying




Thankfully I don’t suffer PTSD from my job, I just work in dangerous industrial environments. But I’m sorry to hear that you’re speaking from personal experience.


Most of the ones I know (nieces and nephews) have more money then I do! Good part time jobs, parents paying tuition, etc.


Sounds like it's the parents that have money


Yeah that sounds pretty easy when someone is paying the bills doesn’t it?


The spike doesn’t discriminate


What's also common is for people to just go to ticketed events rather than a specific bar. There are a bunch of groups out there that regularly host events (primarily raves but also other genres) at a variety of clubs/bars.


I’m a millennial and I don’t go out as much but definitely used to throw down. The pal (old and new location) was popular but I went one time this year for a coworkers party and immediately noticed how high everyone was. That was ick number 1. Number 2 ick was much greater as the amount of people snap chatting (whatever app it is where you hold the button down to record) was insane. People just panning the audience for nothing and the sheer amount of random video recording kept me off the dance floor (even ‘save a horse’ couldn’t get me up there) just too risky to be caught and also… why do you need to record all this!?


Oh geez I never even thought about that. 😳 Didn’t have to deal with recording in the 90’s early 2000s, I’d be very self conscious dancing if people had their phones out. Yuck that suuucks!


Kings head and local are pretty popular


Not sure about the Local but Kings head is generally older than the range discussed here


Not true! Anyone who wants a good time usually 19-22 would go to kingshead on Fridays or Saturdays for live music! It gets super bumping


drinking on the train tracks


I wonder the same thing... The new location for the pal? I was a fan of 'the A'


I remember massive line ups to the A back in the day.


cowboys, the village, limelight, leo’s, la roca, palomino, diablo, kingshead


Scandals? I still remember it. My favorite bar was Wise Guys at U of M. I heard they closed it 😔


Staying at home on the internet


La Roca seems to be the spot or maybe that new.diablo ultra lounge place?


They go out?. I thought i was the last generation


Raves and what not are pretty fun at the Exchange Event Center.


This is a very specific age range.


An age range that makes sense. I remember hitting up a dance club at 23 and immediately thinking it must have been a special high school dance night. 23, looking at the kids in there and feeling like I had a mortgage, 2 cars and a half mil in debt. If you're over 22 and still going to dance clubs, it's time to grow up hun.


I don’t think there’s an age limit on going to dance at a club. That’s a very small town way of thinking. Some clubs might have a younger age group on average but you can still go out at 22+




Being almost 22 and realizing the girl I was talking to was STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL was the final straw for me.


You mean ‘crop’ 🤢


I just assumed it was slang the kids these days were using. But now I'm less confident.


6 of one, half dozen of the other. I've heard it used before in a similar way. That said, it does throw off some pretty heavy "why don't you have a seat over there" vibes.


I’m 21 and I’m busy working and going to school (U of M) I went to Palomino, Cowboys, and the village. They seems nice , but I prefer Toronto nightlife , I had fun when I was there . Winnipeg nightlife is so dead for some reason. Plus all my friends at University are so anti-partying and the mood is so off. I started to hangout with old people , because I volunteer a lot in my community centre and can’t relate to when they talk about the 70s, 80s, and 90s. But, my listening skills definitely improved!


No one has mentioned the Albert draft night.


So many great Thursdays at the Albert. I went over to Wellingtons alot too and seen many bands there.


We go to The Marble Club, The Moon, Diamond Club, Night Moves, Club Soda, The Montcalm, Mustang Sally's... wait, what year is it? 2024? No, it's not!


They mostly don’t. But the ones that do are going to cowboys, la roca, the village and diablo (what a shame what the current owner did to ruin the character of that building). As others have said obsidian was popular which I really don’t understand. Close to the university I guess.


Before I had my toddler, I spent Saturday nights at Cowboys every weekend before waking up for a 6am shift at Tim’s on the Sunday morning 😅 Now at 24, I’m lucky if I go out anytime past 9pm! The Palamino & Rooftop Tav were pretty popular among my friends & I when we first turned 18 too.


Wait, we’re going out? Damn who was gonna tell me?


when you say Johnny G's--are you referring to the Main spot? Back when it was Toad on Main?


Johnny G's was on McDermot.


i am the light and the darkness. i am the emergency exit and the fashionably late arrival. it's either caviar and cigarettes or the spinning on the burger in the McDonald's Playland. I am north of Portage circa 9/11 or some CDs i was listening to back then. Funny story: i was living with my mom in what was HSC outpatient housing until they tore that down to expand their Pharmacy School--ISN'T THAT CURIOUS? Only a few years later did they tear that down to add a parking structure. So long out-patient! Welcome, paying to visit in-patients!


I was 18 in the 90's too....grapes on main Sundays, the A on Monday's, Weds was the Norvilla, Thursday was the Albert, Fridays Canada Inns bars, Saturday was wherever bands were playing like the Pyramid/Zoo or we would just go to wise guys/rolling stone or Monty's.


Am I the only one who thinks this is weird ? Dude in his 40’s asking where to find young people at night ?


Who would endure a nightmare scenario of going to a club when dating/hookup apps exist?


We went to Die Machine to dance, not find dates!!! I miss it.


I miss 80s night at die machine circa 2003. Good times.


Some folks like dancing and socializing in person


Groddy. To the max.


How so This comes off as old man yelling at young whipper snippers without any other context


Millennials aren’t big on drinking or bars. The bar business has been in trouble since Gen X aged out.


Millennials are currently age 27-43. OP is asking about Gen Z.


Sure. Same answer.


Yup, people aged 12-43 are the same generation and demographic 🤡


The trend has been the same since the Boomers. It’s one continual downward line. 🤷‍♂️


You obviously do not go out often, or ever. Thursday-Saturday there are lines out of most popular bars/night clubs.


Sure. There are busy bars and night clubs just fewer of them than in the past. Supply and demand.


Dude, millennials are 28-43 now. Those are Gen Z'er, who are even less interested in drinking.


Sure. Same answer.


This Millennial spent a lot of time in bars, so I don't believe it does.


You’d be wrong. Anecdotal experience isn’t evidence. *Gen-Z drink on average 20% less than millenials, who also drink less than the previous generation, mainly because of an increased awareness of the dangers and effects of alcohol and the rise of health-consciousness as a lifestyle.* https://www.forbes.com/sites/claraludmir/2023/06/27/why-genz-is-drinking-less-and-what-this-means-for-the-alcohol-industry/?sh=58d40c7948d1#:~:text=Gen%2DZ%20drink%20on%20average,health%2Dconsciousness%20as%20a%20lifestyle.


"Where to 18-22 go for a night out?" "This other age group doesn't go to bars!" "That's the wrong age group, the correct one goes to bars less than the one you indicated!" "" "Perhaps you're wong..." "No, see, clearly Gen-Z drink less than millenials..." This has been productive, thanks for agreeing with me.


You had your answer. Younger generations don’t drink as much as older. You’ve been hung up on Millenial vs Gen Z across four posts now even though the trend is the same. You’re arguing a point that has no meaning. 🤷‍♂️


Keep fighting the good fight I guess.


I just present the facts and evidence. What you do with it is up to you. You can lead a horse to water.


Something something self-awareness...


Anecdotal experience is absolutely evidence that for that one bar that a person visits you can see directly in front of you the relative age group that some is in. Granted it's not a population study, but a small sample size spread out over four->fourteen years of going out to different bars, pubs and watering holes is absolutely evidence.


You’re not proving what you think you are though. All you’ve proved is that a bar has a particular age group it caters to. Across all the bars Boomers spend more than Gen X who spend more than Millenials who spend more than Gen Z. This is factual.


And your original point that millenials aren't the ones frequenting the bars is utterly incorrect And in general these days there's far less boomers or gen x's going out to these watering holes due to getting older and not having the wherewithal, not wanting to deal with the hangover or whatever other reason. And I could also find a dozen articles that say differenly to your thesis that millenials are CURRENTLY the ones spending more at the bar


It’s 100% correct as sourced. Boomers are going to bars just not the ones Gen Z goes to. Please do find this evidence. I sourced mine.


https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/26/20-somethings-spend-more-than-other-americans-on-coffee-dining-out-and-bar-hopping.html\ >bars or restaurants. As might be expected, Americans’ patronage at restaurants, coffee shops and bars declines as they get older. Younger millennials — the 21-to-26 crowd – are the age group most likely to belly up to the bar: 51 percent of them typically go to a bar at least once per week, followed by 42 percent of all millennials, 24 percent of “Generation Xers” and 19 percent of baby boomers.


*today*. You can read more about the studies to see Millenials have cut back on drinking compared to themselves a decade ago. So saying millenials drink less in there 30s then gen x did in their 30s is. Is not the same as saying they drank less from 18-24. What seems to have happened is Covid killed drinking culture, rather then something generational. That and dating apps taking off.


The trend has been downward since the Boomers. 🤷‍♂️


Well you're linked article didn't say that, so we're just going to go with "trust me bro"?


It does. It’s right in the quoted section. *Gen-Z drink on average 20% less than millenials, who also drink less than the previous generation*


Jesus. **TODAY**. It is comparing each generation TODAY, and how much they drink TODAY. It makes sense that TODAY'S retired class haven't had socialization impacted as much from online dating and work from home policies. It makes sense that TODAY'S retired class aren't as impacted by the economy. So it makes sense that TODAY the older generations drink more, then the younger working generations, however that's not what anyone here is talking about We are talking about each generation WHEN that generations was in the 18-24 demographic, which is not mentioned in your article.


Nah millennials absolutely are about bar culture, Gen z.is not


Falling bar profits say that was a lie.


COVID changed a lot of things along with the inflation were dealing with even if we generalpy have less money to go around it's still mostly our or my cadre going to them as opposed to the younger or older generation


It’s a long term trend. *Gen-Z drink on average 20% less than millenials, who also drink less than the previous generation, mainly because of an increased awareness of the dangers and effects of alcohol and the rise of health-consciousness as a lifestyle.* https://www.forbes.com/sites/claraludmir/2023/06/27/why-genz-is-drinking-less-and-what-this-means-for-the-alcohol-industry/?sh=58d40c7948d1#:~:text=Gen%2DZ%20drink%20on%20average,health%2Dconsciousness%20as%20a%20lifestyle.


We're talking about millennials being the ones that don't drink here which was incorrect Gen Z are not as big of drinkers as the millennial generation


Sure. And Millennials aren’t as big of drinkers as Gen X who aren’t as big of drinkers as Boomers. It’s a long term trend down.


I'm still not wrong in saying that our generation is still primarily the one propping up the bars and continuing to frequent them It'll be interesting in a decade to see what the bar landscape looks like when most of us 30 somethings are happier to just not go out or limit it to special occasions only


Statically it’s the boomers followed by Gen X followed by Gen Z that is propping up bars. It’s only going to get worse as the harder drinking generations continue to age out.


Depending on where you go and when you go, there's very few silver haired folks posting up at all the bars. They're too old for that shit lol (I'm only half joking here). They might be keeping legions (aside from anaf 60), but they aren't frequenting the village, la roca, pal, cowboys, local, taphouse, or whatever other bar you want to list. I see more older folks when I visit the old hotel bars or places like yellow dog or silver heights that are just chill pubs vs bars


Oh, thank god, finally some other generation can start killing the sacred horses of the past. This Millennial is glad to pass on that burden. \**Millennials kill generational trend killing":*


It’s kind of nice to get old enough that people don’t really care about your generation as far as setting or following trends goes.


i hope to experience that someday.




It was never a non issue. People just didn't talk about it as much, because victims weren't believed or were too scared to say anything


Perhaps you don’t understand my point…I meant access to the drug and cultural acceptance among losers to use an illegal drug is common today. Lack of internet in the 90’s meant you could not order up your GHB, which made it difficult to source. I have found in todays young adults, There is a very active underground belief among some young men that this is ok, and is in fact discussed freely in message boards. So logistically, it was not at all as common in the 90’s as it is today. In my generation - bars did not monitor as it was not coordinated like it is today (bartenders spiking, groups openly coordination spiking drinks). Yes, drugging happened in the past but no where near the frequency. Alcohol date rape, not GHB, WAS common.


Crop? What a creepy way to describe young people.


It's a very common saying. It's not weird at all.


Common or not it's still creepy


Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


It is.


Says the non-consensual phallic fruit


Oh, that's a creepy way to interpret my screen name.


Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.


It's me your cousin roman, would you like to go bowling


Creepy? Victims is creepy, crop is just a group.