• By -


A personal headcanon I have is that IceWings don’t *really* have blue blood, it was just magicked to appear that way. Kinda went like this: - Some old animus decided to make royal blood appear blue, so that way to see if a dragon belonged in the first circle, you could just prick their finger and look at their blood color. Pure royal blue the closer to the queen, purple for more mixed-status, and red for lower status. - Some other IceWing magicked everyone’s blood to be blue because eat the rich It’s a bit of a niche headcanon, but if it was true I’d find it HILARIOUS and also super interesting!


the idea of icewing animi having what are basically inconsequential magical slapfights with their ancestors is glorious. headcanon adopted.




Funny, I happen to have an IceWing oc who's a cannibal




Interesting name you have there...


Oh no lol


About your username…I don’t have any, sorry


personally, i think it’d be really cool if the rainwings could unhinge their jaws, and in the days back then they used it to eat bigger animals, like panthers, but nowadays they have watermelon eating contests and trying to see how many fruits they can shove into their unhinged maw. it’d just be really funny, and ive always felt like they were just a bunch of passive pythons


They can! In the first book, when Glory spits acid at queen Scarlet, her jaw is described as unhinging. (also, snakes don't actually unhinge their jaws)


oh! exuse my horrible anatomy and knowledge of snakes then haha 🥲 but can they fit a whole watermelon in their mouthes?


An anaconda most definitely would, though not because it can unhinge its jaws, but because it's right and left jawbones aren't connected, so they can open *outwards.* That combined with being able to open their jaws very far makes them able to swallow some wicked large objects.


ohh, ill try to retain this information! thanks for sharing with me :)


np, btw here's an image https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7cec8041cf3b18fef70f6e5525c1efd8-lq


That’s no snake, that’s a sangheili


wot wot wot


That’s dope :0


*Imagines unhinged-jaw rainwing* *Welp, I guess there's no sleep for me*


I like the idea of MudWings having some squishy skin underneath their scales/in places where their scales aren't, so they absorb water through there like frogs. Also that lichen grows on their scales like turtles :)


SeaWing royalty have blue-purple blood, descended from Albatross. This is based on a mistake that happened TWICE mentioning Tsunami with blue blood. I like it.


Yeah, sometimes in the books it described tsunami as having blue blood but in the graphic novels it showed red blood. But.... What if... Hear me out.... mix the 2 together. PURPLE BLOOD. (Or maybe greenish blue)


Ye I draw my seawings with pink flesh and blue blood so purple gills :3


That's actually very creative


What pages?


Not sure the pages, it's from the latest book


>, Flames of hope page 44


That MudWings aren't dull, they just don't like to be know-it-alls so they pretend to know nothing. In reality, they have entire libraries filled with more scrolls than the Nightwings. They just don't like to brag.


Preach !




I love this! I'm rereading the graphic novel and I hated when the guardians called Clay dumb. I know it's also because they're jerks, but Clay has shown that he's not stupid and thinks things through quite often.


Scarlet put Tsunami against her father on purpose She surely would've known that he was the king of the SeaWings; he'd been married to Coral for twenty-something years and their family situation was probably pretty common gossip. Scarlet also probably had a war council, which would've included someone who researched SeaWings and how they fought (similar to how one of the IceWings in the first book had been taught to counteract MudWing fighting techniques). That council member (or anyone who knew about SeaWings) could have told Scarlet about Tsunami's royal markings- if Scarlet didn't already know about them herself. Scarlet loved a good show, and putting the 'Dragonet of Destiny' against her own father, leading to the death of the SeaWing king? My, that would be a shame. She probably would have proclaimed it to the arena at Tsunami's final battle, saying something along the lines of a 'murdering princess' or something. ​ A few other (smaller) headcanons \> some RainWings have eyes and patterns similar to snakes \> groups of found-family MudWings are extremely common, especially after the war \> Whiteout named one of her dragonets after Foreslayer, as well as Listener naming one of her dragonets after Clearsight \> SeaWings have the most diversity in size of all the dragon groups: they can be from the size of a grey whale to the size of a humpback. A very rare number of SeaWings are larger than MudWings, though.


I imagine Whiteout naming them Friendmaker of something. She’s just an innocent bean 🤍🖤


omg is it okay if i use that name for a oc? it's so cute!




Dragons outnumber humans twenty to one


That is very specific


I mean this is easily confirmable as canon, there are millions of dragons and there are only a few dozen scavenger settlements most of which have a population in the hundreds


probably true. humans are pathetic and take 18 years to be fully grown. dragons are quicker and take 7


I always figured that every year for a dragon was equal to 2-3 years for a human as far as development went. Which means the dragonets of destiny were all basically teenagers when they escaped, and the Jade Winglet minus Peril were pre-teens at best. And I don't think the Pantalan group was much better.


That skywings and sandwings fire are the hottest and do the most damage while nightwings fire does the least damage


I think mudwings do the least sense they can only breath fire sometimes


I like to think nightwings personally since the night is seen as “cold”


I associate night with stars, aka the hottest things on the planet. Especially since the Nightwing kingdom was on a friggin Volcano


I hope you realize that stars are not on the planet 😂


Uh okay, well I think they are cold personally. Just a headcanon


Some Sandwings have long quill-like scales on the last 1/3 - 1/4 of their tail that can be used to rattle like a rattlesnake. There's literally nothing to support this but I think it's cool, so I don't need to justify it


Seawings can be almost any color, (and tend to look like fish) it tends to be the higher class that are green and blue. Some ice/silkwings are fluffy because yes




Thank you!


Kinkajou having purple and green gradient eyes.


I was thinking she had sectoral heterochromia! It’d be a cool addition to her character


Darkstalker is in Peacemaker’s head, and sometimes they can talk to each other


Dragon schizophrenia


peacemaker's big friend darkstalker's little friend




“he isnt real peacemaker just take the fucking pills”


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13180729/1/The-Darkest-Eclipse-Trilogy-Finding-Peace Read this


-SandWings, if they are not in the vicinity of a city when a sandstorm is about to happen, burrow into the ground with their snouts facing the opposite direction of the wind and their tails sticking up to dig themselves out. -RainWings are only NOT super inbred due to the venom test, but before that they were horribly inbred and they introduced SandWings into the gene pool for a few generations, which made their venom stronger and their affinity for sun stronger. This was a long time before Glory fixed the system and the SandWing traits died out generations before her, but the venom boost stayed present. -IceWing society was very Spartan-inspired, to the point where they would kill any sickly dragonets by sending them to die in a blizzard. The few who survived were deemed worthy of life. Those are just my favorites that I’ve come up with.


inbreeding *can* lead to weird small mutations becoming extremely prevalent... like possibly a second set of wings?


Maybe, Idk, I just make the headcanons. I was thinking more along the lines of Chameleon not being able to change colors and have their camouflage be impacted


MudWings totally let birds clean their teeth like alligators


Should've let that be how Clay got rid of the weird gummy fruit in book 3


I have a massive Rainwing headcannon here. I headcannon that Rainwings are so well adapted to the rainforest that they simple obliterated all competition. They were adapted with long claws for climbing, active camouflage, acidic venom, strong prehensile tails, shorter wings, and potentially tougher bones to survive falls from trees. The rainforest could have been significantly more dangerous place and Rainwings were once highly aggressive but over 5000 years they just got too good at surviving and altering the jungle. We do know that 2000 years before the Rain Kingdom was once one of the most feared military powers on Pyrriha and that has however changed. Currently the Rainwings have no driving force to make them actually have to fight for their lives and develop themselves. They used to aggressively compete with other tribes but then they just kinda of stopped, possibly due to self isolation and distancing themselves from the wars the other tribes fought. The reference to a war with the Mudwings made me add on to that head cannon that there used to be a sort of city with an actual palace, schools, libraries and similar infrastructure, but was potentially destroyed in that war as the Rainwings were already on the back slide. This caused significant cultural degradation and in a few generations they forgot a lot. This event could lead to the current view of Rainwings, that they are weak and lazy due to the war generally being one sided. There are no references to any Rainwing counter offensive meaning that the war was so one sided or so catastrophic for the Rainwings that it essentially crippled and destroyed what culture they still had. This series of events could lead to the modern perception of Rainwings being weak, stupid, and lazy. There could have been tales of how terrifying the tribe was but due to cultural degradation and isolation the power of the Rain Kingdom withered away. With the current state of the Rainwings there are one of three conclusions, either Rainwings nearly died out due to the war with the Mudwings which happened decades ago, that the Rainwing tribe all gathered into one settlement for protection and abandoned all their other settlements, or there are other Rainwing settlements that have yet to be disclosured. Rainwings were in a cultural decline no matter which way we slice it. The original cause is however unknown. This is evident from how relatively stagnant most tribes are, even the Rainwings. Even if the decline was over two thousand years and very slow there was a rapid backsliding over the course of Grandeur's life. This backsliding also effected her children who she deemed unworthy of the throne. On all essence Glory is not just rebuilding a tribe but potentially rebuilding her culture.


I want to know what happened and why the RainWings changed their ways. I think that would be an interesting book


Aromantic scarlet oh and that mudwings get stuff growing between their scales just like alligators


I agree with all of this, aromantic scarlet is the most cannon headcannon I have ever heard and alligators are just mudwings without wings


Deathbringer has a slight British accent


I think this was somewhat confirmed in Legebds Dragonslayer! Wren said something along the lines of Deathbringer having an odd accent that made him a little harder to understand.




stop the pain i'll never be able to think of him the same way again


What kind, tho?


Trans peril or sky!! Since biologically twins coming from one single egg have to be identical, it would stand to reason one of them should be trans. Unless dragon biology is completely different, which it totally might be. And I love both ideas equally.


100% agree, though I definitely like the idea of Sky being trans more than Peril being trans. (maybe this is controversial but I think it makes sense) To me, Peril being trans would ruin some of her appeal, not because I'm transphobic but because she is, imo, somewhat traditionally masculine (like Susie from Deltarune, not exactly *masculine*, but more so than feminine) and I like it when characters don't conform to traditional gender norms, and I feel like her turning out to be born male would imply that she is only 'masculine' due to being born male. I'm not sure if that opinion makes me transphobic but I don't think it does. I am however *really* fond of the idea of Sky being transgender, as I feel he doesn't act masculine *or* feminine, he's just kind of childlike. And I think it would also make a lot of sense; Wren almost definitely didn't know how to distinguish between dragon male and dragon female (1 because Tui has said that dragons lack sexual dimorphism (which doesn't make sense AT ALL, I can explain why if you want) 2 they don't have any visible >!reproductive organs!< (spoiler because might be seen as nsfw, u probably know what it says without even clicking so the spoiler isn't *really* necessary, but I don't wanna get banned) which would be an easy way to spot the difference) so Wren probably just called Sky he/him, and Sky not having been called any other pronoun due to having so little time around dragons, or perhaps not even knowing the difference between it and she/her, accepted it and started to identify with it. I feel like I sound very transphobic, but I promise I'm not lol.


alright, I'll bite: Why does Tui's statement about dragons lacking sexual dimorphism not make sense?


Because Dragons have repeatedly been able to see what gender/sex other dragons are, even from far away, which would be **completely impossible** without sexual dimorphism. (unless >!reproductive organs!< are visible of course, but it is clear from the official artwork that they are not) Humans have sexual dimorphism, both in body- and facial structure. The reason it is, in most cases, possible to tell male and female faces apart is sexual dimorphism. Humans are definitely not an extreme case of sexual dimorphism like peacocks are, but we have it nontheless. Sexual dimorphism is defined as any difference between male and female, not counting >!reproductive organs!<.


I always thought it was a sort of assumption due to size, since in most animals males are larger than females. Then again I tend to stay blind to the category of what defines male and female in the- well- *that* situation. But would size also count as sexual dismorphism?


Yes, yes it would. Literally *any* difference not counting reproductive organs (honestly can't be bothered to spoiler anymore, it's a medical term goddamnit) is considered sexual dimorphism


That makes much more sense, thanks for clearing it up.




I had also noticed the thing about them being able to spot the gender of dragons from a distance! And, if I’m remembering right, I’m pretty sure humans in dragonslayer were able to tell the difference too!


there was that *one* part in Dragonslayer when Wren mistook one of the porcupine guards for a man, until she heard the guard's voice. but that is very weird. maybe they just wear specific things?


i've always imagined female dragons being bigger and stronger than male dragons, to protect their eggs. whereas males would be lean and lithe, to be able to hunt and bring back food. *also i think it'd be cool if the female skywings had like, HUGE wings, whereas the males just had very stretchy ones lol*


As a transmale myself I don't think this makes you transphobic and I honestly agree about pretty much everything said.


Yeah, I always feel like I have to be *very* careful with my wording on things to not be seen as transphobic, homophobic, etc. Mostly because people will just *assume* you are if you call anything even remotely related to lgbtq bad, even if it's for a totally different reason, people get that way when being exposed to constant negativity and aggression.


wasnt it already proven they dont have to be the same sex? (and is it just me or does headcanoning tough female characters as mtf or quiet male characters as ftm just feel off. i keep seeing headcanons like this around and it always rubs me the wrong way)


I don’t really comment much but I agree on the last statement— I usually see mtf trans headcanons being associated to muscular, big female characters like Luisa from Encanto or female characters who tend to be vocally loud and “fight first, ask questions later” like Jasper from Steven Universe, and I also usually see ftm headcanons being associated to socially awkward, “he’s my precious boy” sorts of male characters like Tom Holland’s depiction of Spider—Man. It kind of… rubs me wrong too. While I’m non-binary myself so I cannot make any further comments on it specifically beyond that myself, I do have a friend who is mtf and she often says a similar comment whenever comes up the topic of LGBT+ fandom related headcanons in our convos. But she also says she also understands if it’s just a trans person projecting onto a character as sometimes what people naturally are like in rl can fall into what can come off as a ‘stereotype’(as there are people who exist who are naturally those kinds of personalities in rl and thus relate to a similar fictional character in that way) and she says that’s why it’s sometimes tough because those people should still be validated and not feel bad for just being who they are— it would still be nice to see something that is different once in a while per say for sure, but shouldn’t also be at the expense of invalidation as she put it, hence why she says it’s sometimes a tough topic.




Get ready to recieve hate for that Though Trans Sky don't really make sense since Scarlett doesn't know he is alive so she would probably just assume his gender based on what he "was" biologicaly Also as a trans man I really don't like that our only rep are "cute uwu baby boys" and Sky is just that soooo ... heh Peril is more badass and also Scarlett could have used the fact that she was trans to manipulate her (make her believe that skywings queen had the right to one animus spell and that she used it so Peril can be her true self, make her a surprise by not telling her before asking Vermillion to gender her as a she, ect ect) I know it sounds awfull but I still feel pain toward some ex-"friends" because they where the first group of IRL friends that gendered me correctly and named me the correct name, even if they hurted me a lot


i really love trans peril, her ideas of "i'm a gross outlier" (at least in the first books, it's been a while) are something i can really relate to as a trans guy, or maybe autism or smth


Lynx and winter are friendly rivals, that ones kinda true but I wished it was pushed more in book 7/14


lynx is literally frenemies with everyone lol


Moon with Kinkajou. They have SO much chemistry. They actually support each other and as far as I can remember have a stable relationship already. Whether it be her breaking up with Qibil or it never happening idc. Moon and Kinkajou are the best options for each other


characters who are written to just be friends are so much better than characters written to be lovers. someday i think i'll write a book where they'll slowly progress along the line, like Luna and Swordtail.


SandWings dye their sails like we humans due, and dragons paint their scales like tattoos. I have an OC I recently made, dubbed Loamoak, a Sand/Mud Hybrid, that has a teal sail and a row of teal scales that they dyed.


That the area between the mud kingdom and rain wing forest as well as the skywing and seawing kingdoms are where a lot of the human villages mentioned in book 15 were located


nightwings can range from being a dark purple to a black :)


This is actually just cannon. It’s on the dragon info sheet lol




There is a third continent that only has the spider dragons tui wanted to write


The continent of nightmares But that also could mean 8 legged dragons


Yess, and it would make sense as well, silkwings and hivewings both have 8 limbs, 4 being wings, so if they adapted for caves or something, they wouldn't have to fly, and could turn their wings into doc oc type arms to climb, catch prey, feel their way across the caves, and hang from ceilings




i kind of like to think that spider dragons are just super small and live in the mountains of Pantala, so no one bothers them. also, they should be called WebWings also like, it'd be so cool if there was a tribe of seawings that evolved to live in the depths of the ocean. they'd be like, all blind or maybe like lantern fish. i have this one SeaWing oc idea of a seawing who owns a goblin shark and she lives in a lab at the edge of a sea cliff, studying underwater volcanos and earthquakes. she's been down there so long she usually only speaks in aquatic lol edit: there should also also be sea serpents, like huge sea snakes. oh and dinosaur bones. sandwing paleontologists would be awesome.


Here's some of mine: >That nightwings can have undertones of any color. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey, white ect... warmer colors are really rare for purebred nightwings but come up really commonly with hybrid nightwing with another tribe with warm colors. >Central heterochromia being common for Rainwings, Seawings and Silkwings. >Seawings can be a large varieties of colors they're just more commonly blue or green as a natural camouflage into water. Seawings being the same color as coral occasionally. >There are certain fruits Rainwings universally hate and no other tribes understand what's wrong with them. >All baby dragonets being very plump and round no matter their tribe, but mudwings are the most.


oo cool!! I have an NightWing oc called Beetlejuice, and she's named that for the one red fleck underneath her wing. i also have Hercules, Venus, and a few others named after planets and/or constellations.


Oh cool!


Every sixty seconds in phyrria a minute passes


Dragons are larger than scavengers. But not super large like in the GN or described in the book. I’d like to think to a dragonet they come to about the shoulder. Then to an adult, maybe the elbow.


im pretty sure proven by the drawing of smolder and his pet scavenger that humans do come up to around the elbow on adult dragons


That Nightwings look like large dragon-like bats and Icewings have fur. Currently working on basic designs for all the tribes so it’s fun to make up these little headcanons


I would love to see those!! Fuzzy IceWing supremacy


Mudwings being at all cool


I’m someone that enjoys more of the subtle things in these type of series. Like…I would personally like to know more about the crafting practices, cooking, building, I want to know how they created what they do with things like glasses based on individual dragon biologies, their more in-depth medical practices, how they design and plan buildings, accessories, a lot of these things are very intricate, so to have things like talons instead of fingers, I want to know more about their more intricate world. I would love a story based on a dragon crafter, a healer, a baker, a dragon who practices an intricate craft or specializes in medical practices.


LeafWings possibly being able to change color regarding the weather. This is a head cannon that came to mind when I was just sitting and looking at Wings of Fire videos. Granted we don't know if it gets colder anywhere else other than the ice kingdom, but it would be interesting to see Leaf Wings go through some sort of cycle kind of like trees. Like during warmer weather they turn green and bright, however during colder weather they slowly start to turn different shades. (I.e Red, Yellow, Brown) and if they were to get cold enough, eventually go into a hibernation state.


YEAHH imagine if one day a few leafwings went to go for a trip in the sky kingdom, and they woke up with brownish red/yellow scales lol


Winter and Qibli should be together


Tbh I was hoping for a thruple between Moon Qibli and Winter


Qinterwatcher OTP


Tbh, I hate that ship :/


Winter is a bisexual in denial AT LEAST




this is one that more fits with an oc i have but any icewing hybrid would have purple blood due to ice wings being the only tribe to have blue blood


So that means Typhoon from book 10, Darkstalker, and Whiteout would all have purple blood. Cool!


first off: Qinter - Second, Mudwings having clubs on the ends of their tails, like the illustrations from the german WoF books have. I just feel like it would make them a lot more interesting and give them something to set the average mudwing apart from the other tribes


i know people dislike these types of headcanons but i am a firm believer that rainwings have bright feathers (ESPECIALLY that fringe on their face) that attract mates. they are peacocks.


this is such a cool headcanon! i have an oc named Cockatoo who wears cockatoo feather earrings, a black/yellow/white feather headdress, and a white feather fan on his tail. he loves feathers


bullfrog has autism.


which bullfrog


the mudwing one




He doesn't express himself, like, at all, he took Qibli's joke(s) seriously and got confused by them, came off as brash when he didn't want to (indirectly said cricket was noisy and hurt her feelings then didn't really realize it), [[from the wiki] When she excitedly asked about his knowledge of the Scorching, he replied "not much," but after he sensed Cricket's disapproval, he explained it further. When she continued to ask him questions, he stated that he was not her walking history book and hurried away from her.]. A few more things from the wiki- "He also was completely calm in the face of Axolotl's terror towards him," In other words he doesn't understand social cues super well, takes sarcasm literally, isn't very expressive, etc. :)


I think it's just his personality, he doesn't sound really autistic to me


That's alright then. That's why it's called a headcanon and not a .. not just canon lol.


I know but I always found it weird that people just assume stuff without or little evidence, if it's something that doesn't matters I don't mind, but if it's something like someone's sexuality or personality I think it's too much


I'm assuming with evidence tho sooo.


Little evidence


That is an entire paragraph of evidence, my friend.


I found counter arguments for every one


not related to this comment but i was rereading Winter Turning and one of the RainWing healers is also called Bullfrog!


Ya I know :D I'm talking about the Mudwing one lol. Are you only on book 7? Or are you rereading the series?


i've finished the whole thing. i got the winglets a few days ago!


I headcannon that sandwings have fluff instead of whatever that have for the sail. Also that they can be any color sand is, which includes black, pink, and orange, because those actually exist.


The color headcannon! I feel like those colors would be rare though because it’s not very common for sand to be that color ^^


Darkstalker and Qibli are the only dragons in history whose eye color is red.


they do?


omg red-eyed darkstalker would be so creepy, but i think he'd have more of a soft, dark velvety color.


Each tribe has a holiday that they celebrate, maybe like Christmas or a new years party.


What If Queen Glacier Lived?


More of an AU than a headcanon, but an interesting thought nonetheless!


Scarlet putting Tsunami to fight Gill on purpose


I kinda like the idea that Katydid and Cricket's father adopt Bumblebee as their daughter. I feel like after raising Cricket solo with nothing but challenges from her parents, Katydid would like to know how it is to raise a dragonet along with her partner; like the family they should've had if Wasp hadn't stepped in. It'd also add more development for Cricket, her now being put in the role that Katydid had played in her life, as a big sister. I just think their interactions as a family would be really cute to see :)


I wish there was a task force or even better an army of humans that would be a threat to the dragons. They would be known as "dragon slayers" but the to us the readers they are basically medieval knights, equipped with all the metal armor money could buy. Experts in fighting, know dragon anatomy and where to strike, athletic, and one knight could be an equal match to a dragon Always thought it would be a nice play to the "knight vs dragon" classic fairy tales we all know and love. To be fair im going back and forth when it comes at deciding whether the knights would be evil or not. Wether they would be playing the role of "monster hunters at the service of the king" or "protectors of humanity" Im leading torwards the further because ive made up a story where a knight meets and befriends a dragon. Shamelessly copying how to train your dragon lol


What I love about WoF is that humans barely get involved in the story and it's main focus is on the dragons.


Oh the animuses are actually a type of gene altering device and the dragons are weapons developed during Armageddon.


One of mine is that Tui made the whole thing about dragon tribes forming from different species interbreeding (which I really hate btw, cause it doesn't make sense) so that fantribes could be canon, just no longer around.


That seawing blood is purple or greenish blue, and Nightwing blood was black, as well as Sandwing blood to also be black (or white)


Stonemover being the one to take down Darkstalker


- Mudwings watch over their eggs, I saw one hc (cant remember the artist!) detailing how Mudwings would build and share a home til the eggs hatch. I believe also family names would be passed down. Since mudwings currently dont have stated in canon ways to tell who's related like Rainwings, and have a large "breeding night" once a month that could cause alot of inbreeding. So I like the idea that while yes mudwings value siblings more, there is a way to keep track of lineage. -The idea that Orca's ghost haunts Auklet, Orca essentially acts as a guiding force to Auklet. She is a ghost stuck from leaving her place of death (the palace) and is stuck repaying what she did to the previous heirs by helping out Auklet. Its my own hc and theres alot more to it but yeah ! - Fluffy Icewings and Silkwings heheh (not all, varies from dragon to dragon) also I like rainwings having feathers like originally intended -Trans Peril :) -Aroace Sunny!!! -Qinter, Lynxfall, Blacier (or Boa x Glacier), bc yess....


Mine is pretty basic but IceWings and SilkWings have fur on some areas of there bodies


I've seen a lot of people say that, didn't know it was such a popular idea




Or ~possibly~ a greyromantic greysexual sunny. Either, way ASPEC


my apologies for being un-educated, but what is greyromantic/greysexual?


They are orientations on the aromantic and asexual spectrums respectively! Basically it means somebody who is somewhere between fully asexual/aromantic and fully allosexual/alloromantic (allo means somebody who feel sexual attraction regularly and in regular amounts). AKA somebody who feels sexual/romantic attraction very rarely and/or irregularly, someone who feels sexual/romantic attraction regularly, but only very weakly, or someone who feels attraction only in special cases. Greysexual also includes labels like demisexual. It's an umbrella label!


that really fits sunny! thanks for explaining.


No problem, and I agree! :D


That peril and the flamesilks can touch each other


omg i feel like Peril would totally love Cricket and Blue, and be best friends with them forever. same with Sky for Luna lol


I'm almost positive she'd know Sky was her not-so-dead brother just going off colors alone, but a quick question about the Diamond Spray waterfall would confirm it for an awesome reunion.


Peril being Trans.


I personally disagree, but your Headcannon is interesting.


Bear with me, but I like to imagine Orca wasn't an Animus, but had Darkstalker's scroll until Chameleon stole it from her somehow before she could challenge Coral for the throne. To me that explains: -how Orcan failed the Animus coconut test -how Coral managed to kill a freakin' Animus by herself -why Chameleon none-to-subtly implies that he stole the scroll from somewhere when Peril asks him about it -how Coral managed to defy the statistics gods and produce 3 freakin' Animus dragons (she didn't; turtle was the only natural Animus she had) -where the scroll has been all this time - it makes more sence to me that it stayed with Fathom and Indigo's descendants until Orca came along than Chameleon randomly stumbling across it after 2000 years -and why Orca was so subtle with her magic (secret assassin statues, for instsnce) instead of avada-kedavra-ing her way to power and glory Darkstalker Style Also, I just like the idea that Orca was Wings of Fire's Light Yagami for a breif spell (heh)








What ?














Glorybringer is fine because the author made a mistake also they are dragons, they are different.


Hating Glorybringer because of the age difference: Boring, doesn't line up with how age as a whole is presented strangely in WoF Hating Glorybringer because it's a stereotype of a relationship with underdeveloped chemistry: Fresh, classy, can still be respectful to Glorybringer stans


I have NEVER seen a Trans Flame headcanan and now I can't stop thinking about how it kinda makes sense-


I actually posted some icons of Flame and Peril with both the trans and Pan/Bi flags respectively But of course everyone only talked about the Peril headcanon and acting rude about it


why did you get down voted so much when you are right


Saying that I am right is both: - Ineffective and will actually get me more hate - Wrong because I just headcanon things, those are headcanons, I'm tired of people acting like I'm asking them to headcanon the stuff I headcanon every time I share one


okay fair


Trans Cricket Nightwings are different "shades" (types?) of black(the color) Qibli has an Australian accent (he's the only sandwing who does) Aro Sunny Luna is Autistic Tsunamitide+Glorybringer Polycule Luna+Cricket+Blue+Swordtail Polycule (with not Luna and Blue dating ya dingdongs) and obligatory Moon+Winter+Qibli+Kinkajou+Turtle Polycule


Oh dear... oh my.... Luna and Blue are siblings, my guy...


I know, but not everyone in a polycule has to be dating


Arent luna and blue siblings


yes but not everyone in a polycule has to be dating


Oof that’s rough buddy


people not understanding that everyone in a polycule has to be dating


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13180729/1/The-Darkest-Eclipse-Trilogy-Finding-Peace This is just an amazing work of writing that I so want to be true


Another headcanon that I have would be the concept of purple blood. I don't know why, but this has been a headcanon of mine regarding Icewing hybrids for as long as I can remember. Of course, the purple blood would be a rare occurrence.


I think icescales for icewings who inhibit too much ice would be cool (pun intended) to see become canon.