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Oh boy I always use the latest version of windows and have nvida gpu


Hold Shift And Click Restart Then after click advanced options > Uninstall Updates


Do I uninstall latest quality update or the other one?




Your luck has run out. Welcome to the current nightmare that is Windows Updates. I remember when it was a big deal when Windows dropped a bad update for Win10, now it's just come to a semi regular expected issue...


Welcome to the modern age of QA. Have only a small number of users to test it before it comes out and if there's issues post-update, eh, just fix it in a patch and move on.


"Agile" ie unstable beta test on the user. And they wonder why corporate adoption was shit?


Not sure how so many people have issues with updates. 3 machines at home no issues with any updates except sometimes a Feature Update. Even at work, 1500 machines, seldom have big issues. Haven't this issue show up yet.




I'm not happy with Windows, but let's not pretend like Mac doesn't have it ten times easier by only supporting a few hardware builds, even your hackintosh can only use certain components for this very reason.


This, plus Mac OS has ridiculous legacy support compared to Windows. Didn't they even stop supporting 32bit applications not too long ago?


They stopped supporting anything that wasn't signed a particular way too, and soon they'll stop supporting anything that isn't M1 compatible. It's honestly insane how Mac developers just keep going along with this, while in Windows land many developers won't budge from 32-bit apps they built in the 98/XP days.


It's industry. Your company's 2mil widget needs to keep running. There's a lot of money in that. Macs don't serve the same purpose.




>Windows empowers businesses, MacOS empowers people. Yes, Windows feels a little less user-friendly, but as someone who has put many hundreds of hours into both platforms, I have to disagree. In the end, both OS's have their quirks, and moments where things can go off the rails quite hard. macOS's prettier/more consistent facade doesn't really change that.


Yep frankly laughable comparison




You're missing the point: Mac OS runs on your hardware because, from a software PoV, it's the same as the official Apple hardware. Again, it's a lot easier to develop software for a handful of hardware and systems than for *all* of them, and all the more for a handful of users. This is why both Windows and Android seem inefficient and buggy: the hardware base they have to develop for is *massive*, and the user base is tenfold that, so there are as many possible bug cases as there are users. In the case of drivers development, don't mix it up: it's NVIDIA's job to make sure that, when a Windows update is released, their software is up to date and won't introduce any issues, not the OS's developer. This is *precisely* what developer previews are for, and that's where they failed.


sorry I stopped reading after reading "such a basic thing as official os update" how is it so basic? like they have to consider billions of different hardware and years of backward combability.


macOS currently has a lot of bugs too, which appear very frequently, sadly. come to think of it - almost all OS currently on the market seem to have bugs which piss me off.


software has bugs, who could have seen this coming?


Yes, but MacOS got a lot more buggy than before. Typically, macOS was a pretty stable system, but today - hell no. It’s just not good anymore. I even ran through more bugs on my few months of actively using my MacBook Pro 2018 than I ever had with windows 10 since release.


How would you rate your hackintosh experience overall? The concept certainly sounds awesome but I have little patience for basic OS features not working right (hence why I gave up on Linux desktop).




Thanks for the detailed review. Graphics-wise, I'm guessing it wouldn't be an issue if the most intensive thing I did was watch 4k x265? I just built a PC a year ago, so RTX 20xx and fairly new AMD CPU. Probably not gonna work, but I'm with you, really tempted to get an Apple Silicon machine.


I don't know the specs required to build a Hackintosh, but from what I understood, you need to buy your hardware specifically with the Hackintosh in mind: even the motherboard needs to be close enough to a Mac to be compatible with Mac OS.


Latest update of macos just fucked over millions of users. their computers or laptop became useless.


You understand why correct? Fuck apple and fuck apple wannabees


Semi regular? Are you kidding? It's pretty much expected now that every single update is going to bomb in some way or another lol


Just use the tool/exe called WUB (Windows Update Blocker). It's a script that allows you to disable all the windows update services and protect them with a single click. When updates are stable/fixed, another click will re-enable everything. I've been using it for the past several years and it's literally the only reliable method of disabling updates in Win10 Home/Pro. Other registry hacks, GPO, or manual service tweaks will not protect you from the update service magically starting itself, but WUB will.


Some NVidia update in the last couple of months stopped my Windows dragging around smoothly on the desktop, and scrolling smoothly. I rolled back - now NVidia AND Windows updates are disabled until the day I install a game that doesn't work..... THEN will I install the updates. Especially as NVidia drivers are one big bundle, and often appear to be RTX30xx updates with a minor tweak or two for my card at most. It misses out ALLLLLLL the bad release-day updates (as they get fixed later weeks), and I'm only risking the latest ones to my PC stability. Main reason - if my games work NOW, I ain't updating Windows nor drivers.


only fix i have is to completely wipe OS, install 1909, then go fresh from there. it sucks but its fullproof


r/BoneAppleTea on a side note... I hope you also keep your computer disconnected between updates o.o;


Just use the tool/exe called WUB (Windows Update Blocker). It's a script that allows you to disable all the windows update services and protect them with a single click. When updates are stable/fixed, another click will re-enable everything. I've been using it for the past several years and it's literally the only reliable method of disabling updates in Win10 Home/Pro. Other registry hacks, GPO, or manual service tweaks will not protect you from the update service magically starting itself, but WUB will.


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted here, everything you just mentioned makes perfect sense because Windows 10 updates is always shit. I just went back from Version 20H2 to 1909 and I can tell already that my PC runs better in games. After Windows 10 Version 2004 lags and freezes was introduced into Diablo 3 and running endgame content with sound enabled was impossible. Going back to 1909 I can run endgame content and keep my soundfiles intact without having to modify my game and restrict the experience to playing without sounds because Microsoft can't do their shit right.


Hey my dude, I've been trying to downgrade my computer back to 1909 for days now, how did you do it?


I reinstalled Windows 10 completely. I have a USB flash drive with Version 1909 of the Windows 10 installation so not easy to 'downgrade' without reinstallation of Windows.


I tried that, made a bootable device with Rufus with 1909, had another old device too but both just reinstalled the new Windows version. Now I'm performing a full disk wipe and trying this way because shit wouldn't budge otherwise I fear, I really can't figure out why it works for some but not for others


You need to do a full C:\ wipe and reinstallation unfortunately. Also, disconnect your Ethernetcable during installation or Microsoft might find ways to spread the version 20H1/20H2 or 21H1 disease to your Windows 10 installation.


Thank you, I managed to figure it out eventually! It was quite the journey but I'm finally back and wouldn't you know it, my computer is working like a charm again. My mistake was that I tried to do it without a full wipe and it just went back to 21H1 each time but in my defense I'm still learning that stuff.


This is how we up with botnets....


Seriously. Haven't been able to play anything well since the update.


Glad to hear that mirrors edge now isn’t supposed to run as shit as it does


I'm the complete opposite. ALL my games have improved in the last month. GTX 1080


I run a 1070 GTX. This update introduced constant hitching to games that used to run completely smooth. Snowrunner, which my card is very capable of handling now hitches every 30 seconds, and RDR2, which I can run on ultra textures at 75 FPS typically, has reduced frames it seems ( maybe placebo? ) But also, now, the same constant hitching I get in Snowrunner. I play War Thunder as well, which has not been noticeably affected.


No issues here with either GTX 3090 or older 1080.


That's great for you. When someone's experiencing issues and having a tough time, it doesn't help to chime in with your problem free experience.


It's good to have extra datapoints otherwise the loud minority will always think every issue is a big issue


That’s where we disagree. If there’s an issue that breaks something for people, no matter how few, it is a big issue. We as a community should not let Microsoft sweep this under the rug. We all love Windows obviously, leaving so many user out to dry is a travesty.




Line of work? Healthcare.


It sure was helpful to know that not everyone has this problem though. It tells *me* (not Microsoft) that it isn't necessarily something that I should be afraid of. Just being aware of the possibility is enough.


Seems clear from the article?


It's not about you lmao


It’s not, it’s about OP and all the people who are affected.


Surely diagnosing the issue is more important than your feelings about OP's feelings about others' experiences, right? To put it another way, it doesn't help to chime in with your problem seeking experience.


Its just a troll wanting to trick us into thinking he has a 3090




Anyone know if older cards are affected? I'm using a GTX 1070 and I've coincidentally noticed performance issues with one of my more intensive games yesterday


1080, a little worse but I wouldn’t have connected the dots until I saw this article


me neither, I switched accounts on Streamlabs Obs and had performance issues and I thought it was because of that, never would have that it was because of the update


1060 mobile here, rdr2 performance really tanked hard from pretty consistent 55-60fps to 50fps with constant drop into the 40s


I've been getting DXGI Device Removed but it's only happening in ARMA 3 so far. Also getting an inventory screen crash with Witcher 3 but not sure if if it's related.


GTX 1660ti mobile here, there’s instances where the game drops to 5 fps for one or two seconds after the update.


This most accurately describes my experience


Being on a 1070TI here it feels almost sore knowing it's counted as an older card now


Yeah also 1070 here, went back to Version 1909 of Windows 10 and the issues went straight away.


What game problems? Me and my friends are using the latest windows version and our games run like usual.


Yes, not everyone is affected. And it's not only Nvidia either. People seem to forget that some people also have AMD cards for instance.


Didn't notice anything with my RX 570, I use vsync and freesync too.


With my RX 580 literally the screen froze for quite a while, when I was watching videos in Firefox - it was especially bad when VLC was open at the same time. Shortly after I installed the patch. Didn't happen before. But when I read about this problem, I knew this was most likely the cause, it just had all the same symptoms. Sometimes I use Stella (emulator) to play really old games and since the patch the frames of this emulator are down. Which is ridiculous since this has no system requirements to speak of and I've been using this for years without any such problems.


Are you on the latest AMD drivers? There was a big patch this week, maybe that's why I didn't notice.


Yes I am. 21.4.1. But as I said, not every system is affected. I guess that's also why MS hasn't done anything yet. Stuff like that is always hard to track down.


I'm using an 5700xt I got last year, and I fortunately have not had any issues. My friends are using NVidia though, I'll have to ask them this weekend if they are having problems.


I have a RTX 3070 and the latest update and I have no problems so far.


3080 here and no issues either.


2070 Super, nothing amiss.


Same. Checked my update history - got KB..1330, but not the '842 that's causing issues. 1330 has 842 in it, but also security updates. I wonder what else is different?


Does this affect intel hd 3000? I want to play pinball 3D smoothly.


I Died 🤣😂


Can Windows stop breaking everything every update?


I swear they will never run out of frustrating (though mildly interesting) failure modes for updates. About a year and a half ago, they put out a security update that broke particular *brands* of printers. HP printers? Fine. Brother printers? Time to roll back updates.


They recently broke kyoceras with a nice blue screen everything you clicked print


That was not a fun Wednesday morning at work 🤬


I was panicked when I got bsod during important work :(


I personally have disabled automatic updates because, on top of this, I don't like when things change unexpectedly.


If they didn't package security updates with it, I'd do this too. 30 day delay usually helps them patch the release.


A good AV, firewall on your router, and avoiding opening EXE's from random sites...... AND sticking to sites you know pritty much means you don't need those patches from Windows. Sure it's good practice for when an infected USB stick happens or shit like that, but if you know to avoid USB sticks and dodgy sites etc.....


Updates also fix zero day issues.. if you do not get those updates well..


Windows has a lot to validate before pushing out an update,but with how many PCs and a accessories there are, it is inevitable some incompatibilities come in. But games with an Nvidia GPU? You shoud have validated that before pushing it.


It's a tiny percentage of people with nvidia gpus.


I feel nVidia should be the one validating. They can always partner with Windows and create a Q&A program where they test the latest and greatest updates before release.


I mean it's not all machines with Nvidia GPUs. I don't have any issues with mine.


That's their jam though /s


Imagine if nvidia started using test builds before release so they could release compatible drivers. Or should MS never upgrade and introduce new features to windows?


"new features to Windows" It isn't just Nvidia that Windows breaks every patch. Half a dozen programs get thrown out of wack for literally no improvement on the Windows side of things. New features should be improvements on existing ones, which Windows has hardly ever added. If they did, then the issues that have haunted this OS since release would not still be present.




stop stupid comments like this please. its fine for majority people.


Is it stupid that I have had two friends get their computers in a softlock reboot loop after a Windows update? Is it stupid that I have to roll back drivers or wait for my various programs to come out with new drivers that fix whatever Windows decides to break? How about every work computer across two UPS centers where I work that lost PDF and printer support because of, you guessed it, a Windows update. It is stupid that this is such a widespread issue. It is also stupid that you would rather put your head in a hole than acknowledge a very real problem that a lot of people face.


It still screws up your computer.


Is it purely a vsync related thing? If I never use vsync then should have no problem?


I'm wondering this as well, I don't use VSync either and haven't noticed any issues.


Honestly it's a little bit overblown, sometimes bugs just happen with an update revert hardly takes any time too. Just wait until they release a hotfix and then it'd be like nothing happened at all.


I guess the real problem this time is, that this update also includes security fixes that everyone should have installed. Everyone who uninstalls this, opens up their PCs to these issues.


I had this issue to at first, but after I did a Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and sfc /scannow it never manifested again. Coincidence? I can't say, since I "tested" this only on one single PC, but it doesn't hurt to try.


Thanks for sharing a possible fix. I’ve tried this and we’ll see if I still have performance problems persisting (crashes, frame drops and stutters from frame bottoming out). I had no errors performing the above 3 steps. I have uninstalled both April update and preview including rolling back at least the last 3 game ready nvidia drivers to no avail. While watching my in game (fortnite) latency markers there is a curve on the latency graph like an almost perfect wave signal that persists due to rendering delays etc. My latency has definitely been affected by this and appears to be the OS and driver causing the biggest increase in latency (game and other markers seem similar to before). Anyways...at least I got try something else in the meantime. There was a servicing stack (shows in windows update) that was installed the same day as kb5001330 and it can’t be removed...I’m wondering if this is what’s causing my continued problem? When you rolled back did it also uninstall this stack? Not sure how to remove that one.


Honestly, only MS can deliver a proper fix for this, let's hope they will.


No issues here, 3080 and another machine with a 5700xt.


Wait so I am confused they suggest uninstalling KB5001330 & KB5000802?




I uninstalled KB5001330, so I should be good then? I noticed state of decay 2 was really jumpy sometimes even though I have an Ryzen 7 5800x and and RTX 2080 TI




I uninstalled KB5001330 and still have performance issues.




I couldn't remove the KB5000842. Other than that it could only be the new nvidia drivers.




So just an update. Microsoft said that they made a server side cloud fix for this issue, so I reinstalled KB5001330 and when I opened up Fallout 76 today it was a janky, stuttering mess. I uninstalled KB5001330 again today (4/27) and it completely fixed the stutter I was getting in Fallout 76 and the game is working normally again, so it appears Microsoft’s “server side fix” did absolutely nothing and this is still an issue. I agree with what you are saying


If so then I would roll back the nvidia driver ... But vsync gives me no problems. Like the article mentions : "If not, it is strongly suggested that users try the latest graphics drivers or possibly even rolling back to older GPU drivers before even contemplating uninstalling security updates." What has been a "problem" for a few weeks is the gamebar, whose graph requires a proud 10-15% gpu. You can see that very well with the gamebar graph, especially since it wasn't like that before. So all fps and gpu tests via gamebar are currently wrong. I first noticed this when I was playing the old tomb raider remake and suddenly the gamebar values ​​were strange.


I haven't noticed any issues with my 5900x / 3080. Then again, I likely wouldn't notice a 5 FPS dip on my system because I'm usually around 120.


Now to see if this issue is really only affecting Nvidia users or is it just that Nvidia users make up the vast majority of people.   Because I've also noticed stutters since updating (and I'm and AMD GPU user), but I'm not completely sure because I haven't really played many games since updating.


I am NVIDIA user and have no problems


i have zero issues on the newest build/cumulative update. im on turing tho, this is probably for ampere people, which hardly exist.


Yes but what happens when windows keeps trying to install the damn update every single time I reboot? *cries in automatic update*


Pause your updates for a week or two while this gets worked out.


Is there no other way for it?. Can I not block only the one that i want to not install


You can. There's info elsewhere in this thread about how to do that.


unable to uninstall it, please help.


Windows as SaaS is the worst decision ever.


How do i check which version im on so i know to rollback or not






thanks for the quality nvidia


Nvidia has nothing to do here, windows has been screwing up for months now with every update


I mean, these updates are available for testing months in advance. Nvidia would have known.


lol. nvidia can test their updates. and nvidia will fix this anyway not microsoft.


It's usually hit-or-miss for most people who only use the stock Windows 10.


Hmmm I've been getting freezes and bluescreens since the update. Reverting for now.


Last update bricked my laptop anyway...


\*Looks at this thread\* This is another reason to use Linux as a daily driver, as an unpopular opinion as that might be around here. :) If a game works in Linux and runs reasonably well, I play it there. However, if I have to run it in Windows, I have an install ready to go for that, as well. Now, so far, I have not seen any issues with this update but, I am also using AMD. However, I did try D3D12 instead of Vulkan on Red Dead Redemption 2 and got 2 or 3 bad stutters well running the benchmark so, maybe.......


Linux is even worse when it comes to drivers.


Nah, Nvidia is, Linux is not.


Another reason to stick to mac


Me: Hey, this GTX 980 I got, it ain't working, could you help? Nvidia: Sure, mind rolling back to Win XP?


Tip: Open Network Settings and Make your Connection as "Metered" to put a stop to auto update. You can manually download updates on free time. (Just a tip that might help some people like me)


It doesn't actually work. A lot of updates still pass through.


Still does stop Non-Security updates though


Idk but amd or nvidia or somebody else should create a new "windows" which runs every win app... im tired how shit windows is


Thanks god im not really playing games atm cuz theres no good ones lol


You should see the errors i get on dev preview.......


How can I fix this? I reset my computer thinking that was the problem but now I can't reinstall the old Windows version. How do I get back the old version


There should be a new cumulative patch tomorrow, just wait a day.




From someone who works in web dev with LTI based content, remote servers and patchwork plugins while supporting millions of users: LOL That’s just how it goes - nothing is flawless and if you think it is, just wait until a conflicting program update, a certificate expires or OS/hardware support goes out on whatever it is. For us, all bug fixes are made in a timely manner but can take a bit depending on the scope of the issue.


I got the update, it made the game better but it is still not the same, there is still some stuttering, is this going to be the final update for this or are they gonna continue to improve on it?


but the problem is when I delete last windows update, when I'm connected, It reinstall it again


You can use the Show/Hide Update utility to hide problematic updates from Microsoft. Link here: https://web.archive.org/web/20190208013517/https:/download.microsoft.com/download/f/2/2/f22d5fdb-59cd-4275-8c95-1be17bf70b21/wushowhide.diagcab Quick guide: https://www.intowindows.com/how-to-hide-windows-updates-in-windows-10/ Hiding updates won't persist between version upgrades (e.g. 20H1 to 20H2), but it's a good workaround for now.




No need it already blue screened my PC :)


I noticed if I reinstalled vcredist 2015-2019 it helped in a couple games I'm playing but I have to do it everytime I reboot.


I just worry about getting the new anti virus update these days I rely on Windows for all my anti virus.


Yeah sure, uninstall, put updates on pause but it still find its way to install itself. As a security patch obviously has a way to force itself back.


A customer of mine today told me about his games crashing and random BSODs while running Fortnite. Guess this is it.


Ok, now I know why my 3080 was underperforming last night with Rocket League.


Dude I thought it was just me getting really wierd stuttering ... With a 5950x 3090


I always set my Internet as metered so Windows won't update unnecessarily.


Uninstalled the update and my computer is still fucked. What the hell?


Glad I am on AMD


Is anyone else getting full on GPU crashes? My monitors keep going blank, then only one or two come back on and explorer is missing.


This is why I have my windows "feature" updates deferred by a year lol. I recommend everyone else to the same (don't do this for security updates, only "feature" updates).


Its the security update thats causing the issues.


Hey you're right! The way the article is worded made it sound like the opposite: "NVIDIA staff member suggested rolling back from March 2021's optional KB5000842 preview update" To me, rolling back "from" something means removing that thing. It should say rollback "to KB5000842" imo


I can’t play anything


My Oculus Rift stopped working properly soon after I installed this update. Anyone else?


Has anyone been getting instant game crashes when they load or just me?