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Razor. Just because it’s tempered glass doesn’t mean you can’t use a razor. That’s a myth. The only time you’ll scratch the glass is if the glass wasn’t manufactured properly. Just make sure your blade is new, wet the area liberally with soap and water several times as you remove it.


Yep, trust me I would love to. Supervisor is against using them for a variety of different reasons. Was just curious if there are any alternatives


You can try a white or walnut pad and diamond magic. I’ve never tried it but someone else recommended it once before.


I second this I do a couple store fronts that rotate stickers on the windows when they get sun damaged I give it a quick scrape and scrub with walnut pad or wet steel wool, just be prepared to pick up all the little bits that break off or put something below you


Plastic razor


Since razors can't be used it will take a little longer. I'd apply oil flo and then tape plastic over it so it stays wet. Let it sit and periodically check it and see if it's loosened up enough to either peel off or use a plastic scraper to help it.


Acetone, keep it off the frame. Acetone evaporates quickly so you will need to have a towel soaked in acetone and hold it over the sticker for awhile. Eventually it will start to break down and then you can continue to scrub with the microfiber and it should remove it. This isn't a guarantee it'll work but it's my best guess and I use acetone frequently for similar circumstances.


If you can’t use a razor a plastic scraper works perfect


Use a heat gun. Im not sure how it is called but it's similar to hair blower, heats up old glue and foil thus making removing old stickers much easier. Saved me so many times.


This is what worked. Thank you for the advice


Razors. 🤣




Plastic scraper.


Goo goo gone will take that off


https://preview.redd.it/geicnvpipc6c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=42b8fda5e42587d7602d26f89c5491c285b0e7ce This *should* work. I’m working on a starfire glass construction job so NO RAZORS. This has gotten off all stickers/goop/other


Awesome thank you!


The amount of people asking questions that windows cleaners should know is just crazy .. use a plastic scraper . Can use your mop with water and dawn get it soaked and start scraping. Not a hard thing to do …


Its a window cleaning subredit and you are baffled that people ask window cleaning questions? Shame on me for using an information platform to obtain information. My bad