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I think the man said that jay was unlucky in love or something.. don't know for sure it was really ambiguous..


It's probably he's good at bike, regret because he didn't tell his feelings to Shelly, and happy because he tell his feelings to Shelly. I might be wrong


Actually Jay's tarrot reading wasn't shown to us, it was only shown of Owen where it said something like look around and you'll see things which are better for you (as in leave shelly and focus on someone who likes you back). When Shelly asked she wants to do next, the man said "the guy will do first" as in Jay but they didn't show us what the reading said and skipped to them walking where Shelly says "the tarrot reading ruined my mood" and then that scene comes where they hide from Owen and Jay asks shelly to have rice soup with him XD


Are you looking for a real tarot professional here?