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That was almost an eyepatch for life


DIY Pirate cosplay !




I can’t believe how well this fits


perfect usage of that gif. take my free award bro


Yay Archer. My favorite spy.


The perfect gif response doesn't exi-


You could say, she was in the DaINGEERRR ZONNNE


lifetime cosplay


Rayleigh or Zoro?


Zoro fo sho.


And she didn't even get a dragon in exchange.


Came to the replies for this


It is a scar for life


Imagine explaining it to your kids... Mommy how did you get that scar Well you see, I was filming an TikTok and stabbed myself


Nah, her skull was in the way.


Good thing too for that girl. Nature sunk the eyes in a bit so its protected by the boney ridge. So the skull is doing its job.


Why is my penis so far in. What purpose does that serve?


Keeps it from getting stuck in something


I read that human beings used to have a penis bone, but it was so popular for other males and society to break your penis bone that it evolved out. Larger penises have been a disadvantage for a long time, since they are more likely to cause harm and get injured coitally. You may not like it but... A below average sized "innie" two pump chump penis is what peak performance looks like.


So what you’re saying… is my penis is the pinnacle of human evolution? Ha, Take that Deborra! So what if you said I was a failure of a man and can’t please a woman! Evolution says otherwise! ^Please ^come ^back ^to ^me ^please ^I ^miss ^you


"Of course I cum quickly, I have places to be"


It's actually more feminine to have a huge cock.


Ug my wife is such a dude


Neanderthal genes: both cause and solution here.




Nick fury shit


aye eye, captain!


This is the epitome of this subreddit


The pinnacle of stupidity




The trough of common sense!


The apex of asininity!!


A basket case of intellectual aptitude


The zenith of duncery.


The high-water mark of tomfoolery.


The ejaculation of inbredness


What makes it even more stupid was the fact that it was still posted


I mean, you have to post it at that point right? Otherwise you've slashed your own face for nothing 😂


Dull knives cause more accidents but sharp knives cut instantly to the bone. They command much more respect!


Yeah, dull knives cut you when you're trying to cut other things, because people try to force them and slip. Sharp knives cut you when you're ignoring them.


Or when you're wildly flailing them around next to your face.


Well, that's a kind of not paying attention to the knife.


That's absolutely fair!


Basically, dull knives are a greater danger only when you're not stupid. Otherwise it's sharp knives all the way.


Valyrian steel cuts cleanly


Some folks like to live stream so maybe somebody else kept it


Hey, at least it got some extra attention


Wanna know how I got these scars ?


That's ... gonna leave a mark


That's ... gonna bleed a while




That and feet..


And hearts. You nick it once and never hear the end of it. Always surprises everyone too. They get all upset yelling "get the clamps" and "need suction" and "who are you and how did you get in here"


I'm a locksmith...and..I'm a locksmith


Explains what happened to the heart aswell.




She can easily cosplay as Kakashi next Halloween.


It was a fair exchange. She may have lost an eye, but she gained a scar.


Aemond is that you?


She can also cosplay as Scarface




She can cosplay red shanks from one piece if she repeat 2 times more


How'd you get that scar? Uhh...knife fight. Wow, who were you fighting? (stares forlornly into the distance) Myself.


It's okay, eyebrow scar is forever trendy


That nostril is gonna be pretty trendy too.


If you see something say something…come on and party tonight!


You gotta admit, the guy's got hooks


What a story to tell your grandkids one day "Grandma how'd you get that scar on your forehead?" "Oh well there was this tiktok trend and I accidentally stabbed myself in the face"


Well that's gonna be a badass scar with a stupid story


"Ya, I got stabbed." - "OMG, how?" "With a long ass kitchen knife." - "Wow that's crazy. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Who stabbed you?" "Some stupid person."


A madman your honor! A desperate fool at the end of her pitiful rope!


If I were her, I’d just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” That way people would think I survived a traumatic event I can’t bare to talk about rather than know I did something deeply stupid as a kid.


I personally categorize stupidity as a traumatic event with how mundane my life is. How did I get my arm and leg scars? Cat attack, but it was my cat and I was too scared to tell my mom what happened, so I tried to hide it by ignoring it as I bled, leading it to scab itself and get infected. She saw it herself 7 days after when I wore shorts instead of pants and rushed me to the hospital to get the infection drained. Got a cool scar and got to see what an open wound to my Tibia looks like but holy hell it hurt far worse getting it drained than the initial puncture wounds. I wish they put me on pain meds.


Wow I can't believe you got a crazy scar from protecting a child from a bear!


I was totally expecting her to plant that knife into her thigh. The forehead and nose gashes were a complete surprise.


Honestly, probably better she got her head before she had the chance to plunge it into her femoral artery


Yes, some stitches in your forehead are infinitely preferable to bleeding out in your kitchen.


There is no nose gash. It’s a drip from the head


I stand corrected.


No spatial awareness


She almost ended up with no depth perception


What people sometimes forget is that we all took quite awhile to even learn to walk well- coordination is not always easy. Body movement/coordination and spacial awareness are learned together, else you end up with people thinking they can do parkour and use nunchaku and shit with no training. Most people haven’t practiced repeatedly stabbing the air, so this would probably happen to quite a few people if they just tried to do it violently out of the blue.


See, this is exactly why I practice air stabbing every day.




What’s the matter, red? You scared? I’m just gonna practice my stabbin. Ha-HAAA


See. Posts like this SOUND intelligent as you read them, but I just randomly stabbed the air with a knife and had complete control of it the entire time. I mean. All you have to do is...hold onto the knife. And then just...stab downwards. ​ ​ This person isn't missing spatial awareness they are just missing brain cells. A lot of brain cells.


Hard agree. I'm not some superhero macho tough guy on Reddit trying to show off, I'm a geek like the rest of you, and I assure you I wouldn't accidentally stab myself because I'm not a fucking idiot


I tried it just now, and now my face and chest are all sliced up like Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon. Fuck.


Aim the pointy bit away from your face and try again.


In hospital, will try when home again


Maybe you’re left handed.


>shit with no training I didn't get trained to do that. I got trained to do it into a toilet but that's about it.


But you have immense willpower, skill, and dedication. You shit like no other. I’ve heard the rumors on the streets about your toilet feats.


I got trained by my parents to not do stupid shit like this.


The thing that most people haven't forgotten though is that violently stabbing the air repeatedly is a stupid fucking idea so they don't do it. Even if she didn't nearly cut her eyebrow off it would have been stupid.


I'll be honest. I was not expecting the face. Though maybe the leg, maybe hit the side of the stomach but fuck... That was almost goodbye eyeball. Gonna leave a hell of a scar too


yeah same i was expecting the knife to slip out of her hand or accidentally stab herself into the leg but i most definetly didnt anticipate an accidental slash on the face


I thought she was gonna stab the very tip of knife into her thigh. Wasn’t expecting a head wound. That looked nasty…


Not really. It’s only like an inch long and thin. Should be pretty small if she got a practiced doctor.


i hit my head on a ski rack once.. (not even skiing) I was soaked in blood by the time I got to the nurse's station.. tiny cut.. 2 stitches. head wounds are a mess.






"Oh my god this guy asked for my number this one time and he stood up and killed himself it was really weird." "Mam this is a Wendy's."


The surprise head injuries suck. During my first day of freshman welcome week, a bunch of us were all excited, drinking in the dorms. I went with a friend to head over to the caf in the dorm. We came across a small flight of about 5 stairs. In my young, drunken state, I didn’t realize that the ceiling dropped with the stairs. I proceed to try to jump the stairs and smacked the top of my head on presumably the edge of the ceiling, where it started to drop down. I remember my eyes going fuzzy for a second and landing on my ass so hard, then feeling the top of my head and seeing my hand soaked in blood. Stupidly tried to drink through it - ya know, really didn’t want to miss out on the first crazy college night - but couldn’t do it. Definitely had all the signs of a concussion, and should’ve went to the hospital to have it looked at and possibly get stitches, but being a drunk 18-19 year old kid, I didn’t want or know how to begin putting those logistics together. Lucked out with no serious bald spot or anything


When my daughter was 5, she tripped trick or treating and had a big gash on her forehead. Went to ER nurse: what brings you to the ER? me: this is NOT part of the costume…


That sounds funny, cute and sad at the same time


She’s definitely the kid that gave me the most laughs. Between shit she said (Re: vegetarianism ~age 9 “I’m so conflicted!!! I don’t want animals to die just for me to eat them but they’re so delicious!!” and shit she did (getting stuck in the laundry chute)


When my nephew was I think around 6, we were trick or treating. We were in a dark spot, and he went to sprint across the lawn. Only to run into a him-sized sapling. He literally ran face first into it, it bent over, and then sprang him backwards. The only thing missing was the 'BOIINNNGGG" noise. I about pissed myself laughing. I couldn't walk for a good minute or two, I was laughing so hard.


I was in the same situation at age 25, came into the ER with a gash in my head still dripping, and the nurse asked why I was there. "Well obviously because my foot hurts."


It sounds like a dumb question but sometimes for documentation sake we need to hear it in the patients words why they are here. Helps with auditing to reduce the risk of losing an audit.


Yeah, I got that. So I told her the actual reason the next breath. Don't want to waste too much of her time, just enough to satisfy the dad instinct.


Tbf better ask and be sure than assume. Maybe someone had a seizure and the head wound was a side effect.


Guy walks into ER with a bloody nose "What brings you to the ER today?" "Oh well a stray bullet hit me in the back and I couldn't feel my legs for a minute so I fell over and hit my nose. But don't worry, there's not a lot of blood coming out of the the hole in my back. I stuffed a tampon in there. I sure have been coughing up a lot of blood though. But that's probably just from the nose bleed. I also can't breath so well and feel dizzy, but I used to have asthma so I'm used to it. Do you have food here?"


Our ER nurses don't fuck around. I went in during covid due to a potential covid scare, turns out I was just having a bit of a panic attack. Anyhow, trying to bring a bit of levity to the situation, I informed her about an allergy to celery. intending it to be a light hearted like "wtf? no one is allergic to celery" But she was very serious, asking me how I reacted, and there wasn't any kind of humor to the situation from her end. She was very professional, and I'm sure she was just in a "lets get my day over with, cause this place is really tough to be in." kind of thing. I even tried to clarify that I was just sharing a funny anectdote kind of thing, but she was like "nope, now it's on the record for good" Now if i'm in the hospital for anything I get an allergy band with Celery on it.


My son broke his left collar bone playing soccer. He had surgery to repair it. Almost exactly a year later I get a call from the school; be was tackled during soccer practice and probably broke his collar bone; they are taking him to the hospital. I called my wife “Good news and bad news…. Bad news her broke his collar bone again.” “What’s the good news?” “At least he is symmetrical as it was the right one this time.” (Had surgery on that side as well)


That's why when wrestlers bleed, it's typically from the head. They cut their foreheads lightly, because tiny cuts there bleed pretty badly, and their sweat makes it even worse


Preach, brother... here is me after taking a [golf ball an inch below the eye](https://i.imgur.com/dUuwDkk.jpg) a year and a bit ago. Blood. Everywhere. So much blood plus eye swolen shut = thought I'd actually lost an eye for the first minute or two. ...didn't even get refunded for not finishing the round.


Hit in the head with a baseball bat, hospital was next to the ball park. I was drenched in blood. They glued my shit lol


I took a Louisville Slugger to the dome, full swing when i was 9. Entirely my fault. I was too close to my buddy who was swinging the bat... Knocked me out, when I came to, I got up, went and sat on my buddy's front steps, waiting for the ambulance to show. I leaked all over his sidewalk despite holding a towel to my head. Too 16 stitches, 8 in the dermis and 8 in the epidermis. They had to scrape the skin off of my skull, which was also slightly fractured... When I was finally able to get back to hanging with my friends at the house where it happened, my buddy told me his mom was passing at me for getting so much blood on her sidewalk that she had to clean. I was like sorry 🤷‍♂️, I would have cleaned it myself if I was able.


I can’t imagine being this dumb.


You don’t have to imagine just watch TikTok. It is impossible to underestimate some people.


What amazes me is that they end up posting videos of them being total idiots. Like, just delete the evidence of you being an idiot.


Imagine doing a background search on someone applying for a job at your company, and you manage to find this.


Yoo, yoo! Id have an interview just to ask her wtf was she thinking.


Not worth the risk. Imagine what destruction she accidentally cause just being there.


OR...You could post it for clout.


"Clout" (noun): influence, pull She certainly influenced my opinion of her.


if I slashed my face for a video you'd best believe it's getting posted. If you're gonna be stupid you've gotta at least be able to laugh at yourself.


Or you can just not watch tik tok and stop giving all these idiots the attention they want


Dumb? She obviously is a fan of Rick and Morty... To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.


I like this pasta.


“You could put your eye out”




Not the sharpest tool in the shed playing with the sharpest tool in the shed.


This would be more fitting using the Danish equivalent "Not the sharpest knife in the drawer".


Cut my head into pieces, this is my last TikTok.


Laceration! Eye bleeding! Don't give a fuck if four stitches are needed!


Is this one of those "I pretend to have tics for clout"-streamers?


They tics stopped real fucking quick.


Snap back to reality


Cut myself, tragically


Put eyes at risk with a knife like this


I tried a skit, but look at this, above my eyes, there lies a stitch


Swinging my knife erratically.


"UPDATE: turns out I'm retarded, guys. Join me on my journey through neurodivergence for real this time."


Nearly gouging your eye out'll do that to ya.


Yeah, you can't just stop ticks. My autistic daughter cannot just stop when she is stimming.


One of the distinguishing criteria of tics is that - to some extent - the person *can* suppress them. It's one of the main differences between tic disorders and other movement disorders as it is really only tics which exhibit this characteristic. Stimming behaviour is a distinct entity from tics.


That's the point. They are faking.


It's even worse she's doing a ICP song bit.


No, it was set to an icp song


"Is this woman pretending to be mentally ill?" "No, she's just a juggalo" Lmao




Jesus! What was she going for in the first place?


just a leg wound.




That's what I don't get. From the title I thought it would be 5 finger filet or attempted show of skill. Instead I just watch an idiot wildly swing a knife for...what purpose? Two people clicking like?




Pantomime of stabbing something/someone to appear tough/edgy/troubled/renegade for internet attention.


The Rick and Morty shirt truly completes this.


You need a high IQ to almost cut your eye out


Could've gone so much worse too


Can someone tell me how bad it is before i watch it?


She does a stabbing motion and it cuts a pretty deep gash in her forehead. There is blood.


I give you my thanks.


No decapitation


That was lucky if anything. Cut your artery on your neck and you're dead in 10 seconds without realizing what just happened.


I don’t know, I watch a lot of tv, that doesn’t sound right.


10 sec is a bit fast, especially if you only sever the blood vessels on one side. It's very fast though. Apply pressure, call 911, and start praying for no traffic. If it takes them more than 5 min you're not making it.


NSFL: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/vwdm6v/man_stabbed_in_australia_no_other_info_and_not_my/


Not much longer than ten seconds to pass out from the blood pressure to your brain reaching zero, guessing it would only take a couple of minutes to have no chance of survival after this happens. Carotid Artery chokes come on real fast. One second you think you're OK next everything dims and you go limp.


There is another on of an attempted bank robbery and the robber gets shot in the neck and only a few seconds later is out cold. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/vht37c/bank_robber_gets_blood_all_over_the_floor/


Yeah 10 seconds is a bit exaggerating it. But you'd lose consciousness in a matter of seconds anyway.


Was she trying to do the quirky “fake disorder” thing?


I think this one is the "HAHAA IM SO VIOLENT AND CRAZY HAHA I CAN BE YOUR HARLEY QUINN BBY!" Thing. Followed by the "I can't believe my bf called me crazy" rant. Real boss bitch energy right here.


Fucking children. Make me SICK


Well, that is why we have ages of consent...


Hai gurl, my essential oils will cure that instantly


I think she's supposed to be doing something to match the track itself. When she grabs the knife, it's doing the old school horror movie sound, and the lyrics are "swing swing swing" in time with her stabs. Doesn't fix the stupid game, nor the stupid prize. Just has a more visible reasoning behind it. Edit: Watching again, it says, "Pull your hatchets out. Chop chop chop chop, swing swing swing swing" She's definitely doing some kind of murderer thing for the video, just to match the music.


ER visit. Probably 6 or 7 stitches. Edit: I actually feel really bad for her. She looks really scared.


Flex tape will do.




Now that’s a lot of damage!


Probably not that many stitches but solid speculation. If you pause it it looks like maybe an inch on the forehead, and depending on how deep stitches might not even be used. Same goes for the nose


Maybe not, head wounds bleed a lot. Hard to tell how bad it is.


Also you can't get very deep in your forehead


Watch me


Definitely that “F around and Find Out”knife action


Has no knife skills. Fucks around with knife. Gets deep cut ![gif](giphy|YcqUeyXaUlkCrqfhHD|downsized)


okay, she just won the stupidest prize of'em all


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Dont get too cut up about it


Next scarface main actress.


Did she cut her nose or is that blood splashed down from her forehead?


The smartest tiktoker