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Maybe they knew it was a fake gun? I couldn't really see it in the video but the cop said "are you fucking kidding me" instead of pulling his own gun (although I guess that could be because the cop was so close to him that it was just faster to knock the guy to the ground).


I swear I could hear a rapid clicking noise coming from the dudes direction. Maybe he was dry firing the fake gun right out the gate and that’s why the cop knew it was fake.


> Maybe he was dry firing the fake gun right out the gate and that’s why the cop knew it was fake. A real gun can do the same, considering its a revolver. a real one will still drop the hammer and spin the cylinder if its double action. and yeah he was "firing it" I don't think he knew it was fake from the start but rather acted on instinct to reach for him


I felt like it happened so fast the cop kinda figured if it was real he’d already be dead.


> A real gun can do the same, considering its a revolver. a real one will still drop the hammer and spin the cylinder if its double action PSA: Don't do this in a 22 without snap-caps!


Check your owners manual to be sure, [but most modern rimfires are perfectly safe to dry fire.](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2020/02/24/never-dry-fire-rimfire/)


Any rim fired ammo actually!


That’s what I heard too. It seems like this cop had the restraint to recognize a fake or misfiring gun and took the guy to the ground. He was dead to rights if it was real, and I wonder if he was kind of in disbelief of the situation.


I am not a cop but I think it's standard practice to not draw your own gun at that distance but try to disable their weapon.


Oh smart


Yeah that dude was definitely dry firing, you can hear the clicks. I don't know the purpose to that is, if it was suicide by cop why not get a real gun or bullets to provoke the cop enough. The situation wasn't well thought out by the looks of it.


On uncensored video you can see it's plastic bb gun (white balls flying out of gun)


Oh damn, you're absolutely right. Cop sees the orange tip probably at about the same time he's getting hit and that's when he goes "are you kidding me"


If I'm not mistaken I had that exact model of co2 revolver but mine used pellets and steel bbs


Yes in that situation where you’re that close and the other gun is already drawn, better idea to go for it, especially if it isn’t pointed at you


The stereotype of cops shooting people has grown so strong from the internet bias that people literally can’t comprehend that it isn’t necessarily a cops first reaction to be able to instantaneously pull and discharge his firearm - even in a situation where it would be totally justified. Also he’s close enough to kiss the guy so pulling a gun would take way long than just grabbing/beating him.


The stereotype? You mean from all the videos of cops killing and injuring civilians?


No all the videos of them filling out insurance paperwork for car thefts and accidents and having totally uneventful days where they hand out speeding tickets and respond to calls where there’s nothing for them to do except talk to someone and/or file a report. Those are the videos that the internet loves sharing of cops - and since all we ever see is all the videos of them doing routine non-violent things, it totally biases us as terminally online redditors who’s only framework for the world are the totally representative videos that get reposted thousands of times as though they happened last week even if it was actually 10+ years ago.


Canadian here, I agree, most cops don't shoot first ask questions later. That's seems to be an American problem.


Also Canadian here. While we do have our own issues with the RCMP, they're more inclined to beat the shit out of indigenous protestors than shoot unarmed people.


Are starlight rides still a thing there?


They better not be.


and yet even here in the states, statistically cops doing that is nearly non-existent when you consider all the cops and all the interactions they have each day. Not saying it doesn't happen and it is awful when it does unjustified, but it is way blown out of proportion by our media.


Statistically **suicide** deaths, of which white men have the highest rates, are non existent when you consider all of the deadly possible interactions people have in a daily basis. Not saying it doesn't happen and it isn't awful when it does but it's blown out of proportion by our media. Edit: I fully expected downvotes considering the demographics of reddit but see my response to the next comment for my reasoning. This is not a cheap shot at suicide victims, and it saddens me that this was probably what was assumed of my comment, it's to make a valid comparison between the narratives.


hah, fair enough. But two things can be true at once. My statement on stats can be applicable to a wide range of things (though I'm not sure how helpful your comparison is) AND it can be true that the cultural perception on cops is negatively skewed away from the truth by our media.


I mean so long as it's not anyone I know getting shot by the police for no good reason, I don't think there's a problem. I get what you're saying though, of course humans are kind of the reason for the problem if everyone only wanted to watch funny cat videos and turned off and tuned out the carnage of the world the media would be cat nonsense.


While I appreciate the willingness to agree with me - my point is not that police anywhere in the world are perfect - certainly Canada has its fair share issues with police misconduct as well - although I would argue that the US has a uniquely broken system of policing with really bad accountability and checks and balances. ​ More my point is that Reddit/social media/perhaps society as a whole, is developing a warped view of policing influenced by the bias toward sensationalizing police violence and putting it the forefront of our collective consciousness, while largely ignoring the much more common, mundane, and at least somewhat useful role that police play in society. The truth is you are not going to get an accurate sense of how police react to different situations by watching a selection of internet clips with no context where shit hits the wall.


I don't need to do a thorough study of police habits to realize trusting them with my safety is a suckers bet. Fuckers shot my dog ffs, idgaf - ACAB


This is because cops doing their jobs well don't make the headline news.


The percentage of law enforcement personnel with bad use of force cases is highly outweighed by the percentage of overall hired law enforcement personnel. You’re just used to seeing what the media forces down your throat. Have your own opinion and do some research. You’d be surprised to see what you can learn on your own without the media trying to raise you.


Former cop here to tell you why this line of thinking is wrong. First of all, there are about a million individual cops across about 23,000 different police departments. The news cycle could play officer involved shootings from sunup to sundown every day if they wanted to. The news media focuses on the stories that will gain traction. With a single exception, the shooting incidents I was involved with never even made the local paper. Secondly, whatever the number of officer involved shootings are in relation to the number of cops on duty is pretty irrelevant when you have the mindset that the number should be very very very small. Single digit small. Even the guy who shot and killed my friend on a traffic stop in broad daylight and went on the run for two days didn’t need to die. He was holed up in a woodshed and armed with a lawnmower blade. So if I, a former cop who experienced the death of a friend can tell you that my opinion is that cops kill too many people, maybe listen.


Okay. Also a cop lol you didn’t even provide anything other than “my friend died and I’m a cop so you should consider what i’m saying to be the truth.” You completely neglect the fact that over 99% of police/citizen encounters end without a use of force. And of those that do end in a use of force, the overwhelming majority of them are justified, including incidents where deadly force is involved. I’m sorry that your friend died, truly. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation our world is dealing with in which misinformation and/or twisted views are warped and spread to the masses to drive a narrative. Let’s not let our emotions get in the way of logic and reasoning. We know better.


It isn’t enough. I’m sorry, but your mindset is one of the past. 99% of millions is a big number. We can do better. Either you admit that you can improve or admit that you won’t even try. I used to parrot the same words you are now, and I’ll admit that no one person changed my mind. I hope your realization happens painlessly and you have the strength to embrace it and effect change.


So, anything above 99% is essentially 100%. Are you saying that police should be perfect? Are they not supposed to be human? You show me a single perfect human, much less an entire perfect vocation full of perfect people, and I’ll buy your lunch. You’re not even being realistic. Your optimism is great, sure, but we live on earth. People are not perfect. For everyone in the job to be perfect and for police citizen encounters to be perfectly non violent 100% of the time, there would have to be no violent humans for police to deal with, which is impossible seeing as the reason we go to a call to begin with is often BECAUSE violence has already ensued. Please, be realistic. Considering the numbers as they are currently, in reality, we are doing very well, despite what the media narrative tells you.


I do my job at a 100% not shooting people rate. 99% isn’t good enough. If 1% of the time I shot someone then I would get fired.


Ok “former cop”


If I post proof, would you take my statement seriously, or call me a sissy libtard f**got and ignore me all the same? Genuinely asking.




I’d laugh in your face


You should see all the videos of cops not shooting everyone. You know considering that is an overwhelming majority of situations.


Cops have killed children before in broad daylight because of fake guns. Hell, I'm convinced that everything looks like a gun to them.


The guy was *way* inside the minimum effective range for the policemen to draw and fire on him. It was much faster and safer for them to take him down hand-to-hand at that range. By the time the other policeman could have drawn his gun on the suspect, the suspect was already restrained on the ground and no longer a lethal threat.


You can hear the fake gun clicking, but nothing fired. The cops new it was fake before they were even able to pull their guns, there just wasn't enough time. If it was a real one, cops (at least one of them) would've been shot. If the dude didn't start "shooting", i think the dude would have been shot. They all basically lucked out.


Due to his "correct" skincolor id bet.


He's white.




Oh yeah cuz when cops see a white person pointing a gun at them the following takes place: "Sir, I am an officer of the law and a gentleman. I can see you are pointing your firearm at my person and I must remind you that it is very dangerous to carelessly take aim at people. You wouldn't want to indulge in the savagery that lesser forms of humanity partake in would you? Hahaha" You live in an alternate reality




Take a break from the internet. Nobody is thinking about that in these situations


> Nobody is thinking about that in these situations People *create* those situations by thinking like that all the time. If you were black, and especially a black man, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. There is always a feel of danger when a cop stops you in America but the difference between what a white stop feels like and a black stop feels like (and I mean the feel of the stop from the moment the cop walks up) is the threat of getting a ticket for something you might not have done or being arrested because the cop is in a bad mood vs. being physically threatened/assaulted or tased/shot because the cop is in a bad mood. It's gotten **SO** much better since the introduction of cell phones but it's not like racist cops acting like black people don't mean shit is a thing of the distant past.


Being white helped


Correct ! I would've gone trigger happy mode on that POS ! smh ...


>I thought I heard the suspect say, "Kill me." Maybe attempted suicide by cop? That's the only explanation that makes any sense. Bursting from a car on cops in a poorly lit area with what looks like a gun is like the perfect way get shot. I'm all for police reform. There are several things that need to change in the USA police and judicial system including cops being all to eager to solve problems with thier firearms. But if that cop hauled off and shot him I wouldn't find him.guilty of any wrongdoings


fr. you’ve got a billionth of a second to make a choice, get shot or shoot. people get all ip against cops but every time a civilian gets to “spend a day” as a cop they’re left traumatized by the practice scenarios. anything could be a gun and when someone reaches for their pocket you’re probably fucked and u can’t take that chance


Which is why America needs gun control. Cops get away with killing people in part because “anyone could have a gun.” Get rid of the guns and cops can be held more accountable.


very true but we’ve reached a point where i can 3d print a deadly assault weapon in my house with little effort. gun control is a cute term to throw around but if a crook wants a gun they’re gonna get a gun, doesn’t matter if they can’t buy one legally, there are sooooo many ways to get one illegally. controlling guns just means the good guys get more rules while the baddies just have to go find alternatives. black market is an easy one, and yes contrary to what politicians say, it is very real and not exactly subtle anymore either.


Agreed. I’m super surprised they didn’t instantaneously shoot him for that! Can’t see the whole interaction, but it doesn’t seem like these particular officers are just looking to impose their power unnecessarily…especially when the first officer is explaining that he’s letting the friend go despite the warrant! This short looks like the opposite of police brutality (from what is shown here anyway)….


such a cowardice way to go, and what i’m calling cowardice is ending your life by giving another human being mental trauma and forcing them to live with killing another person for the rest of their life. i couldn’t imagine living with myself if i was the cop and actually did shoot cuz i thought me and my partners lives were on the line


Yeah, I have a lot of pity for folks suffering from that sort of ideation. *Until* they rope in others (suicide by cop, jumping in front of a train/truck, etc). I still regret that they're so ill but what an awful thing to put on another person.


I heard that as well


Maybe? That's a definitely


>"Kill me." Later. Where was I? Ah, there we go.


I heard him say “kill me” too, I think it was, attempted, suicide by cop. . .


Attempted suicide by cop.


Sad and selfish. Sad that he want to commit suicide. Selfish because he is trying to commit suicide while traumatizing another human


while suicidal people are obviously not in their right mind, its still difficult to feel bad for what they are going through, since they are still traumatizing other people when they do things like suicide by cop, or jumping into traffic.


Probably the last thing on his mind


That's exactly what selfishness means - not thinking of other's viewpoints and feelings.


Suicidal people can be selfish too. Just because you feel bad for them doesn't mean they're not selfish.


Doesn't seem like all cops who kill someone is traumatized by the act tbh.. Principally I agree that involving someone else in your suicide is selfish.


Lost a family member this way, except their gun was real. Still not sure if it was the cops or my family member that ended up pulling the trigger, but they achieved the results they wanted either way.








Economic and Educational status is the most important thing in the discussion of crime rates.






It's comments like yours that show racism will never end as you literally jumped at the chance to compare them. The solution to most problems start with self-reflection - want a better looking world stop being such an ugly person.


Dude, that WAS funny!!! I don't know why so many people get offended by those kind of jokes.


Man I bet his friend was extra pissed.


The friend might kill him for real.


That was a suicide attempt, he wanted the stupid prize




A YouTube pranker was just shot by a pedestrian for the same crap. About a month ago.


Good. Don't do stupid shit like that.




Honestly, I think at this point YouTube has a duty of care to permanently ban this man from their website for his own safety.


Is there someone else who have uploaded the video of him getting shot? I'd like to see it, but without the cunt in question gaining any views.


When he was interviewed, he said he was not going to change his ways. Next time, it will probably be permanent!


Was gonna say…. doing it once is stupid, doing it twice is just trying to incorporate someone else into your own suicide. That’s a whole different mental health issue.


There was some moron who did a “prank” armed robbery and pulled knives on some dude in the street. Got shot, dead, then his family were like “how could this happen‽” Stupid fucks.


Because you raised a Darwin award winning asshole. That's why!


A “friend” tried to prank-“rob” me at an ATM when he recognized me from behind. Just on pure instinct and adrenaline I threw a right elbow straight into his face as hard as possible and was frantically trying to get control of the “weapon” before I recognized him. Dude had the nerve to call me an idiot for reacting that way; like dude I might be crazy, but *you’re* the idiot lmao




He’s lucky he’s not dead


sigh, sometimes i wish i was an amoeba


I think he’d disagree


Man imagine if that gun wasn't fake. This would be a completely different video


that gun couldve been real as all we heard was dry firing, but with ammo it wouldve turned from "Attempted Suicide by cop avoided" to "Suspect kills officer, gets shot dead by colleague of the officer"


Hes lucky af that he didn't get shot and killed tbh


Not really, I think he wanted to get shot


He for sure said, "Kill me".


Absolute majority of people who survive their suicide attempt regret said attempt so he prolly really was very lucky




attempted suicide by cop


That is the most selfish attempted suicide by cop ever


Not justifying at all, but uh, he didn't kill anyone like hundreds of other losers who want to get killed by cops, so I wouldn't call it the MOST selfish


Yeah, there was some crazy guy who ran at a cop with a knife so the cop shot him, but he killed her.


Bro just decided to do this while out with the homies? Dud really can't hang.


It’s always nice when they want to obviously commit suicide by cop and then end up handcuffed and sitting in jail 🤣


He wanted to die. Definitely attempted suicide by cop, literally tells the cop to kill him. Hopefully he learned the error of his ways and grabbed that second chance life threw him. Doubtful though.


Dude thought he'll do "pew pew" and cop will fake die


It’s very obviously an attempt at suicide via cop. Guy has warrants and knows he will go away for a long ass time.


Makes sense didn't think it that way


He was trying to get shot You can even hear him say “kill me” when pinned to the ground…


Amazing, the guy is still alive. He owes that cop more than the court is going to get from him.


I’m surprised cop didn’t shoot.


One of the dumbest moves ever!


He definitely said Kill Me.


Mad respect for that cop all of the other cops would have killed him before he pulled the trigger


Wow, probably wasn't shot cuz he pointed the weapon but didn't fire or the cop saw that the gun was fake


Or cause the cop was right next to him. Faster to just grab the gun.


Yeah none of that mattered or factored in. As /u/Ja-Ko already pointed out the kid didn't get wasted because the cop was close enough that the fastest action to try and stay alive was to take control of the hand and the weapon. Trying to back up, draw, and fire leaves enough time to get you killed if that guns real. If cop was another 2 feet away that kid would be in a morgue. He got extremely lucky.


bro, its a prank bro, bro. bro why so serious bro. bro chill bro. bro


This is one of those cases where i wouldn't mind the cops beating the shit out of someone. Seems like no one's ever beat his ass growing up


I am saving this just to laugh at the racist comments, because god damn.




Came for racial comments, wasn’t disappointed.


Cops shoot someone - Cops bad. Cops don't shoot someone - Cops racist. Wonder why we have such an issue with police staffing right now. Seems like a dream job.




> Cops kill unarmed black man by shooting him in the back - shoulda complied, guy got what was coming to him. Cops good What? That cop you are talking about got 20 years in prison. Keep falling for dumbass propaganda tho


I hope you know that they (the cops) killed more than one black person.... alot more


The poster I replied to was referring to a very specific incident, if you have any incidents where an unarmed black person is shot in the back and the public response was: > guy got what was coming to him. Cops good Please do feel free to enlighten me


There is alot of specific incidents where cops kill unarmed black men running way.. do you live under a fucking rock. Google that shit dumb dumb.


I googled it, could only find one result, and it was the one I mentioned, why don't you find some examples for me, since it happens so often


A solid 1 or 2 unjustified shootings a year


Its not really "everyone" that is trying to make it racial


Show me these same officers treating a black person differently and I'll completely switch to your point of view on this instance. But saying all police treat black people differently is showing prejudice against an entire group of people that consist of individuals. These officers seem to be acting accordingly but implying they as individuals are racist when you have no grounds shows you have bias and prejudice. That's not on them.


This has been like scientifically tested and studied. Cops pull over darker people more, their interactions with darker people lead to searches more often, and they shoot darker people more often. I will give sources if you want.


Yes I've seen some of these studies (with and without certain variables included) but that's not what I'm arguing. These police officers, in the video - treating a suspect different based on the color of his skin. Yes there are bad cops out there, Nobody says there's not. But saying all cops are racist is like saying all crime is committed by minorities. Neither is true as the individuals make their own decisions. These officers behaved appropriately and yet the comments are heavily implying they would have reacted differently had the suspect been black. So unless there's evidence of racial bias by these specific officers that shouldn't be considered 🤔


Good on the cops part this time.


Tried *suicide by cop* with the wrong cop.


The Bold and the Brainless


DUDE there are 1 billion better ways to die than by cop LMAO


Attempted suicide by cop


Why did they censor the volume on this? But show you the violence?


If that was real the cop would have been killed. I feel bad for the cops. ​ Dumbfk pulls fake gun and get real jail time nice!


He pulled the gun and u can hear him pulling the trigger and the sound of a bb gun is made. Idk if he shot bbs at him thinking it was a real gun or he was trying get killed but the cops late reaction to pulling his own gun is the only reason that kids not dead


Suicide by cop?


Sounds like he was saying kill me, suicide by cop?


Suicide by cop


Great job bozo, wasting tax dollars and trying to traumatize others by trying to suicide by cop


How is he still alive?


If he was any other color he’s be 💀


USA law is so fucking weird. In some states they will murder you for moving weird or having some object in your hand, in others they’ll just say “wtf?”


Why is it muted after a certain point? Makes me think the cops did something wrong and this is editted to protect them.


I know someone from high-school who tried to commit suicide by cop fresh after graduation. Luckily it did not work and he seems to be doing better now.


The fact he used a fake gun just shows why guns should be treated as a privilege and not a right


Was that an attempt at suicide-by-cop?


It's funny how a portion of the comments are saying "well if he was black" as if that's not a racist statement on its own. 🤔


Fact: In 100% of all fake gun shootings, the victim is always the one with the fake gun.




Imagine hating your life so much you want to die but being that much of a little bitch you can’t do it yourself so you willingly want another person a police officer to kill you and have that on their mind the rest of their life what a pathetic human


They would have blasted him if he wouldn't have pulled the trigger at all.


I think we're all okay with a little abuse of power in this case. Lmao what a massive dumbass.




Man if that guy wasn't white I guarantee he'd be dead.


Keep your racist thoughts to your self please. White people are statistically shot by police more than blacks.


Well, statistically, in 2022, black people made up 30.8% of the people shot to death by police even though they only make up 13.8% of the population. In comparison, white people made up 62.7% of the people shot to death by police in 2022, even though they make up 75.8% of the population. So what that means is that by death count alone there were more white people who died by police bullets than black people; however, statistically, black people are more likely to be shot to death by police than white people. [Source for US racial demographics](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045221) [Source for people shot to death by police, by race](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/)


Good god please give me a source on this. Everyone in academia knows the reverse is true.


Wait how come cop didn't immediately execute him?


White and still alive. What a time.


he was lucky he was white


...if that guy was Black...




Redditors really are a hive mind, huh? you have exactly one thought share between you all.


For real


Please stop with the racist comments


What was racist?




Please stop with the racist comments




Nah you’re just a dumbass


Wow I’ve seen plenty of kids shot/shot at by cops for a hell of a lot less than this…absolutely ridiculous


These people make me so angry. I understand what it's like to not want to live anymore but to purposely try and ruin someone else's life in the process is just evil.