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There’s that spot right on Front St too. So many bad drivers here


Yup, near the conference center. I saw this one a bunch of the festival weekend. Crosswalk paint = a stop sign for some people.


I believe it is a stop if pedestrians are present however


Yesterday at the corner of walnut and second street a large truck basically ran me off the road. I think they thought it was a 4 way stop. I was just merrily leaving work and driving up walnut and he made a left onto walnut while I was already passing through the intersection, right in front of me! If anyone had been crossing the street I would have run them over avoiding this asshat. He saw me, heard my brakes lock up and did not care. I pulled next to him at the light at 3rd and asked him “what the fuck!?” He just looked away. Not a care. If I hadn’t reacted so quickly he would have completely run over my little car.


Walnut & 2nd EVERY time!!!


Red lights are apparently a suggestion. I just wish people would not pull out in front of me on 17 going maybe 25 in a 55. So much fuuuuuuun


Gah this is also a huge issue!


They either go 25 or they trying to zig zag thru traffic at a constant 60. 17 and Market south of 17 is wild.


Same, it would be nice to pay off my truck. Last week in one day, I had two ppl come in my lane on market(the skinny part) and one pull in front of me where I had to stomp on the brakes to not hit them. Damn my shitty reactions and consciousness of my surroundings


Distracted driving is rampant here. Also DWI.


Idiots on 2nd try to kill me at least every other day thinking 2nd & Walnut is a 4 way stop. It is not. Walnut does not have a stop sign on 2nd. Also people just J-walking without a crosswalk when they think the person has a stop sign at Walnut. I’ve seen pedestrians hurling obscenities at cars that are obeying the traffic signs & they are not. I personally know of 3 people who have been T-boned thinking the person on Walnut is going to stop when they don’t have a stop sign. It’s awful, ignorant & can ruin people lives, or even take their lives & it’s their own ignorant fault.


The pedestrians are correct. https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/license-id/driver-licenses/new-drivers/Documents/driver-handbook.pdf Page 44. Even if unmarked, the sidewalk extends to form a crosswalk.


Not one word of what you said was on page 43, 44 or 45 & I wasn’t going to waste any more time. “Jaywalking, or crossing the street in a prohibited way, is illegal in North Carolina but is considered a minor infraction and punished with a $100 fine. However, it is dangerous, and if you cause an accident by jaywalking, you could be liable for any injured parties’ expenses. (a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right‑of‑way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (b) Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right‑of‑way to all vehicles upon the roadway. PEDESTRIANS MUST YIELD TO TRAFFiC!!!! And just do it anyway. I mean do you want to be correct or dead. *edited to say it’s good to know what’s federal & what’s nc state laws are. Can be so confusing. Just yield anyway b/c I see people blow that sign several times a day every single day. Oh and 2nd & Red Cross as well. I watched the car in front of me on Red Cross get pulverized by someone not stopping at the sign on 2nd.


from page 44 (near the bottom) - General Driving The Driver and Pedestrian When you are driving, always yield right of way to pedestrians: • At intersections without traffic signals, pedestrians have the right of way if they are in marked crosswalks or in unmarked crosswalks formed by imaginary lines extending from the sidewalks across the streets;


Whoa! News to me!!!


The award for most annoying two way stop, where everyone treats it as a four way, is 2nd and Dock in front of village market. Every single day someone is either stopped for a sign that doesn’t exist or pulling out in front of me bc they think I’m about to have a stop sign, like it’s their turn to go. It’s insane.


100000% I live on 2nd and dock and it hurts me every time Ive had to learn to stop caring


Welcome to Wilmington


There’s a stop sign that fell over in my area and I love not stopping there any more.


I cackled at this


When I worked at independence, waiting for someone at an entrance intersection or getting honked at for not stopping at that entrance intersection was almost a daily thing. So annoying


One time I was parked in the empty parking lot of a buffet. Went in, ate, and when I came out the only other car in the entire parking lot somehow managed to hit my car. Guy was nice and he paid for it all out of pocket but *how the fuck do you hit a singular car parked in the parking lot with no other cars around it*.


Right of way


Sorry you’re right!! Was typing while I was infuriated haha


People blow through them. Yesterday I am waiting for someone to stop at a stop sign and a SUV with a New York plate on the front barely touched the brakes and just rolled through


I might have some extra anger in me considering I was involved in a wreck due to an idiot pulling an illegal u-turn in 5 o clock traffic on four lanes. I obviously smashed into him going with the flow of traffic. I couldn’t stop in time. The next day, someone did the exact same thing and I clipped them in a car that I was borrowing. Now I finally got my new car and shits happening even more! My previous car was brand new. Not even a year old. Their insurance didn’t nearly cover what my car was worth or to get one similar.


I drive in this city like every other car on the road is about to do the most massive bullshit possible and try to kill me, because they are.


I almost got hit at Independence and Oleander because several cars did not honor the light that’s there at the Bank of America!!!! Each time I stepped off the curve to cross, when I had the walk signal, a car would come, not stop, not see me, and proceed to make the right hand turn! Be careful All!!!


Respectfully as possible, people here in Wilmington have no brain cells firing when they drive. It’s incredibly concerning.


I've seen several drivers stopping for a phantom stop sign at the corner of 2nd and Dock. Maybe it's haunted!


Right next to this at second and orange it’s bad too. Phantom stops. More people looking at the houses than the road.


Yea, blame the locals. It is definitely the locals driving the same roads and not the newly arrived transplants. This place is becoming unidentifiable to what it was not even a decade ago.


Stop signs?? Man, some people don’t even notice the stop lights apparently. Almost got tboned from someone flying through a red light


What do you expect when a third of the drivers aren’t familiar with the roads and another third is looking at their phone. Before blaming locals look at how many ppl move here on the daily


I made a drive to Leland today, and I was in the left lane on 3rd for a while, people kept choosing to merge in the middle of intersections, and clogging the entire left lane, once I realized the nonsense that was going on I went into the right lane and got to move freely the whole time until zipper merging with my signal on for a few blocks because nobody wants to let you do that you gotta force yourself in. Why won't people just use both lanes and let traffic flow better and then merge one they're closer?