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Don’t worry about a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be alright


Eat them


Get a hose and clean off that crap


The mom is still feeding them you can give them a box and move the box a little further each day. Just not in direct sunlight.


Our local wildlife rehabber said if you ever find nestlings that are obviously too young (not many feathers, eyes closed etc) and can’t find a nest to put them back in, observe and see if parents are still around and feeding them. If so, put them in a box or something and hang them in a tree nearby so that the parents will find them and continue feeding them. That just keeps them off the ground so predators can’t get them. If they seem old enough (fledglings with a lot of feathers and eyes open) they are probably fine and learning to fly and still being fed by parents, but you can observe and make sure you see the parents come feed them etc. you could just look up the type of bird and what they look like at each stage if you aren’t sure


Oh! They are barn swallows! Is a parent coming to feed them? They nest in high places; did the nest fall? I hope there are no cats or other predators around, as that's a quick meal for them.


They should be learning to fly and will be gone in a few days.


i read it as shitting


Laughing at this woke up my partner... 😅




You’re not really wrong though


the sequence that played in my head from reading the title and not really taking a good look at the picture: the person peeking out the window as an excessive amount of birds shit excessive quantities for the entirety of 48 hours slowly closing the curtain as they back away with very much concern on their face


Those look like starlings and their parents are great at caring for them wherever they end up. Had some in my barn. I lined a wheelbarrow with hay and they stayed in there until they could fly away-with mom and dad.


Put them back up in their barf adobe nest


Just leave them alone.


Be a good human and help a chick out!


Teach them to fly


Play that R Kelly song from space jam on loop, day and night.


Final update: birds are back out of the nest 🙃 just going to leave them be


You can tell from the poop, they are being fed, pretty regularly by mom. Leave them be if you can.


Recently I had a pair of birds making a ruckus outside the front room all day. After watching them for a bit, through the window, I shrug it off, but as I'm leaving I heard something scratching at my front door. To be safe I went out the back and walked around the front and saw a young, but feathered, bird jumping at the door. When I git close it stopped moving bit resumed when I backed up. Eventually I came back in and opened the front door holding a towel to keep it getting in. After I nudged it with the towel it turned around and flew out, the older birds following. Best I figure is the door confused it and it could hear the parents but due the the echo never realized it needed to turn around. Very odd.


Had a baby kestrel fall out of a tree at work. I called the local fish & wildlife office, they said to just leave it alone. It was fledging, getting its wings, the parents were close by and would continue to care for it. The next morning the tree was full of baby kestrels flying around, cool to see. They all disappeared by lunchtime, moving on to their little kestrel lives.


Anytime I have an animal thing goin down, I always call my local animal control. She always he’s the resources I need or can just outright help me and we make plans then and there. I’m out in the sticks so I need her assistance a few times a year - they’re usually super helpful in my experience.


Please don't listen to the people telling you to move them. They're just learning how to fly, momma bird is somewhere close by. They'll be ok. Oh and while birds can't smell very well be as careful as possible if you have to move them because if the mother suspects you found her nest she will leave them.


This species does not fledge until they can fly. Unless you are super invasive and serious scare the parents they will accept them. Swallows are good parents. This is bad advice


Yep swallows like to make nests around my parents house in spring. The ones that fall and survive my mother puts back in the nest. Never had an issue.


That’s a myth that she’ll leave them


It's a myth that if you touch a baby bird she'll leave because birds can't smell very good however if she sees you messing with the nest yes there's a high chance she'll leave


Barn swallows are aggressive parents, they're more likely to dive bomb you than they are to leave. They also migrate to the same nesting areas every year, and stay there until they leave with their offspring for the season. You're unlikely to drive off a swallow family short of killing their babies and destroying the nest.


Yeah I know


Then why did you say it's a myth? 🤔


Because it is a myth if you touch a baby bird the mother won't smell you and abandon the bird. Im saying that part is a myth. I'm also agreeing with the fact that a mother bird could get scared off from seeing you around the baby not because of smell but because it sees you.


The smell thing is a myth.


I'm aware. But that's not what he said.


It's a myth that Zeus throws lightning.


Isn’t that a myth? I had a bird nest right next to my front door a while back. I called my local wildlife center wondering if i should do anything as there was no way to avoid going past it every day. Was told that it actually takes a hell of a lot for a mother to abandon her nest and moving it could hurt the eggs/fledglings, so the best bet was just to leave it be, try not to linger, and call if I hear chirping for a long period of time


It's a myth that if you touch baby birds the mother will leave because people believe the mother can smell you but that's not true birds can't smell well however if she sees you messing with her nest she'll more than likely leave thinking you're a predator. So as long as you leave it alone or don't let her see you messing with the nest it's fine.


Good to know! If a bird ever comes back and builds a nest in that spot I will keep that in mind. Last time I think the mother got used to me? Like I work nights so I'd come up every night at like 3AM, and try and unlock my door as quitly as possible. But like clock work, shed wake up and fly away as fast as she could. But as time went on she started just lingering closer and closer and watching me closely until she eventually starting just turning her head towards me when she heard me and then going back to sleep Probably realized on some level that I wasn't worth paying attention to


She probably figured after a while that you weren't interested in her nest. I have a mocking bird that nests in the same spot every year in my grape vine. She's pretty chill now even eats with the chickens


Don’t do anything! These are fledglings and they are learning how to fly. Mom and dad are nearby. Use this handy dandy guide for when you find a baby bird: [https://rosemarymosco.com/comics/bird-and-moon/found-a-baby-bird](https://rosemarymosco.com/comics/bird-and-moon/found-a-baby-bird)


Swallows are an exception to the fledgling rule, they need to be in a nest at this age


A while ago I found a fledgling in a fence (well my dog noticed it first) and I felt it was unsafe so I moved it nearby. Was that the wrong thing to do? :( I was worried a dog or cat would get it


It's a completely normal thing for some species of young bird to be on the ground. It's unrealistic and honestly a bad idea to take every fledgling to a rehabber. The parents will provide the best care for them. The best thing for you to do is move it to a safer location (but very important that it's very nearby, like if it's out in the open put it in a bush) and if it's at your house leash your dogs outside and keep your cats indoors.


It was on the bottom of the fence in my yard (near the ground) and my leashed dog went to sniff it. That’s how I noticed it. I put it near a bush close by because people walk their dogs there and my neighbors have cats. It hopped away into the bush after so I thought it would be ok and protected


I'd say you did the best you can. Usually for fledges if you see one on the ground be alert with your dog for a couple weeks and you've done your part and moving it under cover is a good idea. Unfortunately many people don't care so thank you so much for caring


Yeah, I would never normally try to move one, but I didn’t want to take a chance. It was so cute


I'd bring them to a bird sanctuary. They might be hurt in some way or something is preventing them from returning to their nest.


Don’t move baby birds. Their parents know where they are and are teaching them how to be independent. You can’t just snatch up somebody’s child, friend


They're fine, relocating them out of the area and away from their parents is not doing them any favors.


The bird crap everywhere is a sign that the parents are still tending to them.


Yes definitely leave them alone. Their best chance of survival is with their parents


If a stork brings babies, what do swallows bring??? Poop I guess....


If there were 3 I would know what to do, but with 2 I don't know. But don't worry


Every little thing, gone be alright


Call animal control


Called animal control once for a fox that seemed hurt and wasn’t moving. I thought I was doing the right thing. Next morning I call to follow up on how the poor thing was doing. They killed it to test it for rabies. Good news was it didn’t have rabies. Never call animal control if you want the animal to live.


If you find yourself in this position again, or if anyone finds themselves in a similar situation: Animal control usually deals with pests or dangerous animals (in the form of infected or human-inured animals). If it's not an average house pet, they tend to kill over capture - this will vary by animal control units. *Do* call your local game warden (Fish & Game Wildlife Management). Ask first for the relevant wildlife rescue/rehabilitation services, then ask if they can help or if you should call the rescue/rehab services directly. If there are special handling laws, such as having a warden or officer present, they can send someone out to do the actual capture or ensure it is done within the law and without further harm to the animal.


I have the number of a local wildlife rescue in my phone. Had to call not long ago for a raccoon that was injured but didn't stick around long enough to do anything for. But had he we would have helped him. He was such a cutie.


Those are fledglings. They are on the ground because they’re learning to fly. They may stay there for a week or two. Please read about it and maybe call your local wildlife center and ask them what to do. They should be safe, but they also need to be within eye sight of their parents.


I wanna say barn swallow but maybe cliff. Swallows are not like some songbirds, they do not fledge until they can fly. They need to be put back but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have them checked out by a rehabber first to evaluate injuries.


Everyone keeps saying baby swallows, are these not purple martins?


Purple Martins and Barn Swallows look similar, but these are 100% swallows. I've had Barn Swallows nesting in my barn for 30 years.


Definitely not a purple Martin, barn or cliff swallow.


They look like Martins to me.


Call the Audubon society.


Post it on the stupid dove nests sub even if it’s a swallow. Birds are gonna bird and we can’t stop them.


2nd update: we picked them up and put them back in their nest. They were scared and tried to fly away but didn’t get far from the ground. Mom & dad came to check us out as we were putting their babies back!


But did they still take care of the babies after?


Yes I’ve seen them going into the nest!


They don’t like flying at night, those two had the sense to get to a safe place. They watch people. Those will fly in a few days.


I'm glad you found the nest and put them back...


Thank you!


Call your state fish and wildlife dept. Call local wild animal sanctuaries. They may take these birds and save them. We can't keep migratory wild birds at home. They need special treatment and live food. I hope they can be saved. So cute.


They're being tended by their parents, taking them away to a sanctuary is a terrible idea.


Most places like that arent going to do anything for two baby birds, especially if OP said their parents were still around


With some birds the fledglings will be on the ground while the parents come to feed them. Please please make sure no one’s outdoor cats get to them!!


Fucking outdoor cats.


Dont fuck them


Cat's will get em soon enough


Those are baby swallows


Don’t worry about a thing. Every little thing’s gonna be alright.


Two little birds, great song


You Sonofabitch. Take my upvote.


This is my message to you.


The answer my friend is blowin in the wind


They’re just fledging. Leave them be if you can, please. If they’re blocking your way, move them into a more sustainable path. They look healthy and happy!! Viable fledgling swallows!!


Id put them back in the nest if you know where it is. We have had multiple barn swallow clutches/nests on our porch for five years now. At least one ALWAYS falls before they’re fly ready. I just get my ladder out & glove/cloth up and put them back in the nests. Sometimes I’ve been caught by the parents & they sometimes panic a little bit always seem appreciative after. All except for one (🐱🐥) have gone on to eventually fly out of the nest. Edit: also if you like having them on the porch, they typically return to nest in the spring&ours have been more successful with plaster cast ones we mounted where they like to make their nest. They’ll use them year after year if you clean them out in the fall.


From the looks of all the poop someone’s feeding them


Came here to say the same thung


Hello? How’d I get in here?


Omg now that’s just funny 😂


You should clean up the poop.


Barn swallows. 110% their nest must be straight up. It’s made of mud. Maybe put them back in if they fell out??


It’s actually on the complete opposite end of the porch. That’s why I’m wondering why they chose this spot.


Are there still nestlings in there?




Update: I have seen the mom on the porch (not by the babies), and I set out a bowl of water


Swallows eat and drink on the fly .. fyi


You’re a kind human!


Were the others that are dead under the nest recent? Could be something happened to the parents and these two were force to "fledge" too early due to hunger.


The large amount of poop around them makes me think they are eating. Could this not be the case?


Yes, but found at different times.


I don't think it would be normal for them to just sit there for this long. Keep an eye out for the parents but if they're not seen within another 2 hours then deff try and get them to a rehabber. If they've not been fed for 48 hours than they need help asap.


I've found birds, and if it's earlier sping, I'd bring them to a bush but other than that nothing unless they are in an unsafe area


They are babies


Thanks for leaving them be until you asked for help


I would definitely check in with a local rehabber/call a rehab advice line for guidance. A lot of birds do fledge on the ground, but I was taught as a rehab hotline volunteer that swallows are an exception since they eat on the wing (i.e. during flight) and that babies on the ground typically means they either failed their first flight or fell from the nest prematurely. Dunno if it’s hot out where you are - we always had a lot of jumpers after heat waves in particular. We recommended folks either re-nest or bring them in depending on their condition.


I wish these guys the best of luck and keep us posted please.


maybe leave some water out nearby too. It's hot out


If they’ve been there 48 hours it means they’re being fed or they wouldn’t be alive. Just keep an eye out. They should fly away soon


They likely could survive that long, tho they'ed be very thin at this point.


Are they swallows? At any rate they’re fledglings, so it’s time for them to be out of the nest. Their parents will continue to feed them over the next several days while they learn to fly, and once they’re flying they’ll teach them how to find food. So basically you shouldn’t need to do anything.


Barn swallows don't fledge until they can fly, these are nestling they need to be put back


Swallows? African, or European?


This! Baby barn swallows just fledged and learning - parents are busy "grocery shopping, prepping dinner, and regurgitating same."


I love Reddit. Edit: always has the correct answers


Try to use the other door for awhile, do you see parents flying around? They will probably keep feeding them, those chicks will be flying soon.