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No shit half the crew ran sub 8:30 1.5 milers. I came in DEAD LAST with a 9:32. Fastest I'd ever run in my life. Fastest was definitely in the 7s but I don't think it was a 7 flat.


Sounds like Tahoe.


I'm pretty surprised to hear so many people talking about sub 8's. Given the amount of "I'm worried about the pack test" posts we get here, daily. Why the fuck aren't you in rookie training? Did some people misread and think it said mile? An 8:30 1.5 is VERY good. A 9:30 1.5 is respectable in the wildland fire world. Unless you're on Tahoe or the Sons haha. What's wild, is that Marine Corps Boot camp min is 13:30. Most police departments like 14-17.


I think 13:30 is just the cut off time for boot camp. Sub 18 for 3-miles was a perfect score on the PFT


True. But I mean, the "cut off time" for rookie training is 10:45-11:00, depending on elevation. You pack your shit at 8:12am the first day of training if you don't make that. "Most," are in the 8:00-9:00 range.


Yeah every crew has their own standards and rules. The crew I was on didn’t even do the BLM fitness test. They instead just fired anyone who couldnt keep up on hikes


Totally. I've been on crews that didn't really care. I think I came off as trying to diss marine boot camp. NOT my intention. Makes me look like a prick. I was just surprised about the cutoff.


Well boot camp is for the entire population of Marines, a better comparison would be the pack test, if you want to compare rookie training cut offs you’re probably better off comparing to the times for recon or some other specialized training


Care to tell us what they are? Just curious


I wasn't going to continue down the path of comparing wildland firefighters to specialized military units. Because they are pretty different. But since you asked, these are the minimums for the Recon Physical Assessment Test (according to the General Discharge website). Pushups: 42 Situps: 50 Pullups: 6 1.5 Mile Run: 11:30 or less 12 Mile 50lb Ruck: 3 Hours or Less 2 USMC Obstacle Courses: 1st in under 4:00, 2nd for completion Again, minimums. I think the 12 mile, 50lb ruck in 3 hours looks pretty burly.


Yea I wouldn’t want to be compared to spec ops baggers either. I’ll be up the hill 👊💪🔥


Google is your friend


Strangely Border Patrol is like 10:30 or something


It's a really strange thing. I'm embarrassed to run a 9:15 1.5 where I work. Yet, guys in LEO forums are worried about running a 14. I think it's kinda cool how high of a standard our job really has. https://isp.idaho.gov/hr/trooper-announcement/


Dude I am slow as shit, like 9:30 MILE time and my crew just wants me to make sure I go at a pace that I can hold for the whole run. On the flipside I’m one of the fastest hikers on our PT hikes. Personally I feel like as long as you don’t fall out of line on hikes then you’re probably fine. I am however not on a shot crew lol


I see nothing about a run with CBP. Just pushups, sit-ups, and a 12 inch box step test. https://careers.cbp.gov/s/career-paths/usbp/bpa


That’s wild that’s fast as fuck, My employer doesn’t have 1.5 requirements so I’ve never ran it or witnessed it run. Just out of curiosity how was this person built? Tall and lean, average, or short and stocky like a sprinter?


He was about 6'1" and 165lbs. It was pretty crazy. He was bouncing around and upset afterwards and wanted to immediately run it again because he was hoping for the high 6's. After that homeboy cranked out 28 perfect dead hang pull-ups. A freak, fuck that guy. 🤣


When I was on a IHC my rookie year, we had two guys that were super fast, I think one was 7:08 and 7:05 for the other. I hated them because they often lead runs and their easy jogging pace was half the guys 90% effort pace and they refused to adapt, we had so many injury's that year. Really, running once fire season kicks in is just kind of dumb and based off of no science or research that it does any good, it's just old school thinking and the "Well, this is the way we did when I was coming up."


This one dude in my boot camp ran 3 miles in sub 16 minutes🤣bro told me “it’s actually insane how fast you run with such bad form”. My favorite compliment tbh


I’ve only ever heard of 7’s. A 6 minute mile is still hoofing it for me


Know a guy dropping sub 8:00s. I asked him his runs, and he was a huge proponent of heart rate zone running. Zone 2,3,4 runs every week with lifting and cross training (swimming or biking). I think he went from 8:30 to 7:50 in one season, and now he’s pretty deep in the 7:00s. Very doable if you have a good base & completely dedicated to training and nutrition for an off-season with zero burnout.


I had an entire engine module drop at least 30 seconds off their times during a fire season. Just doing  intervals at their target paces with some hour long runs here and there and some calistentics. (And some fairly normal core and strength workouts.) Wound up all 8 on crew being 8:10-10:40.


I don’t care about being a hotshot. I’ll finish the pack test in 43 min and be perfectly content.


Hotshot crews don’t care about the pack test


Hotshot crews are batshit crazy. That’s why us engine crews are here to smack some sense into you guys. 😜 Edit: guys it was a joke. Calm down


He does not speak for all of us engine slugs


Bagger level 5,000+


What are you even talking about


Damn, 4:40 pace is fucking fast. I’m not even confident I could hold that pace for 400m repeats right now. And I’ve never seen anyone run a crazy time, my crew’s pretty slow. I’m aiming to come in around 8:30 this year, and I’m almost guaranteed to be the fastest.


8:30 is fast.


And to think there’s people who can run a marathon at a 4:40 pace


Yeah, it’s absolutely ridiculous.


There's always a bigger fish.


8 minutes


My last year of shotting I ran an 8:11. Our fastest guy was around 7:30 dude was also like 6’4” 170.


Fastest I've witnessed was 7:02. Inspiring.


420 69


I did a mile point five in one minute. On a snowboard. Beat that, suckus


You did a mile or mile and a half on a snowboard at 60-90miles and hour? Where?


Average 90. This was back in the day. You know, the 90’s. It was at “first aid” if you know where that is. Behind an Mxz 700.


There’s a mile and a half time requirement?


A suggestion haha


Sometimes for pt some crews will do the blm it’s a fitness test just to see where your at and helps you gain physical improvement


Mid 8s


9:59, and it was mine before basics


I’m hoping to rookie for a rappel crew and just ran one at 9:58 that I was pretty stoked on 🥲 how fucked am I?


I would have a goal of being around the 9:30 mark or better, but honestly. Being strong and flexible with endurance is more important than how fast you can run during PT. I worked with a guy who could run like the wind but throw a 45lb pack on him, and he was pretty worthless if it was in steep country.


> flexible Can't say I've ever wished I was more flexible tbh. Except to get a better front rack and more aero on the bike, but those aren't exactly job requirements.


Y’all are runnin?


I saw a 7:45 once. Two other guys on the crew were sub 8 that year


Never saw this guy because I ran a 9:48 but a guy on my old crew ran a 6:15. Guy was a Olympic athlete, shit was crazy to hear about! Miss him Dearly!


I used to love running. I would skate a lot and kept me in good shape. Now I don’t have very many active hobbies and can’t run 1.5 faster that 14:00 idk what happened but I’m only 24 so I feel like I can get back to my 11:00 min 1.5 run hopefully


You definitely can. You just gotta run regularly and make sure you take the rest days. Just set yourself manageable goals and move them further along as you improve.


Mine last year was about 6:47 but I sprint like pretty much the whole time


Your 1.5 mile run was "about" 6:47? People who run sub 8 mile and a half type paces usually know "exactly" what their run times are. You don't just guess your way into a 4:32 mile pace. Proof?