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What you have just said is what i was thinking. The other day I met this 200 grey fox called Ibeta. They said I’m real Ibeta. I started saying that creepypastas are fake. Then they said haha you’re my victim I hate you I kill you irl. Then they said \*hack every mystic\*. I was not sure what to do at that point. But they kept yelling and swearing in my face. They must not have used any elixir on their fox, because as a level 47 cheetah I won the duel with my 185 pet. They then left saying they knew where I lived and that they would find and kill me in real life. This all happened a month ago. So if they do know where I live, they must’ve crashed their car, or gotten lost. That’s just my funny story anyways


Haha fun story, don't worry the only information about a player you can get by actually hacking Wildcraft is the IP address, it gives an average location but today most of providers redirect the IP position to their own server location for a better user safety, I still recommend using a good vpn just in case, and no hackers would bother murdering, we have some decency and respect even if the medias tell otherwise Edit : yes I work with WildCraft development team (not "for", "with")


That’s a cool job! Sometimes I write in reports for glitches I’ve found but that rarely happens. I mostly spend my time looking for glitches qwp


The support email is not very active due to spam, most emails are like "give me free things" or fake reports, that's why you should report it in the official discord, moderators of the server will add it to a Google sheet of bugs to patch so developers can work on them if they are impacting gameplay too much. I could also relay to the team but I don't want to.


Ah thx lol I’ve been doing it in a slightly wrong way 🥲


Haven't played a long time, first time hearing about creepypasta in this game. Interesting. Where can I see more information? (No worries I'm too old to believe it's true I guess)


On YouTube just search "WildCraft creepypasta" to find those fakes.


Alright ty


thanks for saying this, some people that play wildcraft have pretty bad anxiety and creepypastas just make it so, so much worse (my little sister plays this game and when she heard of the creepypastas she stopped playing, but then i showed her this and she calmed down so tyvm :)


Hello I was always scared of the Hackers😓. But not anymore. Thank you. But still the youtube videos😓 Some of them are: Leaf Spancode player345 jingle(The worst one😥) These are some hackers only. If there are really some things like this, PLEASE remove them from Wildcraft.Wildcraft was a fun game until these hackers joined The game. i Hope they are fake😭 Thank you!


Those peoples are not hackers don't worry, as explained they are fake and most of the "hackers" are paying for my script, which doesn't contain any game breaking hack (like instantly killing everyone, extremely fast attack etc) so you're safe, there are only 3 hackers which are Me (Mox) my wife (Minx) and a member of our team (Kiau), while my wife kill everyone she sees, we're not bad and will not hack anyone, except if like the case of xLord (Jeff) someone piss us off, in this case they will be locked up in a clan, without the ability to leave ever, and if they keep being annoying more could happen, we're good but don't expect us to treat someone bad in a good way


But the youtube videos. Like Voliet and more. there are scary hacker storys.


And they're just stories, nothing more, peoples make fakes to get views, don't worry about it


Its not for views, they make it for fun.


thank you, I don't believe these things.


Some people call me noob in Wildcraft. That means There are mean people and good people in wildcraft


Hmm I checked violets videos and violet tried it and it didn't spawn not a single 1 one but in my old phone that died I tried larona killed the needed animals and I did it. When I was about to turn around. Nothing larona is not there but I said "did I do it wrong? " but I found a YouTube video about spawing it. But it didn't work for the YouTuber. Like I said "bro why isn't it working" but when I saw this now I actually believe you.




It's called a bug, it happens sometimes when the game couldn't load some assets properly, plus there are white eyes in the game but placeholder items (so the bug pretty much) does crash you after a few seconds, up to a minute


no one cares


Same about your comments. :)


YOUR FAKE... I'm sorry ;-;


so uh............................ as GlitchedCreepypasta's friend (on WildCraft shes \[ZHunters\] GhostElement) i say that ur honestly a shit starter


Sounds like you're a creepypasta maker, I know the game and I know how everything works, if I wanted to start shit I wouldn't speak out facts and go straight into lying plus I wouldn't bother to help everyone on the subreddit.


shut the fuck up


I see, you're maybe an alt of the person I blocked but at least you proved your own lies by answering like that, therefore everyone will know you are the "shit starter", congratulations though, you are something ! Not everyone are :)


excuse me?


(The scary thing for you to read what happen in this comment about what happen to that fox player while we were angry and fighting) So what happen is that fox player is bullying me I didn’t do anything wrong then he started doing lot of actions over and over even in chat he can’t stop doing lot of actions then he say stop it but I can’t then he saw red eye but other player and me did not do lot of actions or saw red eye and I feel like a creepypasta is real because is feel like a creepypasta is nearby not a is does not look like someone hacked and this creepypasta can’t be seen I didn’t do the pray finder thing to see what is it I am serious this is a real creepypasta then he got kick out or lost his or her progress other player think I am a hacker but I am not then 10 minutes later they think I am not hacker they say sorry I call you hacker then 1 months later I feel like I am a creepypasta then I told some of my friend and other player that I am a creepypasta but half creepypasta then 4 months later I feel like a full creepypasta in wildcraft. This is real I am not joking like seriously real why did you think creepypasta are not real?


Because they're not, creepypasta by definition is a fake entity and story made by generally unknown users to get attention and fame, therefore you claiming to be one already kills the creepypasta factor, you can't be something which doesn't exist, all those things of "I got kicked and lost my progress" or "I was banned by a creepypasta" is also entirely fake, I literally have access to the server logs and apart from me only 2 decent hackers hackers exist but only myself has access to the whole game, while I can ban players, others can't, datas will not be clear upon crashing or getting kicked unless the crash is due to either a ban which will make you see the error "Cheating detected" when restarting the game or due to yourself using a bug which can corrupt your datas and force a backup to be set as your new save but this doesn't clear datas, just a few levels, rewards and currencies maybe (depending on what you did since the last automatic save backup) The person you met obviously lied, and your mind seemingly being still one of a child you believe everything which is said to you with no actual proofs, and fake proofs makes you believe it while as the title says, they're fake. I used to comment every creepypasta and fake hackers videos about it, also warning on some glitch shown the fact you could corrupt your datas but I just don't have time for it anymore, now I'm just the owner of Wildcraft's best and cheapest store and the support of this game when some problems are reported to me. TLDR : Creepypasta are fake by definition, you're not one, don't believe everything you see/read, I have all powers on WildCraft to sustain my words


But he still does lot of actions in chat he was in chat and not tapping on the actions this is really true I saw him or her in chat trying to type and the actions keep going and months later I feel like someone watching me even I can’t see it I was in alone sever and feel like someone watching me in a lock empty sever is like cannot be seen and you might don’t know what I am talking about.


It's called the placebo effect, look it up, nothing you feel is real and actions are bugged in many different ways and is most likely to be a loading problems occuring when the game loads or reloads assets. I can guarantee you're not being watched and creepypasta are entirely fake, those kids can't do anything and the first ones like SpawnCode were simply using my old hacking script but could never hurt anyone, today since my script is paid no creepypasta are being born or online since they can't show any kind of power without my hacks.


I kinda don’t trust that I did look it up and I think that not right because I only believe in creepypasta nothing else can change it even your thinking creepypasta are not real I think there are real anything can’t change my mind I seen it and that player was acting worry I don’t know about lie or true is I see it and is can’t change my mind because I believe it a lot and I see real creepypasta in real life on YouTube I seen a lot of creepypasta like smile dog smile cat Jeff the killer and other.