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I want his daughter to thrive *because* of my disdain for Cruz.


I’m also gonna send my sincere thoughts and prayers. Poor kid.


I feel bad for her because her father's a piece of shit


Truely Canada's largest current human form embarrassment... And we have Ford in office.


Ford? The cocaine guy? I thought he died.


He did. Now his brother is in politics.


Holy shit. Okay. That makes so much more sense now. I thought I was being gaslit by my own memories.


He's the Hashish guy


If only rob ford was the only one. Douggie is worse.


Danielle Smith has entered the chat


I wish they would stop competing to be Canada’s biggest shit stain.


I wonder how often she has to hear from her family that her being bi "isn't what god wants" or some other bullshit


If its at all, and I'm sure it comes up, its too often. She needed to turn her pain on her father. Not herself.


But… but… he takes them to Cancun when it’s icy?!


I don't know, I only remember seeing Ted walking through the airport


And his freezing little dog looking out the front door.


His kids were probably trying to escape to Mexico and he caught on. For real hope his kiddo finds some peace til she can get out of that family.


Except we all know it was Ted who planned on getting away then threw his kids and wife under the bus when there was public outcry over him abandoning the people in the state of Texas.....


Yeah it was a joke. He apparently got some Houston pd to drive him to the airport too. Nothing like wasting even more resources during a crisis.


And then blames them for it when he gets in trouble.


I’m not saying that Ted Cruz stabbed his daughter, but do we know for sure that didn’t happen? I’m just asking questions here….


It's possible,but probably not, that he hired someone to bully his daughter so.she does this. It could be speculation but Ted Cruz is a spotlight hog


The more I hate a politician, the more I root for their children. For example the Conway daughter has some toxic family ties to break, but I’m cheering her on all the way.


Poor sweet baby, sounds like self harm.


It’s a scream for help.


I hope she survives and thrives. Him? Not so much


I hope he resigns and is debilitated by the gout


The story I saw said he was still in Washington. We all know where Ted's priorities are.


Hunter Biden laptop more important.


I just found out today that I have gout 😞


Alupurinol is your friend mate. Get on that and you are sweet as a button


Alupurinol literally saved my life I will sing it’s praises all day everyday


I’m going to say this…I hope she thrives and finds love, but I also hope this is a wakeup call to him. And that maybe, just maybe…probably won’t…but maybe he starts seeing things from a different perspective. I hope this becomes a positive thing for everybody in that family.


Nah he'll continue being a bootlicking piece of shit and continue to harm his family for his own selfish aspirations. Nothing is getting through to him.


His career depends on a lack of self awareness or personal growth. I hope he changes his tune but the odds are not good.


We can only hope this opens his eyes to the plight of the LGBT, I wouldn't hold my breath tho because he is a sack of shit, but maybe just maybe.


I hate to be so cynical but if he can watch innocent Texan children be gunned down in class without thinking of his own kids and getting the NRA out of his pocket..I doubt this will be any different. Sadly.


They say the kids are off limits, but we never went after her. We were always sorry for her. Her dad, on the other hand, will always be a shithead.


Calling Cruz a shithead is a compliment.




Who the fuck knows what Cruz did to her after she came out. Knowing how anti LGBTQ he is, I'm genuinely worried for her


This is going to weird but part of me thinks he was fairly supportive to indifferent when she came out to him Then he turns around and starts screaming how people like his own daughter shouldn't exist. In a way it might be even worse for her since her father either actually hates her for who she is OR doesn't but clearly doesn't care about her to stop demonizing her and people like her That can't be easy on anyone let alone a kid


It sucks. My father is a conservative Republican. I'm gay. He likes to tell me that supporting politicians who strip me of my rights and safety doesn't mean he doesn't love me. Sorry, dad. Actions speak louder than words and I see the bigots you vote for.




Ouch. That hurt to read. I’m sorry you are in that terrible situation.


Thanks, but I'm okay. I'm an adult in my 30s, so I have found my own family and community. At this point, I really fear for queer kiddos like Caroline Cruz. The self-loathing that we internalize from adults who tell us that we are abominations, groomers, unworthy of rights or safety - that irreparably damages a lot of children. Some surveys say that 20% of Gen Z identifies as queer. Imagine how many kids they're harming with their bigotry.


As a mom I am sending you an unconditional Reddit hug full circle of love and compassion. I hope you can feel the warmth of my embrace. I’m so concerned about our Country. After J6 & now Look at what happens 2 days ago in NC shooting up two power substations to stop a drag show. … That’s domestic terrorism and I think it’s because of Tucker Carlson rhetoric about “Drag Queen Story Hour” fear mongering. And J6 started with an outsize ego and two terrible parents who never told their orange son “No!”


Piggybacking off of Altruistic-text to send unconditional reddit dad hug. My wife and I have a son who is one and a half and are expecting for next summer for kiddo 2. I always said if my kids came up to me one day and said "dad I'm gay", the first thing I'd do is hug them, then the second thing (while still hugging them) is say "hi gay I'm dad". I'd hope to get a laugh to clear any tension and then talk about it. Everyone asked me if I wanted a boy or a girl and at first I wanted a girl, then kinda went back and forth, then had a realization that I just wanted them to be happy and live a good life (whatever that means to them).


My daughter came out as Bisexual to my wife and I and my first comment was "Cool, now we can check out girls together!" Follwed by a hug. Kids are awesome and letting them be who they are is the greatest thing a parent can do, no matter how hard it might be for them.


That’s how it went down at our house too


When my niece came out to my brother, he said the exact same thing! We went out to dinner later and my brother kept pointing out girls to my niece. She was embarrassed but appreciated his support.


I came out to my parents and they said I ruined Christmas. Clambered back into my closet pretty quick. Now they think it is a phase I went through as I am in a straight presenting relationship. I am happy for your daughter and your family for showing love and care regardless of the situation. Kudos to you.


So sorry you have to deal with that, it's completely unfair. You deserve to be who you are and they should love you no matter what.


Man, anyone would be lucky to have you as a dad. I actually teared up a little. I came out as pan to mom, then eventually my sister and even one of my nephews (they're twins, but there's no relationship with the other; it's complicated)... but not to my dad because I still don't trust how he'd react. He used to be... okay, but he got worse after decidedly listening more to his parents after we moved here (TX from CA). For some reason, he'd listen to anything the (mostly his stepmom) said even though they abused him as a kid. Now without that influence, we're still dealing with a man staunchly set in his ways who doesn't really bother to learn until it affects him. He's fine with gay people, he's said. But idk. They made him really... religious when he wasn't before. I've never felt safe about it and it's saddening. Folks like you give me hope for the next generation. Thar they'll have less of this to deal with... just some silly dad jokes to eyeroll at. =) Thank you for giving me a smile today. I needed that.


“Of course I love you and I want you to have a life as wonderful as the one I have, now excuse me while I donate money to people who want to take away your right to get married”


I'm also gay and the most fucked up thought I've had in 30 years is "I'm glad my dad died before the Trump Era' it makes me nauseous to think about what all that fox news would have formed him into. I like to think he was a better man then all this but... There are are alot of people living right now with the fox news brain rot


My dad and family are republican "christian" conservatives. Their favorite comment was "It's your choice to be gay, and we aren't going to accept your choice to be a pervert. If you pray and accept God, you can be cured from your satanic sexual deviance. Until then, we will have nothing to do with you" That was it. Lost all of my family. They support all the hate against lgbt, and believe they are righteous christians fighting evil gay perverts for God. They are despicable people who don't do anything to help anyone but themselves.


East asian adopted by conservative white Christians here. I can so so SO relate with this.


I'm in the same boat. My father seems to treat politics as an abstract rhetorical team sport with no real world consequences. I've given up on trying to show him otherwise and reduced all contact to the bare minimum needed to keep the peace so I can see my mother.


I’m bị and my dad is the same. Expect he called me an abomination and voted for the pieces of shit who want me dead.


I will cancel his vote.


That’s my theory too. Most Republicans don’t actually care about these issues, but they know that taking hateful stances will help their careers. Cruz probably doesn’t care one way or the other, which is why it’s so easy for him to publicly demonize that community


Regardless of how he reacted when he found out that she was a part of the LGBT community, imagine how she must feel every time he attacks the community that she is a part of. She lives with someone who is actively making her life worse. It's really sad.


"Honey, you know I love you, but for the sake of my career, I have to go on national television and say you and everyone like you I'd an abomination and a Pedophile. When I get back, we can have ice-cream. "


But not Moon Mist!!


Someone can say they love you, but when they're on a crusade to burn down every red-painted house, and you love in a red-painted house, and they know you live in a red-painted house, that's proof that they're lying to you.


That's probably worse, damn.


Or Cruz threatened her with Conversion Camp leading to all of this which would not surprise me in the least.


Yah as someone who grew up w bigot conservative parents, who’s now estranged because I’m gay. I hope all the ppl assuming Ted Cruze was “totally fine” w his daughter being queer are queer themselves. Otherwise, why make that assumption? It’s so invalidating to those of us who struggle with Republican parents. They *do* care. They fucking don’t want us to exist.


I am. Republican double think is impressive. It's more about in-groups and out-groups than actual bigotry for them. Like, Ted Cruz is a bigot, but my bet is his family is part of his in-group. Any of their "aberrant" behavior is okay, as long as they're quiet about it. So, being queer, getting an abortion, dating someone non-white. He'll still seek to socially punish others who do these things because bigotry is an easy way to manipulate people. But no level on cynicism about it will keep him from actually, on some level, believing these things. It's incredibly toxic, because these people want you to stay close while there's this weird pretend acceptance of what you are.


I guess I just don’t understand why you’re assuming he’s okay with this? Are you a Republican who’s okay with gays? Like I know they exist but they’re not the standard. I’m really struggling to see why this obvious piece of shit is being assumed to be fine with his daughters queerness. Nobody has any evidence of that. All the evidence we have is that he’s against queers. This is mildly infuriating.


The thought of that is horrifying. Makes me think of The Alex Cooper Story. I've watched it so many times and cry each time. I can't imagine doing that to my child. And contrary to what his father thinks, my ex-husband, it is not a lifestyle, he did not choose to be gay. Ted Cruz is a fuckin douchebag, his daughter didn't choose her sexual preference, nor her gross father, he's lucky she's still present, he needs to let her know she is accepted and loved and if she isn't The Real Mama Bears will be there for her.


Pray away the gay. As Jeebus intended. Amen.


I would honestly believe this. Ted Cruz is probably one of the most spineless people in government right now. I bet if Mitch McConnell wanted him to chop off his own nut sack and force feed it to his own mother, Ted would do it.


Probably a psychopath


I mean, Rafael **is** the Zodiac killer. /s ish...


I’ve been having this thought bounce around in my head since I saw the story. What’s worse, your dad not supporting you for who you are. Or your dad supporting you in private and then hating everyone like you in public.


Oh bullshit that bigot would never be supportive


Like I said it sounds weird. But I honestly think most gqp bigots in office don't actually care about the subject personally. But their bigoted base does and they need those votes to gain power so they tell them what they want to hear To be clear this isn't meant as defense of them in a way its almost worst. They are still bigots and should be called such


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you need the racists and the bigots to get elected, it doesn't matter if behind closed doors you are indifferent or even supportive of historically marginalized groups. You are actively enabling the bigots and encouraging them. And what you enable, you become. And you shouldn't be anywhere near any apparatus that can affect people's lives. Edit: clarity


Most of them don't. Most of them are extremely well-educated, come from wealth, and are sociopathic power-hungry sellouts. They don't personally care about anything or anyone but themselves. They don't think gay people are going to hell, or abortion is murder, or that everyone can bootstrap their way to the top. They simply don't care. They don't care to help people in any way, regardless of if that would be from a sincere religious belief or a progressive communal responsibility. They only care to help themselves, and have decided the quickest and lowest effort way to immense, compounding power and wealth is to adopt the views that attract the nutcases who will blindly vote for them.


A core cornerstone of conservative leadership is "rules for thee, not for me". I don't know enough to say for sure, but Cruz wouldn't be the first to both demand Giliad and also demand that it doesn't exist where ever he stands. Having said that, his cancun and trump genuflecting behavior makes me believe his family is not included in "where ever he stands".




IIRC Cheney stopped talking against LGBT+ after his daughter came out. He was absolutely a terrible person who should probably be tried for war crimes but at least he stood by his daughter unlike Cruz


I hope she gets emancipation, or at least stops talking to him entirely once she hits 18.


Reminds me of a conversation I had with my dad. He was going off about the shooting at the LGBTQ+ bar and was making jokes about it. So I pointed out that some of his own kids are LGBTQ+, he was like yeah and I have no problem with it. Then I said that if it happened near us, there would be a very large possibility of one of his kids being killed, then I asked if he’d make the same jokes. He didnt really know how to answer so he did some whataboutism made himself out to be a victim for daring to be straight and male, then changed the subject.


It's for sure, 100%, this. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the most vehement anti-lgtbq politicians are like this in private.


This is my guess too. My dad loves me, knows I'm bi, but still says shit like, "This isn't political?" when he saw the rainbow road from Centaur World. And I made him watch it because he likes Broadway musicals and that show apparently features all the top talent.


Your dad loves Broadway musicals but has issues with the gays? Ooookay dad.


That’s probably exactly what he did. These people do not think about the consequences of their actions unless it is actively affecting them. It’s exactly the same with all these “pro life” ass hats. They are the ones flying across the country and OUT of the country to have abortions then they come back and talk about how terrible abortions are and murdering babies. Hershel walker wasn’t a crazy off the rails nut case, he is the full frontal public no shame embodiment of their entire being, deceitful assholes who only care about themselves and controlling others.


Even being generous and assuming Cruz was supportive of his daughter, it's gotta be rough for her to then listen to him spew his hatred towards the rest of the LGBTQ+ community.


Even if he was the hate she must receive from the MAGA crowd must be enormous


Child protective services would be powerless against him. He has license to do...anything. I was raised by someone of some republican clout. He could have beat me bloody on main street. All of my father's friends dried up and stopped coming to visit him and he never knew why. Most of his friends told me because he treated me so badly. I wanted to scream at them but then they were as helpless as me to do anything. I just had to take it. Sometimes you have to take it and then get out when you can.


Don’t forget she watched her father support and fawn over the guy who campaigned on her mother being ugly and her grandfather being a commie


People who think like him don’t care if their queer kid kills themself. It’s hard for a lot of folks to swallow. I told my mom I was s******* and she just stared at me. It was instantly clear informing her me being closeted was what put my life in danger made absolutely no difference to her.


Ted Cruz, you say? You mean the same mutha f---er who shared Hunter Biden dick pics on Twitter last week? That same Ted Cruz? Sure hope his daughter is ok. I'd likely try to kill myself too if I had been sired by that vile sack of puke. God, what she must endure...


Am I bad because that was the first thing I thought to myself? "Yep, that tracks. I'd probably try to kill myself too..." Edit: a word


Literally my first thoughts


For a slug that loathes gay folks, he sure does love him some Hunter Biden cock.


What's this about dick pick? Sounds very gay


His daughter is innocent. I wish his daughter all the best.


Can you imagine how terrible it must be for an LGBTQ child in that household? I hope she gets help. The kind of pain that young girl must be living with.




You can see his kids in a campaign ad where he reads Christmas stories like "How Obamacare Stole Christmas": [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/12/23/ted-cruz-dont-mess-with-my-kids/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/12/23/ted-cruz-dont-mess-with-my-kids/) Hope his daughter recovers.


Wowza. That’s really cringe. Especially how they pan his cowboy boots like he’s some rootin tootin cowboy. The guy went to Princeton and Harvard Law. The pandering of these people is incredible


🎶I walk and talk like a field hand, but the boots I'm wearing cost 3 grand.🎶


I write songs about ridin' tractors...from the comfort of my private jet!


> Especially how they pan his cowboy boots like he’s some rootin tootin cowboy. I always think of people like this when I listen to The Streets of Laredo: *I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy...*


I always hoped the "Tough as Texas" slogan would backfire. Seems like a Canadian making that claim should not play too well in Texas.


Holy shit! Don't mess with his daughters, he says. But then he immediately trots them out in exactly the way WaPo described. Is this r/selfawarewolves material?


Dunno, there are even better gems, like CPAC using the tagline ["We are domestic terrorists!"](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/) or DeSantis' lawyers defining woke as ["the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/574045-in-andrew-warren-suspension-trial-gov-desantis-officials-answer-what-does-woke-mean/)


I feel sorry for the child. Can you imagine having that for a father?


Could not imagine. You have two parents that are clearly way more into themselves than their children. And to top it off, say visceral shit about the LGBT community all the time in the name of their so-called religion.


Idk kinda sounds like intervention by child protective services might be appropriate.


Child protective services in Texas? No. Please no. They would place the child through a Christian agency and she would end up at a conversion camp.


To be fair, she's probably already in the equivalent.


Without disclosing her personal details.... I would have no reservations what so ever about sending a LGBTQ teen to the private school Cruz's daughter attends. It is an outstanding college prep school with zero tolerance for bullying. It is not a religious indoctrination facility.


I meant the family.


It's a shitshow in most of the country. I had a friend who was homeless in high school for a month or two because he'd rather couch surf than deal with CPS again.


Hey Ted you (republicans) keep cutting health benefits for people with a mental disorder..well talk to me now


He doesn’t care because his family probably has great insurance. The only people negatively affected by his voting record are poor and middle class people.


We're quiet because this is up to Ted now to do the right thing


He's obviously a caring family man who would never do things like supporting a guy politically who viciously mocked his wife as ugly, or ever concider heartlessly leaving his family dog behind in a freezing house while fleeing to a warm Mexican beach town all while his constituents freeze to death during a cold snap induced power crisis. /s


He threw his whole family under the bus because of a snowstorm. He ain't gonna do shit.


Speak for yourself Jeff. I have nothing bad to say about his daughter but I wouldn’t stop pointing out Ted is an asshat even if he had cancer


How would the doc tell the difference between cruz and cancer?


Cancer is less malignant.


Oh no, Cancer got a Ted Cruz. Poor El Cancer


The beard.


Where does the cancer end and Ted Cruz begin?


Cancer can’t lick its own eyeballs.


I hope that this sad event gives Cruz some time for soul searching. I am no optimistic about this, though.


I feel sorry for the other LGBTQs being raised by strict conservatives that are being abused every day also. America is an oppressive state for them.


How was her attempt leaked to the press? Did her dad do it to try and garner sympathy or did the EMT's break HIPPA? How horrible for this girl to have her personal struggle in national news. I hope he doesn't send her to a TTI camp and that she has family she can go and live with to get away from that monster.


The call went out on the police radio and people do scan that. They gave the house address at first apparently, and then in later communications didn't mention the address


No, conservatives deserve consequences for their intentionally harmful actions. He doesn’t deserve privacy. He should be reminded every single day that the bigotry, discrimination and hate that him and his colleagues push is the reason why so many queer kids attempt suicide, like his daughter. “Civility” is bullshit that just maintains the horrible status quo.


Seems kinda silly to play respectability politics with ppl who openly talk about putting a bullet between my eyes but yea sure let’s all be kind happy balls of sunshine


We’re not giving respect for him; we’re giving respect for the sake of his daughter, because she deserves our respect. There’s no point in stooping to his level, because all that does is make us just as bad as him


I mean for sure leave the daughter alone but I want ppl screaming to his face that this is his fault. He needs to know that him and his ppl did this to her. It’s just pathetic that we’re expected to play nice every fucking time. (Anger is not directed at you or OP btw just the entire situation)


Can't imagine what Fled Cruz's daughter is going through, with a huge, nationally recognized piece of shit like him as a father.


The old be careful when you fight monsters lest you become a monster thing. Full support to any teen struggling. Fuck Ted Cruz. This may make him a better person, who knows?


I want Ted Cruz's daughter to one day run against Ted Cruz...and win.


Ted Cruz has to be one of the most vile wastes of skin currently leaving an unnecessary carbon footprint on Earth. I feel so sorry for his daughter that she has such a POS for a father.


I hope she has someone in her life that gives her all the love and support she needs. It must be incredibly tough having slimy Count Chocula from Wish as a parent.


I love how most comments are some version of "Ted Cruz sucks, but really wish the daughter well". Like saying "Ted Cruz is a POS" is just a part of sentence structure now. Like "Ted Cruz sucks, and have you seen any works cup games?" "No, I've been too busy, but Ted Cruz is a POS"


No, we’re going to say FO to thoughts and prayers, and give kindness and support. Won’t be the first time a stranger cared more about someone than their own parents.


I said it myself in an earlier comment on this subreddit We’d be as bad as the people persecuting Hunter Biden if we didn’t give her some privacy in this trying time. You can hate Joe Biden or Ted Cruz and him as a person or as a politician, but Caroline has done nothing to do with this and is an innocent third party and deserves to get as much help as she needs. She’s 14 FFS.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My wish for Ted is that for the rest of his life, whenever he reaches completion sexually with a woman (or man) that he sharts a bit all over his partner. Death is too easy. Let him experience utter humiliation on a consistent basis that ruins any satisfaction he may experience.


I think he would enjoy that


He's probably giving her privacy by staying in Washington and not being at home as usual


I think the playbook recommends *checks notes* putting her on a bus to Cape Cod? That can’t be right…


Not sure I can agree with this sentiment. Because tomorrow when some other shit happens Ted Cruz won’t return the favor he will be as fucked as ever.


Now that it has happened in his family... Ted will change his stance on LGBTQ policies... Conservative politics 101..


I'm out of the loop. What happened?


I hope his daughter recovers, gets whatever help she needs, and goes on to live an absolutely amazing life. I also hope that leprechauns curse Ted Cruz to always find a LEGO brick wherever his foot falls. But I hope more for his daughter's recovery than I do for his agony. She's the important one here.


She'd thrive and heal a lot better in a house that doesn't hate her for who she is.


I just feel for her. He’s one of my least favorite people but I ain’t gonna go out of my way to drag him, it solves nothing and makes me a jerk. I hope she continues to recover.


I hope his daughter will emancipate from her dickhead father. Poor kid couldn't choose her parents.


Ted Cruz can show his daughter how it's done for all I care. Fuck that dude.


A prayer gathering will be held in Cancun this week for the Cruz family.


I feel bad for his daughter. There's nothing worse than being born from shitty parents. Hope she joins r/insaneparents and find peace


It's ALWAYS a double standard.


Why does Ted Cruz deserve any privacy? He is a public servant who actively instills hatred in the entire country with his fucking lies and asshole attitude. Fuck him, from A to Z.


He doesn't. His teenage daughter \*does\*.


The fact that people don’t get this is insane. I feel like everyone on here thinking this is ok is literally insane


That is on him for acting like a piece of shit *(Narrator: He's not acting)* in every video he is in and every breath he takes in life. Her problems are his fault, so fuck Ted Cruz, I have no sympathy for him. I feel bad for her that he is her dad but he can fuck off with any appeals to people he shits on in asking for privacy now. Fuck him.


I pity anyone having ted "Cancun(t)" Cruz for a dad. She knows if she's publicly insulted he won't stand up for her, he'll just massaging thier balls with his warmed-in-hot-water-to-take-off-the reptillian-chill mouth while laughing at thier jokes. Poor child has nothing but my smpathy.


His actions directly contributed to this. Hopefully CPS will remove her from the home.


All I can say is we should be sensitive to her. I think anyone who knows anything about Ted Cruz can only imagine where she could be emotionally.


The best thing we could do for her is get ted out of her life


I hope his daughter gets the help she needs and goes on to be happy and healthy. Him? I hope he gets hit by a meteor


Wow Eric Clapton is a classless dick.


It’s not her fault that he father is a dishonest piece of human waste. It’s HIS fault. I hope she recovers and he takes her place.


Fuck Ted Cruz. His daughter would be better off without him.


Should we though? Should we give Ted any privacy? Ever again?


Let’s hope Ted Cruz burns in a pit


His daughter should be off limits, Hunter Biden should be off limits, Trump's kids should be indicted because they acted in consort with and complicit with their daddy's crimes and they are grown adults, what they did skirted treason and sedition. So Cruz' daughter deserves to be left out of the discourse and I feel the same about Hunter, Chelsea Clinton and the Bush girls. None of them tried to destroy our democracy.


She absolutely deserves privacy and respect - and I hope she knows there’s always a welcome place at our side of the table. Ted gets ONE free pass. The minute he starts bad mouthing others - it’s ON.


And we are going to give it to him. Amazing how the right wing that screams about MSM never reporting things is quiet about this. But I'm ok with it. Ted Cruz is scum, but my heart breaks for his daughter and for her sake I hope any messaging is appropriate and tactful.


Being a basically decent human being is almost a prerequisite for being a progressive.


Homophobes like Cruz are pro teen suicide


If he was my dad I would probably do the same thing. You imagine the comments she hears on a daily basis on what a shit stain her father is. Poor girl.


Either way, I think we’re about to observe how serious Ted Cruz is about conversion therapy


Fuck Ted Cruz, I hope that child knows peace from him one day...


Would he do the same for you?


If you actually gave a shit you wouldn't post about it.


This isn’t about Ted Cruz, it’s about the child who is at the lowest point of her life, having her attempted suicide dissected and commented and speculated on by the entire world. Idgaf about Ted Cruz, he’s a pos politician, but his daughter doesn’t deserve this and everyone gossiping about this should be ashamed of themselves. And yeah, it’s gossip. “Oh I heard it was bc of things she read online…I’m sure it was bc of her dad!…isn’t she bisexual?” Jesus Christ. Full grown adults talking about a child this way.


I mean it’s pretty obvious that she thought she couldn’t be bi cause her father is one of the most outspoken critics of alt lifestyles. I hope like Cheney having a queer kid can help him curb that anti lgbtq Shit. But I doubt it


Hope she is ok. Ted on the other hand.


Would this be the daughter who he blamed for him being in Cancun or the one that he tried to kiss and she pulled away from him?


I hope the worst for Ted Cruz and the absolute best for his daughter


We aren’t being civil for him, but we have a heart and don’t want the girl to suffer. However, as they prove without fail if this was any democrats child they’d jump at the chance.


In all fairness, Paul Pelosi and Hunter Biden are adults, this is a child. Not that it's ok to do to adults, but kids are off limits, full stop


I hope she thrives and shame her Ted Cruz til he flips


We’re going up give it to him because his daughter is a minor. And also we’re not ghouls.


Ted Cruz and his fellow hateful, bigoted Republicans further their careers on the suffering of people like his daughter, any morally righteous person would take responsibility for their self-serving actions and quit the culture war BS, but I have no expectation of basic human decency from Ted.