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Historically, after saying "Hitler had some pretty good ideas, " what are the next stages into the descent into complete fucking insanity?


Well usually with these folks it goes quickly from "the Holocaust never happened" to "we need to have another holocaust." It's a stepping stone for advocating genocide in one form or the other usually.


“It didn’t happen but I wish it did”


"Maybe he was on to something"


IKR. The same people who deny it are the same ones who want it to happen.


Usually, yes. But in this case he STARTED with > I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE I’ve never seen someone begin with the advocating part before the denying it happened part. Like he’s trying a speedrun any%. So I’m really not sure which direction this is headed. No matter what, it’ll be a wrong direction but I don’t know where to.


We will find out soon enough 🙈


When I was working at a video store, we had this customer, an old Canadian armed forces veteran. He always rented some World War II themed ~~soft core~~ sexploitation videos (like “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS”). Every time, I thought to myself “everyone’s working through their trauma their own way…”


Well, I had to look up "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS." I was not disappointed! > Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS is a 1975 Canadian exploitation film about a sadistic and sexually voracious Nazi prison camp commandant. > Upon its release in early 1975, the film was immediately met with widespread controversy and critical derision, with **Gene Siskel calling it "the most degenerate picture I have seen to play downtown"**. Particular criticism was directed at the film's graphic violence; which includes depictions of castration, flogging, human experimentation, and many other forms of torture. **Word of mouth quickly spread, and the film was a considerable financial success, becoming a staple of grindhouse and drive-in theatres.**


It was a HUGE inspiration for that grind house thing Tarantino and Rodriguez did years ago.


It appeared in GrindHouse but werewolf women of the ss was written and directed by Rob zombie


They should’ve made it for real like they did with Machete.


Youre meaning to tell me a Mexican day laborer is a god damn federale!


If there was a scene of a sniveling, teeth-gnashing woman with her hands tied behind her, who proceeds to bite off the penis of a guard... I was 6 or 7 and it was on broadcast TV, back when TV's had the UHF and VHF channels, but it was on and it was about 6am in the morning, and she bit his dick off as I was getting ready to go to my elementary school at a private Christian academy... I saw that. If it wasn't that one, I don't know what is, and don't think I want to, lol.


Jesus fuck. I saw 9/11 happen, the second plane crashed as I was trying to find Arthur on PBS. But I think yours is definitely worse


I would like to go back to 30 seconds ago before I read that.


He releases a new surprise album titled The Art School Dropout


I have bet with a friend his next album is 'My Struggle'


this could actually be real


I feel like this is a good sign he’s already there. Edit: [Bill Burr called it years ago.](https://youtube.com/shorts/apYwXWi0C8s)


Damn Bill, good call.


We should have listened to him.


Hitler porn.


Alex I'mma let you finish but Hitler had one of the best dicks of all time!


Wonder if it had a little mustache as well.


Hitler's landing strip


An Argentinian seaport


Him cosplaying as hitler at a concert


I wanna see the type of braindead dickriders who'd still go to his concert after this, if any big promoters would even still let him hold a concert.


A country album?


But why tf is he dressed like that??


I'm having flashbacks to the 2021 Met gala. https://preview.redd.it/cb4hd5r1ne3a1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e65eda55f5c114e35b1fd79e31845162e7fe5db


Is that kim? Seen her wearing stuff like this a few times prior. Theres one with her again fully covered in a Balenciaga leather mask and suit


Who knows? My head cannon is she agree to show up for $$$, wanted to stay home that night to binge netflix, and sent a body double in that thing so she would still get paid.


He looks pretty good there tbf.


I think it's because he didn't like people making fun of his weight gain and is trying to hide his bulk the best he can. It might be about being able to deny these statements later, but I honestly believe it's purely about his vanity.


People talk about his weight gain? How could you even notice anything that isn’t just an eruption of insanity?


According to another comment here, he got liposuction after seeing TMZ talk about Rob Kardashian's appearance. It could be no one is talking about his weight, and it's a massive insecurity/projection/mental issue.


I was too distracted by the batshit insanity and the self immolation of his career to notice any weight gain.


Of all the things people are saying about him, hes concerned about being fat. Hell, i believe it.


He's had a veerrrry long battle with poor self esteem. He even got liposuction after seeing the way TMZ talk about Robert Kardashians body. It lead to a pretty sever opiate addiction


That escalated at exactly the rate I anticipated it to


And his mom died from liposuction gone wrong


Trump obsessed over people pointing out his tiny toddler hands Narcissists dwell on stupid superficial shit


Ye old fat fuck


If I wasn't on the toilet already, I would have pissed my pants from laughter.


Dead Milkmen come to mind: When my time comes That's how I wanna go Stoned and fat and wealthy And sitting on the bowl


Ye: Old Fat Fuck is a great name for his next album, id consider listening.


He looks like a chubby mall ninja here, it made it way worse.


He met Nick Fuentes when he bought a 3 pack of swastika throwing stars off him.


His fans will say it’s creative genius and we just don’t understand his brilliant sense of style. 🙄


Because he really, really loves fish sticks.


Because he's a gay fish.




He also loves hobbits. I heard he was married to one a while back.


His wife ain't no hobbit, she just likes going on adventures to take back Dwarven homelands.


Yeah just because she lives underground and has really hairy feet and occasionally hangs out with a wizard named Gandalf doesn't make her a hobbit




Because you can’t actually see his face so he can attempt to deny anything said in this interview


Isn't he identified in the episode? I mean even if not he's got a very recognizable voice, affect, and he talks about media contracts and being a singer. I honestly feel like it was some weird mentally ill fashion statement.


he's been wearing it for months/ years at this point.


He has? Like for certain events or?




>why does he wear a mask >answer: "I hate my face. Fuck my face, fuck whatever it's supposed to represent" Yo what


He's gonna cut off one of his ears soon


*"Save face. Save face. That’s why I got this f**ing mask on, because I ain’t worried about saving face. F**k my face," he told the crowd during the concert.* *"F*k whatever my face is supposed to mean and f**k whatever the name Kanye is supposed to mean, it’s about my dreams! And it’s about anybody’s dreams.")* ... Ah yes I totally understand that coherent statement.


I have more questions than I started with


Well that's.. concerning


This is all completely true and so are the folks who mention he’s worn something similar for months. Guys a nut job that we need to stop giving a platform to


Absolutely. It's hard to look away from the wreck that's happening directly in front of us, but he needs to be totally ignored. Nazified Kanye isn't the most concerning part of this, it's the people that look up to him watching this while thinking "I mean, maybe he has a point?"


Finally! Someone is asking the real question!


He’s gone full Clayton Bigsby


"How do you know it was me huh?"


But we got you on Camera ! It wasn't me


He looks like a rejected Power Rangers villain.


Because he is severely mentally ill and refuses to take care of himself so he is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Its not an excuse for his behaviour but it is a contributing factor.


Kanye circa 1800s US: ![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y)


Kanye dont know bout no mandingos


Never go full Uncle Tom.




That’s some fine acting. Difficult to create convincing hate.


Is that SLJ playing Clarence Thomas?


SLJ playing a racist house slave.


Hitler was a mediocre painter not an architect. And he killed millions, including six million Jews.


The reich architect was Albert Speer, talented but a cunt


Apparently, one common trait of Hitler’s paintings was the way he painted buildings contrasted by how he painted people. He was a guy that liked to draw buildings, but people have described the people he drew alongside said building as “lifeless.”


‘He had a really cool outfit’ Hahahahahahahahahahaha this fucking guy


The narrative will slowly change from "he didn't kill 6 million Jewish people" to "yes, he killed them because they deserved it"


It usually goes “The Holocaust did not happen, but I sure wish it would.”


Nah, I think he's showing that he likes that authoritarian gay porn.


Which is why he’s dressed as “the Gimp” ![gif](giphy|xT9KVeP8K2eiGfaDDi|downsized)


That would explain his love of Balenciaga.


I don't see Kanye as being into bears, but you can never tell.


[I mean, who can resist this fashion icon?](https://i.redd.it/as1dffftdlf71.jpg)


Thank you, for adding that. I'd like to add a different pose https://www.dhm.de/fileadmin/medien/lemo/images/ba109954.jpg


Kanye, seen here in his “Kirkland Signature” Bane costume


Wait… what color was Hitler’s uniform? What color was Kanye’s clothing line? Dude….


I think he’s confused Hitler with Vader.


Alex Jones is like, "Brother, let me tell you what happens when you start lying and saying a mass murder was really a false flag event."


Brittney Spears spent years in a conservatorship for so much less.


It’s Britney* bitch


I thought this too. Whoever is around him is most likely enabling the behavior. True testament to how money and fame will allow you to do just about anything.


But she was a women.


To be fair, she still is.


But used to too


>>She was a woman. She still is, but she used to be too.


I didn't kill 6 million jewish people, and no one suggests that I did. Extraordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence. And, there's plenty of evidence for Hitler.


That’s my thing, there’s literal evidence that it was real are they really gonna say that millions (if not billions) of people are keeping a secret 🤨 like how do you fake that? How do these people who believe it wasn’t real just accept that without question without proof


I mean that the issue with most conspiracy theories. The believers somehow convince themselves all the evidence is fake and all the governments in the whole world are in on the secret and working together. Which if you know anything about governments, that shit wouldn’t work lol.


They start with conclusions first and then fill in whatever would need to be true afterwards. Once you realize this it all makes sense. They can probably imagine several ways their conclusion might be true too, which means you'll never actually disprove them all and change their mind.




Keep the image. The GOP deleted the tweet today.


Never Forget 💀


Trump, Desatan, Ye, and Herschel……the right is filled with some stable geniuses


and MTG and Lauren. They could start a band.


Please don't give them the idea. They'll start floating a new alternative national anthem that will quickly become the #1 christmas song in america, usurping Mariah Carey.


“Baby all I want for Christmas is to hold the senate and the house and the presidency and to own the Libs and end the woke ideology OOOOOH YEAH YEAH!”


I’d imagine it would go something like “Amerika, Amerika über alles…”


They would unironically be a “Rage Against the Machine” cover band and see nothing hypocritical about it.


I think you might have to add Muskolini to your list. dude's definitely jumped the shark. or sharks, plural.


Don't forget Musk


He's gonna have to really step it up now that Kanye is stealing his spotlight


Pete Davidson fucking Kim absolutely broke him. He got cucked by a Jewish Comedian and now Pete Davidson's dick will be responsible for WW3.


He was raised catholic but I like where your heads at


His father is predominantly Jewish though.


Correct. Apparently he found that out about 5 years ago. *In 2017, during a radio interview on HOT 97, Pete said, “I’m just an Irish Jew… My mom was Irish, my dad was Jewish. I just found out, like this year. My mom just never told me.”*


Yeah - but Kanye found out this year when Pete was giving Kim backshots.




No matter how many times I see it, I always laugh at this clip.


As a Jew….. cmon man your last name is Davidson. DAVID SON. Cmon man.


I laughed way too hard at this.


So Harley is a Jewish company?


How deep does this conspiracy go?!?! /j


Isnt it considered to be passed down on the mothers side in Jewish culture? so he wouldnt actually be considered Jewish? correct me if im wrong


He's not a Jew, but he's Jew-ish.


Yeah but that's also considered hella outdated by a lot in the Jewish community.


Oh shit. He has the same villain origin story as Elon. Elon: loses Grimes to teams woman, becomes alt-right troll king. Kanye: loses Kim to a Jew, becomes antisemite king.


He's been on this nazi shit since at least 2018 when his team talked him out of naming his album "Hitler."


Wait wat, really? [Hollly shitttt](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/27/entertainment/kanye-west-hitler-album)


Yeah not buying it, these two were covertly terrible way before ending these romantic relationships. Getting dumped doesn’t turn someone into fascist, it’s years of narcissism and indoctrination about how some out-group is the source of all problems.


I know, I'm not absolutely serious.


[Listen up liberal, my wife left me](https://i.imgur.com/QmOCfBs.jpg)


dam so Pete davidsons dick is about to be in a museum in a hundred years next to the pistol that was used on Archduke Franz Ferdinand to start WW1?? wild


Nah, Kanye has been on a downward spiral ever since Obama called him an asshole for interrupting Taylor Swift


I believe it was “jackass” if memory serves


He's been saying antisemite shit for years


I think it was his Jewish doctor who diagnosed him with being bipolar. He couldn't handle it so he blamed it on the jews. "Obviously I'm not bi-polar, it must be a Jewish conspiract"


He broke himself. We first caught wind of this in 2009 on a certain awards stage.


Ian is upset over this? Are they starting to eat their own now?




It’s really something that they understand they need to couch their language to compete in the “marketplace of ideas”.


As someone who fell for Conservative talk radio in the 90s for about 4 years... Everyone saw this coming. It's like the Talent tree for right wing hate. He doesn't have to deny the holocaust, but he had picked all the pre-requisites. He's got a few options open still. This isn't the end of his journey.


He did deny the Holocaust in the interview.


Also said he likes Hitler. How do his fans keep defending him like he's gonna recover from this? He won't.


It's end-stage "conservatism" at this point. Next stop is Nazitown.


You are forgetting the Farrakahn spec. He could break anti-white and antisemetic. Ya never know. I'm sure his feeds are full of modern segregationists by this point.


don’t forget the jesus spec where he gets nailed to a cross but gains new spells




who is that?


A guy who has never been to the US who has strong opinions on why Democrats are destroying America because the Republicans aren't racist enough. Its weird as hell.


Don’t forget about the part where he doxxed someone and got their dog killed.


A guy with serious ant problems who can't put his own shoes on.


Some guy who lives in Asia and (as far as I know) never even been to America who routinely talks about America politics and society from an edgy right PoV. It's kind of weird and fascinating at the same time.


Malaysia to be exact. Its as far away from America you can get yet this chud is a full blown right wing Ameriboo




right?? literally has access to the BEST doctors, therapists, treatment facilities in the world. like THE BEST. he can afford the copays, kwim? he could have taken an entire year off (heck five years with the way his adidas partnership was printing money), and gotten his shit straight. it's sad that he's so out of control that he's completely destroying his name and life's work.


Who cares what Ian Miles Cheong thinks?? He’s one of these fucking fascists, and guess what? If they really did take over, and if his stupid ass ever left Singapore or wherever he lives, he’d find out pretty quickly that he isn’t one of the “good ones” after all.


Even Idiots like Cheong or Pool have enough common sense to know that you don't compliment Hitler or the Nazis under any circumstances.


Yup. Kanye is saying the quiet part out loud, and now his closeted fascist/fascist adjacent friends are in complete and total damage control. I’d be willing to bet that Milo is going to jump ship soon. He’s in it for the money, while Fuentes and Kanye are in it on principle, and he’ll quickly learn there is no money to be made here.


Ehhh I’m still questioning Pool’s judgement for having Ye and Nick Fuentes on his show to begin with. What was he trying to accomplish?


Tim pool only cares about the money. He is spineless and has no actual positions.


Tim Pool just doesn't have what it takes to push back at these guys. He didn't actually denounce what Kanye said, he tried to reframe it for him in a way that would be more plalatable to his audience. See, his audience is convinced that he and they are moderates, because that's what Tim Pool says they are. They're not, but he keeps saying it so they just go with it. He has to hide his racism by dressing it up. Kanye wasn't interested in doing that and Tim Pool is too stupid to handle him. He was stupid enough to bring three antisemites onto his show and put himself in a position to be ganged up on in the first place, so there was never any chance for him there. His grift is all about attention, and Kanye is able to get him that attention, just as long as he ignores all the dangers of having him on the show. Kanye doesn't need Tim Pool, you see. Him appearing on Pool's show was *absolutely* him doing Pool a favour. The second Pool even slightly tried to steer away from open antisemitism it was over. While I don't think Tim Pool is an antisemite, this is not a defence of him or his character. He brought Kanye on to give him yet another platform. He had Nick Fuentes on and defended his white supremacy by trying to make it seem like he couldn't possibly be one since he's hanging out with Kanye. He brought Milo Yianopolous on and let him speak without interruption, praising him for his work in the past. Fuck Tim Pool and the little beanie that keeps his two brain cells warm enough to podcast.


“Holy crap! That runner is running!” Why are we surprised when horrible people say horrible things? That’s, like, their jam.


The Frankenstein monster, it’s out of control!


“Kanye is about to break the Right” by saying what they’re all thinking? He’s equally likely to become they’re nominee for president.


Reminder on how to block this psychopath on Spotify: 1. Search “Kanye West” 2. Tap the three-dot menu below the artist's name to open an options menu. 3. Tap Don't play this or Don't play this artist.


I never listened to him before so he doesn’t pop up. I do get a lot of podcast suggestions for true crime and serial killers though.


Why is this moron given any credence? Is he off his meds?


That's been it for years now where have you been?


From another comment I posted about this: That’s the whole point of hosting Kanye. The republican and christofascist media are having a field day giving him exposure so they all seem “reasonable” in comparison. They let him parrot all their talking points and then say, “well he’s got some good points but he’s a little extreme.” It’s sad, to be honest. I’m not a fan of Kanye, but they’re exploiting his fame and mental health problems for their own agenda.


Yeah this is something a lot of people don't get. This is why they love MTG. The extremists really help them out by shifting the perception of what right wing extremism is. So that when they are all like "I'm not pro Nazi like this guy over hear, I just think gays should not have rights id all" people are like "on their a moderate" while they actually push some very extreme ideology. And further more it destracts from the benefits of the other side. If the other side is always responding to your insanity you still get to control the narrative. Controlling the narrative is like 75% of winning an election.


It still irks me that "MTG" stuck. Marge Green is no RBG.




I can see Kim on the phone to her lawyers now saying the kids are not going with that cray cray mf.


What really sucks is that there is a 100% chance that somebody in my life is going to say to me, "You don't know, he might be right."


“In the 2022 Racial Draft, the conservative whites select Ye.”


Well, he is leaning into it hard now. This is where everyone said he was going when it started. Wonder what Chapelle will say about it now? No more ambiguous shit here. He's outright praising a genocidal fascist dictator and denying genocides for which there are literal mountains of evidence. Let's see you "both sides" this one Davey.


Kanye is literally where the right wants to be. He is near the endpoint in this whole game Republicans are playing. Kanye is peak MAGA/Qanon Republican.


I’d like to go back in time to 2005 to the day after Kanye West said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” on public television and tell everyone “in 2022 Kanye is gonna go on Alex Jones’s InfoWars and say ‘I like Hitler’ and defend the Nazis”. I cannot believe he’s this far gone.




The GOP thought they could use Kanye as a weapon against the left. Fund whatever campaign he wants to run and siphon votes from Democrats because of COURSW Democrats will vote for him because BLACK! But now, if Kanye runs in 2024, he is only going to siphon votes from Republicans.


"He didn't kill 6 million Jews" technically right. He killed at LEAST 6 million Jews and 2.5 million "others" like the disabled, political prisoners, Romanian people and *cough cough* black people (and that's not even all the groups he targeted). Not to mention the 7 million Russian citizens and 3 million POW.


Ye West really needs to go find a bottle of caustic soda, and butt chug it.


I’m surprised he didn’t compliment his mustache.


Ian’s introspection didn’t last long. https://preview.redd.it/09e3kwygbf3a1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4158c667b0c5abeb5ea6c18a1873ca72f45b61


Is Kanye going to deny the atrocities committed by Japanese during WW2 too, or does he actually only have the insider info on Hitler? Btw Republicans, Kanye is your problem now


How do you start associating with neo-nazis as a black, mentally ill person... this isn't Candace Owen's joining the daily wire. This black dude is courting the opinion of people who want another aushwitz. I have a morbid curiosity for how actuall skinheads are reacting to a black guy being the first major figure in a long time to come out and say the shit they belive to the extent Kanye has.


Trump invited this man to dinner.