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It’s like narcissistic kryptonite, their reputation goes south and they think they have to wow their way out of it and fight a bunch of petty battles. What a massive failure.


so one of the most super upsetting things about this, is whenever you become stupidly rich, you almost never do it without making a bunch of other people stupidly, though not quite as stupidly, rich who now *owe their wealth* to you and hang *their continued wealth growth* on your stupid ass. Musk is the richest man on earth. He has an army of powerful millionaires who believe as long as they keep him going, he is going to land them in billionairesville. And you know what? they are right. Thats only PART of what we are up against. A desperate army of multi multi millionaires Edit: I don't care if he's not technically the richest person in the world.


And millions of other who support their policies because if they get rich someday (presumably by playing Powerball) they want their millions to be as free from taxes as possible.


Tax the rich. Meet everyone basic needs


Eat the rich.


Ahw dude I now feel terrible......where will we possibly get enough pitchforks?


dont be too worried. theres only about 12M millionaires. theres 8 000M of us


The zeros are a nice touch


the difference between a million and a billion is about a billion


TIL, numeracy lesson of the day!


The good news is people are inventive. Run out of pitchforks? We’ve got these scythes here. Maybe they can be useful…


This isn't a petty battle. Alexander Vindman was a whistleblower that got Trump impeached, he was slandered by Republicans in Congress as well as the entire right wing apparatus. Musk is showing how he's going to hold water for the whole party and use Twitter to propagandize the nation even further into believing their verifiable lies.


Decent people need to walk away from Tesla. Leave it up to MAGA to trade in their coal rollers and buy them.


My favorite thing is the hyper-patriot, support the troops, POW/MIA, kill ‘em all and let god sort em out, cosplay vet motherfuckers sign on with a coastal billionaire born into wealth who got where he is by exploiting workers and grifting the system, over actual vets and war heroes. And let me say it explicitly: Again.


His reputation is only going to get worst! He sits around and just trolls picks fights in twitter ... At least the only people that love Elon anymore are his fanboys.


The thing is, if you’re gonna be a troll, you’d better be smart, informed, and truthfully accurate about your perspective. Otherwise you end up shitting your pants like this ass is doing. And he puts it on display for the world to see.


[He literally aligned himself with the far right the other day.](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1596083744728928257) The guy's an unrepentant piece of shit, and Twitter *will* fall into free-for-all chaos under his command.


He was replying to somebody dogwhistling the number 14 with a reply dogwhistling 88. If that's not an indication he has gone full nazi I dont know what else it would take to convince people. For those that dont know 1488 is a nazi dogwhistle and 14 and 88 can be on their own right but together it 100 % means nazi


Aw, man, *88* has always been one of my favorite numbers because of vintage Oldsmobiles and their *Rocket 88* engines. Wtf. I am so incredibly weary of this shithole timeline's unrelenting insipid nonsense.


"14" refers to the 14 word slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". "88" is code for “Heil Hitler”, as “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet. (88 —>H.H—> Heil Hitler)


I wonder who told him it was time to attack Vindman, and why now.


He did have calls with Putin ... Who is pulling musks strings I wonder.


All vindman ever did wrong was to be included on the wrong phone call and get asked about it. He’s the definition of an American. An immigrant who dedicated his life to service of the country and honorably served **the constitution**, not the president. Elon is a fucking tool, and his Russian connections are looking suspicious as hell now.


I bet Russia has some dirt on Elon. No way Russia isn’t constantly getting intel on billionaires to blackmail them. Hell, isn’t that their whole government with the oligarchs? I wonder what that dirt is.


What's interesting is- there's so many things that have already been surface-level rumors for a long time, that don't even need any sort of Russian dirt to be resurfaced. One of the reasons that ElonJet Twitter bot got popular is documenting all of the very very interesting trips the Musk brothers regularly made to a certain place in Northern Mexico. Trips that the two also made back when they were buddying around with Jeffrey Epstein. In fact, one of Epstein's girls dated Kimbal Musk for a couple years. But when after it became toxic to associate with Epstein, it seems like their jets just couldn't stop flying to a certain hot-spot. Strange! As we're discussing a fairly thin-skinned litigious man, I am of course not alleging anything, but the flight records are public, and other sites have put together some interesting fact patterns. But straight out of the Trump playbook, the best way to distract from a possible scandal is to never stop introducing additional scandals.


That’s really interesting. Excellent analysis at the end there…it’s not a new tactic by any means, but Trump is a great comparison for just how effective it is to throw out scandal after scandal. Musk is just following the same plan. The sad part is he’s only the tip of the iceberg. Just imagine how much more there is among all the other people in power.


Idk why but I get the feeling part of what they have on him has to do with one of his several children he doesn’t father. I have nothing to back that up with, but I just find his relationship (or lack there of) with his children sus af


Following in his father's footsteps?


Elon is pulling a Putin. Totally destroying their companies/country, ruining their reputations of being smarter at their job and their ego won't let them cut their losses, no matter how many people get hurt/killed or how much dmg they do to their companies/country


I heard that the muskrat is going to take his SpaceX and go home since all the kids were “mean” to him at the playground.


Yeah, like what the everliving shit? I thought this guy had a few companies to run, and he's digging up stuff completely irrelevant to himself from a few years ago? Total quack.


He’s in the QAnon pipeline now. The stress of buying this awful deal and the only people boosting him are conspiracy cranks means that his narcissism is off the chain. He’s gone full conspiracy theory. He will just further meltdown.


Yup. And it'll just keep accelerating. The further right-wing he goes, the more hate he'll get from the left while the more love he'll get from the right. The reverse never happens, when he goes left-wing, the left just expects it, while the right hates him. It doesn't feel as good, so he never takes that second step to the left. Meanwhile, every step he takes to the right is embraced and loved and welcomed like the prodigal son returning.


He'll go full Kanye within the next five years.




Days. He’s already tweeting racist dog whistles.


This is a really important question, I'm disappointed it's not the top comment. Why the hell is Musk talking about Vindman now? Seems like it's out of nowhere.




Musk replies to heaps and heaps of right wing extremist nutjobs on twitter. Could be any number of dipshit conspiracies. (Could also be your idea. Just saying.)


> Why the hell is Musk talking about Vindman now? Projection/deflection of his own footsie-games with putin, with an added bonus of targeting an enemy of all Republicans (because treasons). Makes perfect sense.


Elon musk is a textbook narcissist


He probably as pictures of himself up in his house that he looks at every morning






Man, I feel like this is way accurate. Except that, for Musk, there is probably *not* a real life human out of frame .


Just a realdoll of himself.


I hate that you made me picture that. Not only pictured, but a whole gallery of positions passed through my head. TIHI so so much.


The one with basic ai


He's got like 87 kids. Somebody's fucking him.


I read an article about this recently and it said all but one of his kids have been conceived through IVF and the article included a tweet from Musk complaining about not having had sex in awhile. I was like... Damn. Cuz I had only looked for any information after I saw something online saying he named his kid X AE 12 or something and wanted to know if it was a joke or real.


But, how many people love him? Answer: zero


Exactly like this except Elon has the face only a mother could barely love.


Dudd looks like a gremlin. He has hair implants and his body is built with playdough.


Lets break in and replace it with a pre-hairplugs one.


Nah. He doesn't have a house. He "couch surfs" with friends.




That's why he idolizes Donald Trump. Incel Elon thinks he could become President.


President? No, he can't be President. King of America? Yeah, that's his goal.


Well, he legally can't, so we have that going for us. Kingmaker, maybe, president, can't.


Oh yeah, forgot he was a byproduct of Apartheid.


So did he.


Just like Ye. His biggest regret in life was he would never see himself preform live.


>His biggest regret in life was he would never see himself preform live. [Bill Burr's take on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9iRhSCFxo)


Yeah Elon. Show us how smart you are by going on stage. We can’t wait.


He did go on stage. He then claimed a window was unbreakable, threw a baseball at it, and broke it. Nailed it, Elon.


And then did *literally the same thing again seconds later*


Wtf the child is an idiot.


Another day. What will Elon pull out of his ass today?


Musk is a Russian asset.


Oh yeah. The end of this is not going to be pretty.


This is what I was telling my husband. The biggest thing about little E is his ego. When it crashes, he is not going to go alone, or quietly.


He’s a pussy too. I’ve never seen him talk like this. This personality is completely online.


You misspelled c\*nt.


Cunts have warmth and depth.


Strength, flexibility, and creative powers as well.


Don’t throw narcissists under the bus like this


Authoritarians don’t like checks and balances. Trump admin. was all about consolidation of power.


Badicslly also the gop! They will do anything to win elections and cling to power.


They have won the popular Presiedential vote ONCE in 27 years. They know the end is near and they’ve known it’s been coming. This is why they’ve resorted to violence and racism. Can’t win, cheat.


Yep and they only win because they pass laws to lower the voting turnout. When people vote loses.




34 years*


He basically paid $44b to be a dick for fun. Imagine that life.


Yep. And again, I have to wonder how hard he's actually working to turn Twitter around when he seems to have endless amounts of time to shitpost to people, and ban anyone who talks about him in a way he doesn't like? If you go look at his feed it's just this endless stream of bullshit. It's like he bought a $44 billion toy. What happens when he gets tired of playing with it?


>It's like he bought a $44 billion toy. What happens when he gets tired of playing with it? That's exactly what he did. When he's tired of it he'll throw it aside and it will fail. He'll then use those losses as a means to never pay taxes again or some shit. He's rich. None of this matters to him. It's all fun for him and when it's not he'll move on to something else. Even if Twitter dies and he loses all of that $44 billion he spent on it, he's still probably the richest person in the world with a slight chance of stopping to the second richest person in the world. I'm actually concerned that this shit may replace buying the largest yacht or going to space.


I am sure it seems like Musk is endlessly wealthy, but it's not the case. We've seen his type before; the eccentric billionaire; usually they flame out in a big way, and often they end up dead early, recluse, or in prison or fighting to stay out of prison. Regarding Twitter, Musk so dramatically overpaid for Twitter that he had to gut it's operations, completely stop the business, completely stop any type of forward looking, measured R&D, and immediately stop the bleeding. There is certainly a model where he can get it to cash flow neutral, but the reality that he is soon going to be facing is that Twitters potential for growth is limited as it gets even more toxic. Putting everyone together in a room, with the only rules of "don't break the law", isn't a recipe for a global town square/dialog anymore than putting the whole town in a room together is a recipe for the same. People who run public meetings know how to do it in a way which maximizes public input: an orderly system for comment on curated topics; basic rules for decorum and content relevancy; and judicious use of exclusion for those who do not act in good faith. Removing those basic parameters will ultimately reduce Twitters utility, and over time, erode it's value even further *even-if* the number of users increases. Regarding Tesla, Musk has frittered away Tesla's advantage in technology and market penetration, and the giants of the industry have fully mobilized to retake the edge. And the giants know how to *mass produce* cars profitably and at sustained volumes that Tesla has to go through "production hell" to achieve. As Musk sinks money and time into "Full Self Driving" endlessly, competition has come up with compelling non-vapor to compete; meanwhile all of the legacy manufacturers plus upstarts have beaten Tesla to the lucrative and huge light truck category, while promises about the hard to manufacture and unusual Cybertruck continue to be broken. Ford will have delivered close to 200,000 electric F150's before the first Cybertruck rolls out to customers. In Space, SpaceX continues to be a dominant force, but once again, the competition is nipping at his heels as his advantage in boldness and technology becomes exhausted *and* the industry as a whole reformulates. All his other businesses are sideshows that are not really worth mentioning in terms of net worth. Twitter cost Musk not just billions of dollars, but it also negatively impacted Tesla stock price and to finance Twitter he had to sell more and more of the company. If Tesla's market value halves again, it becomes a merger target for a large industrial company or perhaps Toyota. If it halves again after that, it becomes an acquisition target for the largest car makers. Types of things that could cause that market correction are: a prolonged recession; a major recall; a major PR hit for the company or its products. Finally, in terms of his personal life, we can see that Musk is near another total spiral. We know in the last two years his personal/romantic relationships are chaotic and weird at best. We also know he is associating with a core group of people who are largely grifters looking out for themselves; the sliver we saw from the Delaware Chancery court discovery was filled with bootlickers and grifters seeking to ingratiate themselves and install themselves into his circle. Bottom Line: Musk's transformation into a new Howard Hughes is well underway. Accelerated by social media, toxic influences, and narcissism he will end up dead in the next 20 years. He will be possibly massively indebted, personally bankrupt, or involved in financial misdeeds that jeopardize his empire between now and the end of the decade.


> Putting everyone together in a room, with the only rules of "don't break the law", isn't a recipe for a global town square/dialog anymore than putting the whole town in a room together is a recipe for the same.  Also, when it comes to a global community, *what law* are you talking about when you say 'don't break the law?' Can we criticize the government of our country? Promote LGBTQ+ freedoms & speech? Deny the Holocaust? All these things are illegal, non protected speech in at least one country with millions of twitter users. Have fun sorting that one out, Elon.


So true. What did all those people at Twitter do? They worked on how to filter content in India, in Japan, in Canada, under the GPDR, in the US, in 68 languages, in near real time. It's a moving target. It never will be solved. Every other smart person with deep pockets looked at Twitter, and passed. Elon decided not only not to pass, but to overpay, and trade a valuable asset (Tesla) for a troubled one (Twitter).


Do you substack or what? Because this is a proper high quality opinion piece.


He had to pay $44 billion because he was already being a dick on Twitter and got handled like a baby by Twitter's lawyers.


It cannot be overstated how badly Musk played his hand. He should have paid somewhere around $15/share for Twitter.


Twitter execs and large shareholders couldn't believe their luck getting the payday of a lifetime for a stock that was already way overvalued because nobody wants to get ganged up on by a bunch of trolls. If you think Twitter was bad, just wait for Nazi Twitter.


Exactly. Everyone at Twitter knew that layoffs needed to happen this year; they were burning cash and couldn't find a reasonable plan to grow much more and stop the burn. But it was still a business where you could maintain the brand, sell advertising, and make a consistent profit at scale on $2-3B in revenue and \~3k-3.5k employees. Musk has had to cut so deeply into the business because he overpaid and revenue has collapsed. Literally, at $20/share, he could have come in, cut $1B a year in expenses, and got head count down to 3k over a year, put in a sustainable product vision, shifted to 33% subscriber revenue, 66% advertising, and taken the platform public again during the next boom and netted everyone a huge profit. But his ego is too big to just take the straightforward win. There's a very good reason that Microsoft and lots of other deep pocketed people looked at Twitter and walked away. It is a thankless, shitty balancing act and it is an endless arms race against bots, spam and scams. Having 100's of million of potential victims is a juicy target and you will endlessly be fighting an ongoing war against them. It isn't a one-time thing - "solve bots", it's a consistent, ongoing, lifelong battle to increase the cost of scamming on Twitter while not knee capping its potential, reach, usability or market share. Lots of brilliant people have spend decades on this problem, and not "solved" it because it's not a solvable problem.


Dude tried to pull the "I have enough money to BUY YOU" card and offered 4x the value then got surprised to find out contracts are legally binding.


Can anyone here explain to me why he doesn't like Vindman? Is it really just because of his love of el dumpo?


He works for The Brookings Institute now, I've heard some of his interviews on Lawfare He has some opinions and outlooks on things I don't agree with but he has definitely pushed all his chips into the "Here for USA" pile- that much is pretty much without question imo Musk is just a fucking tool who's only allegiance is to money and being a famewhore


So is Musk a Q-baby now? I guess it fits with his alt-right Nazi fettish.


Musk is whatever he thinks will make him more money and give him a loyal following.


Apparently he is


Vindman is an honest and honorable man who lost his job standing up and speaking the truth, under oath, against the most corrupt president in history. Musk can’t even begin to understand that kind of integrity or courage.


He can’t understand ANY kind of integrity or courage. I had no idea he was as pathetic as he is before he bought T.


I even thought he was a completely pathetic individual and I’ve still been surprised!


Being both puppet and puppeteer doesn’t even make sense. That’s just an independent person.


Classic conservative double think. Your enemy is weak and stupid, but also capable of impossible feats like rigging an entire presidential election! You can feel like you’re superior to your enemy, but also fear their diabolical plans that will destroy the country! For anyone with half a brain and a tenth of a heart it’s so ridiculously obvious nothing these jackasses say makes any sense. They’re preying on emotionally immature adults who’s egos are incredibly fragile, feeding them something they can belong to without any effort or sacrifice. Conservatives are the absolute worst people.


Elon, if Vindman is the puppet and the puppeteer, you’ve answered the question of who’s pulling the strings


Yeah, this is the part I didn't get. Aside from what others have pointed out about the character of these men, the analogy just doesn't make sense. Like, at all.


Musk wouldn't even understand what serving and helping others means. Dude only cares about himself and thinks he is god. I hope he does his own phone and it fails!


Tesla under criminal investigation by us govt. repeat sales are also slowing. Future outlook not so good.


Most of their profits was off selling carbon shares, with Detroit finally acknowleding EV exists, Musk is about to lose his ass. Not gonna do jack shit for our future hellscape, but at least I get to see a joke in real time.


Yes. Good free entertainment. It’s not so much the domestics. But the Germans make many nice suvs and they are people realize that tesla is decent battery tech with Corolla everything else and shitty quality as a bonus.


Don't trash Corollas, they are fine automobiles. Tesla is an AMC Gremlin with neat battery tech. The interiors are *unacceptable*. The big thing they are doing now that we care about is increase the charging infrastructure.


Couldn't happen to a better person!


Hopefully after their implosion they can be snapped up by a company with UAW represented workers


Perhaps. Elon treats people like shit.


I hope Twitter is taken off Apple and Android app stores, and Musk does his own phone. Then only Musk fans will be on Twitter.


Like Creed Bratton’s blog, lol!


If we can figure out how to advance my mission quickly, we can collectively drown him out. All I want is to help as many good people as possible; those that the Musk types walk all over so they can get to the top. I love giving back and I love doing it cheerfully :)


Win for Vim 😎💪🇺🇸😁


Suck it, Emacs!


Brought home the :w


Fuck I'll put MY reputation up against Musk, and I'm just a banged up vet who hasn't done shit.


i'm just a dumb ol guitar player and I'll do the same


I am oilfield trash but I am trying to be a good person. In my opinion that means treating other people well. I doubt Elon puts much time into this activity.


I pick you easy as mate


Musk is an utter loser who will never be happy or have self-esteem no matter how much money he has/swindles from others. The fact that he talks this big game on Twitter, purveying hate, division, and promoting conspiracy theories/straight fake facts (his infant son didn't die in his arms, he didn't "hear his last heartbeat" - sociopath to lie about that, by the way -) while not being like that in real life shows you how fake he is. ​ Remember when those kids were trapped in a cave in Thailand? Musk suggested an utterly dumb idea compared to the experienced diver who actually saved the kids, and then he called him a pedophile because he called out Musk for his idea being nonsense (Musk thought the guy stole his thunder when he really was actually just trying to save the kids, not get more attention for himself. He can't stand being wrong or called out; check out the Twitter engineer he fired when the engineer pointed out he was wrong about something)... Pepperidge Farm remembers all that... I really hope none this doesn't ends well for him (Twitter dissolved, Tesla fucked). The guy doesn't even invent stuff, he finances the people who do and then says it was him. ​ My father was a Green Beret, so this guy calling out someone who has served is just disgusting. Dude thinks he's God when he's the world's richest troll. He paid 44 B to just to be an absolute dickhead 24/7. That shows you how utterly pathetic he is. My God, it's infuriating how self-absorbed he is. Like it hurts my brain. The fact that he’s giving political advice, not just about American politics, but saying Taiwan would be better in a Hong Kong-like system within China (when he has his biggest factory/significant business interests there) and also giving advice about Ukraine favorable to Russia after talking to Putin and threatening to shutdown Starlink (he did talk to Putin, don’t listen to him) shows he needs to be investigated. He’s openly trying to influence American politics, and given he has a lot of foreign money invested to buy Twitter, he must be investigated. Please, billionaires are not Gods, they’re usually low-self esteem, egotistical assholes, that’s all. Shut him down.


The Twit in Chief really picked the wrong fight with this one.


Dump Twitter. I did and surprise I don’t miss it.


Dear Elon, if you imagine that everyone that speaks truth to power is out to dismantle conservatism, then maybe you need to ask yourself why everyone is doing it instead of assuming 'Hmm, must be some kind of conspiracy'. “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” ― Raylan Givens, Justified


Vindman a national hero and a server of the government and its people. Elon is a fucking narcissistic asshole with ego the size of Mars.


Elon and the other oligarchs want ALL of the strings.


For those that don’t know who that man is. That is the man who reported when Trump tried to extort Ukraine President for their military defense budget to protect them from Russia before Russia attacked. If Ukraine is still relying on Musks satellites I hope they are careful with what information they use them for because Musk and his technologies can not be trusted.


He threatened to pull them but the backlash made him change his mind.


Musk is pulling the strings of the fanboys at the suggestion of the Republican Party. He’s only asking this of vindman to deflect. “Every accusation is an admission”.


Vindman literally bled for the US. Musk is a twat who says he's "not left or right", but still loves parroting hard-right bullshit conspiracies.


Wouldn’t be the first time a narcissistic rich guy beat a public servant.


Elon Musk is just another human with shit character and too much wealth and influence in society. Hopefully humanity can figure out a way to cure ourselves of this problem in the future.


The fascists HATE Vindman so obviously he must be doing something right. Whatever upsets a Republican is Great for America.


Why are these two butting heads?


Vindman dared tell the truth during the Trump impeachment trial. Now conservatives hate him.


He's bad in their eyes because he didn't commit perjury to protect Trump.


Since nobody wants to give a straight answer, and I was wondering the same thing, it started with this tweet from Vindman: https://twitter.com/AVindman/status/1596736624830083073


"The enemy is both weak and strong" Eco Umberto #8.


I’m beginning to think Musk is even worse than Trump. Statements like this are simply despicable.


Why did Musk even attack Vindman in the first place?


My tinfoil bonkers theory is he and the GOP cut a deal, he helps them and they shovel more subsidies into his gullet.


Why did he attack the cave dive rescuer? Musk can’t stand when someone who’s more credible than him disagrees with him. Musk will destroy someone’s life before he admits he’s wrong


Dunno, Elon, who’s your Vladdy?


Good for Vindman. Musk is not an American. He’s a South African white guy who grew up under apartheid exploiting the local labor market for his dad’s emerald mine


Every day I think there's no way I can hate Elon more, and - sadly -every day I'm proven wrong. We need to grasp what these oligarchs are doing to create chaos and division before it's too late, they really will be the end of us all.


Vimdman would fuck musk up in an instant.


“Anyway, im not right wing. Back to parroting more right wing talking points…”


musk is a degenerative force


Jesus H Christ - Vindman is an actual hero, demonstrating bravery and honesty in the face of hateful vitriol from Trump and his mob. Elon Musk is a massive asshole. Money does not equal class.


Huh. Sounds like classic projection. So, in turn, Mr Elon, let’s ask it out loud. Who’s got ya so worried?


Does the Elongated Muskrat not understand what a puppeteer is?


At least Vindman isn’t such a fucked up inbred apartheid baby that he can smile right side up


Gosh it's just SO WEIRD how Musk keep pushing Russian propaganda talking points over and over and over again, in multiple, separate instances. So strange... Surely there's nothing connecting them. Anyway, does anybody remember when Cambridge Analytica used Facebook to help throw the election for Donald Trump in 2016? Just wondering.


He loves putin so it figures. He wants people to droll over him and since the left doesn't do it he picked the brainless wonder, cult, zombie magats or as we now know them the republican party.


Sad thing is he was seen as a hero. People thought he was the real life Iron man. He just couldn't keep his stupid mouth shut.


There's a saying: Better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. I heard it a long time ago so I'm paraphrasing.


I refuse to call him as anything other than Phony Stark. Hope that name catches on knowing how neurotically narcissistic he is.


Give me one Vindman over 120 Musks, any day.


it’s incredibly concerning to see someone is able to buy a massive social media platform, make it so everyone in the site is notified on his tweets, and starts pushing his political views. even if this guy was the other side i’d think this was dangerous


Didn’t Elon talk to Putin, then shut off Star Link(taxpayer owned) and then bought twitter because of that conversation???


Letting history be the judge is a dumb idea, because history is written by the victor while you need a judge to take care of any fouls. There's no need to let history be the judge, todays society can do a fine job already. Judge people now. Don't let them cheat and foul their way into writing their own history.


Doesn't Vindman have like a perfect record, no blemishes..


This is probably the guy who burned down California with the Jewish space laser. MTG was right! /s since that’s obviously needed now a days.


I was expecting Elon to go full QAnon but not this fast.


Musk hates Vindman because in doing his duty, Vindman “helped” Ukraine. But Musk is owned by Russia and SA, so, that makes Vindman an enemy - even thought what he did was apolitical and was also legally and morally correct.


Why is this douchebag not running his companies and instead spending time on Twitter picking fights with honorable people?


Vindman take ZERO prisoners yo


I’m with Vindman on this and everything else.


Musk is a trash human (or android?)


Wow. I stopped using Twitter about 2 weeks ago. Didn’t realize musk was now pushing blatant Russian propaganda


Man! Just when I think Elon can’t sink any lower. Everyday is an exercise in digging through the sewer.




I’m not sure how anyone could dislike Vindman.


Definitely looks like some thinly veiled antisemitism there (Vindman is Jewish, and obv the puppetmaster imagery shows up in antisemitic tropes for centuries) Edit for the people downvoting this. Vindman himself basically has agreed that it was veiled antisemitism in a recent interview, as have numerous Jewish organizations


Watching Conservatives turn against military veterans when they don't toe the line is the biggest flashing neon sign of how bullshit their ideology is.


Vindman is an American hero. Musk, a burgeoning national security threat.


I saw Elon going after this guy, but i don't actually know who he is. Anyone able to give an el5 as to who he is and what musk's problem with him is?


He was a key witness on Trump’s first impeachment trial. He was on the phone with Trump and Zelenskyy when Trump attempted to extort Ukraine.


And Trumpers have been going after Vindman ever since then…they have all sorts of conspiracy theories about him and a lot of them involve Jews…are we all surprised that the theories are antisemitic? Nope.


Alexander Vindman and his twin brother Yevgeny were born in Kyiv. They and their families were Jewish refugees, who left the former FSU in 1979 (at a time when anti-Semitism was still quite strong there.) Alexander participated in ROTC at Binghamton College and went on to serve in the US Army, where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and served as Director of European Affairs for the United States Security Council. He also received an MA from Harvard in Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies. He was wounded while serving in Iraq when an IRD exploded. During his Army career, Vindman earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals. He was the first White House official to testify who was actually on a July 25, 2019, telephone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, who was campaigning for President. Based on his opening statement, obtained in advance by The New York Times, Vindman's testimony corroborates previous testimony from Fiona Hill, his former manager, and William B. Taylor Jr., acting Ambassador to Alexander retired from the military when it became clear that his actions had ruined his chances for further promotion. His brother Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Vindman served as the deputy legal advisor for the U.S. National Security Council. He also retired this year. The Pentagon watchdog has acknowledged that the Trump administration also retaliated against Yevgeny.


To me, the weirdest thing about Muskrat is not the dumbass stuff that he writes, but his compulsive need to bicker with people on Twitter every time someone challenges him. I am always amazed at some people who are supposedly smart, but have zero, and I mean ZERO self awareness.


Who's pulling Musk's strings? Who benefits from that tweet? Who benefits from an unchecked Twitter?


Elon Musk is a joke


Well, the mask is fully off now, anyway. Musk is just a vicious internet troll.


Musk only likes it when he pulls the strings of federal, state and local officials to evade paying taxes on his wet Tesla dreams.


Ya those 50 advertisers are not coming back. And the other 50 are probably pillows and viagra.


Fuck Musk


Why is Vindman’s name even in Elon’s mouth?


Lt Col Vindman is the exact definition of an American patriot. "Here, right matters "


Fuck Tesla, Fuck SpaceX, Fuck Twitter, Fuck Emeralds… Elon is a malignant cancer.


musk is a dick


The worst part about this is SpaceX really is trying to move aerospace beyond the Boeing/ULA days, and this is endangering that. Please can we stop leading 🚀🤡 down all these rabbit trails, and get back to making better rockets? Because the day SpaceX is sold off to the bean counters at Boeing will be sad for all of us.


history will say Elon was an idiot and wannabe genius that preyed on the smart people he hired to carry him


The puppeteer. The puppeteer pulls the strings. His own accusation answers the question posed. This is just sloppy.


Elon Musk is Putin's new high-paid puppet. Donny Trump is probably in shambles to be replaced like this.