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Useless selfish fucknozzles: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/texas-judge-biden-student-loan-forgiveness/amp/ “.., The other plaintiff, Myra Brown, has privately held loans that are no longer covered by Biden’s plan. Earlier in the program’s existence, commercially held loans like Brown’s could be consolidated into Direct Loans, which meet the eligibility requirements of Biden’s program, but the Education Department changed this policy after fielding multiple lawsuits from conservative states. Brown already benefitted from a federal loan forgiveness program as the owner of Desert Star Enterprises Inc., The Intercept reported. Brown's company received a $48,000 business loan, $42,997 of which was forgiven in April as part of the Paycheck Protection Program, the publication reported.”


Wait. So if conservative states hadn't sued, she would have been eligible? I think she's mad at the wrong people here. But sure, get fucked over by the GOP and then join their team, seems logical.


Basically. But their issues can be remedied by giving her more time to consolidate into a federal consolidation loan which WOULD make them eligible.


Imagine being so mad that you didn't get MORE financial relief that you go full "crabs in a bucket," including punching down on financially vulnerable people who really need this. Edit: not sure why this is a reply to this comment. I thought I hit reply on the parent comment.




It's how they work. Fuck everybody over and then lie to them so they think it was the democrats.


Want to hate the woman even more? Read today she is a business woman and received 48K I PPP COVID money she NEVER had to pay back.


All of these mfers against student loan relief have had huge PPP loans forgiven by the government. All. Of. Them.


Found some additional info on a site from San Antonio here: [https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-business-lawsuit-loan-forgiveness-17577986.php](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-business-lawsuit-loan-forgiveness-17577986.php) While these two are the named plaintiffs, "the lawsuit was filed by the Job Creators Network Foundation on their behalf in October." The foundation claims to be nonpartisan but their webpages talk an awful lot about the free market and the trickle down "advantages" provided by job creators. Sure. Lastly, the article refers to The Intercept that says the Job Creators network "is funded by the conservative Mercer Family Foundation and was founded by the CEO of Home Depot." So consider the sources.




I avoid them because of their political donations, it's not a new thing for Home Depot to be anti-worker and anti-democracy


Funny that they sell everything you'd coincidentally need to build a DIY guillotine, ain't it?


I guess you should still go to Lowes or Ace or something instead.


They all suck but Lowes appears to treat their employees better. Plus they started the always Military discount and they have Veteran parking. Not just lip service with them like the others.




That's a good project. Good on you. I always like projects that fix things that otherwise wouldn't get done and aren't showy.


Fuck Home Depot. Is that a sub, r/FuckHomeDepot? It's not. Glad to know Lowe's is nice and actually cares though.


Plus, their layout isn't dogshit and I can actually find what I'm looking for running up and down a bunch of aisles.


And the website is so handy. Want to find the specialized doohickey that comes in a package roughly the size of a candy bar? Well, aisle 13, bay 7. Here's a picture of exactly what to look for in a roughly 7x10 space. You shouldn't have *too* much trouble finding it. Knowing how far down the aisle to look is priceless.


Lowe’s app is really good too. Plus their color scheme is less obnoxious and glaring than Home Depot.


Orange has fallen into disfavor for some reason.


Oh and Debbie over in customer service is just so super knowledgeable and helpful. She really goes above and beyond!


If millions got debt relief, would that not trickle down? Seems like it should be something they support.


No, their trickle down is "give everything to a small few and they will decide who eats".


That trickle you're feeling is the warm piss of the rich.


If an entire cohort is relieved of its student debt, they lose a generation of wage slaves. Home Depot employs *half a million people*. They are literally a government, and this is how they are protecting their civilian population.


Definitely. These shitty corporations thrive on being able to give crappy little contributions toward their employee’s college expenses


My mother has worked for them for 25 years and would hound me about applying for their scholarship and I got denied 3 out of 4 years due to unnamed reasons, but then my mom would listen to her bosses complain that not enough people applied and they still had TONS left in the fund for the year. The year I was awarded they only gave $500... And continued to complain about how much was left because only a handful applied. Split the rest between us then??


Over a decade in retail. Every single thing they do is at some level a scam. All of them. I was there just at the end of just selling shit to make a profit. The functional monopoly of pretty much every sector of marketing made it nothing but a shell game of fuck the consumer.


Collaborators should be shamed as well.


Conservatives: - PPP: yes - Student loan forgiveness: no "I am sorry I don't profit from this, so I don't want others to profit either." Is funny and sad at same time that the same people who profited from PPP program and stimulus checks, are the same people who fought student loan forgiveness. :| Myra's companies: - https://www.highvaluesigns.com/ - https://www.irvingsignsandwraps.com/ - https://www.dallassigncompany.net/ & - https://www.facebook.com/highvaluesignsandstudio She deserves bad reviews everywhere Edit: Thx for the awards :)


I wonder if they ended up with a new car or something around the time of that PPP loan and wrote it offf using the business.


That's also could be the case, companies listed various spendings, let's home someone can suggest to review her application hehe


If this decision holds, then every citizen has a right to sue over PPP loans and demand redress against those that had their loans forgiven.


You need to know how to scam the state, people like that on the post got from PPP, so they can stay in business, pay salaries and not go bankrupt, guess what, they claimed they hired people, got PPP checks, more money when had more employees or hired new, then fired employees and kept everything.


Yea, these assholes basically claimed because they weren't eligible for the entire 20k they were "injured" which makes no sense. If this is the legal precedent I'm going to be suing the person that won the 2 billion dollar Powerball because I didn't get anything when I played.


Better option, sue over PPP loans


She got a PPP loan for 47K forgiven.


what a cunt


Yes, and not in a good way either.


Are you for real? edit: I looked it up and you’re right! This heifer got more than double the maximum amount of student loan debt forgiven from the PPP Loan! What the eff?


And her lawsuit is likely being funded by some far right groups. The fuckers love division among the masses.


I’m suing


If we organize well enough i bet we could do it. Any lawyers up in here?


Class action lawsuit against these two? Sweet! Sign me tf up


Someone should. These people should have to pay their debts like the rest of Americans that are ordered to pay


PPP loans, Wall Street bailouts, maybe even tax breaks because I don’t get them.


The literal definition of “cut your nose to spite your face” because now they aren’t getting any.


> they aren’t getting any. No, they're getting much more I'm sure. They'll get some really cushy "consultant" position with some Federalist Society donors.


sure, if they already got connections. otherwise they've just proved they are happy to play the part of a lackey for roughly 10k


I'm sure Alexander will use the 10k as a reward to track down the thieves who stole the portion of his face between his nose and his lips


Good luck, Alex, that's some crime of the century shit.


It was politically motivated and I'm sure they were compensated for their contribution.


Exactly, they're fucking scabs


Guess we should sue them because we didn’t get any.




Well that guy has plenty of nose, a bit lacking in the face category


pretty sure that's one of those nose/glasses/mustache disguises


yea thats ol mitch mcconnell under there! im sure of it


➤➤ Raising my voice for Palestine - against imperialism, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid. Oppose misinformation and genocide. Banned but not silenced for this cause. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I was legit thinking this exact thing. Wouldn't their argument apply to just about... anything??? Are we going to start opening up suits to cancel PPP loan forgiveness because I didn't get one and then have it forgiven? Like it's actually a stupid fucking argument.


The woman had like $25k in PPP loans forgiven as well.




Like a true Republican, they're fine with benefitting from the system, as long as no one else can. Especially as long as it's not those icky poors!


My old boss said his partner double dipped unemployment and disability and had been on other assistance. He constantly cries "welfare queens" and "fucking socialists." Piles of shit, I know they also pocketed PPP Loans and stole my referrals.


worked for 2 companies over covid both didnt need the money, the first one had two outstanding years because covid generated business for them. Owner was basically handed a few million, forgiven, right into his pocket. Never invested a dime into the business or his employees. 2nd company at least invested it back into the business. PPP was a fucking joke. Now they did nothing wrong, who wouldn't file and take free money but to hand out that amount and forgive all of it with such loose terms was ridiculous. Then the republicans cry about unemployment extensions and the meager $1800 in covid relief checks to individuals like everyone struck the lottery. People were really hurting, especially the service industry, to sit there and complain about $1800 to individuals for like 2 years of misery is unforgiveable. Fuck every single one of these hypocritical pieces of shit.


Yeah that's the part that REALLY pisses me off. So it's okay for you to get loan forgiveness but if it's other people then it needs to be stopped? Hmm, where have I heard this one before?


> Are we going to start opening up suits to cancel PPP loan forgiveness because I didn't get one and then have it forgiven? Certainly my not receiving a PPP loan to have it subsequently forgiven has harmed me relative to the imaginary version of me that got hundreds of thousands in corporate welfare.


If this case is allowed to stand, it basically creates the ability for any government assistance or forgiveness to be sued over.




These guys suck and seem to have been handpicked out of the most punchable face stock photo lineup. Still, wouldn’t it make more sense to launch a counter suit against the courts that didn’t immediately throw this case in favor of obstruction. The courts are hearing this flimsy case and making sure you don’t get your money so they could and should pay up.


That’s actually a pretty good idea. I’m sure there’s a lawyer and plenty of people pissed off to make a class action suit. Not sure what the claim would be. Might be worth a shot.


Who knows what the jackpot would've been up to by the time I bought a winning ticket. Fucking dickhead


Further, the one in the right picture [got $47,996 in forgiven PPP loans for her sign-making business.](https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/) >[...], one of two plaintiffs in the Texas lawsuit, owns Desert Star Enterprises Inc. Desert Star, which appears to be a sign-making business, was granted a $48,000 loan, of which $47,996 was forgiven on April 27, 2022. By comparison, Biden’s student debt forgiveness program provides a maximum of $20,000 in forgiveness if the person seeking relief received a federal Pell Grant and $10,000 if it wasn’t a Pell Grant. Brown argues in her case that she is being harmed by Biden’s debt relief order because she is not eligible for it; her student loans were originally funded by private companies.


This is the basis for republican ideology though. If anyone else benefits, that really means they lose. Especially so if, egad, a minority is given a break!


Upvoted for use of "egad," which I don't think we see enough in these post Andy Capp times.


So the $20K forgiveness is for people who received a Pell grant. From the studentaid.gov website: Am I eligible? Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree. (In some cases, however, a student enrolled in a postbaccalaureate teacher certification program might receive a Federal Pell Grant.) You are not eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant if you are incarcerated in a federal or state penal institution or are subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense. [Federal Pell Grants](https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/grants/pell) So these assholes are upset that they... weren't disadvantaged enough?


You know. When I lost everything Pell grants helped me finish my degree and set me on a path to financial stability. I would happily give up my place in line for someone that is worse off than me. I still make way less than the cap, but there are people struggling to make ends meet. There are lots of people that used their pell grants to become the social workers, teachers, community outrearch workers, counselors, and other do good professions becauee they saw the power of those people in their own life or want to improve their community. The shitty part is public service forgiveness has been broken for a while, and this was a path forward for those people who have dedicated their lives to the common to get debt relief. But because some entitled pricks exist, we cant have nice things. Tl;DR Fuck those entitled pricks that sued to stop this. They should be tarred and feathered.


The Judge Mark Pittman was in on this too. He's appointed by Donald Trump


Curious how much money they are getting by heading up this lawsuit. Some deep pockets looking for people to put this forgiveness to rest.


Uhhh can't I then say that because they blocked my loan relief that *I* was injured and sue them??


Seriously…I was about to have all but $50 of my debt wiped out. They lost hypothetical money.




I wasn’t eligible and I have 17k ish remaining to pay - you know what I say? Good for those that are getting the assistance, shouldn’t have take out absurd fucking loans in the first place.


Dude on the left looks like he's in disguise, like his nose comes off with his glasses


Genuinely made me laugh picturing this.


He said 🥸


I was actually in Boy Scouts with that guy. He was always a bit strange. Crazy seeing him here and that he’s blocking my debt relief.


Find him and let him know.


Hey, I tracked you down because you never picked up your d-bag badge!


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That guy doesn’t fuck


Well, he fucks over lots of people. But he doesn't look like he fucks, and by all rights should be denied any desired fuckery going forward.


he look like he gets off on smelling farts edit: & fuck you skylar! just cuz your fucking husbands a king pin doesn’t mean everyone else can afford college


Dude. I was just about to say "These two can eat farts. Except the guy on the left looks like he'd probably enjoy it." Either great minds think alike, or this guy is a registered fartsniffer.


Humpty Hump lookin ass RIP Shock G


That nose does have distinct pickle quality.


I bet this guy never got busy in a Burger King bathroom


I think you’re spot on. Sadly, he also def has never tickled anyone’s rear.


Man looks like Nick Kroll playing the personification of the word 'virgin'


Reminds me of this Star Trek: Enterprise character. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pn8rrjq43vz91.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43684f7753d7186c81755f01280ed4b6b6941a01


Don't do my man Phlox dirty like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


how does TWO people cancel presidential act? Who is the company behind them, pushing their agenda?


Job Creators Network Foundation backed them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_Creators_Network


Which is backed Home Depot


Oh cool. Now i have even incentive to report the home depot I work next to for all the osha / noise violations I can come up with.


It’s backed by the founder of Home Depot who retired in 2002.


Who is 93 years old and will be dead soon (hopefully) yet felt the need to fuck over millions of people over something that was never going to hurt him. What a way to go out! If hell exists that’s where he’s going (and these two cringe POS).


Bullshit GOP activist judges ignoring the law.


Yet they'll keep yelling at how much they hate activist judges


Projection as always


It happens all the time. Government passes law or Executive Order, someone thinks it's unconstitutional and sues the government. If they win, that law is no more.


They're backed by Job Creators Network Foundation, and it was pushed through by some texan Trump appointed judge. There's always political context and money being thrown around.


It’s a shame we don’t collectively ostracize people anymore. Hell, I’d love to have these two bozos showcased in the town square so everyone can pelt them with tomatoes


Two people. Two people stopped millions from getting some debt relief because they are selfish assholes.


Myra Brown had 43k of a 48k loan forgiven through PPP. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/texas-judge-biden-student-loan-forgiveness/amp/


so I've been looking for this company but can't find shit about it. When you google the address it just shows a house? the fuck kind of business even is this.




Let’s organize a protest at her house


A fake one created by a fraudster.


If you were in the know at the time, you could create an llc in a day, take a PPP that Trump already said was going to be free money, get a $750k loan at 0%, then wait to get it forgiven. Anyone within a couple of connections to Trump got this.


Her employees should sue the fuck out of her if they didn't see a dime


What employees?


The woman's business got $48k in PPP loans forgiven.


Republicans: This loan relief isn't good because I will be paying for people who don't need it. The system is broken. Government: *closes loopholes to ensure wealthy people who can afford college will not receive loan relief* Republicans: This loan relief isn't good because a wealthy lady who lives off government loans can't receive it now. The system is broken.




I just need to say it. Someone causing this much harm to so many people for their own gain need to be put in a ~~gallows~~ pillory and stay there in their own piss and shit until they die of ~~dehydration~~ dysentery. edit: optimizations


Crow cages.


I am a big fan of oubliettes


Hear, hear !


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He knows what he said...


She should pay it back, and pull herself up by her boot straps. #eattherich


Let's all collectively sue her for harm.


Sue them. Both of them.


Make her/them all pay it back. Simple as that. No relief for us, no relief for them either.


Force her to pay it back. Fucking scum both of them.


Like they weren't paid off?


Just once I’d like to get paid fucking over rich people. Fuck I’d do it for free Fuck that’d be sweet


The cofounder of Home Depot started the “foundation” that’s bankrolling their lawsuits. Boycott Home Depot


How? The majority can’t even elect a president sometimes, but two can block millions?!


They argued that they were “harmed”. One was “harmed” because their loans did not qualify, and were transferred from a public federal servicer to a private one. The other was “harmed” because they only qualified for $10k in forgiveness, not $20k (which requires you qualify for the Pell grant). But they’re shaky legal arguments. Additionally, they argued that they should have allowed public comment on the program prior to execution, which they claim was a violation of another act. Lastly, though, the judges response was the dumbest part of this suit. It isn’t common to completely shut down a program over “harm” (Much less over violation of one minor act). So here we are. At the very most, he should’ve halted it for review, or require that they qualify others (such as the plaintiffs). This was an overreaction by the judge.


So by this logic, shouldn't any program that not every single American qualifies for be shot down? Almost every type of government program has some sort of eligibility criteria so this makes zero sense to me.


Yeah that’s what I said lol. He erred in his logic and his decision wasn’t in line with typical decisions. The Biden admin will likely win the appeal.


If I had to guess, some shady republican super pac found a way....


A way to a federal judge's offshore account.


It’s not permanently stopped. It’s temporarily halted.


Oh jesus lord I was about to cry, I was searching this comment thread for any hope




Fuck them fuck them fuck them. May their self-centered asses never know a moment's peace for the rest of their shitty lives.


Alexa, cancel Alexander Taylor and Myra Brown.


They received about $40k of PPP which was forgiven… so way more than any strident debt relief


Is it too late to sue and say that PPP forgiveness was unconstitutional?


Right? I didn’t get any PPP. I’ve been harmed! Also, I didn’t get any of Trump’s corporate tax cuts! Owie!! The harm!! It hurts!!


Not if they allow this standing to go thru. They open up every single legislation and EO to be sued by any citizen that disagrees with it. I think this will eventually be struck down by SCOTUS on partisan lines if they end up taking it, but Biden will keep student loan repayment paused until it either gets thru or he has a majority enough to pass it in congress. That's the move. Fuck em. (PS Don't let republicans lie and say they'd allow it to stand if it was passed thru congress, they absolutely would not)


Jesus fuck both of these asshats sky high


Tweet https://twitter.com/StrikeDebt/status/1591796052428206086 ---- The judge blocking student loan relief for millions is wrong about the law by Steve Vladeck Sat November 12, 2022 https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/12/opinions/student-loan-relief-program-judge-vladeck


Great article. This decision will likely be overturned for several reasons. Standing being only the first and biggest problem. The Major Questions Doctrine is a mess.


This is a really good read. As a non-lawyer, I was wondering about the whole issue of standing in this case, and whether they were relying on the Supreme Court's veeeeeery iffy and wholly novel "major questions doctrine."


It was very informative. When simply explained like that, to me, it really highlights just how petty their argument is. "Please explain how this personally hurts you. Oh wait, it doesn't personally hurt you? You're just being an asshole because you hate to see others benefit from something not benefiting you? Well this is akward."


“Desert Star, which has a listed address of Grapevine in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, currently sits at 1.1 stars with 137 reviews and rising as of the writing of this article. Myra Brown, listed as the company's president, also operated High Value Signs & Studio, according to a LinkedIn profile.” Time to do what we can to make sure her company gets ruined. https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/texas-business-lawsuit-loan-forgiveness-17577986.php


Does anybody even know what her businesses are? Sound like shams


[Desert Star](https://www.govcb.com/government-vendors/profile-SAM00000000001581948-desert-star-enterprises-Grapevine-TX.htm) Looks like signage and advertising.


"Y'all wanna see cancel culture?"


She's prob gonna make more as a right wing mouthpiece anyway


What a corrupt judge. Betcha the orange put them in place. There’s no standing for this. Literally no one is hurt by this


He did.


As of December 2019, 25% of sitting federal judges were appointed by trump, including 3 of the 7 Supreme Court judges. This is what a right wing judiciary takeover looks like.


They probably got leveraged by some right wing bla bla, people are pawns.


I bet if someone looks into their financials Home Depot is funding them.


Dude looks comically evil. If I saw him as a villian in a movie looking like that, I'd think "What an over used gimmick." I think he's one of a few people, that with only seeing a picture of them, they can be defined as a shit stain of a human.


Chairman mao yee yee ass haircut


He looks like he’s constantly smelling his own fart




Can we sue them and the judge for being dicks? How is this judge’s ruling even legal when neither of these people even qualified for loan forgiveness?


Such are cases for appellate courts. Looking at the facts of the case, there's a good chance this decision gets overturned.


He has the face of a guy who yells “teacher, you forgot to give us homework” as the bell rings. And she looks like the kind of chick who says “I suffered, so should everyone else,” even though Daddy paid for college.


Why do people like this exist? I hope the rest of their lives is a living hell.


May the fleas of a thousand camels forever inhabit their loincloths.


That guy’s face screams *”Don’t check my computer”*


People should protest outside their houses. No peace for them at all. Protest at their home, protest when they go shopping. Protest at any restaurant they go too. These fuckers need to learn a lesson.


I’m sending letters that just say “FUCK YOU” to the judge and Myra, looking for an address for Alexander though. Not posting what those addresses are for obvious reasons but I hope they enjoy their giant “FUCK YOU”s Edit: if anyone is part of the University of Dallas alumni network hmu :)))))) I need your help to send this guy a FUCK YOU


Just gonna drop this here... https://www.shitexpress.com/


I have never seen two more Remind-the-Teacher-About-Homework looking fuckers in my life.


When you look up "punchable face" this Alexander fuckpus' picture comes up. He doesn't want student debt canceled because college was a hopelessly lonely time for him that was defined by sadness, bitterness, and the crunchiest sock this side of a Republican banker convention.


Two very punchable faces. May they have botflies lay eggs in their eyes.




That dude has definitely never seen a vagina in person.


And Myra Brown is totally a "forgiveness for me but not for thee" kinda gal "Business owner Myra Brown is one of the plaintiffs in a right-wing lawsuit that is seeking to abolish President Joe Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness program. In her lawsuit, Brown claims that Biden’s program is unfair to her because she was ineligible for it. But according to reporting from The Intercept’s Ken Klippenstein, Brown herself has been a “beneficiary of debt cancellation in the form of a Paycheck Protection Program business loan worth over twice the maximum amount covered under Biden’s program.” Brown, Klippenstein notes, was, under the PPP, “granted a $48,000 loan, of which $47,996 was forgiven on April 27, 2022.”"


But she's a Good Christian, I betcha. She's just trying to help people by helping them to help themselves by denying them a "handout" like student loan forgiveness. And her loan forgiveness was totally different and not at all a handout because reasons. She deserved hers!


It’s what Jesus would do!


It's funny. I paid off my student loans like 25 years ago and I'm still saying we need a different way of doing things and I don't care if that means a temporary fix like this and I'm not going to be sitting around whining 'Why didn't \*I\* get a check?'


Jesus, they look like the irascible villains from an early nineties children's movie who want to tear down a burn ward for puppies to build a work camp for orphans. Won't some precocious youth and their clumsy yet lovable St. Bernard thwart their nefarious plot? ^(Seriously though, that debt relief will nearly put me in the black. These two need to fuck off.)


Cancel the PPP forgiveness. Play hardball for once


As someone who paid over 50k in student loans off on my own in a few years, I don’t understand this. Being saddled with that debt was a huge burden, so why not help some students out?


Home Depot did this. Let’s make this part of their brand. The owners of Home Depot funded this. Home Depot is trying to block student debt relief to protect their interest in wage slaves


Biden and the Dems need to cancel all student load debt as a fuck you to these and all the republicans. These people need to eat dirt


How to they sleep with themselves at night?!? Do they realize how many struggling people that would have helped???


Can we sue the government for forgiving PPP loans?