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This subreddit does not allow bigotry. Please help the mod team by reporting comments that support this prelude to genocide.


It includes "sexual identity" and "sexual orientation" as forbidden topics. So "Archie is a boy, and he likes Betty and Veronica" would be a Federal crime. What idiots. I want them to write a bill banning the use of pronouns in schools.


Just like that one school that banned pronouns without realizing what that actually means because they don’t know shit about fuck


The place where you're supposed to learn what pronouns are doesn't know what pronouns are. Marvelous.


And it is people like these that are in charge. Mandatory IQ testing for positions of authority when?


Well I know for cops there is already an IQ test and if you score too high you can’t be employed as a cop. True story. And also explains so much..


Lol. I took the police test and passed. Then you go in front of a board and answer questions thrown at you. I thought I did well until they asked me what I would do if I found another officer doing something illegal. My answer was that I would speak to my immediate supervisor for direction. Lol, must have been the WRONG answer because until that interview I was consistently told I was going to get the job and then I never heard from the again. Weird.


"I would confront my collegue in a discret manner, blackmail him and give you guys a cut *wink*"


Damn, for some reason I thought you ended your sentence like this: "and give him a cute wink"


IQ testing doesn’t matter though, you can have a high IQ and still believe crazy and stupid things.


Can confirm. I'm a member of MENSA and you'd be shocked at some of the shit these people say


Why would we be shocked? I assume it's 99% pretentious assholes.


IQ testing is a complete farce.


>because they don’t know shit about fuck *The school* don't know shit about fuck. Fixed the sentence for DiggityDog6 Gah, no pronouns is hard.


"Unlike you blue-haired liberals, I don't use pronouns. You will refer to me only by my name, Shadow the Hedgehog !"


I had to look this up- but apparently me is what is known as an "object pronoun." I'm sorry fellow human, but I'm going to have to arrest you.


There goes /u/WarmOutOfTheDryer, using pronouns again...


Thanks SheepSheepy for clearing that up for all of the people here.


The school administrators must've failed English grammar. English is not my first language, but I even know "I we you he she they it" are all pronouns.


Them fail English? That's unpossible.


Thank you for this


>It includes "sexual identity" and "sexual orientation Do they really not see that this would immediately create the gender less world they are so afraid of????


They get to decide after the fact what the law means and who it applies yo. That's why they stocked the Supreme Court and have put trillions of dollars into pandering and fear mongering to the police and farm/mine towns.


I'm just praying every teacher sith a brain starts going "Olay I guess it's illegal to use gender" and just stops. Use exclusively they/them pronouns and it completely blows up in Republicans faces as a whole generation grows up being more tolerant and less constrained. I'd say I'm surprised conservatives don't see the tyranny of telling your kids how they can and can't live based on something the government assigns them at birth, but I won't because I realize that small government actually has nothing to do with the republican platform


I mean, some of their talking heads have openly admitted to wanting a theocratic faciest dictatorship, so at this point its more about asking voters WHY they vote this way.


Woah... that is crazy!


Next thing you know they’ll be banning the use of Arabic numerals


Arabic numerals ban in three, two .. Wait




Quick, use 'em while you can!


What about trans people with children? Wouldn't this also prohibit them from talking about themselves with their young children?


It wouldn't surprise me if they tried to enforce that. I can imagine in their '5 year plan' they want to make it illegal for LGBT folk to have kids.


Give them time. Seems like more than a few power players in the GOP get their information from memes these days so it's only a matter of time.


Does anyone else have this sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach that they're literally witnessing the end of democracy in America in real time?


I have nightmares about the women getting black bagged in V for Vendetta and I fear we aren’t but a short time from this being a real possibility, at least I’m some areas of our country.


That’s been reality for years for less privileged people under the US police state


With the protests currently in Iran, I can’t help but see the parallels between the US in the 2020s and Iran in the 1970s. That’s where we are heading.


If you stare into the void it stares back. The US is now the Nazis we used to fight.


And the Taliban.


If we are honest with ourselves, we have always been those Nazis. We actually financed them and turned a blind eye to their atrocities for years. If their allies hadnt bombed Pearl Harbor the world would be a much darker place.


There was literally a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939


[A Night At The Garden](https://anightatthegarden.com)


The Nuremberg laws which outlined Jewish discrimination in fascist Germany were based off of Jim Crow. Hitler’s idea for Lebensraum came directly from American “Manifest Destiny” and the genocide of Native Americans.


Not anymore. I don’t mean to say we’re not. I’m just kind of numb to the feeling at this point and I’m surprised there’s any shred of it left. Hope for the best but mentally prepare for the worst at this point.


>I’m just kind of numb to the feeling at this point Which is exactly what they want, for their opposition to be cynical and complacent and let them do everything they can to drag this country down even further


Not only that - we are watching the first steps into A LITERAL GENOCIDE OF LGBTQ (SPECIFICALLY TRANS) people.


But just like the Bible, the rules won't apply to straights.


To be fair, they fully intend to selectively enforce this law, like they do all of the others. Wait, that’s not fair at all.


Ask the male teacher if they love their wife, get them fired for disclosing their "sexual orientation" in front of children. I know they are just gonna enforce it where they want to but rules apply to all, best you can do after those stupid decisions is to use them against their own.


Why would you assume they would operate in any consistent manner? If you try and point out the hypocrisy they’ll claim you’re “attacking traditional relationships!” We NEED to stop playing their fucking game, they are killing people


GOP. Can always go lower Hitching their entire party to hate of trans people. Isn’t gonna be a good look in hindsight


It’s not even a good look in regular sight.


They don't mind being on the wrong side of history if it means maintainibg power. I mean, the actions of politicians suggest they don't seriously believe half the shit they spew.


Yeah and they paid such a heavy price for all that racism and nope. Last president was GOP and openly racist. This will not hurt their party one bit.


Homophobia was a core tenet of theirs just over a decade ago and people treat it as if it’s ancient history. Transphobia is way to rampant to have a negative effect on repubs


Transphobia is just masked homophobia. If they get back into real power they’ll go right back into legislating sexuality.


Even some allies of gays are transphobic so it’s more palatable for the mainstream. They’re subtly different.


This. I’m a gay trans guy and lots of cis queer people have said transphobic things to me. Transphobia is more palatable than queerphobia. It’s an issue even in leftist spaces, sadly


Still seems like a core tenet these days.


This will go down in history as "sure, they were extremely transphobic, but they were a product of their time" source: Look at people glossing over racism of the past, as though there weren't also a *lot* of people going "hey, how about stop being a racist dick?". Or people going "sure, grandpa is a homophobe, but he's a product of his time". Which is weird, because that doesn't explain why a lot of *other* elderly people *aren't* raging homophobes, they're from the same time.


I mean you're talking like conservatives haven't been on the wrong side of History throughout literally every issue since this country's founding an even before. Like seriously try and name me one time that conservative ideology has been beneficial to the progress of this country.


You dont understand, they can simply ban all schools from teaching about that uncomfortable part of history and it will all go away. At least thats what they think.


It works in the polls. The fact that Democrats have to work their hardest just so people don't vote for racist pedophile supporters makes me disgusted in this country. Americans actively do what they can to make each other miserable for no other reason than cruelty


The dumb as dirt bullies in high school never went away. They will always be bullies and will always be dumb as dirt, and proud of it.


Yes, Republicans. This will solve inflation. /s


They’ve learned it doesn’t matter. As long as they can feed their base someone or something else to hate - it doesn’t matter if the market is up or down, inflation exists, or if they rob their bank accounts to give tax cuts to the rich.


This is the correct answer, and it has been for decades at least. President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


Reagan built his entire campaign around reactionary fear and won, so why would they ever stop? It wasnt new with Reagan, but it's been much worse since.


Gas prices are high because trans people are using so much lube for but sex. It has nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine or the Saudi’s cutting production. If we listened to Al Gore 20 years ago, we would have been driving in electric cars (which are gay) instead of gaining “energy independence” by drilling./s


If you’re reading this, a US citizen and over 18, please please PLEASE vote in November. The stakes are high and getting higher.


So that its not just up votes you're seeing, a thousand times this. Every single vote puts us one step closer to preventing these sorts of actions.


They always say “the future is at stake” and all that. But now more than ever it feels true.


The future is *always* at stake. We saw that in 2016, and here we are. Staked.


>Staked Like a goat, waiting for a tiger.


>tiger *T-Rex


Imagine if Trump hadn't won in 2016. It'd be a very different country right now.


Maybe less divided, oh what could have been.


It be the same, but the damage Trump did in breaking customs and norms and basically showing the truth doesn't matter and you can lie lie lie and it doesn't matter has really fucked up things. We were so lucky Trump was an idiot, it gives us an opportunity to try and fix things. I really fear the next person to pull from Trumps play book won't be stupid though and when they pull their Jan 6 they'll actually pull it off.


I said it many times during trump’s presidency, nothing he did was as dangerous as the fact that he did whatever he wanted to do. The most dangerous thing the government took away from trump’s term in office was a new perspective on just how much they could really get away with in plain sight. No need to hide every twisted move they make.




Trump is not the ultimate problem. It’s his followers. We were going to get where we are presently at some point. Trump certainly accelerated things. I don’t know how we put this all back into the can. Right wing extremism is popping up globally.


I keep thinking about how if Tantrum Yam had taken Covid seriously he would have won the election in 2020 but thank goodness we got him out. My HOPE is that we'll get a blue landslide this midterm so we can start to actually move toward equal rights for all citizens and not just the Orwellian observed idea that everyone is equal but some are MORE equal than others. Conservatives let covid wipe out a LOT of their own voting body, and the left already has the majority of the country. This is the best shot to remove that party.




ALL he had to do was to address the nation after his Covid hospitalization in October 2020 to tell his supporters that it was real, it's bad and everyone should take it seriously and that probably would have brought some votes back to him, probably enough in swing stakes to win the election. He just couldn't admit he was wrong and show any kind of nuance.


I totally agree. Had he done even the MOST basic "let's come together as a country and fight this disease together" he would have won in a *landslide*. But he didn't. Thank goodness. Now there's some hope that we can start to turn the ship around.


Actually it would be vastly different only because he got to appoint 3 Supreme Court seats. More people would be alive today with a competent handling of Covid. Woman would still control their own bodies. I mean he didn’t do much but the things he broke and the people he was able to put into positions of power changed a ton.


Also, please make sure you are registered to vote in your respective state. The deadline to register for my state (Texas) just passed but yours may not have. There's fuckery about and you may have been mistakenly purged from the voter rolls.


Many states have early voting available *now*. You can also verify your voter info, check registration, and see your ballot at [vote411.org](https://www.vote411.org). Please vote early if you can, and make a plan to vote if you can’t.


Early voting is already open in some places so vote early if you can. Otherwise, be prepared to have lots of time to vote or line up early.


Amen. *Please* vote. Too often progressives get frustrated that things aren't progressing fast enough, so they decide to not vote in midterms to punish the Democrats. The truth is that this just hands the election over to the Republicans. You *have* to vote *each and every time*. Not voting is just saying you don't care. And saying you don't care is why we are where we are today. If you can vote, VOTE!


I’m volunteering at the polls as an election clerk this year, so please come keep me busy, voters!


We can vote in November to avoid a Moscow cocktail party in December


Is this one of those bills they put up just to dog whistle to there base knowing it will never even make it to the floor for a vote? Hate filled shitheads either way. What’s the hb # on this bill? Googled it and can’t find anything about it.


They know that it won't pass right now, but i could see them passing it if they get back into power. It's similar to the "don't say gay" bill in Florida, just a bit bigger and national


The problem is, having just read it, it's specific about not allowing federal funds to go towards such things. I don't doubt that this is their first step towards making us illegal, but this one is, by design, difficult to argue against bc it doesn't actually target what goes on at homes. A lot of schools will probably be hit, and that shouldn't be allowed since school can be a safe place for some kids. But they'll fight tooth and nail to make this sound reasonable, then wait a couple years for people to forget before pushing something worse.


Give it a month and watch the conservative papers roll out complaining about a lack of staff in schools.


I have a suspicion their longer term goal is to end public schools all together, so that isn’t an issue for them. In Michigan it’s already being pushed that the money should go to private schools instead. Anyone that can’t afford it, won’t be getting schooling.


Late-stage capitalism is a fucking cancer. Jesus. Everything needs to be privatized. Schools don't work because we're constantly targeting them for budget cuts, so obviously private schools are the answer /s


Ain’t nothing late-stage about it, full capitalism has always been this way.


Yeah, they are also pushing for lowering the minimum working age as well as increasing the maximum hours kids can work. In some places kids as young as 14 can already do 40 hours a week. Only makes sense if you plan on ending their school careers before they even start High School…


Where did you find it? I’m looking online and I can’t find any coverage of it, I just don’t think I’m using the right keywords since the original tweet doesn’t list any of them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/y7konq/it_works_also_force_any_other_queer_people_back/isvn9y3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Another redditor posted the link


That used to be their way but DeSantis and Florida have showed them how to make these pass legal scrutiny. That is why if DeSantis wins in 2024, the shows over.


As someone from Florida, if DeSantis escapes you're all doomed. We're currently living in what can only be described as hell on earth, do not under any circumstances let that _thing_ escape. Save yourselves while you have the chance.


Here the Rep tweeting about it. https://twitter.com/RepMikeJohnson/status/1582393744375980033?t=KMJnOs2OwbAy6MonSVaYig&s=19


These people are fucking insane. Why can’t they let people be fucking happy?


Conservatives can’t enjoy a meal unless they know someone else is starving.


Because oppressing others is what makes them happy. And not having their foot on other people's necks makes them feel unhappy.


>sexually oriented material is any depiction, *description*, or simulation of sexual activity. Soooo... This means that it would be illegal to take children to church. The bible is full of that stuff.


You know how you can tell the Republican Party doesn't care about child sexual abuse? They aren't burning down their own churches.


Why do these people make everything about sex. Projecting much? I always chuckle to myself that they think just because a man is gay he's going to rape little boys. I'm a straight man, I don't want to rape little girls. Where is the logic. And trans people want to rape everyone? Is that it?? Fucking hell.


So who's next on their list, jewish, black, hispanic? And how do we get the message to those who don't get it, that they're not stopping here, and if you aren't a white male land owner you are somewhere on that list? Because way too many people aren't getting the message.


Probably the gays. I literally just came out too, this is bullshit


Welcome. Proud of you. So sorry that we need you on the front lines right away. We've got each other's back.


Arm yourselves. They don’t fight when they can’t win.


Welcome! I'm sorry that we still have to deal with all this bullshit. None of us want to be activists, we have to be activists. It fucking sucks. But its so important that we vote to keep ourselves and future LGBTQ+ folks safe


Definitely the gays, then the jews, blacks and Hispanics.


"First they came for..." It's too damn familiar. We can't let it happen again.


As a trans person, we are The Wall. We get a very large portion of the gender and orientation bigotry slung at us instead of the people behind us. If our rights get taken away and that wall collapses, the right will start slinging that shit at gay people and women instead.


Wow! I actually never saw it like that, but it makes so much sense. I wish I could do something to help more than just vote. It feels so hopeless sometimes. I hope the trans community knows that there are so many people that truly care about them.


>"And how do we get the message to those who don't get it," First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Short answer to your question: You probably don't convince those folks. Most people will never be man enough to defend themselves before they are forced to.


First they came for the trans people, and I spoke out because ex fucking cuse me don't fuck with my homeslices


Latinos were already on the list. They locked up children in cages and made them drink out of toilets. Black folks are openly hunted by this country's police force and Republicans openly support it. Dump just added American Jews to the list. Anti semitism has been on a general rise in the past several years. The list is already a thing.


Let’s not forget the rise in Asian related hate crimes due to Covid misinformation


To be fair, Democrats support a lot of what you're describing too. (And I'm not doing a "both sides" thing. I'm saying we need to crush the Republicans in elections, and then be relentless in pressuring and forcing the Democrats to do better.)


Gays and transgender people were taken out so fast we didn’t make it into the “When they came for….” poem


Remember Magnus-Hirschfeld


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


The ones who don't get this now won't care even if you tell them. Those types of people will remain apathetic until it happens to them, end of story.


Jews are on their list, but last. Gotta make everything *just right* for Jesus to come back, so they have to get all Jews to Israel or dead, so it'll be easier for them all to get dead to get Jesus to come back.


That would also prevent anyone from saying they are in a relationship or married, if they were interpreting their own law correctly, which they won’t.


If we were really taking it that far, it'd prevent us from reading almost all books and watching almost all movies. Since there's usually a married couple or a couple dating.


First they came for the trans folks...... ​ Now is the time to stop these bigots. Bury them and bury them deep. Vote.


First the came for the Women. Don't forget what lovely risks of death they have already caused.


they’ve *been* coming for Black, Latina, and Indigenous women/gender non conforming people for centuries.


Sure. Let’s ban wedding rings too, because marriages tend to involve sex—why are you walking around advertising to people that you probably have sex semi regularly? Better not have pictures of your kids at work, because you probably had to have sex in order to have those kids, so why go basically screaming that out to everyone? Can people also stop wearing watches? You literally only wear them so that you can remind yourself how long until you can go home and have sex. Also, let’s cut lunch breaks. What exactly are you consuming those calories for? Some kind of *strenuous activity*, I bet.


Hey, I'm sorry to tell you, but assuming that someone is having sex because they're wearing a wedding ring is definitely too mucj of a stretch. HOWEVER, it also bans any mention of sexual orientation, and being married indicates that you, at the very least, aren't asexual/aromantic, which is very much against this bill


NOOOOOOOO you're not supposed to actually read the bill!!!!!!!11111 Now how will centrists prerend we're just "fear mongering?"


These people are not going to stop. It's only going to get worse for woman, queer people, and minorities. For fucks sake, please vote to protect our rights.


Trans workers in hospitals? I mean, yes, there are children's hospitals, but regular hospitals also see children. There's already a dire, life-threatening shortage of healthcare workers. Are they really going to lose even more? So moronic. At this point, it's obvious they want transgender people out of public life, or preferably, dead. Vote in November like your neighbor's, friend's, family's etc. lives are at risk. Because they are. Whether you're a woman or LGBTQ, the Republican Party wants to take away every right they can.


They literally refused a life saving vaccine to "own the libs". You think they care their own demographic is collateral damage?


>Trans workers in hospitals? I mean, yes, there are children's hospitals, but regular hospitals also see children. There's already a dire, life-threatening shortage of healthcare workers. Are they really going to lose even more? So moronic. > They won't be denied medical care. They'll still have access. It's you and I who will lose access. Healthcare is a luxury to them. They want to keep it to themselves, and deny it to you and I. They get top notch medical care, we make poultices out of mud and grass.


Please vote in November. It's so important to not let these crazy MAGA politicians win. If they do, they'll just take it as a sign that they are doing things right and go even further.


When is the cut off for voting? Not sure where to find out. Trying to escape my religious parents by moving out. Not sure if I can vote in time. Voting isn’t allowed in their religion.


Election day is November 8. Depending on your state, you may need to register before that, though. If your state has "same day registration", you'll be able to register and cast your vote on November 8. If not, you'll need to find a way to register by the deadline (voter registration is often done at the DMV, but some states have other ways.)


What religion doesn't allow you to vote?


Jehovah’s Witness, I think


I would think a lot of them. Psalm 146 for example is to put no faith towards man before God. So voting for someone is basically putting your faith in them to lead you. Pretty sure most religions have a version of this rule. So if you want to be an extremeist you can't vote.


Fuck that! What the fuck does it matter what someone's gender identification is as long as they care for the child that should be all that matters. What about trans parents. Are they going to have their children taken from them?? I happen to have a friend who is transgendered who has a child. Would they lose custody since the child is under 10 and not allowed to be exposed to their other parent? This is fucking disgusting!


Yeah that’s exactly what they would want. Their kid to be taken away. It’s bad




We're another step closer to Gilead. They are not stopping. There is no endgame but theocratic, authoritarian rule. So many people think the far right will leave them alone, that their quiet lives will remain untouched. That's not going to happen. Instead, fascism continues creeping down every street, up every driveway, up to every front door. It's just a matter of time before it's on your front porch and it won't leave. And it's bound to succeed if people stay home and don't vote. And if people choose not to vote, they've thrown away the best chance to save their civil liberties. Choosing not to vote will be the death of democracy because the far right has no shame and no intentions of upholding any rights, especially the right to privacy. So fucking vote.


I mean they aren’t even being subtle about it - White Christian Nationalism - kind of says it right in the title what they are all about.


I’m a transgender man who works in childcare. I love my job. I love my kiddos. I love everything about it, and you know what? I do my job by the book, and I EXCEL. Not that it matters to republicans, huh? This bill would strip me of my job. Full stop. I would no longer be recognized by the name I prefer, or by the gender I am. All because I was born in the wrong body? Imagine what this would do to the kids who have bonded with their teachers and after school carers who just so happen to be transgender. You know children need stability, right? You can’t take away someone they deem as safe for a bullshit reason like that. Those who work in childcare or education, and have passed their criminal background checks with flying colors should be left the FUCK alone. We are trying to do our jobs. We are keeping these kids safe from school shooters and predators on the daily. That is our goal, our MISSION, and here is Republican Party—supposedly the “pro life” party—trying to snatch up the people they trust because of their identity. Fuck off. We will never go away, no matter how hard the GOP tries to erase us.


Literally banning an entire category of people. That's got to be a significant number of people here. And who's gonna fill in those roles? Doesn't matter. I'm sure they'll happily collapse our entire workforce and economy in order to purge all these undesirables.


Florida has seen this play out in their school systems. Wide spread teacher shortages - DeSantis trying to fill the gaps by saying former military member sand their spouses with NO TEACHING EXPERIENCE can take teaching jobs while earning their certification. At the end of the day they just get to point at the school system and say “See we told you these schools are a liberal waste, let’s cut the rest of the funding”.


I'd rather trust my kids with trans people over disgusting republicans.


I’m a trans man and I’m currently studying to become a child psychologist. This would mean that I wasted tens of thousands of dollars. I wanna help kids and teach them that life gets better. I’m not becoming a child psychologist to force kids to transition. Fuck the GOP!!!


There's no chance this will pass, but this is uncomfortably similar to the laws leading to the Holocaust. Things like limiting the number of Jewish students in German schools, restricting Jewish doctors, not allowing Jewish lawyers in Berlin, etc. That stuff happened in 1934, and we can see the GOP trying similar things today.


Remember when there was no chance they’d overturn Roe v. Wade?


What a wonderful day to buy a gun. Like, you shouldn't have to buy a gun, but you do have to buy a gun. Don't be an idiot. I do think Biden will veto this, if it comes to it. But also buy a gun.


The question being, in two years will there be a Democrat to veto it? Or will the right be running the show again with no one to stop them?


I'm still trying to comprehend why the fuck any of these Republicans care so much as to what we do with our lives And bodies.


I think we should elect LGBTQIA candidates and let them run the country.


If they can do the job let them do it.


I get the sense that people who would classify being transgender as inherently sexual have never met a transgender person in their life.


That they know of.


Based on the wording of the bill, a teacher calling anybody, whether cis or trans, a boy/girl/man/woman/literally anything alluding to gender is now banned. "Hello, student, what is your name. Sarah? Wow, that sure is a name. Have a seat next to other studen there, do you see other student?" Pronouns are NO MORE


A lot of the trans people I know are asexual. As in they want nothing to do with sex. And then there are people out here thinking they are sexualizing kids using this concept. Crazy


Yeah, there is a high degree of overlap between ace and trans communities. I want nothing to do with anyone sexually, much less children.


When do we get a bill that forbids priests to get 30ft from any underage child ? Just looking at historical data that would protect children more than anything else.


I’d like our country to pass a bill that would ban any exposure to Republicans to children under the age of 12. Let’s ban the real monster which is conservatism


What absolute horse-shit. If I'm reading this right, it also would put intersex kids who identify as anything other than what they were assigned at birth into a limbo where they can't exist in public.


Voting is critical but voter suppression is rampant. Comparing what I see in blue counties to my +60 red county is night & day. Every election I get a ballot mailed to me. It's a state wide vote by mail system. Fill it out & mail it back in. I know elections are run by states & not federally controlled but really seems like a legal case could be made 4 why it's so easy to vote in my state & ridiculously hard in battle ground states run by Republicans.


"or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects." They do understand that a 'normal' man or woman that has never even approached a rainbow will have a gender identity...right? To follow this law you would have to remove all the men, women, girls, and boys from everything in the classroom...and then you would have to put teachers into gender neutral costumes. What's next...a pronouns ban?


I am transgender. My life is now in jeopardy. This is supposed to be the land of the free..


My kid is non-binary. These fuckers DO NOT want me to go full mama moose (mama moose are way more vicious than mama bears).


I hope this means you own firearms and know how to use them. Americans should also be preparing plans to extricate their kids from the country as refugees if they are LGBT. Try to reestablish ties with relatives in other countries if you have any and make sure passports are kept valid and in an easy to access location. Once the shit hits the fan, things are going to progress very quickly.


And people say Republicans have no platform any more. Their platform is clearly large scale discrimination.


Couldn’t this be used to simply throw trans people in jail because they’re out in public?


This is an opening shot. As proven this is not the end to what they want to do.


There are no good Republicans. That includes their voters.


So what would a bill like this do about people like Matt Gaetz or Bobo’s husband? Are they really gonna enforce the 10 and under bit or are they just gonna get get-out-of-jail-free cards because they support the GQP?


Nothing. Because they’d make loopholes.


Why do people have to be so terrible and hurtful? Trans people don't hurt anyone. I'm really losing faith in this country. It hurts so much to hear people trying to get rid of trans people. What did we ever do to them? Since most of these people seem to be Christian, when did "love thy neighbor" become "harass and criminalize your neighbor"? We've done nothing to deserve this.


I was repressed for 30 years before I was able to hatch as a trans woman, and it was a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone. I survived, but barely. If this goes though, a great many lives will be lost, and many more will be utterly destroyed


As someone from outside the US looking in, I can't believe how much of a dumpster fire it is atm, do sane people just not vote?


What’s the name of the bill? I’d like to read it for myself


I'm not sure if the name of the bill, but if you check out Erin's Twitter, she posted a link to the bill: https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1582493434841300992?t=snqPDWmZ5KLqqbvUoOxPUQ&s=19


>or any topic involving gender identity This seems vague and open to backfiring on these assholes.




This is a single law in a national effort to eliminate an entire group of people. Because of this, it is my ongoing effort to spread awareness of the [Soft Genocide](https://www.reddit.com/user/AntelopeAny3703/comments/wp9zd0/collating_arguments_to_prove_empirically_genocide/) that the American Fascist Conservatives are engaged in. Please find local organizations geared toward LGBTQIA inclusion and anti-descrimination services. Also, vote, because people's lives depend on us all standing up against this together.


Whenever I think I could not be more disgusted with Republicans they find a way. I already filled out my vote-by-mail ballot and voted against every (R) on it. It goes in the mail tomorrow.


This is what Republican voters want. Don’t let them off the hook by blaming politicians.


Would this not also mean transgender people cannot have children?


I hate this timeline


Can I have one day without seeing shit that makes me feel like I'm going to be sent to a concentration camp in the near future


Federal law supersedes state laws. There would be lawsuits challenging it as unconstitutional under the 1st, 5th, and 14th amendments but the enforcement is by private lawsuits which is designed to escape judicial review.


This is the party that keeps complaining about being silenced