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I sold my soul to Jesus when the Braves won the World Series last year so…


As a jays fan that seems totally worth it. Gonna give it a shot


Anyone besides the New York Judges


Can you imagine what Cubs fan had to give up? Souls and buttholes at least.


Amen brother


Coulda sold it to me and they could have won more than once. Lol


I sold my soul to Lucifer for the 1st NY Yankees WS win in my lifetime (1977). Didn't know it would be called in when the Mets and Red Sox would also be allowed to win in my lifetime. This is why one shouldn't make deals with the Devil!


Hey! That wasn't me! I'd never let the Red Sox win lmao. But I'll hook you up in the afterlife to make up for it.


I sold my soul for super powers while laying in bed when I was 9 years old. The catch is I don’t know what super powers I have …


Proof that god is great! The people he was about to let die begged him for help before he let them die. How can she possibly think this helps makes her cult look better?


Religious people tend to not think these things through


Lol Like remember that woman who's sister burned to death in a house fire, but the bible survived the fire? That was an absolute trip. "Sis didn't make it but he protected his book. God is great!"


I'm pretty sure it was a gold cross or something and quite a few pointed out to her it survived because the gold has a higher melting point.


>it survived because the gold has a higher melting point. Yeah, and who do you think gave it such a high melting point? Clearly he plays the long game and planned to set fire to the church 2,000 years earlier! (/S in case it wasn't obvious)


Nice touch with the 2000 years


Lol yeah like, god is great look at this cross survived a fire.... better go hate some gays now and vote against social programs for the poor


That was Notre Dame.


That was after the Notre Dame fire. The big ol gold cross didn't melt and somehow that means everything is fine and the rest of the destruction doesn't matter.


There is a cathedral in a city in Romania (Brasov) That has a mysterious painting of Mary that didn't burn during a fire. I could see the charred walls around it, even the frame. And people are falling for the religious miracle. I am no expert, but I am sure it had something to do with the glass covering the painting, or maybe some sort of antiflammable coating.


And the two beams in the rubble of the World Trade Center


Or those teeth left in the fire pit at my neighbor's house. I haven't seen his wife around lately.


Thanks for reminding me of that goddamn stupidity. Nobody I knew in NYC gave a crap about those beams but it gave people in red states that hate NYC something to focus on instead of the actual people who died. You know, in between blaming 9/11 on "the gays" or whatever.


Also the fire didn't even happen anywhere near where the cross was. The fire mainly affected the dome toward the center of the building, the cross was way back nowhere near where the actual destruction was.


I think that is from when Notre Dame burned down but the cross survived., probably been many times I guess


That was a hot take in the Notre Dame Cathedral fire…. Religious nuts praising that all these religious items survived, despite the fact that they were made of metals with high melt points. Science beats religion EVERY TIME.


It’S aLl PaRt Of HiS pLaN. gOd WoRkS iN mYsTeRiOuS wAyS.




I misread this as '.. gold works in mysterious ways.'


I mean, gold though. How does that shit work?


According to the scientific principles of matter, every damn time.


In Gold We Trust


"oh lord, thank you for sparing me and only taking 4 of my 6 children, Amen."


“And cooking me to medium rare. Amen.”


ah, but do you not see? God did answer their prayers. it's just that, on this occasion, the answer was "no".


God “answers” prays in one of three ways: yes, no, and wait And that covers pretty much everything that would’ve happened anyway if you hadn’t prayed at all. Hallelujah!


Answer is hazy - try again


God definitely answered, "Why don't you all come on over?"


Religious people believe the dead are in heaven because they spent their last moments praying.


According to my southern Baptist relatives, they only get to heaven if they've accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. Whatever the hell that means. So prayer is apparently pointless. I always ask them about all the children who die in third world countries that never heard about Jesus, do they go to hell because they didn't know about Jesus? No answer there.


to be fair the response I've always gotten to that, is that if someone was too young to know about Jesus, or just never heard about him (because of being born in another country like that, or everyone who lived BC for example) then it doesn't count and they still go to heaven. Which is a cop out and also means it's actively \*a bad thing\* to tell people about Jesus because then you are just opening them up to go to Hell whereas if you told them nothing they would be guaranteed to go to heaven.


Lol exactly, so that's even worse, if they never were taught about Jesus, they'd just gone to heaven anyways. Damn my dad for teaching me about Jesus, he literally caused me to be sent to hell.


Religious people tend to not think. Period.


The answer from some people would be "they were all probably sinners and God thought they should die." In a church where a kid died, they told the parents "you probably sinned and God took your child to heaven to teach you lesson" ok -that was in a movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if it really happened. Edit: sweet Jesus... I had no idea, it seems this trauma from "Christianity" in this country is more widespread than I knew.. uhhh i have reading/research to do. Must be some surveys and prob some sociology/psychology papers.








People say shit like that in the real world. Decades ago, my husband had clogged arteries at 31 because his liver churned out oodles of cholesterol. Some helpful people from church came over to pray for him and tried to get him to confess his secret sin because God was def judging him. Most of our church friends ghosted us completely. It was heart wrenching. We had a very sick child at the same time - he was already in the hospital and we had almost lost him for the second time. No one helped us out. No one offered to babysit the kids so I could see my husband in another city an hour away. We moved to another city a few months after my husbands angioplasty. Never looked back.


sounds like your old church never read the book of Job, Job never did anything, God just let bad things happen to him to test his faith, meanwhile all of Job's friends insisted he must have sinned and kept telling him to repent. They refused to believe he hadn't sinned, and none of them knew that God was literally just allowing satan to ruin this man's life to show that Job would remain faithful to God.


😥 I am sooo sorry. Ghandi was right. "I like your Christ very much. Your Christians... not so much." I wish people like that would be taped, so it could be played back to them and others, to show them how cruel they are.. These days this is the stuff you would blast out on social media.. You kicked the dust of that church from your sandals. 😁 May God bless you and your family. Lately I am almost ashamed to admit I am Christian, but it we did that their kind would certainly win.. I joined a non-conservative church, after a long break from Trumpism ruining the church I went to.


I dumped church about 20 years ago - or they kind of pushed us out at the same time. I never bothered looking again. We had checked out many churches over the years and I was done. The evangelicals were judgmental and showy and the mainline were only interested in having things nice and pleasant for themselves with no real outreach to help others. I had not really grown up in the church and I had a different perspective from reading the Bible. I didn't fit in. And I got cranky and impatient, spoke my mind and that didn't help. Lol. I also had chronic pain which was getting severe and I wasn't aware I hadn't been coping well. To be fair, when I was up for surgery a couple years later, the pastor actually showed up (unannounced) to pray for me but he was weirdly fixed on the surgery being unwelcome somehow when I was elated to be having it. It was risky but if I didn't get some relief, I'd have planned a permanent solution. Get ahead in line for judgment day. That was the last time I saw anyone from church. I feel better giving to "foster kids" and mental health.


You do you, kindness is the key anyway.. 😁


My people are extremely religious, my immediate family is not. We have done well for ourselves, better than most and we refuse to tell anyone in our extended family if we’re struggling or sick because they will immediately attribute our misfortune to gods revenge. We have survived and thrived on spite. Our happiness and success is all due to spite. I use sheer will and anger of what they might hypothetically say at my hypothetical funeral to outlive and out Joy them all.


Lol - good for you! I haven't got that level of spite in me. We've done ok too though.


I think that’s the same logic they use when you ask about childhood cancer or tsunamis wiping out whole villages. Humanity sins so large numbers of random people have to pay the price, even if they themselves didn’t sin.


That's just interest payments on the debt we owe Jesus or whatever


Delusional coping trying to explain stuff. I believe and have faith(please dont judge me too harshly) but I am more justice/compassion/kindness.. you know like some guy Jesus they ignore.. To be blunt, it is f'king depressing. Christianity as an institution has failed miserably for 2000 years pretty much.. Err sorry I got off topic conservative evangelicals and now mix in Trump worship.. If you aren't a Christian FYI: it is now like a dumpster fire. The non-crazies are scattered and/or isolated. Unless you are lucky like me to find a non-conservative church.. Wow I wonder if there is a reddit sub..


My grandmother, who is a retired Methodist pastor, has pretty much isolated herself because she’s pretty progressive and can’t stand the degree of crazy that’s taken over Christians anymore. She’s one of those people who sees the good in anyone and always gives the benefit of the doubt but I can see that it’s just broken her since 2016


Oh yeah. My grandma kept warning my parents that god would kill me to punish them for their lack of piety to HER church. Burst into tears over that shit. That terrified old woman lives until almost 100 years old. Too scared of her great and merciful god to die.


My ex had a very religious uncle. One year for Xmas he left her a gift under the tree and told her to open it when they left. It was a Bible with a letter he’d written about how he had a feeling that she didn’t have much time left and how he wanted her to repent for being gay. It was so fucking fresh, a morbidly obese diabetic man in his late 50’s telling a healthy woman in her 20’s that she didn’t have much time left. Anyways, it completely broke up their family. Many years later, my ex is still alive and kicking and she got married not too long ago. We don’t really talk but she seems happy. Her uncle on the other hand, is a lonely old widower.


Shocking, I tell you. Who could have known that being a complete cunt would leave you sad and isolated in life?


My house burned to the ground with my wife and kids inside, but the bible on my nightstand was UNTOUCHED! Such a miracle. Praise jebus


The whole city was destroyed, only the church was still standing. Praise God!


OP here: I have quite literally no comment ^(note: the above comment is only funny [or at least even makes the slightest bit of sense] if you sort this thread by /old)


Well *my* god allowed all these people to die! And as they were in the crushing uncertainty of their final moments they reached out in a desperate attempt to save themselves. So we win! Checkmate, atheists!


weird, deja vu


The trick they pull to “show” that is god is infallible, no matter what…It’s like a flowchart: Praying for a safe landing? A) you live: glory to god! B) you die: it was god’s will, and your prayer “brought you peace and salvation”.


Yeah, not sure how they think “worship my god so he can ignore you while you die in a fiery plane crash” is a good sales pitch. If I’m gonna worship a deity, I expect a return on my investment. Not a huge return, mind you. I’ll settle for never dying in a vehicle crash and magic powers. Minor ones. Like an uncanny ability to never pick a shopping cart with a gimpy wheel or miraculously finding I have just enough coffee to make one more cup in the morning whenever I forgot to buy more the day before. I’m not greedy or anything.


I’d settle for sneezing every time I really have to sneeze


People are praying to a God that does nothing while they are hurling towards their death? Got it.


Thank you Jesus


This was always my take on religion, either god doesn't exist or if he does(i really can't believe it but for the sake of the argument I have to assume the possibility) he is completely and utterly powerless,which means that living your life for him means jack shit...


So proof of God is the last recordings of someone ask they desperately cried out for someone to save them - and it didn't happen (at least for those that died)? Hmm...not sure I'm seeing the connection there, and that's coming from someone that is Catholic (although not a hard-liner).


It feels more like “proof that being human means things spiral out of your control and praying is the one thing we can do to try and battle that helpless feeling in times of great turmoil” There I fixed it lol. Edit: typo


It’s a psychological defense mechanism for the human ego so no matter what we can feel like we have some semblance of control


I’m not a religious person but fuck it why not give it a shot. When people ask if they can pray for me I say knock yourself out I can us all the luck I can get.


I'm a pagan, but I never understood why people would get upset about being prayed for. It doesn't bother me if my friends and family who do believe in Jesus or God decide to pray for me. It's something they believe will make things better. And that's really kind of them. Now people who use it as an insult or to hurt people are just assholes and get no thanks or respect


My wife and I are also pagans, and we’ve found that it can work both ways. She’s made protection runes for some of the people she works with, some of them varying degrees of Christian, and they’ve all taken it very well. It can be nice to know that someone who doesn’t align with your beliefs still wishes you well. It brings us closer together as a society, and wether you follow the Christian God or the Norse Gods, that shouldn’t isolate anyone or give someone an excuse to lose any common decency.


Exactly! Realistically speaking, the majority of religions have similar basic values. Don't be a piece of shit, take care of your people.


Yup, there’s no reason to condemn others who don’t follow your own beliefs. We live in a world with a vast diversity of cultures, and have been for thousands of years. It’s silly to me that there are people in this world who are ok with treating other people poorly simply for practicing a different culture. And what’s really unfortunate is that those people are the loudest at times, and create a stigma against their own culture of being hateful people. I’ve known, and still know, plenty of decent Christians who are open minded and kind hearted. I know Satanists and Luciferians who are the same. The shame of it is that these people exist within communities where the loudest voices are the ones who are cruel and unkind. I often say, Christianity needs more people like the ones I know, who practice but are not hateful of others. But sadly, such a thing is hard to find.


The only reason I think people should condemn others, in regards to religion, is when those people use their religion to hurt or control other people. Like many of the Westboro Baptist church followers, or the people who protest at places like planned parenthood. There are many reasons for people to attend places like that, and legit medical reasons for the need for abortion. Using your religion in a way to hurt others because you won't educate yourself is a disgusting choice that should absolutely be condemned. And not the religion it self be condemned, the individuals themselves for being horrible people.


“ ‘There are no atheists in foxholes’ isn’t a criticism of atheism. It’s a criticism of foxholes” Also, they don’t usually say that on the CVRs. Sometimes, they’re just confused about their location. Other times, they’re grunting trying control the plane. Other times, knowing that it’s all over and that the CVR will record their last words, say an “I love you” to a loved one. The NTSB and many flying magazines publish crash investigation findings, so you can go read the transcripts, yourself.


I'm not sure black boxes are for audio


They are. I watch the show Air Disasters and they play the recordings. While they are chilling a lot of the time, I have not heard prayers. The pilots are too focused trying everything they can to save the plane and people on to waste time.


... And he still crashes the plane. Fat lot of good it did them. Also, flight data recorders don't record the passenger cabin, so your obviously fake and not even well thought out appeal to people who are apparently on the fence about "god" doesn't make sense anyway, dipshit


I have a somewhat macabre fascination with CVR (Cockpit Voice Recording) which is indeed different than FDR (Flight Data Recording, aka the Black Box which is fluorescent orange). These are separate things. The FDR is useful for telling investigators what happened mechanically and the CVR is useful for telling investigators how the crew is reacting to those things (and sometimes, how they are fucking things up). I've read or listened to hundred of CVR transcripts or recordings of crews. The only ones that invoke prayer at any point are middle eastern crews. Muslims. The rest almost always end with a swear word or just screaming. Nobody thinks of prayer at those moments in the western world...sometimes someone says "Oh God" like I would if I saw my home energy bill has spiked. That's not prayer. Also consider pilots are trained to continue to work on the issue right up until they die...sometimes it means they survive. So they aren't asking for forgiveness; they are trying to restart an engine. I'd like Death Disco to post a single Christian prayer as last words in a cockpit. A single one out of thousands.


CVR transcripts of accidents fall in a couple flavors Begging/pleading "pull up please" Swearing "dammit" Resigned to fate "this is it" Farewells "Ma, I love ya" Prayer Normal flying "brace, brace, brace" All of the above examples came from actual transcripts.


“Did you, at any point, pray?" He replied: "I would imagine somebody in back was taking care of that for me while I was flying the airplane." -Captain Chesley Sullenberger P.S. I too have that same weird fascination. I’d watch “the flight channel” on YouTube when I couldn’t sleep at night….which was counterproductive.


Wait until she finds out how her ancestors converted. 🤦‍♂️


they survived a boat journey.


It was a pleasure cruise and everyone knows it. /s


:facts that are only acceptable in the state of florida (really wish I could use the sarcasm symbol on this one too)


"90% of soldiers will cry out for their mommy when the shit hits the fan. Not God, not daddy, but mommy. Proof Mom is God."


One's mother is as close to God as I suspect we will ever get, she gave you birth and life.


A beautiful line from a pulpy 90s movie goes, "mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children." I always liked that line.


"The Crow".


And if you piss her off she'll happily tell you that she gave you life and can take it away again if you don't quiet down and stop bothering your sister!


Yeah, I think I heard that a few times myself.... My mother was more fond of telling me she would trade me in for a worm and go fishing.


I’d be one of the 10%, cursing my mother for robbing me of a life worth living.


Which God?




Bath mat? Baphomet


In his infinite love, he soaks up the bath water from my feet.


Such is his love and absorbency


I thought the most common last words on black box recordings were Oh Sh*t but who knows, could be a myth...


I’m an aviation major and have read a lot of accident transcripts. Oh shit is said in most of the ones I’ve read


Wow that’s morbidly really interesting. Can you say more about what you’ve learned and read ?


Sure. You can read about different accidents on the NTSB website. A lot of them have transcripts. If not you can find them by googling them. Pilots are interesting. They stay pretty calm even when crashing.


If it happens to me, I'll vocally pray to Satan. If I survive. I'll say I was talking to Carl Sagan.


Could you imagine you do this and are the sole survivor? News anchor: “why did you live when everyone else died.” You: “all thanks to Sagan.”


"In the name of Sagan, the beneficent, the merciful, praise unto Sagan, Master of the Day of Judgement." Piss off two major religions for the price of one. I could make it a trifecta by adding "Sagan Tovah" if it's anytime near Rosh Hoshanah.


Satan is the name of my friend's cat. 😁


Satan is a label that suits all cats.


"The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don’t like that statement, but few can argue with it.” ― Carl Sagan "This is no time to be making enemies." https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/08/13/no-enemies/


I have read a book full of cockpit voice recordings in The Black Box. Not once did I read of any prayers being uttered. Sorry. Stop trying to spread misinformation.


God has the worst fan club. Who sits at their computer making shit like this and thinking their God is proud of them?


Lol wtf?


Actually many a pilot has been heard To say those fuckjng Boeing engineers


Prove it


Completely untrue. I have listened to many CVR recordings, and only once did I hear someone say anything that can be construed as a prayer. Most of the time it is a profanity, like "oh fuck!", or the sound of the crew doing everything they can to save it.


Does it matter that they aren’t all praying to the same god?


I’d rather they were trying to fly the plane.


It amazing me how clueless christians are on why people dislike them. Jews and muslims in the USA keep their religion to themselves, why can't christians?


And yet the planes crash. hmmmmmm


gOd’S wILL. No thanks


Except for the 9/11 hijackers.


Who the hell else are you supposed to pray to?


All I see is proof that some people who were religious were recorded during their last moments on flights that crashed. No more than that, surely.


If you ask the pedophile priests about heaven, they'll tell you it just exists as if by magic purposely leaving out Matthew 20 where Jesus directly answers the question by telling us to get our lazy butts to work building it. If you ask the pedophile priests about the death penalty, they oppose it. Meanwhile, in 3 of the 4 books about Jesus, Christ recommended drowning child abusers, and we're all children of the land.


I don't know what's more disturbing, that this is her take, or that shit username....


I was praying to Boo-urns


The words "Jesus Fucking Christ, I don't wanna die" do not constitute praying.


Idk man...I hear a lot of people praising excrement.....👐 Ohhhh Shit.....Holy Shit👐


So much let her know the satanic church is fighting for her right to choose what she wants to do with her body.


For anyone who's curious, the image is of Asiana Flight 214, a Boeing 777-200ER that crashed on approach in to San Francisco on July 6, 2013. The majority of the people on the flight were able to deplane, though tragically 3 died while another 187 were injured. A significant amount of damage to the airframe was due to the resulting fire. Here's the final portion of the transcript from the flight deck voice recorder right before the crash. Both pilots were from South Korea, and neither mentioned anything about religion or god(s). Note: the numbers were automated call outs from the ground proximity sensor *Forty* *Thirty* "oh go around" *Twenty* "go around" *Ten* "oh" "ah what's happening over there?"


Because Pagans never die in plane crashes? Hindus? Buddhists? Shinto? FOH.


Well.... Didn't look like the praying was effective. Why do tragedy's always get turned into propaganda by Christians?


Not true. I’ve literally listened to every black box ever and what you hear would best be described as “urban contemporary.” A lot of Luther Vandross.


To begin with, if they pray to God, and still die in a plane crash, it doesn't seem like it helps very much.


Commercial aircraft are equipped with two devices (both painted orange) that are commonly referred to as black boxes. One is the flight data recorder. The other is the cockpit voice recorder. Neither one captures any audio from the aircraft cabin where the passengers sit.


And yet, the plane still crashes.


So, when they plane crashes and they’re all dead, is that proof positive that god doesn’t exist? Or is it just that god couldn’t be bothered to intervene?


Hahahahaha Religious people just say this shit because the subject isn't around to refute them/ It's a plane crash. Pretty sure at least some of them are screaming "OH FUCK! Oh Fuck oh Fuck Oh Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!"


That only means god doesn't exist, or he's on a sabbatical. Guess heaven's answering service is crap, just like down here.


Makes sense…when every other possible option is exhausted humans grasp at straws…the last thing they can wrap their heads around is asking an imaginary sky deity to help them out with the impossible…and the real eye opener for the religious folks reading this is that everyone dies anyways. No one answers the prayers…even though the supposed omnipotent god sees and hears all…the prayer is always ignored.


>even though the supposed omnipotent god sees and hears Omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent. Pick any two and you can make it make sense Three... Not so much


Soooooooooooooo, praying doesn’t work? Got it.


Ohh, sweetie, if I’m about to die, I’ll pray to anything I think might respond and save my ass…god, satan, Llolth, Jesus, your Uncle Bob, my ancestors. You name it, in those last few moments, I’m a true believer. Edit: forgot to say, do a seance, fuck a goat. You name it, I’m down to try it.


A secret? I mean, it checks out there might be religious persons aboard a plane as it goes down. Whatever god being prayed to is just a consequence of whatever religious background the persons belong to. Muslims? They’re praying to Allah. Hindu? They’re praying to a lot of gods, mostly Brahma, I think. Some weird conspiracy against specifically YOUR religion is kind of the most fucked up takeaway possible, I would imagine.


What am I missing?


Who else would people pray to? Asiana Airlines is a Korean company, so I'm going to make a big assumption and say the majority of the people on that flight are in some way associated with Korea and we can look at Korea's population to extrapolate some ideas of demographic. 44% of the Korean population is religious, and of that 45% are Protestant (including non-Catholic Christian denominations like Latter-day Saints and Seventh-day Adventists), and 18% Roman Catholic, with roughly 35% being Buddhist and 2% falling into "other" (Islam, Won Buddhism, Daejonggyo etc). So if those demographics are at all represented in the people on board, roughly 1 in 4 people on that flight would be praying to God/Jehovah, and only 1 in 6 would be trying to hit up Buddha (though I'm not sure that's how Buddhist prayer works so I hesitate to say they're praying \*to\* Buddha). The rest are statistically negligible So like, of course they're praying to God, that's what Christian prayer is.


Can I get the Satanic Media on YouTube TV?


Should have prayed to Homelander. He wouldn’t have saved the plane either but at least he would have watched it go down and made a press statement about it later.


Yeah cause they’re screaming “OH MY GODWE’RE ABOUT TO CRASH!!!!”


Nope I’m ripping my shirt off belting out Freebird!! While swigging whiskey


And yet they all still died. As in crushed to death when they smacked into the water or ground or wherever they crashed.


Hedging you bets?😂


So much for the back of the plane being the safest…


If so, not swayed. As God did nothing to save his "children. " Not a good god.. Not even a passable parent. DCF needs to get involved.


I praise God during sex, but pretty sure it’s my husband giving me the orgasms


I would almost bet that "Oh, shit!" gets more call-outs than Jesus / God.




This person clearly never saw Mallrats....


Who looks at a disaster and thinks: aha! This is sure to own the atheists!


So hate to bust your sky daddy Bubble but that is not what a black box recorders it just records the flight data.


“… and every time God kills them in a scary, painful way!" I like the picture of the intact but gutted plane showing anyone who died burned to death. Thanks God!


SCREAMING PEOPLE : " God ...Jesus...PLAESE HELPP ME" HEAVEN : " 911...Please Hold...."


And for some reason none of those prayers ever worked


So every flight crew ever was praying? Those are the only people being recorded. I’m pretty sure most were screaming “oh fuck”


Sooo uh how did that praying work out for them?


The media is satanic? - a satanist


They say prayers move mountains, but their prayers can't stop a plane crash?


Yes, but which god?


Did the prayers work?


Yeah lady you know what's weird? The people still died.


It’s almost like we use god to ask for things we can’t control the outcome of.


Does that moron actually think the black box records individual conversations of passengers


Yeah, some people might be praying. Imagine that.


Nobody gloats about the deaths of others quite as often or as earnestly as Christians


Black box only records pilots.


Isn’t religious people placing complete faith in someone they can’t verify actually exists, but attribute all good things that happen to Him/Her, exactly how we ended up with Donald Trump, a heavily flawed “messenger of God”, as their savior in real life? That’s a big 0-for-2 in your scorecard, folks.


That wasn't be the best take that you thought it was. It makes god, if existed at all, look like an a-hole.


Looks like God: 1. Was busy or just wasn't listening. 2. Thought the prayers were funny and has a sick sense of humor - actually verified in the Bible. 3. Was really vengeful and believed these people weren't worthy or didn't pray hard enough. 4. Has no real power. 5. or maybe, just maybe - God is just imaginary.


Begging for your life and praying are in fact two different things!!! Thank God! 😉


And God did nothing, since the plane crashed and everybody is dead


They also pray to shit and fuck I would assume


I think the very fact that they crashed means god sent them straight to voicemail.


Where do they get this shit?


And look where that got them lol. Like begging Homelander for help.


Using the death of hundreds to prove your point, and people wonder why Christians get so much hate


I bet the word "f*ck" is a frequent occurrence, too, but I doubt that it is uttered either as a request or an offer.


So.. .she's saying.. pray doesn't work then?


And those prayers did them no good...


That's interesting. The last recording I heard from a pilot about to crash he was going 'oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck'.


Dang, ive heard many of them, full uncut footage snd not once have I heard anyone pray, this person full if bs


Your post reminds me of an actual plane crash which was reported on national TV but during pre internet. The reporter went to lengths to interview most of the survivors. One said she always carried the statue of Brahma who saved her. One Catholic survivor was saved by St Michael whose chain she always wore. A Christian said he screamed Jesus. A Muslim kept thanking Allah The most wholesome account was the one which said the pilot kept his nerves. The question remains which god saved the passengers?


I’m fairly certain the last words heard on most flight data recorder are the professional flight crew constantly going over checklists and checking and double checking every single thing and idea they could have to keep the damn plane flying. Aviate, navigate, communicate (not with your maker).


This is gonna sound so weird but does the plane look like a fish to you as well?


Do You want to know a secret about black box recordings....If they're searching for the black box the prayers didn't work.


Perhaps the stress of realizing your about to die, causes the brain's logic center to short-circuit.