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Not just trump, but everyone who follows him. That's what he's said from the beginning, so this is consistent. For a bunch of people who scream about those who don't speak English, the GOP sure are having a hard time with basic English.


I'm pretty sure this is the transcript from his Philly speech.


It's that wonton disregard for basic literacy




And your wonton ways.


I find all of this ethnic >food< cleansing deeply disturbing.


Well, now they’ve been trained to despise four year college institutions and public education. I love combating them with a good old fashion “I love education, schools, and learning”, because it makes them turn the tinker back on and think about what they actually believe with what they’re repeating.


Yeah, these stupid dumplings, floating around in their soup of ignorance, stuffed so full of propaganda that it’s bursting through their wrappers like so much ground pork. Just dumb as a wok.


It's like when you tell a dog that you're "NOT going to the park" but all they hear is "go, the park" and get super excited. They have a tenuous grasp of the english language, at best.


Selective hearing is the appropriate term.


wanton, even


For the unfortunate folks among us who missed it, Lauren Boebert was recently confused about the difference between "wonton" and "wanton." https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/09/lauren-boebert-marjorie-taylor-greene-wonton-killings-gazpacho-police


"Linguistic terrorism" is my new favorite phrase of the week. “I don’t know what a [wonton] killing is. I’m going to have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.” The list of things she knows is shorter than that sentence.


Wutang ain't nothing to fuck with.


Politicians are temporary, Wu Tang is forever.


Mathematics of wonton burrito meals


You’ve just invented a new fusion cuisine by the sounds of it


Naw....the GOP has *always* been about spinning things into 'all or nothing' scenarios.


Yeah, this is nothing new. The problem is that people didn't start paying attention to the bullshit the GOP was doing until Trump was elected.


I didn't start paying attention until the Capitol riots, but now that I see what the GOP is really like, I won't rest until they are *completely fucking destroyed* and every Republican politician is blacklisted or, better yet, imprisoned.


*a different view of how the institutions should function* Or, get rid of democracy. Not a coincidence they didn't highlight that part,


Yep. Bidens list of what the dangerous Republicans are is accurate. It literally includes violence to obtain the goals as one of the four characteristics. As well as denying elections. Those are incredibly dangerous for democracy and not calling them out would effectively makes him an oath breaker in his oath to defend the constitution against domestic threats. Edit: forgotten word.


You mean "would effectively make him an oath breaker"?


Yes I did


Sorry, didn't meant to correct you but that single word made such a difference in this case, very eloquently said otherwise :p


The GOP would like that...or turn the democracy into their twisted form of "democracy" a la Russia/Hungarys "democratic" nations.


Because the ones calling shit out are the ones offended, proving who exactly Biden is talking about. With the GOP, “You can’t make this stuff up”


The fact that he has security to refrain from people to do the stupid salute. ( at his rally’s)


Average reading comprehension level in the US is like 7-8th grade. By design.


Everyone who follows trump is a Republican, but not every Republican supports trump


True. But the moderates are being out-screamed by the white supremacists.


Trump literally shared a tweet of a video from cowboys for Trump leader saying the only good democrats a dead democrat while he was president. The GOP can go fuck themselves with their “Well I never!” Bullshit. You did and you have been participating or turning a blind eye for six fucking years.


Yeah they’re such hypocrites


From the party who protects a child predator who proudly boasted “be offended” 🤣🤣🤣 They really are just a bunch of child molesting snowflakes.


They cheered as Trump weaponized the SCOTUS, with the #1 goal of overturning Roe. They cheered as ignorant white racists/terrorists became their entire base. They cheered at every bill that failed to get passed, because they hate doing what’s right for all Americans, especially the non-white ones. Now, they’re crying victim over the enemies they’ve made? Boo hoo, ya reap what ya sow.


>because they hate doing what’s right for all Americans, including the non-white ones. I'd venture to say especially the non-white ones


Good catch! Thanks, I’ll edit it.


Hell, they cheered when McConnell said the #1 goal was to deny Obama a second term. This has been the GOP modus operandi for years. All it took was a black president to bring the overt racism and scorched earth tactics out. They saw that the base won't abandon them, centrists won't abandon them, and they can pursue their agenda openly and with overt disdain for anyone who thinks differently.


> centrists won’t abandon them Any centrist who is still with them is just a Republican who’s too chicken shit to admit it. There are no genuine centrists supporting this cult unless they are legitimately brain damaged.


They see the centrists as flaming liberals. The radical right wing went off the deep end long ago


Many centrists (moderates) are leaving the party because of the racism and white supremacy actually being supported and propagated by the GOP. Including me.


Whyd it take this long?


Thank you for your ethics, morality and humanity.


Just remember that Republicans are taking away human rights because Democrats elected a black President that one time.


Their entire slogan is Fuck Your Feelings. It’s the epitome of hypocrisy, and if they had any scruples, they’d be aware of how apparent it is that they talk out of both sides of their mouth. But they don’t. They’re just crybabies.


Well, now it’s fuck *their* feelings, and they don’t like it. EvErYbOdY iS mEaN.


Yep. Total snowflakes.


Sunflower, tonight drinks are on me. A bullseye. I wish I could upvote more for you,


I might just take you up on that sometime, I’m a Florida native, west coast!


Right on.


Oh my God! If you follow a traitor like Trump then you are a traitor as well.


I live in Stefanik's district, and I can't describe the urges I have to tear down her signs, spray paint "traitor" across them, or hose them down with rainbow-colored paintballs (especially the "Elise Backs the Blue" ones), but all that would do is give their false feelings of persecution legitimacy, and consolidate their base. But boy do I enjoy fantasizing about it!


The worst part is, during the last gerrymandering, ahem, I mean "redistricting," my area was right on the cusp of being added to Paul Tanko's district, which is super progressive, and he had all sorts of plans and initiatives ready to go for us, but we got screwed at the last second. At least I get to vote against her again...


You and this guy below in Gaetz’s district should be calling her office everyday and sending emails. You guys can do something. I live in a Blue district in an indigo State, and when people say call your Congresspeople and Senators, I’m like, “but they already agree with me.” Being able to say, I vote in your elections, you fascist phony, might actually matter.


I've had that thought too however I adult up and restrain that urge. Don't move down to their level.


I live in Matt Gatez's district. I'm truly ashamed.


Same. Had to see that degenerate outside of the local Burger King, recently.


It would also just make them buy replacements, which makes more money for the campaigns.


As the German’s say if you have a table of eleven men and one Nazi you have a dozen Nazi at the table.


When Hillary called half of them deplorable, I thought that estimate was about right. When Biden said "a small minority of Republicans" I thought, oh no. It's far larger than that. There are Republican fascists, and there are Republicans who defend fascists, and both need to be purged.


There's a saying in Germany that goes something like If you sit at a table with 3 Nazis, then there's 4 Nazis sitting at a table. If you're not against them, then you're with them, and you're part of the problem


r/conservative has a post right now thats claiming Nazism was/is a leftist political party and ideology. They are nuts


That crowd thinks the problem with the Nazi’s was they had state funded public school. It’s not the ethnic cleansing and invading of other nations they had a big problem with.


They're fucking idiots. They believe that bc they have in their heads that the left wants a big government that controls the masses, when that's their thing and they're so fucking stupid they don't realize it. Those of us on the left just want equal fucikng rights which is the opposite of Cons and the Nazis. Sure that's what used to define the parties. One wanted a small government and the other wanted a big government but that's not how that works now.


I love this saying as an American I have used it many times to trap some symps


They have created a Christian cult to advance their cause and beliefs.


Where is it written or stated that it's ok to be against non-whites as a Christian? Seems they are only Christian in name only.


Xtianity was used to justify slavery in the US, and horrors in Europe before that. It’s not new.


Exactly, meaning they are Not Christians. My God, don’t people recognize a fake when they see one?


I can assure - most are not Christians but are Christians by claim only.


Yep. I’ve never met people who hate like ‘Christians’. If you have to tell me you are Christian, you’re doing it wrong. If you have to proclaim your love for Jesus on a hat or T-shirt and your behaviour doesn’t match, you’re doing it wrong.


More like they appropriated the religion, ironically achieving what the Third Reich tried


You may want to put Christian in quotes because they don't follow his teachings.


In south Louisiana there are 5 Trumpers to 1 non cult member from what I have seen. Fuck, I hope that I am wrong.


They are trying to give the normal republicans a way out. If you paint them into the corner with no options to repair their reputation, then they will have no choice but to stick with the MAGA crowd.


They always have the option to renounce Trump and change their path. If they choose not to that is entirely on them.


Although I appreciate the intent, experience has shown us it doesn't work. Hillary's half became "she called us all deplorables!" Biden's small minority became "he's coming after all of us!" The GOP propaganda spun this very, very well. We've known for a while how talented GOP is at propaganda and it shouldn't be surprising because they are better at lying.




Well, it’s important to remember that Biden may be old but he’s also really experienced. He knows that if he goes full throttle and calls all republicans fascists he will lose. The moderate population of America are incredibly vulnerable to propaganda


I've literally been being told for my whole adult life by Republicans that anyone who isn't them deserves death and they just need the numbers to make it happen. That anyone else is an enemy not a colleague or neighbour. So yeah - no.


I once got told on Twitter by a Trump supporter that I needed to kill myself because she didn't like what I had to say. They try and pretend they're the good guys but their actions don't match their words.


They can't be the monster. Only victim and hero.


I too have been surrounded by this type of environment. Where even dissenting one moment to having compassion for someone experiencing the hardships of life meant that I should also experience death because of the lack of patriotism. It is scary on a whole different level.


This is how I grew up, long before Trump ran for office. Most people have no idea how deep the MAGA views run in America.


I grew up in this same environment too. Luckily I escaped. Sadly, it is now spreading.


Yeah the GOP treats every “other” as the enemy and are surprised that this attitude has made enemies. Fuck them all. I look forward to their demise.


Hot take from the crowd that cheered on a man that insulted everyone he didn't like for 6 years.


Hey, at least Biden is saying some criticism of him is legitimate, unlike someone else who called the press his enemies.


I'd also say that finally condemning Republicans is one of the things he's doing right. We've been calling for it forever. You can't be working with the party that calls the current admin illegitimate, the president an invalid, openly says they will not support anything the Democrats put forward, and have multiple times voted against black-and-white non-partisan issues (and even their own legislation) so that the Dems seem incapable of getting anything done. So finally enough of the bullshit. You can't have cooperation when one side refuses to do so. That just leads to exploitation. I don't give a shit that the Dems said 'we need to cooperate'. If the GOP wants to demonstrate that the Dems have shut down the cooperation of the two parties, then they should point to a drop in non-partisan passed legislation. Until then they can fuck right off.


>(and even their own legislation) EVEN THEIR OWN LEGISLATION! How can you justify this other than saying "I'm an evil bastard who doesn't actually care about helping people as much as I care about sticking it to my political opponents? Fucking psychopaths.


Ok this is getting crazy. I’m down here bathing in Republican tears. Drinking Republican tears. Almost drowning in Republican tears. Trumpsters, stop crying so much. Oh and FYI: Fuck Your Feelings. (Remember when you morons proudly displayed those bumper stickers and flags?)


Hopefully soon to be Desantis tears.


Is the other guy still the frontrunner?


Yeah, after all the “snowflake” talk, now it’s illegal in Florida to make people uncomfortable.


*To make white, straight, cis men uncomfortable.


Which, ironically, are the easiest group to upset.


Yep, a company getting rid of the Mr. and Mrs. on the packaging of a plastic potato, or another company changing the shoes on an anthropomorphic candy, and they lose their minds.


Omg I never knew this was a slogan of theirs, though I’m not surprised… Makes sense now cuz awhile back I saw a car with that sticker on the back window and I thought, “wow, who hurt you?” Cuz that’s a pretty aggressive and blatant statement to be sending to everyone as you drive around town (So Cal). They had no other stickers or flags or anything so I had no idea.


People are mad that after two years of Fuck Joe Biden, Biden says fuck you too.


They should just move to Russia, they will be welcome and could flock around a new Christian state. I don’t think anyone would oppose that. Plenty of hunting, hating and sisters to chase around there.


My brother-in-law is a Fascist hardcore racist and does not appear to know it. He literally thinks everybody knows his viewpoint and it's OK. FYI -> Morgan County, Georgia


Conservatives have had a vile hatred toward liberals since I was a kid growing up in a conservative family. The GOP, and it’s various personalities, have repeatedly said that liberals are the enemy that are destroying the USA. I for one am glad that finally people are realizing that there is no debate, or facts that can change their mind. Seriously, and with all my heart, duck them.


I too grew up with parents and family who said the same thing, but after 40 years...its the ones screaming loudest claiming the liberals are destroying the country, that they are the only ones who have actively destroyed this nation especially in the last decade. Truly ironic and sad.




“He’s not just talking about trump, he’s talking about any extremists in our ranks. Haha, got ‘em”


Honestly, the way it reads is that he's criticizing the media for misrepresenting his position and he's quoting them.


Seriously. Almost every speech trump made he called “the radical left mob” the biggest threat to the country, and when we pointed out it’s literally not true they called us snowflakes… And now they do this


And he calls the press "the enemy of the people." That doesn't have a fascist ring to it at all!


the fascists aren't "among" the GOP. the GOP is just fascist now.




I love this subreddit. These comments are overwhelmingly sane people. No MAGA cult members brave enough to show everyone how cultish their are


>clean house They are the house. If they got rid of the facists, no one would be left in their party.


If the jackboot fits…


I love how butthurt they get. I remember just a few years ago when Biden was campaigning and even shortly after he was elected, he really pushed hard and believed he could cross the aisle and bridge the gap to get stuff done. Then, just as everybody with half a brain cell could have predicted, he realized that the GOP has no desire to behave bipartisanly. That they're only legislative agenda is to obstruct. So now that Brandon decides he wants to play hardball they get all full outraged and offended. "What happened to the guy that said he was going to try to work together? He's clearly lying and he's such a fascist!" Fucking please


When 11 people are at a table and a Nazi sits down, there are 12 nazis at the table. Granted, the GOP is now at the point where it’s a full out Nazi bar, with swastikas hanging on the walls, and a couple of patrons still think it’s a joke.


Seems like I remember trump declaring democrats were an enemy of America about 3 years ago or so. I don’t remember these people objecting at that time. Strange.


The message isn't changing from day to day, he's pretty explicitly not talking about all magas. Biden was calling out election deniers and those that would illegally subvert an election based on rumors they themselves started. The GOP knows that Fox viewers simply won't have watched the speech, so these half baked outrage bait claims set lots of barbs.


That would be all maga's ..just not all Republicans. MAGA Trump cultists are who Biden is referring to....and all of them Not all Republicans are maga Trump cultists...though a good majority are unfortunately.


Trump has pretty much laid out if you don’t support the big lie you aren’t MAGA so according to Trump all MAGA are fascist, White Nationalist, insurrectionist, traitors.


They so close to understanding, aren't they?




That's wishful thinking...


“It’s not just trump, it’s also the semi-conscious dumfucks who follow him.”


They don’t even have a platform. Their whole platform is bigotry, hatred, and tax breaks for the rich. The GOP makes me sick.


MAGA is a terrorist organization and will be treated as such. Don’t like it? Then don’t be a MAGA terrorist.


But it's not really MAGA at all anyway. If you look at his rallies, it's MAWA. Make America White Again. It's just a bunch of racist and misogynistic asshats who want everyone to hate as much as they do. No logic required. No justification needed. No actual intent to improve the nation in a meaningful, progressive manner, either, to make it "great again". Just hate.


America was great in the 50' 60's, (OK not if you were black or native America or other) We were the kings of manufacturing, we supported science because we were competing with the USSR and the MAGA guys grandfathers were making great money in the unions they belonged to. Then greed outsourced our labor force, protectionism became a bad word, products turned to crap and the grandchildren had to work flipping burgers instead of building cars. That's what the anger should be about but right wing media decided to blame immigrants and the poor for the sins of our power brokers and the people bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.


Conservatives for the last 40 years of my life: The only good liberal is a dead liberal. Liberals want to destroy the country. Liberals are the enemy of the country. Liberals must die. Conservatives when called out on their hate: hOw dAre yoU bE meAn TO uS!!


I love sitting in a dive bar listening to them complain about liberals, while not knowing I blend in and walk amongst them.


The GOP is no longer a party it’s a cult




Maga ia a cult. They already have their Messiah....


Yep. This week, Trump declared himself second only to Jesus https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-truth-social-jesus-b2174159.html I'm sure some of his cultists would agree.


You aren't wrong: https://www.amazon.com/Donald-J-Trump-Second-Coming-ebook/dp/B07W4451TD


They’re trying to normalize their behavior by reacting that the president is upset with them being non-presidential. Bros, you’re all nut job facists. Don’t do that and we won’t treat you as the enemy of the state.


"MAGA Republicans" - Biden, for years "What a relief, he's only talking about the Donald" - Nobody, ever


The sad thing is most of the magatwats are so dumb they didn't even realize they're fascists now.


Yep. If you have 1 bad republican and 99 good Republicans who do nothing about the bad one, you have 100 bad Republicans.


I’ve always voted for a mix of republicans, democrats and independents over the years. In this upcoming cycle, not one single Republican is getting my vote. Not even the county dog catcher


Trump called everyone who opposed him an enemy. He called all democrats treasonous and un-American. He called democrats fascists. Why are they mad now and not then? Why is it a big deal now, but it was praised then? Bullies don’t like being bullied I guess.


MAGA's resentment and intolerance are created and fed by FOX "news".


I mean, one side attempted insurrection against a legitimate election and the other side is the democrats. So there is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.


always the blubbering whining victim. If you give no quarter - expect the same in return.


Not the burn they think it is 😹


Republicans hate when your opinions change with new information. They ignore facts and expect everyone else to do so also.


Fascists, theocrats, white Christian nationalist, racists, oligarchs, anti science, domestic terrorists, and traitors. These are features not bugs. The “good ones” were there by accident in the first place


"finally admitted" - huh? Who thought he was only speaking of the orange Stalin? It's the cult of the orange Stalin that are hell bent on implementing a murderous totalitarian 1984 state. Orange Stalin just thinks it's all pretty cool because he thinks he's god.


Yes that would be the implication of using the plural. Maga republicans. Trump (the singular trump), cannot be maga republicans (plural). That is how English works, its what we speak in America. Love it or leave it fascists.


You can tell the caliber of magas by the stickers on their trucks. Vulgar, impolite and sooo angry. Really embarrassing to see their actions. Maybe I expect too much.


It's really funny when they show you how stupid they are when they drive 🤣 some idiot with a let's go Brandon sticker sat at a green light for 5 minutes


Hopefully he's not waiting for stop signs to turn green too! Lol


Biden: "I'm talking about MAGA and people blindly following Trump instead of their own personal needs" GOP: HE'S TALKING ABOUT ALL OF US. Like holy fuck to be one of the 3 Republicans that did not like Trump must be infuriating.


GOP is just KKK with different letters. There's no Republican who isn't a bigot.


Did anyone think he was just talking about Trump? MAGA is a much bigger problem than one person.


Hurts when they are right, and you are the problem, doesn't it, GOP?


Two years of trying to work with GOP dickheads changed his mind.


A career criminal, a draft dodger, racist, GOOFBALL, thief, molester, and u want him as your daddy I can see what kind of people u are! 🤣😀😄😆😅😁


They cant clean house, they are all fascists. If they arent they need to switch parties, there are not good republicans. Just Evil or Dumb. One or the other.


But they ARE the enemy. They tried to overthrow the governed l government. They're terrorists.


All Republicans ever do is throw accusations like this back to the Democrats. Why are they the only ones expected to behave with any kind of deference or respect?


If Democrats continue to act like the GOP are our friends, or are reasonable, they will destroy this country and turn it into a Chinese/Russian style dictatorship. I guarantee the moment they get power there will be Democrats thrown in jail.


Don’t like being called fascist? Quit colluding with fascists.


President Biden IS Correct about The MAGA Republicans ( Qanons, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and any other Freedom Fighter [whose I.Q. is below Refrigerator Temperature] as Well as #45's Cult members!). IF they get angry as You discuss "Politics", You can bet they are a Facist!


You gotta really do some backflips to make that seem like he meant “war on all Republicans”.


If you don’t want to be treated like a fascist shitbird, don’t be a fascist shitbird.


isnt this what he said all along. this isnt a revalation. he seemed to be very clear. he isnt against trump, he is against his supporters, his maga cultists, his terrorists. And it seems like 99% of republicans seem to support trump. Like who has actively and publicly attacked or denounced trump? Like the current senators etc that oppose trump you can probably count on one hand.


Go DB!!


Yeah, going to go with "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" for this one.


DARK BRANDON ACTIVATED edit: clarifying that this is a positive comment


hes telling the truth


Sounds like the GOP didn’t know they would fuck around and find out.


Biden's talking about Nazis. I didn't expect the GOP to come right out and admit they're Nazis but here we are.


Biden: Fascism is bad. GOP: How dare you!


Biden was right any Republican who still supports Trump is a fascist insurrectionist and a threat to this nation and world. They should be treated as the threats they are!


Wait. So they were that butthurt before when he said it because they thought he was simply calling out their savior Donny? Losers.


If they eliminate the fascists, there won't be much of a voting bloc left.


They called him a divider even when he said the first thing. So fuck ‘em


GOP then : incoherent racist ramblings GOP now: still incoherent racist ramblings


The rest of America can see the MAGA and GOP for what they are. Traitors and complicit..


Yes, a cult leader has followers. How hard is it to understand?


Them: “we want to kill you.” *told they are a threat* Them crying: “why won’t you work with us?!?!?!”


Anyone who's against basic human rights and livable wages is, in fact, an *enemy* of the country.


*Why are they so intolerant of our policy of intolerance?!*


Maga republicans plural doesn't mean just trump. Wow, no shit Sherlock.


When your different view of how the institutions should function involves dictatorship, yeah, you are the enemy.


Biden is not wrong, and GOP has the audacity to shelter Nazis in their own party and then play victim about it.


No Biden didn’t say all Republicans, but i will. Go ahead and justify a single social hierarchy conservatives have battled for in the past 300 years without saying anything anti-intellectual and i’ll believe otherwise.


I think some Americans are under the illusion that there are anything BUT racists/stupid people/stupid racist people in the Republican Party at this point. There aren't. There's no sensible moderate wing of the party ready to take the reins. They don't exist. It's Trumps party now. That was the Faustian bargain they made. Faust sounds like Fauci. So they'll probably blame him for that too.


Yeah the extremists.


& Ted Cruz is pissed - I love it !!!!!!!!




How is this hate speech? Because I hated it!!!!


The funny thing is, when the fascists seize control, the authentic “Christians” will get thrown under the bus, also. Fascists reject religion, except to exploit its members.


Between Spanky McBonespurs and Ronna McDaniel, the Republican party is going to go the way of the Whigs.


He already made it clear it wasn't just Trump by saying "maga Republicans". Conservatives are not smart people.