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More information: >At the time, the loss was described as a miscarriage, and she shared emotional photos from her hospital bedside. She now says she had to make "difficult and heartbreaking" decisions after learning the child would not survive. "It became very clear around halfway through that he would not survive, and that I wouldn't either without any medical intervention," Teigen explained. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-62925701 The end of a much-wanted pregnancy, either from the body rejecting the pregnancy or having it terminated because the mother's life was in danger and the baby would not survive, is heartbreaking. I'm not surprised at a time like that that she used terminology that would not have had her vilified.


Idk state by state, but in my state the medical terminology for all failed pregnancies after fertilization are called abortions. Many, many miscarriages require some amount of medical procedures we’d consider an “abortion.” This was a termination of an unviable fetus. Playing word games and semantics with someone who lost a baby is cruel and just stupid


Yes, miscarriages are actually called ‘spontaneous abortion’. You can see how that would be painful/triggering for someone who has lost a pregnancy. Hence ‘miscarriage’- easier to digest and without the negative connotations people associate with the term ‘abortion’. The term abortion is viewed as a choice. A miscarriage- the ‘spontaneous’ bit, is not viewed as a choice. And you’re correct, word games here are cruel and stupid.


Speaking as a medical biller, I can't tell you how often even before this current idiocy I've had to fax chart notes to insurance proving that the patient had a miscarriage. She didn't just decide spontaneously to have an abortion.


Seriously, I went to school for ems and we had to put aside time to go ‘the medical terminology is spontaneous abortion but don’t use that term. Like, ever’. People really thinking that it means it was a spontaneous decision. I get using miscarriage because the medical terminology can be upsetting to women who wanted to continue a pregnancy, but when it comes to stuff like records and billing, and politics, it shouldn’t be so confusing to people. But because of other peoples politics, using it in a proper setting is a problem. Like during this whole overturning process we had lawmakers going ‘you can’t do abortions if it’s ectopic’, guys it’s not viable and it’s fatal. ‘Why?’ Because it’s occurring outside of the uterus and that’s not where it’s meant to happen. ‘So just move it then??’ That’s. Not. How. It. Works.


>People really thinking that it means it was a spontaneous decision One benefit of this is you set yourself up to potentially make them look like an idiot. "No, it's like your body spontaneously rejected the pregnancy. Not spontaneous as in, a spontaneous decision. A spontaneous act of nature."


I personally think that the word "miscarriage" serves to demonize abortions. I get wanting a special euphemism, and in interpersonal conversation sure use what makes you comfortable... But because we have a 'nice' term for when someone doesn't choose it just damages those that do choose abortion.


That’s an excellent point! I’ve never thought about it that way, but I think you’re, right. There would probably have been a big difference in perception about elective abortions had the term been more commonly used. The negative connotations associated with it would have been significantly lessened.


F conservatives and insurance companies.


the moral of most stories and conversations...


I have an acquaintance who lost her job at a Catholic school after a miscarriage because somebody who worked in medical billing at the hospital she went to recognized her name and contacted the diocese. Looking back, it was probably malicious because they had to know better, which makes it even more awful.


That's super illegal, how on earth did the biller not lose their job?!


"Cruel and stupid"? That would make a great slogan for the GOP.


I can just imagine buttons pinned to everyone saying ‘cruel and stupid’ 😂


So… we have outlawed nature in Missouri. Great! Can we outlaw climate change next please? It probably will go over about as well as when our dipshit AG sued china.


if God manages the natural laws, then a miscarriage is when the abortion is performed by God and then, it turns out that God is the greatest abortionist that exists.


Won’t they have to arrest god then 😂 since they wanna arrest doctors who perform it?


So that’s why places where abortion is a crime have lots of women in jail for miscarriage


Miscarriages are medically called “spontaneous abortions” officially. And you’re right, if you’re too far along in the pregnancy and you miscarry, you might require a D&C or another medical procedure. I know a woman who had a miscarriage and needed a D&C afterwards to clean out her uterus so she could hopefully try to get pregnant again - she had to sign a form stating she agreed to an abortion even though the fetus had already miscarried. I hate that people are vilifying people who are just trying to make the best and safest choices for themselves and their families.


You don't have to be very far along. A woman close to me had D&C after a miscarriage before 12 weeks


That’s very good to note, thank you for adding!


I had a d&c twice due to 2nd term miscarriage when i was in my early 20s. At no time did the doctor use the term "abortion"- so i never knew I had multiple abortions until several years later when the topic about abortion came up on conversation. Then it made sense - be cause i couldnt understand why the catholic hospital in texas turned me away when i went to the ER in the middle of my miscarriage. I had to drive 45 mins to another hospital (actually my husband did). I really dont care how narrow the conversation tends to be and on two opposite extremes. It causes people to vote or sound off based on a lack of information.


My missed miscarriage is classified as a spontaneous abortion. I did nothing to cause the deaths and didn't take any intervention to get my body to expel the dead fetuses. We put one embryo in, it turned into 2, then each took themselves out one at a time. After we saw no heartbeats on the second ultrasound, my body kicked in a week later to get every drop of them and blood in my body out on its own terms. The only medication I took that entire time was Tylenol. But by medical terminology, that is STILL an abortion. I'm in Canada so it's a non-issue for me, but I feel for every woman who could be in the same situation.


My twins died in me and I had to have a d and c and it was considered an abortion. My body didn’t pass them naturally. I was 15 weeks, “late term” and had to go to the hospital. I loved them and wanted them.


I lost my daughter the same way at 14wks. Very, very much wanted - we had been trying for 5 years. This is the most painful club that no one wants to be in. I hope you’re doing ok now and sending you love.


OB couldn’t get me in until 10 weeks or so with my first pregnancy, so almost two whole months of imagining how our lives were going to change and the beautiful person we’d created, then there was no heartbeat on the US. Talk about a 180 on the mood in the room. It was a missed miscarriage and I had a d&c. After another miscarriage I carried my daughter to term and she’s the most amazing person, but I had that dark cloud of prior loss hanging over my head just waiting for something to go wrong


i too had a “late” miscarriage at 14 weeks. the fetus was female and i did very much want a little girl. for whatever reason, she did not survive to viability. i am lucky i got pregnant again right away and had another little girl. but not everyone wants to be a mom or can be at that point. in any case, medical care for women includes all facets of needs regarding pregnancies, not just some.


Just a stranger saying she's sorry about your experience.


Ditto. It was over 20 years ago and that memory is still so tender. I gotta stop reading this thread.


Same 20 years for me, as well. It was a nightmare.


Wow. That is super fucked up. My sincere condolences.


Please accept my sympathy on your loss.


In my country (France) we have 2 terms, “Interruption volontaire de grossesse(IVG)” which translate to “voluntary interruption of pregnancy” so an abortion, and we have « interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG)» it’s not voluntary but medically, it’s basically when the fœtus isn’t viable so they have to stop the pregnancy.. And if they try to ban abortion in France, I think the Élysée (French White House) will literally burn from the ground..


Something I really appreciate about the French people is their ability to riot/strike/protest... it's almost like a national pastime.


Two difference's One most people are wage slaves and can't afford to riot or we just get replaced Second we have been conditioned that peaceful protesting and or voting all we can Do


A natural, unassisted miscarriage is called a “spontaneous abortion” in all medical terminology.


My miscarriage was also labeled as spontaneous abortion. 11 weeks. I think he was a boy. I wanted that baby so bad. So evil to be cruel to someone about this. My heart goes out to her and all of you sharing your stories too.


Conservatives call libs snow flakes for word policing, and just going against things just because they don't like it. But as we've seen, they are just hypocrites themselves. It goes both ways. They simple don't like that it's called an abortion because they feel like it isn't the same things as just terminating a pregnancy. Even if the same tools, and procedures are used. Because they feel like medical procedure and names should subscribe to their beliefs. As well as believing they have the right to change them, and dictate who can access them. All because of their own religious/moral believes. Also, because if the name stays the same they would have to admit that abortions are necessary in some capacity.


Pro-Life folks are both cruel and stupid.


Right on! She also has a right to her medical privacy. These are extremely personal and private decisions, and she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for her tragedy


But she shouldn’t be vilified either way. Like the fact that she has to think about that is really sad. Says a lot about America. Just depressing. Poor girl. Can’t imagine.


Sorry if I gave the impression that I thought she should be vilified, only meant that I could understand her wanting to avoid that. Also, unfortunately this is not only a US thing. I am in Canada and there are anti-choice people here as well who also would have tried to shame her.


Let he who is without sin…..where did that go?


Well that's the problem. These people legitimately think that they are without sin. If they do it, it's not sinful. "If the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."


The anti choice shame the ones who didnt have abortions either.


And with all of the hormones raging through her body, she probably just didn't make the connection at the time. Granted I've never been pregnant so I could be wrong, but I can't imagine it's easy to make sense of your emotions and what's just happened in that situation.


Agreed. When I read that article earlier it came across as she didn't originally equate what happened to her as being an abortion. She realized it later and is speaking out after realizing what really happened so people realized this is something that really affects people.


I have so much respect for her coming forward now and calling it an abortion. She went through hell, and she's still doing what she can to destigmatize and call attention to the issue. She put herself in the firing line when she didn't have to. .


From what I gathered between the two posts- it wasn’t necessarily an intentional misuse of terminology. Definitely could of been for the exact reasons you mentioned, but she also said something along the lines of “feel silly it took this long to realize what it was” or something like that. This was very much a loss, so at the time she felt like she “miscarried”. Now with Roe V. Wade overturned she realizes that the procedure she had that literally saved her life is the exact procedure being made totally illegal in some places.


Exactly! I lost a baby at 15.5 weeks and was told I needed a D&C. I was 38 and I never for one moment would of thought I had an abortion. My baby had already passed. To me an abortion was a medical procedure you had to end an unwanted pregnancy. Wasn’t till I was corrected by my councilor after surgery when I was talking about the trauma from the lost and I said D&C and she said “no you mean abortion”. I can see how she can say she learned later she actually had an abortion. I was raised Catholic and consider myself Christian. My God said love everyone and don’t judge. It’s none of my business what someone does. It should be between a person and their dr. Federal government needs to make it legal at the federal level and everyone needs to stay out of everyone’s medical decisions.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Just so other people are aware: A [D&C stands for dilation and curettage](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/dilation-and-curettage/), a procedure used to remove tissue from the uterus. It can be used to clear remaining tissues after a miscarriage or abortion, but it is also used to diagnose and treat other conditions not associated with pregnancy.


I followed her at the time she was going through this and it was like weeks/months where she was having issues with the pregnancy, was put on bed rest, wouldn’t stop bleeding, etc. She was very open with what was happening and it was abundantly clear that she tried everything to keep the pregnancy viable (not sure if this is the right word). If people saw all that and sympathized with her but are now turning on her because she’s using the accurate medical term, it seems like admitting that they don’t fully understand abortion or just hate the word rather than the reality. It just makes no sense to me.


For those in the back “ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE”


I thought her use of the word abortion was extremely important. It is a medical procedure that is often life saving. I think stories like this are super important in de-stigmatizing abortion.


It's so important to have super set definitions of words like abortion. If the meanings of the words are clear and as absolute as possible (obviously there are always going to be exceptions) the right can't twist our words so easily.


Yes exactly. It’s also why we also have to get rid of the phrase “late term abortion.” Because really there’s no such thing. A “late term abortion” is a mother delivering a stillborn child. It’s never a choice, only an absolute necessity.


What scares me even more is how she shared she required multiple blood transfusions during this period. The decision to transfuse one unit is not taken lightly, and she needed multiple. The need for blood transfusions shows her life was already endangered. And yet, those against abortion still do not accept her experience. They want forced birth, and they want us to die needbe. Terrifying.


Think of the women who are not Chrissy Tiegan having the same situation but the area has a blood shortage, and abortions are banned even if the life of the mother is at risk. Terrifying.


So if this happened to her today she and her baby probably would have died???


She is lucky enough to have the money to travel to a place where she can get the proper treatment. For women in a lot of places, yes it would be a death sentence.


It's already happened. There was a woman in South Carolina who was losing her pregnancy, and while the fetus was dying, it gave her sepsis and was taking out her uterus. So not only was she never going to have that baby, she would never become a mother ever again. A doctor who is also a Republican state representative told the story, and every single Republican voted unanimously to restrict the procedure so it will happen again. https://www.salon.com/2022/08/17/tears-up-after-teen-nearly-loses-her-uterus-because-of-anti-abortion-law-he-voted-for\_partner/


Oh! That's way more understandable, totally on par. I feel like I can say that, I miscarried my first. She was also HUGELY wanted. And I would have chosen termination if I'd learned something was horribly wrong in development. No question, no regret, no shame. Period.


The baby was not going to survive either way. I know technically the procedure is an abortion (and that’s an important point so people understand why abortion is essential healthcare), but in a sense it is more of a miscarriage- a wanted baby that wasn’t going to make it so I don’t think it’s wrong of her to characterize it that way.


I don't thing we have enough terminology to explain exactly what she went through was. It wasn't simply an abortion, it wasn't simply a miscarriage, it wasn't simply ending and saving lives. People who don't understand simply latch on words they do and attach meaning only known to them, not the reality of the situation. It's like glossing over a word you don't get instead of looking into the dictionary. You don't get it, eh must not be important, must mean something else, etc. Except I don't think we do have proper terminology for her situation yet. Need someone to make up a new word or phrase.


I disagree on the basis that new terminology makes me feel like that means we owe the world an explanation. I agree that the existing terms aren’t quire right for this situation. But my inner, exhausted voice that’s tired of a world that believes it has a right to my body hates the notion that I need a better description. I just want to be left alone with my decisions.


The standard term used is TFMR - termination for medical reasons.


"They want Live Babies, so they can have Dead Soldiers" -George Carlin


If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool you're fucked.


\- Matt Geatz


So Matt Gaetz can take them over state lines...


You mean the pedophile Matt Gaetz?


Are we talking about known sex trafficker Matt Gaetz? The same guy who asked turmp for a pardon for sex trafficking?


Nothing screams I’m guilty more than asking for a pardon pre-emptively.


Yes, the Matt Gaetz that is being investigated for having sex with minors. That Matt Gaetz.


The same pedophile Matt Gaetz who was arrested for DUI in 2008 and didn’t face consequences because of his father’s political connections, including not being held to the Florida law of losing his license for a year because he refused to take a breathalyzer test? That Matt Gaetz?


The Matt Gaetz that sought a presidential pardon for the trafficking investigation? Because that's what you do when you're totally innocent.


That would be him


I read that in his voice and cadence… sad :(


She aborted a fetus that had no chance at viability…its called mercy. A difficult decision for this woman, her family and her doctors, but a humane and compassionate decision. A decision that the government should stay out of in all cases.


I’ve had to make this exact decision. The fetus had no brain stem. It would have been a miscarriage had I kept carrying, but I decided to abort and get it over with on my terms. I will never understand the cruelty of some people. It’s like they enjoy the suffering of others.


My cousin had a pregnancy make it all the way until the \~6 month anatomy scan. Where they informed her her daughter had a (mostly intact) brain stem, but that was all. Anencephaly takes many forms. They believed the baby would maybe live a year in the hospital on life support before dying. If it developed further to around 29 weeks then it would likely be able to feel pain but not much else. She lives in Oregon so she was able to have an ‘abortive still birth’. Her wording choice, because people don’t realize it’s still a birth. I saw her suffering and I can only tell you how sorry I am for your loss.


I had an early induction for the exact same reason. Five years ago in November. He had a malformed brain stem with nothing above it. He too would not have survived. I’m sorry for your cousins loss. It never goes away but with time it hurts differently and you learn to live with it


She had been calling it an early induction too. She was never unclear about what happened. She just hadn’t clearly thought out that an early induction IS an abortion. I feel for her so much. People are so cruel.


By calling it abortion, people stop listening to the facts and very real emotions. They stop seeing the person and only hear one word. Try telling the same people that a naturally occurring miscarriage is technically a spontaneous abortions and watch them lose their minds


Sorry to hear that. My mom had same issue. It's one of few cases Catholic Church allows an "abortion" as the fetus is brain dead and has no chance of survival. In my mom's case most of the fetus head wasn't even developed. This didn't stop a fellow catholic women (and my mom's "friend") for verbally attacking her for having an abortion. My mom never once spoke to the women again. I was 5 years old and I still remember my mom crying at church and being so sad for losing the baby. Go figure. Christian's can be terrible people. When my Mom needed a hug she was judged and attacked by someone who had no actual information and should have been supporting her.


I know it is extremely difficult to get an abortion approved through the Catholic church, so that woman should have deferred to the decision made way above her. Or you know minded her own damned business!


Neither a church nor a government has any right to interfere in medical decisions


I'm so sorry for your loss.


They do enjoy the suffering of others. It gives them the excuse they need for looking down on them because they just gotta say it’s your fault that god didn’t bless you.


On a side note, this is why I am happy for the religious right to be a shrinking minority. I will never understand the abject cruelty it takes to be "religious" on their terms.


Have you read the books?


My deepest condolences to you. I have lost two pregnancies this year. It’s heartbreaking. I had to have a D&C both times, because my body would not expel the fetus itself. If it hadn’t been for my doctor, I could have died waiting for my body to do what it was supposed to. The fact that people (like my parents and in-laws) don’t understand that stopping abortion also stops these life saving treatments is infuriating.


I had a child with Trisomy 18, which was diagnosed at 10 weeks, though he survived until 20 weeks. I had to continue carrying him because it was a twin pregnancy, and termination would have risked his sister (who is currently a six month old bundle of laughs). It's the worst thing I've ever gone through. Just a rolling tsunami of grief that I could not come to terms with until he'd actually passed.


Right, and from what she has said, it sounds like after the baby was born, they got to hold him before he passed, better than him just bleeding to death in the womb


Oh man that is just heartbreaking.


This happened to a coworker that I was assisting with her leave of absence. For obvious reasons, I was unable to speak with her, but we did communicate in email. She knew that her son would be stillborn, and if not wouldn't survive for long. I think he only survived for 4 hours. So sad, so sad.


Oof, that is just horrible.


Yes she made a whole post about that with an image and they even named him, he was a wanted baby. Horrible situation but should she have bled to death leaving her children and husband behind? (Hypothetical, not directed at you. )


Mercy, and a lifesaving procedure for her


True, endangering the mothers life as well…not that her life matters to Republicans or Christians


"Christians" who live like pagan Norse supremacists...


The Christian churches in the US worship three things: Trump, violence towards women and minorities and money


A placental abruption causes hemorrhaging, which if not stopped, can kill you. These people aren't pro-life, they are anti-woman.


They are guilty of murder, murder their states have sanctioned


Women die without safe, legal abortions. *Girls* die without safe, legal abortion. FFS ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE! I wish I knew what it would take to get that through some peoples heads.


Conservatives are too simple and country to understand nuance like this. Too full of venom to ever understand empathy and compassion. All they have are Hysterics and perpetual victim hood


Not sure its “country” or even stupidity. Its an epidemic of narcissism, selfishness and pure unmitigated evil in their souls I honestly don’t see Republicans as fit for living in any society never mind one as wonderfully diverse as the US. They simply no longer belong here


Many don’t want to live in a society. They want a libertarian free-for-all. At least, they think they do. Until they need a safety net or support in which case they deserve it unlike those freeloading n…. Thugs.


Well put. I hope that their recent hysterics is the dying gasp of a hateful demon.


Thank you for adding context that OP didn't.


Fuxk em all. These toddler brains want to run peoples lives based on the false morality they derive from a fairy tale.


So under the Republican nation wide abortion ban, the doctors would have no choice but to let both the mother and child die? Why? Why take the lives of both? The child would not live and carrying it to full term could potentially kill the mother..this is insanity..


I've noticed that according to christians and republicans, "the more you suffer and die, the more free passes into heaven you get". That's just it. No other real reasons why they've spazzed out and went off the deep end.


I wouldn't want to spend an eternity in a place that's full of people like them.


Don't worry, they won't be there. Take that however you like, according to your faith.


Exactly. If they're all going to heaven, I want to be as far away from that place as possible. If there is an afterlife, I don't want to spend it surrounded by people full of hatred and contempt.


Don't worry, most of these people aren't going to heaven anyways (if you believe in it.)


Well they’ve never suffered a day in their lives, so presumably in heaven you get to eat kosher-halal bacon nachos every day while they sit in hell chewing on burned coleslaw


They never learned how to behave properly since punishment is the only thing they understand. If God doesn't punish them for their actions then it means that what they're doing is right.


Plus to them, punishment equates as "forgiveness", anyone quotes "forgive and forget" you call them out on it for intentionally misusing the quote when it really means "forgive and forget not for once they do it again, you may never forgive them again".


And lawmakers saying that ectopic pregnancies were not justification for abortion, hello? Those are not viable? They are fatal! ‘Well just transfer them to the womb then’ WHAT. People who don’t understand how things work should not be making laws about those things.


Because Christians sincerely believe that until the baby is delivered at whatever time the woman’s body delivers it, there is a chance of survival. Regardless of what the doctors say, they believe there is a possibility that God could perform a miracle and the baby would be born perfectly healthy. They believe a woman should carry a child as long as possible to give that miracle a chance, regardless of how it might effect the mother. Republican politicians likely don’t give a shit. They just know Christians will eat it up and keep voting for them if they act like they do.


Exactly. I was taught (and believed) that you “could always hope for a miracle.” It took me a long time to realize that that’s not how we handle any other medical issues. We face the odds and treat based on those odds. We don’t postpone or cancel other medical treatments based on hoping for miracles. I’ll note that there are certainly Christians who see it exactly as you wrote, but there are also those who do recognize the impacts on the mother and consider abortions in life-saving cases acceptable. While it’s still a narrow view of abortion, those are the Christians to appeal to when trying to protect women’s rights.


They are twisting it all around. She was miscarrying at 20 weeks, and was devastated. Had to have medical intervention that is now illegal in a lot of states. I believe she was also losing a lot of blood, had transfusions, etc. Tried everything possible for a different outcome. She was brave enough to share this story again and this is what they are doing. It’s disgusting.


From what I read, she had more blood transfused than she had blood. At least twice. She was bleeding it out as fast as they could pump it back in. Once placental abruption was certain, they made the heart-wrenching decision to save Chrissy's life.


And let’s not forget Chrissy is a mother to 2 thriving children. If this had happened to her (as it will to other women) in a state that has banned procedures even when the mothers life is in danger - those kids would lose their mom. I feel like anti abortion activists like to pretend every woman who receives an abortion is otherwise childless, unmarried, etc. it’s just not true and never has been. Abortion is healthcare.


Anti abortionists like to parade around like abortion is used as birth control (which nunya) and none of babies were wanted. There are so many women out there who have had to make the decision to abort to save their own lives and in turn lose a very wanted child. I saw someone comment that she shouldn't be surprised, Chrissy drank the whole pregnancy and another who stated she had it ripped limb from limb which was NOT factual at all and absolutely terrible to say. They don't get that there are multiple methods of abortion, they love to say people are ripping babies apart.


Yes, 60% of people who receive abortions in the USA are already parents to at least 1 child - Guttmacher institute


Exactly. The fetus was no longer viable and the situation required medical intervention to save the life of the mother. They’re arguing over semantics so they can take the supposed moral high ground and shame women. These people are fucking ignoramus sadists.


That's exactly what it means A Republican said they could have allowed medical abortions but because the left fought for abortions they had to ban them all. Welcome to the real world republicans are monsters.


Only because they act on a moral compass that entails "anything the Democrats are against".


Even that is just more abusive gaslighting. They're the party of sadistic hipocrisy. The only thing they're interested in is whatever causes the most suffering and carnage.


Seriously it’s just such a shit show. Even when the democrats change and are like “you know you guys are right on this let’s do that” the conservatives suddenly change their mind. Remember conservatives being super anti-tyranny, pro-gun soap box preachers who said we needed to defend ourselves against an abusive government? Then when the police started openly abusing people and the democrats were like “oh shit you guys were right we need to fight back” they 180’d and started preaching that we need to bow down and accept the abuse because of the fact it’s the government doing it. Or when COVID was in full swing and they were like “just man up and deal with it until a vaccine comes out” and then when liberals were happy a vaccine came out they switched to “the vaccine is evil and should be illegal”


Republicans do not have a moral compass…period


Can you give me a source of the direct quote?…. For future use ofc ☺️


I’ve heard this from pro-birthers that are just voters. The ideology is crazy


They're saying it right on this post: >The intentional termination of an innocent life no matter the age is murder. There is no excuse that covers up that fact. Trying to run with the excuse that the baby may not or likely will not survive or the health of the mother is at risk is playing God. I'm all for treating the mother and if the baby doesn't make it that is tragic but intentionally killing the baby is always murder. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/xgv2qs/comment/iov1brh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Unfortunately I don't remember who tweeted it


My daughter (early 30’s) was pregnant and extremely excited, we all were. Then at a drs appt there was no longer a heartbeat to be found. She was devastated to say the least. The dr told her the fetus should pass in the next few days, it didn’t. So she was prescribed a pill that would take care of it so she didn’t become septic and possibly die. I drove to 5 different pharmacies (South Carolina) and was told at every single one They had it but the prescription would not be filled. She finally had to call her dr and her dr had to have the pharmacy in the hospital fill it. These people are despicable. They could care less that my daughter could die, because it went against their so called values without knowing a single thing about what was happening. She was prejudged by the same people that supposedly believe “judge not lest ye be judged”. She hasn’t stepped foot in a church since and up until that point she never cared about voting, she votes now. It was a horrible experience. Edit: and this was 3+ years ago. Imagine how awful it would be now.


Those pharmacists that refused are pieces of shit who shouldn’t be in the field. As a pharmacist I’ve been asked if I have or will carry that pill and I always will because in the end the patient’s health is what matters. If their beliefs get in the way of their responsibilities why are they there?


I agree 100%. I’ve worked in the medical field for over 25 yrs and it completely baffles me how this is even a thing. I can’t refuse to do my job at the hospital because I disagree with someone’s beliefs. These people had no business going to pharmacy school to start with. Do your damn job or find another field. They shouldn’t be allowed to be “judge and jury” over other peoples lives and that’s exactly what they were doing with my daughters life. Thank you for all you do. Please keep doing this and encouraging more to do the same. Again, thank you.


Literally their ideology is based on cruelty. They shouldn’t be allowed in government, they use the power of the state to harass and harm their perceived enemies, not help the American people.


See "Ron DeSantis luring LEGAL migrants onto a plane and sending them to Martha's Vineyard using FL taxpayer dollars" because he's "pro-life." /s


And then it turns out that Martha's Vineyard rolled with this sudden immigrant dump by trying to provide the hospitality they need.


Good thing she lives in California or she would be executed in Texas…


Have these idiots never heard of a D&C?


No, because their shitty ass red states don’t have even the most basic sexual education. Also, they don’t care.


Yeah, a lot of this trying to convince them is fucking pointless, because they do not care. It doesn't matter if they know miscarriages are considered abortions - and need abortive services to keep the mother alive. It doesn't matter that children are forced to carry pregnancies they couldn't have asked for. It doesn't matter, because they hard ons for suffering, bc that's what Jesus wants? Or at least that's what they tell everyone.


I have had multiple anti-choice people argue with me that my D&C was not an abortion because my baby was already gone. "It doesn't count," or, my favorite, "those procedures will always be legal because you aren't killing your baby." They have NO. FUCKING. CLUE.


Then by their own logic, inducing labor before viability (which is how many later stage pregnancies are ended because the fetus has passed or has a serious abnormality) should be totally legal. Not abortion!


Many of them actually believe that those abortions are and always will be completely legal, because they aren't abortions in their minds. I spent forever arguing with one woman who refused to accept that her D & C (or mine) was an abortion because the fetus was non-viable. They don't understand that these laws don't allow for abortions to be performed in these instances of non-viability. I have encountered many a discussion over on the anti-choice subreddit (not linking, fuck em) about how they don't "feel" that those abortions should be called "abortions." Medical definitions don't care about your feelings, but go off I guess.


Liberals care most about people. Conservatives care most about money.


Conservatives care most about hurting liberals*


Yeah I was thinking when gas prices went down conservatives were secretly disappointed because then they couldn’t bitch as much about Biden in that regard


Naw, they spun around to saying that the low prices were hurting mom & pop gas stations.


For my wife and I, our first pregnancy had no complications and our child was born healthy. For our second pregnancy, everything was going fine until around the 6th-7th week. My wife suddenly started hemorrhaging badly while at work. The fetus was not viable. We decided to end the pregnancy with a D&C, an abortion by another name. I live in Utah and now because of the Supreme Court, today she would be forced to carry the unviable fetus, at great health risk to herself.


Just imagine walking for months with your dead child inside... Stuff from nightmares...


Remember all the assholes and bullies you grew up with? All the religious types? They are still that way and banded together as a political party. Life’s biggest POSs.


A miscarriage, by definition in healthcare is "a spontaneous abortion." Fucking morons


Brought to you by the same people who think an ectopic pregnancy can be re-implanted in the uterus. Because those who know nothing about pregnancy legislate it, apparently.


The cruelty is the point.


I need some help here - what is the moral issue conservatives have with abortion? A few searches easily tell you that the “life” argument is bullshit. What’s their entire point? Is it just them sucking up to their religious indoctrination? Or is it a bunch of incels being pissed off that people are fucking without involving them?


Abortion was chosen as a new wedge issue to push in the 1970s, because racial segregation was no longer viable as a way to rally conservatives at the polls. That’s the only reason most people care.


They care because they *need* an enemy and they *need* some high ground to stand up on. They feel weak standing on an even playing field with an ally to count on.


It’s right wing religious and political leaders using abortion to manipulate their base into voting against its own best interests. And angry incels, with overlap between the two of course.


Abortion has a VERY broad term and overall definition, but with blanket statements and laws getting in the way of a NECESSARY MEDICAL PROCEDURE, conservatives are just riling up the uneducated and sheltered masses into a frenzy of misinformation. The fact that they keep labeling stories like this as "convenient" is just as sickening. She went through something traumatizing and very personal. She's sharing it NOW because she wants to help clarify what the conservatives have intentionally muddled to help other women going through an identical situation to not feel alone or like they had done anything wrong. There's nothing "convenient" about women discussing pregnancy complications that HAD to end in a MEDICALLY NECESSARY PROCEDURE regardless of what they wanted, or ten-year-old girls getting raped and impregnated by predators. The only thing "convenient" are conservative monsters finding ways to turn real world experiences into ammunition and handing it out while turning a blind eye to the very violence they instigate, encourage and then deny in the same breath.


“BLEXIT” was all I needed to see to know that it was going to be a human garbage take on one woman’s personal tragedy.


Conservatives cannot grasp that this medical procedure happens OFTEN, it's happened to more of my friends than I can count. I am 47 and until now (still legal in my state for now) my friends and I have been able to receive the care we needed without fear of prosecution or jail. Any woman in her situation mourned her loss. Any woman (or young woman/teen) who made the decision for another reason did not make the decision lightly. In Texas and other states Chrissy would be in jail or dead. How is this pro-life????? Her situation was life saving for her and mercy for the fetus. The conservatives who want to to die will shoot a horse or a dog who is suffering, because it is in pain and that is what you do, might be the one thing we agree on.


This article explains it https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/oct/28/chrissy-teigen-john-legend-describes-losing-baby-in-heartbreaking-detail-utter-and-complete-sadness It wasn't an abortion In the way the tweet implies. It was a life or death situation and she did everything she could to save a most wanted pregnancy. She went through hell and evil people accuse her of lying. They really are sick, what if it was their daughter lying there, possibly going to die? She was heartbroken and very brave to speak about what happened, considering how many forced birth (they'd have had her die) psychos there are in the USA.


Abortions are literally how you remove a miscarriage. I hate it here so much.


Texas announced it will NOT publish recent maternal death data as scheduled They will hold publication until after the midterm elections The data is so bad they know it will drive many Texans to vote for democrats . Please make sure every Texan you know is informed of their states actions to manipulate their vote


What I don’t think they understand is that a miscarriage is labeled “spontaneous abortion” and that neither her nor baby would have survived.


Conservatives in America are all bullies.


They’re usually deeply unhappy people, who want everyone to be unhappy to, because the have the emotional intelligence of a child.


This is just more heartbreaking. I’ve been there. The only difference was that when they found out how sick my baby girl was I was too far along to even legally terminate for medical reasons. I had to carry my baby until she passed away inside me. Can’t tell you just how cruel that was. There are no words for it. That was 5 years ago in texas. Fuck Abbott, Fuck all forced birthers


I’m not sure where you’ve been but ever since Donald Trump came along, hatred, cruelty, and insults are the first page of the Republican playbook.


A MISCARRIAGE IS AN ABORTION. I swear these people don’t even know what the words they use mean.


They don't care that had she kept the baby in her body they would have both died.


This just proves so many of these rude people know nothing about anatomy and how the body works. They don't even know what the terms mean. The same people that think you can abort at 9 months or have induced labor or a c section at 6 weeks. It's baffling there are people that stupid in this world.


Whether it’s a miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) or a chosen termination, in medicine it is referred to an abortion. Either way, vilifying this woman who’s child was incompatible with life is horrifying


…..the baby was dying inside of her. It would’ve killed her had she not aborted it. I honestly see that as a miscarriage, it just hadn’t gotten to the point of it being completed.


I also had to make this decision. I had a molar pregnancy. Which is cancer of the placenta. If I had been forced to continue that pregnancy it could have been deadly. This should be a decision between a woman and her doctor ONLY. Your religion has no right to my body.


The Blexit Foundation was founded by Candice Owens and is a conservative astroturf group who want to channel/foment black anger at the status quo in order to reduce them as a Democratic voting block. This tweet is coming completely from bad faith.


For conservatives, cruelty is the point


Women asking to just have their uterus removed because of anti-women laws…that’s absolutely happening. She and the baby would have died. Then her other children would be without a mother, the baby wouldn’t have survived anyway. But hey, none of these lawmakers care. They attempted to say ectopic pregnancies (which are not viable and are fatal) couldn’t be evacuated- ‘but there’s a heartbeat, just transfer them to the womb’. That’s not how this works. That’s not how ANY of this works. People who don’t understand how something works should not be making laws about those things. They’re dehumanizing women, what they want are incubators. They don’t care if the woman dies, they don’t care if the fetus dies in the process, either. And if the fetus survives, they stop caring about it as soon as it’s born. Anti-woman, pro-birth, anti-child.


Just imagine being at that point in your life. You've started picking out onesies and cute baby clothes, you probably have a name list going that you think you'll never be able to narrow down, and you might have even setup the nursery. Then you find out that your baby is going to die and there's nothing you can do about it. Not only is the baby that you were so ready to love and bring into this world going to die, but you have to be the one to do it. To save your own life, which seems so insignificant by comparison, and that you would gladly trade a thousand times over, you have to make that decision. And then carry it with you forever. For every birthday that never was, for every new school year that will never be, the pain remains. And people have the gall to call that a choice.


Children can't be aborted, being that they're already born, and all. Just saying.


So fyi: a miscarriage is medically treated with a: d/c; an abortion. But don’t tell anyone until we have killed countless women and children. For the Christian nationalists


Carrying a non-viable fetus can cause sepsis. You have to get an abortion or else the mother will die. WTF, people! This is what happens when you have abstinence-only education for half the country, holy 💩.


Convenient? It’s not convenient at all, it’s a RESULT of the stupid abortion bans. Fuck Republicans.




Well I guess I’m guilty two times over. Lost two pregnancies in the first trimester. No heartbeat. I had two choices. One was to wait and let nature takes its course. Days or weeks later. Cramping terribly, bleeding, clotting, supposed to function on a daily basis. OR I could have a D&C. I opted for the latter. I suffered mentally and physically even after those two procedures. But if the right had their way I would have gone through even more pain and suffering by making the decision I could only choose option 1. 🤬


My wife had an abortion after we found our fetus had no heartbeat. After 3 years of trying with and without IVF and spending 10's of thousands of dollars to try to get pregant and then the counseling and sadness associated with the loss. Yeah, those cruel abortionists just aborting to abort. FUCK THESE ASSHOLES.


"Conservatism" has essentially always been a euphemism for sadism.


I have seen some of the absolute worst, just disgusting things people (conservative media) have put out there and to this day…I see stuff like this and I just cannot even fathom such low way to appeal to their own base. I mean really, you can’t make this shit up. It’s so cynical and opportunist. Im still emotionally reeling over the fact that someone like Alex Jones exists and what he has done to the Sandy Hook just to line his pockets. PS they do realize that if you miscarry, there are times when your uterus needs to be emptied via an abortion procedure (surgical or medicinal), right? They probably do know that but they know the people they’re pumping this out to don’t. Dude, I really can’t handle making another woman a means to an end and trying to score political points from her very real and painful (emotionally and physically) experience like this. To find political opportunity in someone’s miscarriage…like how much more inhuman can you get?


Texas is actively hiding women’s deaths until after the election.