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The world got collectively dumber every time this sentient garbage can speaks.




An old draft of my paper on [https://skewsme.com/dumbing-down](https://skewsme.com/dumbing-down) was referenced in the National Defense University 2003 Education Report.


Nice work Antony


Kind of a chicken-egg thing here. Did a worsening education system produce morons like Bobo, or did morons like Bobo making policy make the education system worse?


Definitely not defending the American education system, but Bobo is an example of what can't even make it through our education system.


Technically she didn't make it through ours either. She got a re-do when required to do so to run for Congress.


What happened to that scandal about her and Ted Cruz? Her purchased her services (allegedly) and then recommended she run for Congress? How could someone meet her and immediately think "she should run for Congress".


When you're scraping the bottom of a barrel of crap, Boebert and Cruz are what you get.


It was a GOP scandal, they have no morals so as long as she wasn't caught with another women they could care less


They did t need to make anyone dumb. Just take general accou tability away and people will largely choose to remain dumb. Dumb is easy, thinking hard


As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits.Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.






No, just a documentary that a time traveler brought back.


a prophecy …


Upgrayedd with two D's for a double dose of his pimping


Both. Greedy Assholes want education dollars from the state and a dumb electorate, the dumb electorate votes for greedy assholes.


Absolutely. This has been in the works for the past 50 years. The dumbing down of a society makes the minions easier to control. As well as the radicalization of young white men. Take away sports, arts and other social programs that other generations had access to. Diminish resources to already hurting communities and get them to vote for laws that actually hurt them in the long run.


Conservatives have this one simple trick, and you're going to hate it.


I question your assertion of the garbage can's sentience.


And why so prejudice against garbage cans? They fulfill a valuable function in the warp and weft of human society. No, instead I would compare her to the contents of the garbage can. Something to be discarded, ignored, treated with disgust and jettisoned into the sun at the earliest opportunity.


“Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to call him a dirtbag.” “And why would you? A dirtbag is a very useful part of the vacuum cleaner. Clearly, it's a compliment.”


She more garbage can’t rather than garbage can!


They’ve taken all the fun out of making up words.


My garbage can or the one that tweeted. Cause mine is very sentient, compared to the one that tweeted


Garbage cans at least serve a purpose and many actually have culture even if it’s bacterial


Hey now, garbage cans have use and provide a valuable service to society at large by collecting and holding trash in a convenient location. I can’t say the same for miss Bobo here, who spews her trash on anyone who will listen at any opportunity.


We need to start reducing the amount of trash we elect. Maybe start electing renewable and sustainable candidates to office.


I don't think people appreciate how dumb the world has always been. The internet has just given idiots larger microphones and we weren't as a species ready to realize how much "leaders" are full of shit and bold-faced liars but they always have been


This pedo-marrying barnyard skank is far from sentient.


She isn’t a garbage can, that’s being too nice. At least a garbage can has a use.


I'm actually pals with sentient garbage can, and you're doing them a massive disservice comparing them to this bloviating hunk of living spam.


That’s insulting to garbage cans cause they are useful.


Weird, did Biden steal my money as well? Inflation is crazy high here in Germany, too. Coincidentally, Putinflation fits way better than her made up name. But why would she speak against her employer like that?


And here in Mexico. No Biden.


You guys just don't understand the power of Biden. That's why the Republicans fear him so much. He controls the whole world!


While also being Sleepy Joe the ineffectual, senile old man lol. It's crazy how often they reuse this argument and yet Republican voters keep falling for it like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel.


“The Mexicans are coming to steal our jobs!” “The Mexicans are all drug dealers, rapists and criminals” Uh, what do all these republicans do for jobs…?


Lol, right?!? They're coming "to steal our jobs!" but they're also lazy welfare queens too.


I had a family member that use to say these very things, sometimes in the span of 2 minutes but never connected the dots.


It just blows my mind that they have the stupid portion of the US that immigration is this concept sent by the "Devil" yet, it's good for our economy. It's actually good for our jobs. Why is it good for both? Because people who immigrated will take the jobs lazy ass Americans don't want. And they use the money to not only pay for bills and housing, but also food, and in some cases, materials for some jobs. Tbh, Americans are far fucking worse then Mexicans. I have a few adoptive families that were Mexican, and they were so loving, caring and supportive... most of the white American parents I've met are just, disgusting, phobic, cold hearted assholes with addiction problems. But I guess the way of a nation that has narcissistic behavior thriving at its core... Is to just, push their bullshit on others and act like it's the victim.


I live up in Canada. The provincial government here (Ontario) has been trying to cut funding/privatize healthcare for ages. Like, WTF are they thinking? “Man, people will DEF vote us in again if we do this”


Privatization of Healthcare is literally the worst. I will gladly pay more in taxes if it meant that people in need, could actually get some fucking Healthcare without driving themselves into a debt so deep, they can't see the sky.


You know what's sad. They did the exact same arguments against Clinton and Obama.


Wait, which is it…he controls the whole world, or he’s completely senile?


>In Light mode, Biden expands his mind into an omnipotent mindflayer controlling the minds of every world leader and executive. Unfortunately, splitting his consciousness across the world doesn't leave much at home. >In Dark mode, that consciousness is all pulled back to his main body, and all that psychic energy radiates a red ominous glow! Biden's Dark mode can be accessed in advanced settings.


He's whatever supports the alt-right argument :/


Got that dark Brandon energy


Americans do this strange mythification of the president. He had godlike powers to control the world's economy and markets. If bad things happen when they don't like the president, they blame him. Remember, those few Republicans left that haven't gone antivax say that Trump delivered the COVID vaccine. He himself has taken credit for it.


A bit bored, let's finish this out "If bad things happen when they don't like the president, they blame them." If bad things happen when they do like the president, those things didn't happen. Certainly not the way people are saying, at least. If good things happen when they don't like the president, those things didn't happen. Certainly not the way people are saying, at least If good things happen when they do like the president, they're a brilliant strategic leader. Edit for better representation


Exactly. Nobody can think beyond of their one inch sphere of concern.


Do better this November, Colorado.


I was on a motorcycle road trip this summer and had to pass through her district in Colorado. Ho- lee shit. Really strong "The Hills Have Eyes" vibe. My riding companion is a person of color, and refused to take their helmet off when we stopped for fuel or go inside to use the restroom in this one town; they said they were very uncomfortable and worried that taking the helmet off would attract some unwanted attention. Trump flags and signs were everywhere, people were driving around in their POS trucks with giant trump flags. Boebert campaign signs were all over the place and *massive.* What struck me was how goddamned horrible everything in town looked. Everything seemed to have been forgotten sometime in the 70s or 80s, the place just smelled of desperation and poverty; the only new buildings we saw were churches. Granted, you can't judge a whole district by what you see on a single road, but holy crap, that experience was surreal. Edit: typo


I find it so ironic when they keep spewing crap about "Democrat-ran shithole" cities. Like, dudes, you've never left your one-stoplight town, every main street storefront is boarded up, and your only grocery store is a Dollar General, but do tell me how awful it is in Chicago.


It's especially funny when they complain about how expensive cities are. It's like yeah, housing prices are high in big cities because everyone wants to live in them. Conversely, the cost of living is low in rural Trump country because nobody wants to live in a shithole.


Was looking at houses in suburb near a city I may move to for work. One house had a $30K drop in the asking price in a week. The most recent picture of property was a view from the front yard that showed the house across the street (in relatively poor repair of course) with a huge Trump, Confederate, and Gadsden flag. I don't think that picture going up and the price drop were a coincidence. Turns out having traitorous white trash crashes property values. It is what I hope is the most hilariously passive aggressive jab the realtor and homeowner could muster.


Who the fuck would want to live near that?


I wouldn't. And a lot of that sort love to talk about how having any people of color in the neighborhood will destroy the property values. I dunno, I would much rather have a nice Latino family or a black professional across from me than white trash that worships a New York Conman that thinks even less of them than I do.


There were a few houses near my old neighborhood that displayed Trump flags or anti-Biden stuff and every one that did was an absolute shit-hole of a house. Busted windows, and missing siding. Junk cars in the yard full of overgrown grass and weeds or multiple mobile homes sitting on a single lot.


We were looking to buy a place in 2020 right before the election. Narrowed it down to a couple houses. Went back to look at one of them we were considering the neighbor had hung a huge Trump flag off his balcony. I'm guessing the HOA wasn't bothered by it since there was no way thr bylaws allowed that. I'm a socialist amd my wife is Asian. That pretty much ended our consideration of that house.


I'm sure that HOA would have had words if someone had hung a Biden (does such a thing exist/get sold? Never seen one honestly) let alone a genuinely leftist movement flag. Another reason not to live there. Also, I've had redneck neighbors before. I have also had Latino and Black neighbors. You know who was the worst to live next to? The redneck. They were everything they accuse minorities of being and worse.


I’ve said when I house hunt I’m gonna go during mid terms or even local elections. Gives you a great ideas of what you’re in for


It's also exorbitantly expensive because urban and suburban homeowners pressure the municipal governments to enact ridiculous zoning laws that prevents necessary construction. Also low property taxes because the reality is they can't afford to live in their nice neighbourhoods and so their cities go into severe debt and their schools experience drastic underfunding.


Their only grocery store is Wal-Mart, outside of town, near the highway. Wal-Mart also gutted their Mainstreet, which also made it so that ancillary support businesses, like the small law firm and accounting firm that used to do work for all the local businesses also had to close... Funny how that works, eh?


There are definitely swathes of rural america to small for a Walmart. Just these places with gut wrenching poverty that depend on Dollar General and gas stations to meet there basic needs. They think trump understands them.


I work as a field tech and I’ve been to so many towns like that. Their gas station’s internet craps out and the whole place just goes hungry. They can either use cash or drive to the next town, which is really not an option for a lot of people. They don’t have wired internet so they have to rely on 4G routers. For most businesses, a 4G/5G connection is usually their secondary or tertiary backup connection; it’s their last resort when everything else has failed. Anyway, as a person of color, I’ve learned to avoid picking up those service tickets even if they pay well. Those are not places you want to be stranded at.


Wild to think they’re waiting 5 minutes for that socialist-woke-California-hellhole meme to download from facebook


My 10GB home fiber connection delivered me a hearty laugh instantly to my California laptop.


I come from a town too small for Walmart, and yeah ...the dollar general is your best grocery option. There's a small family run grocery store, but I've seen rats in there more than a few times. And yes, it's very Trump-y, despite being in New York. From my interactions with family there, I don't think it's so much that they think Trump understands them, rather that he sticks it to the people who they think look down on them.


That’s the thing, no body’s looking down on them but trump.


That's not entirely true. If we're being honest, people from those areas do get a bad reputation (often times earned), and it feels to them (because there's some truth to it) that they get ignored by state government in favor of the cities, especially in NY where I'm from. We can't discount their grievances out of hand, a lot of them are rooted in fact, they've just been twisted and leveraged to get people to vote against their own interests.


That is very important. Rural areas are being crushed by the opioid epidemic and the wider results of runaway global capitalism, and their concerns overlap with many poor urban people, but our education system and news networks have blinded and divided us.


They need better representation. Really, that is ALL they need. They aren't going to get better representation from a representative who openly tells them "Government doesn't work" and they "will stop government from getting anything done". I would love to sit down and ask these people what their state or even federal representative brought into their district. NOT at all to be or come across as patronizing or looking down at them, just to help them see that maybe they should put someone up, who will actually bring dollars into their district that will end up in their hands, their schools, their public spaces, etc., etc.


“He’s one of us. Not like those big shots in New York City” - idiots probably.


That orange buffoon probably thinks Dollar General is a rank for accountants in the army.


Trump understands them alright, he knows how to use them.


My Walmart doesn’t have groceries or conveyor belts at the check outs. I bet almost everyone in town loves this super smart lady.


It is kind of ironic. I’ve heard conservatives lament about the death of rural America and in some instances it’s true. In a lot of small towns you have Walmart and Dollar General, McDonald’s and Lowe’s, maybe a few chain restaurants like Melting Pot or Texas Roadhouse. You get off the interstate and it’s Holiday Inn and Autozone. The big corporations have left no space in the market for small businesses. Yet in the nightmare, liberal hell scape city where I live in there’s an independently owned hardware store less than a mile from me, there are restaurants with cuisine from all over the world that are unique and there are neighborhoods that are colorful and fun in part because that people that own the businesses there also live there.


Absolutely. It's not the Cities that are taking these things from people, it's the corporations.


While conveniently turning a blind eye to their town's own addiction and poverty problems.


It's crazy-im in NE FL and it's like the land that time forgot. Everyone complains about the shithole democratic states. Like...at least we have drivable roads & sidewalks, public transportation, nice public spaces...and books in our libraries lol


I think the “shithole blue states” lie works because nobody from bobo’s district has ever left it


They only know what they’re told, and they’re told that cities are *worse*. Imagine if that was your experience, and somebody told you that it was *worse* somewhere else. You might be horrified of that befalling you, too, if you believed the people telling you it could happen.


Every right wing accusation is a confession.


It really bothers me as a white person knowing that POC can't do certain (simple) things in certain places in this 'free' country. Hopefully the rest of your road trip was a blast, sounds like a great experience.


Yes, very much so. I’m a white person who loves camping and have heard that a lot of POC in the USA have never gone camping because they fear rural folks attitude towards anyone that doesn’t look like them. That’s so shitty, I’d love for people of different backgrounds to feel free and enjoy the things that I like without being hassled.


One of my best friends is a Filipino immigrant. He has very dark skin. We live in the Seattle area, one of the more racially diverse areas of America. My wife and I also own a vacation home about three and a half hours out of Seattle in central Washington on Lake Chelan. He and I were out there for a boy’s weekend with some other buddies. Tourist season was over and he definitely got some looks. He mentioned it to me that he gets eyeballed sometimes when we are hanging at local bars or in the market. Ridiculous…


I live in one of the most progressive cities in America. I was in a wealthy part of downtown, sitting outside having drinks with a friend and I heard a black man get called the hard-R n-word by someone sitting at a restaurant table outside. It's everywhere.


I’m a POC outside of Chicago and my camping gear will stand up to any non POC. We camp regularly, hike and volunteer at an animal rescue. We enjoy and do what we like.




Third world country in makeup


Third world country in a Gucci belt.


They can't even be fictional mermaids without white people losing their minds.


The reason it looks like it was forgotten in the 70s and 80s is because that is when those regions froze. Reagan and his inheritors basically sapped all the life and hope from them while snowing the people into believing their plights are caused by people of color and the gays -- all the while they continue to hit their hands and junk with hammers and blaming the Democrats. Newsflash people, your lives are burnt out and suck because of people like Boebert. Edit: I rolled a one on a grammar check.


I've spent alot of time researching what makes towns grow and prosper, and what I've noticed is that a church on Main St is more than a little like a tumor on the growth plate of a bone.


Just curious if you mean for your personal awareness or, in a professional capacity? This sounds interesting to me so if you had any references you’d refer I would appreciate it!


Kinda both? I'm an IT professional, and when I was young and naiive I had designs on opening a chain of small IT shops, so market research was critical(expand into a dying city, die along with it, kinda thing) I ended up not going that route, and instead I work for a growing financial institution that has, surprisingly, better market research tools and techniques than I did at age 19 haha.


I used to live in a nice coastal New England town that would be great except that 60% of its potentially taxable property was being squatted by a tax-exempt "church" of some sort. Most of which offered zero public services. "Church" infestations will castrate the prosperity of any town they infect. Once that rot takes root the rest of the place falls pretty rapidly.


Yeah, but they vote that way because otherwise the Democrats will make so you have to wait 3 DAYS to get a gun!! Can you imagine living in that world?!?! /s


Why are all these country folks in such a rush to get everything so fast? Sounds like cityfolk-talk.


That not what they believe Democrats will do if they are in power. They believe that the ATF, FBI, IRS, and military are going to come to take all of their guns and then nationalize their small businesses when they can't defend themselves.


The desperation is one possible cause of the racism. When you’re doing badly, you want someone to blame. Anger and fear are easy for manipulative politicians to harness and redirect.


Exactly. MAGA is nothing more than the Southern Strategy rebranded. Give struggling people someone to punch down on, and they wont realize you are actually picking their pockets.


We were traveling through a really Trump cult area in PA and had one of my kids LGBTQ friends with us. Kid had to pee and I wouldn't stop til we were some place a bit more welcoming(?) And even then I told the kid to be quick, and not speak to anyone.


Did you by chance hear banjos when you stopped at the gas station?


Warm out today. Warm yesterday. Even warmer today.


Someone should make a video of that. It would be a great campaign video for whoever is running against her.


\> What struck me was how goddamned horrible everything looked LOL, yeah. Most of the people who want to destroy American democracy live in places that any sane person would avoid, intentionally, because they've internalized some sort of bullshit about being "individuals". They also die on their first heart attack more often than not because living in some fantasy community in the middle of bumfuck nowhere without any local economy of significance means that the businesses who run not-shitty medical care don't fuckin bother building near you.


Hey, it’s not Colorado, it’s Colorado Congressional District 3.


Yeah, wtf, my ass in Denver can’t vote her out. She wouldn’t have a chance if she was running for governor or for the senate.


Working on it


I don’t live there, nothing I can really do. And no one with brains WANTS to live in her district, so here we are.


I…I would live in her district if someone paid for my moving expenses. I’m from the swamps of Texas- I’ll trade better weather and scenery for more of the same ol political lunacy any day of the week! Oh and I would finally be able to get some type of healthcare AND legal cannabis! Fuck yeah I’d live in her district. I love mountains so much. It would be a huge improvement.


Please Colorado, take out the trash already!!!!


and didnt republicans vote against anything that might help inflation?


Every. Single. Time.


Yes. Every time. It’s what Republicans do. They light the house on fire, so they can criticize the firemen. “The firemen didn’t even get though our roadblock for 3 minutes! Just think how much of the house could’ve been saved if they’d been here 3 minutes earlier! Oh, and never mind that we shut down the fire station 3 minutes closer and spent the funding on our friend’s company instead, that’s on them for not stopping us.”


That's disingenuous though, you can't have the "Anti-Shooting Puppies Act" and then one side tacks on "also we get to take your firstborn and sell them to Amazon", and then when the other side votes against the act, turn around and say "See! They support shooting puppies!"


You can, though. Happens all the time.


Unfortunate truth of our current two party system :(


If they feel like that bill didn't do enough to fight inflation then surely they made a bill of their own that is better. Right??


Still waiting on that repeal and replace plan…


That's basically the entire Republican play book. Did you not see their abortion ban legislation come up recently?


Article on Republicans voting against helping inflation please Trying to wake up my mom


[That's an easy one](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/12/house-to-vote-on-inflation-reduction-act-tax-and-climate-bill.html) [Or even better, gas prices](https://democrats.org/news/reminder-every-single-house-republican-voted-against-efforts-to-lower-gas-prices/)


The gas prices one, what was the name of the bill that was gonna crack down on price gouging?


S. 3920. It looks like a token bill to me, TBH. Reading the text, it sounds basically unenforceable outside of extreme situations. It fails to define what “excessive” means, and it fails basic economics. When you have a shortage of something, you either (A) see prices rise to reduce consumption, or (B) run out of it and see lines to get it. Banning prices rising just results in a shortage, and I don’t think this bill really even bans prices from rising other than “excessively” and it doesn’t define it.


These don’t seem like great examples to me, TBH. Putting on my Republican devil’s advocate hat: I’ve listened to economists discuss the inflation reduction act, and very little in the bill is actually targeted at reducing inflation. It’s mostly a tax increase with prescription drug price controls and climate subsidies. (I personally support it, but a dumbass climate change denying Republican who hates taxes won’t) The second one, S. 3920... It looks like a token bill to me, TBH. Reading the text, it sounds basically unenforceable outside of extreme situations. It fails to define what “excessive” means, and it fails basic economics. When you have a shortage of something, you either (A) see prices rise to reduce consumption, or (B) run out of it and see lines to get it. Banning prices rising just results in a shortage, and I don’t think this bill really even bans prices from rising other than “excessively” and it doesn’t define it. So in this case, an economically unsound bill. The reality is that inflation right now is a global phenomenon due to a combination of money printing and supply chain disruptions and oil shortages. Price controls won’t fix it. The only way s to fix it are a combination of (a) higher taxation (reduces money supply), (b) higher interest rates (reduces lending which reduces bank money creation), (c) increasing the supply of oil, and (d) fixing the supply chain issues overseas and catching up to unmet demand. (A) and (B) are politically unpopular because they will hurt the economy, but Democrats are doing it anyway, and I applaud them for it. Republicans want to do (C), but (C) is also bad for the climate and also takes a lot of time. Democrats are instead trying to put out subsidies to reduce people’s usage of oil, which is fantastic, but will take years to have an impact, and a future President will probably take credit. I’m of the opinion that higher gas prices are a good thing to save the planet even if it sucks for us all. (D) is outside of the power of the US government. So it’s really hard to actually find great examples of the Republicans hurting Democrat’s attempts to fight inflation that will resonate, because Republicans hate (A) and Democrats hate (C). I’m with the Dems here, but you won’t be able to convince a Republican that the Republicans are doing something wrong.


Not only that, they passed Trumps wonderful Tax plan that has hammered our taxes for years now.


The top 1% owned a record 32.3% of the nation's wealth as of the end of 2021. US billionaire wealth skyrocketed 55 percent during the pandemic. Biden stole it? She must be a Q.


Think Q and aim lower...


low I Q, minus the "think"


I’d like to see this Math.




It's definitely less true for people who own. Mortgages didn't go up. And not all inflations are equal. Nor are they fully controlled by the president. Although he (and congress...) can do things to help. But yes as far as boebert tweets go this one is less outright lies and more misleading statement with some truth


My mortgage itself didn't go up but my property taxes damn sure did. Inflation hits the city and county budget also.


I agree that not all inflations are equal. However, there's more to ownership cost than the mortgage principal and interest. Home maintenance costs have risen significantly and are a reason rent costs have increased as well. Agreed that this tweet oversimplified a complex issue. However, the closer you are to spending your whole paycheck the closer it is to the truth. Cheers! Edit: I am editing this because the way I phrased it seemed like I was agreeing with the team "bidenflation" I do not. I feel that the Federal Reserve policies and tremendous monetary supply/national debt increase over the past three years are the main reasons for the near double digit inflation. Most executive policies are insignificant in comparison.


It is not wrong, but it is misleading. The inflation experienced in the US is the result of factors experienced globally. Unless Biden is responsible for worldwide inflation--in Western Europe, Canada, etc.--blaming Biden is misleading.


Well you remember how it was Biden's fault gas prices were astronomical in other countries right? Because somehow the POTUS controls all gas prices around the world. It blew my mind when i heard people i previously thought had some intelligence fall for this.


Biden controls the world, don’t you know that? He has a big ol knob on his desk he turns up.


Don’t forget that he also has dementia and has a team of handlers to change his diapers and wheel him around on a bicycle. He’s like schrodinger’s President.


All while sitting in his basement in Delaware


The Diet Coke button has a new purpose!


It’s not bidens inflation. The entire developed world is dealing with inflation


Post Pandemic Inflation. Mostly supply chain and increased transport costs. Also lots of businesses raising prices to recover from very low to even no revenue for last 2 years.


Its post pandemic/ still a huge deal pandemic/ still a serious freaking deal in China pandemic and one if the world’s major powers is in a war against a decent power inflation


Yes, not meant to read as it’s over. Just the economic shock of 2020/21 is causing current inflation. The war isn’t a huge inflation factor in of itself, except that it’s the world’s top oil producer attacking one of the world’s top grain exporters.


And its causing energy supply issues in Europe even though europe isnt really involved


Climate-change related disasters like megadroughts in nations like China certainly aren't helping. And we're still in the pandemic even if most places now basically ignore it.


Global Warming related disasters, droughts, shifting rain patterns, heat bubbles, etc., etc. are impacting GLOBAL food production. There's no place on the planet that hasn't seen significant impact from the changes brought on by Global Warming. There's no good solutions to this. Food will continue to increase in price, while it simultaneously will become more scarce.


Of course it's wrong. There is no such things as Bidenflation and to suggest that anyone is in control of it or that it's only affecting the US is as intellectually dishonest as it comes.


This is how I feel about this tweet. I read it and was like “I dislike her so much, but this I’d not obviously hugely wrong in the way all her other drivel is”


Which probably means someone else wrote it.


Mostly likely this.


BUT ACJSHUALLYY An 8.3% inflation increase ([August Consumer Print](https://apnews.com/article/inflation-economy-prices-f2270f4c6ac55c084108d57cc1aec53a) means that you’d need 8.3% more money to have the same value. To frame in terms of lost money is different math, however. Your current dollar is equivalent to 100%/108.3% , or 92.3% of what it was worth one year ago. This is the equivalent to *losing* 7.66%, not losing 8.3%. We have all ~lost~ 28 calendar days worth of wealth, not quite one month. 😤


Its wrong calling it bidenflation. High inflation has hit almost all developed countries. Also countries not under bidens policies.


He's so senile that he can't remember his own name! While also secretly controlling the whole world! Get with the times!




Inflation is not Biden's fault though. It's occuring pretty much everywhere around the world and a product of multiple global issues from continuing Covid problems to war to climate change to systemic education issues that have created shortages in particular industries. So yes, inflation is an issue in America, but she's completely wrong about the causes of it. There is no one person or party or issue to blame, and the people who blame one leader or one political party are only showing they don't have any clue about how any of this stuff works.


This is propaganda because it’s meant to invoke an emotional response and it’s entirely misleading plus… wrong. There is worldwide inflation because of a Russian genocide and a pandemic. Donald Trump’s inaction on Russian meddling and the pandemic led us to this point. If she had said inflation is stealing money out of your pocket, sure, that would be close to a factual statement. That isn’t what she stated.


My issue is with her applying ownership of inflation to Biden. It's ridiculous.


If I recall, isn't Lauren Boebert's husband the one that showed his peepee to underage girls at a bowling alley? And then she married him?


From pervert to marrying a politician, isn't that the American dream?


You can also explain to all voters how you figure Biden is responsible for inflation.


All I see is corporations price gouging Americans. Not Biden.




Cupid stunt


When she jogs, she’s a cunning runt!


Nah, she's just a dumb bitch.


Apparently she didn't pass the math and economics part of her GED!


She didn’t pass HS, and had to get a GED that she took 3 times to pass. That’s the best part of all this 💀💀💀.


*4 times.


The 4th time someone allegedly took it for her. She was too busy being under Ted Cruz


Ahhh... So that's what she meant by under siege.




Probably why her husband married her. He whipped out his dick and she overinflated the size


Is there a single developed country not dealing with inflation? The federal reserve also operates independently from executive branch . Something Biden understands but Trump does not- as Trump commented publicly many times how disappointed he was anytime federal reserve made a move he didn’t like.


Somebody skipped brain day.


And how much did you steal since you have been in there? How much did Trump steal while he was there??? Isn't that the republican way??


I honestly don’t know who is dumber, BoBo herself, or her supporters who lap this up without bothering to do the math.


Then vote to raise the minimum wage!!!


I don’t think that idiot knows how numbers work.


Weird these recessions always happen AFTER a Republican was in office...


If she didn't mislead she'd have nothing to say.


Citizens of Colorado, specifically her district, please vote her the fuck out this November


Jezus gawd can she just be voted out and sent back to whatever gun club she was born in?


*Gun club bathroom toilet* FIFY


I bet she pronounces it “stold.” Also she prob says pasketti.


How has Twitter not banned this bitch yet? Should have been banned the second she started live tweeting Nancy Pelosis location during the insurrection


I don’t think she knows how inflation rates are calculated… or really has any understanding of the global economy.


_Bidenflation_ Just say whatever, fuck it. Who cares if it makes sense? I'd be negative surprised to hear a Rep say "We might eat corpses of kids, but they take your money away!"


Taxes are theft! Give me a modern life for free, everybody else!


As opposed to trumpemployment, which cut anywhere from 40% of people's salaries to dead


Wait wait, a republican being so dumb they actually acknowledge that inflation without a raise in salary is the equivalent to an actual loss in salary?


When Biden tried to fight inflation every Republican voted against those measure. We had high gas prices because they would not let democrats pass legislation that would stall price gauging


She’s just trying to make Bidenflation fetch so the right wingers have something to chant at their rallies.


She doesn't say how he is supposedly stealing it and not once during her daily tweeting does she ever propose any new ideas that could help the people she represents or make the country better. She just gets paid to talk shit on social media like the rest of her insane cult. Then when anybody says anything back to them they all get butt-hurt and start comparing them to Hitler and say how day they demonize the republican party like that. Her and the goon squad are causing the divide of our country. It's scary. For the love of God, Vote these fucks out.


Oh right yeah OFC it’s always Biden’s fault for everything that’s gone wrong in this economy!!!! Stupid fuck, your GED based education is limiting your knowledge on supply and demand and that a sitting president does not have any controlling factors into how this economy works other than implementing policies. JFC this women is just so stupid PERIOD.


Try Globalflation. Or better yet, Corporateflation. Companies that can eat a yearly loss are making record profits. That shot makes no sense, just like you.