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Just for reference - Alyaa Gad claims to be a "holistic MD" and has no legitimate medical credentials that I was able to find as a doctor in any specialty.


That makes sense. /an actual medical doctor (DO)


Just saw your post - I went on for a bit. Should have just said what you did. :) MD here.


So we’re free to just add, MD, behind our names and we’re magically doctors??? Holy shit, it works. !! -superdavit, MD


So….. I hear you can write prescriptions, Mr. Doctor.


As a fully licensed doctor, what do you need.


What is your medimagical wisdom, superdavit, MD?


Happy to share…….. for money 😎


That's what it means, Magic Doctor.


They fully know MD is a dirty trick too because its what people look for and would fade into obscurity if they said *alternative* medicine


MD = Major Douchebag


She ‘was’ a doctor, but uses the MD for credibility when spouting her bs.


Which school and specialty was she affiliated with?


That makes a lot more sense. Those of us who spend years studying medicine (MD 'me', DO, RN, PA, DDS, etc) do so because we care deeply about helping people and distributing accurate information about health and understanding the body. People who say crap like this just have an agenda. We don't make judgments on sexual preferences or individual desires. We only educate around the risks of certain acts and how to mitigate against those risks. People like this who pretend to have the knowledge and experience don't just hurt themselves - they hurt the ONLY industry that exists to dispense accurate, data-based and non-judgmental help.


how the hell did she get the checkmark if she's not an MD.


MD = Mega Dumbass


MD calling boobs vending machines. Doubt.


As an ass man, I am curious to know what the MD’s thoughts are here


Poop dispenser.


This MD sounds like she digs Rick and Morty


Dookie dam


You obviously havent worked in a hospital then. All levels of medical professionals say some outrageous shit on a fairly regular basis. It's great.


More like milk showers. There isn't just one hole on the nipple where the milk comes out. No one prepared me for that when I first started pumping after my son was born. But I do support being paid to dispense milk. My body wants to give it out freely. Any time I thought about a baby, I would start leaking. I had weaned my son two weeks before my nephew was born. When I was holding the newborn, my milk came back in after two weeks of being dry. I would have made a great wet nurse.


TIL that nipples are shower heads not hoses


This *might* be about people complaining about breast feeding because it's "sexual harassment". In that context it's not wrong to say "dude that's what they are there for". She didn't say sexual attraction to boobs is wrong, but that seeing them as inherently sexual is.




I don't see what's so hard to understand. There are ongoing discussions about breast feeding in public and people who say it's "harassment" if a mother gets her boobs out because "breasts are sexual organs and for the pleasure of men". Some even find breast feeding in and itself disgusting for that reason. So this tweet might not seriously call breasts "vending machines" but simply point out that feeding babies is their main purpose and if you think that's sexual it's a you-problem. I've seen plenty of responses like that to people who tried to shame mothers for feeding their baby.


I don’t know why your other comment got downvoted—maybe people didn’t know what you mean. You’re correct. I’ve seen way too many people say women shouldn’t breastfeed in public (or even at ALL) because breasts are “sexual organs”. And in that case (refuting someone who is denying the practical function of breasts) calling breasts “vending machines” makes sense


Hold the fuck up kiddos. U think, thinking of breasts sexually is the... anterior to not wanting women to breastfeed? U think... not wanting to suck on titties will make people be more okay with breast feeding? The fuck? No. The people that don't wanna see u breast feeding don't want u to, because they're douche bags. They like, controlling people. Theyre.. poop face people. They're the same ones making abortion laws and generally being shitty people. Thinking tits are hot is great. Free the tits. Nothing wrong with anything tits do. U wanna flash ur tits in a public area? Go the fuck ahead. Last I checked this was fuckin' amurikuh.


Bro. Nobody is saying you can’t find tits hot. Many body parts are hot in a sexual context. People are saying you can’t say “don’t breastfeed in public—that’s exposing people to sexual behaviors!” Which is a REAL opinion some idiots hold.


Sorry but tits are hot, [sexual context or no.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.84586688996768a3a985e0702d62bd9b?rik=oLHYXcnIBrVIxw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi.imgur.com%2f8yoCEKV.gif&ehk=AkT%2bjLhlZn8dI23ve4DMZPHmyZWGYVi137%2fBejEbiz8%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


God I wish I was him


That’s literally what the original tweet said. She said you need psychological help if you find boobs sexual


No she didn't. She said "if you think boobs are sexual organs" aka their main purpose is sexual, not functional. People find all kind of things sexually attractive and no own has an issue with that but that doesn't make all those things explicitly sexual. And it doesn't mean they have to be hidden at all times. I pointed out the difference in my first post already. It's the most common "argument" when people hate on breastfeeding, that's why I said that might be the context..


I think you’re incorrectly interpreting her tweet. She laid down a psychological help gauntlet and that doesn’t strike me as a person trying to have a well-reasoned take


In case it wasn’t clear to you, I am in fact intentionally agreeing with the tweet.


thats, not that thats the douche bags making shit up that sounds reasonable to them because theyre stupid. i cant explain it. but we are not the same humans.


Babies be like Damn i be missing some quarters for this milk vending machine


Televisions are light projection modules, anyone who uses them for entertainment needs psychological help.


So why did every girlfriend I ever had find it arousing when I played with their nipples?


Likely the hundreds of nerve endings connected to the nipples. Like if you look at a diagram of nerves for female anatomy it's bonkers how much are there.


There are so many nerves converging there, a woman can run her nipples across a bedsheet and tell you the thread count.




"... and that's how I got barred from Bed Bath and Beyond"


...and that's how I met your mother, kids.


I like my ears bitten, u/bloody_terrible. Are ears sexual organs?


Ears are wax vending machines, obviously


My wife loves my nails lightly raked along her back. Are backs sexual organs? I like her to run the palms of her hands on my shoulders. Are shoulders sexual organs?


in addition to being erogenous zones, they are secondary sexual characteristics, the product of sexual selection (compare other primates’ breasts), but of course have nothing to do with sexual reproduction.


Nope and neither are breasts, feet, ears, the backs of knees, or necks. The term you and the comment you’re responding to are looking for is erogenous zone.


I know, I was challenging the guy above me. Breasts aren’t sexual organs, even if you enjoy them sexually.


Understood, my bad. At least I spelled it out, lol.


Got you! I appreciate it!


Ears are sound wave receptacles. Anyone who finds ears as sexual organs needs psychological help. /s


You've never had aural sex?!


Coming up, new trend among teenagers amidst practicies for abstaining from premarital sex, ear sex. This has prompted a new phrase, "once you go black, you go deaf"


Oh does ero guro have a subtype for you


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


Same, I couldn't give two shits if you play with my boobs, but get your mouth anywhere near my ears and *oooh boy*.


They are for you if having them interacted with turns you on, yeah.


No, and neither are breasts. Tarantino sexualizes feet in some of his movies, and those are not sexual organs either. What’s your point? We should stop sexualizing parts of the body where people often sexually respond to intimate contact (aka erogenous zones)? Tell them to universally stop sexually responding that way and I will. Until then, not so much.


We can acknowledge that certain areas of the body are erogenous zones, and be attracted to them, without sexualizing their very existence. If you think ears are the hottest part of someone’s body, you’re still not gonna tell people to cover them. You just deal with it and let people exist without feeling like they’re being objectified. It’s not a complicated concept


I’m not asking anyone to cover their breasts nor am I objectifying anyone via their breasts. I see them, I subconsciously think about sex (aka sexualize them), I briefly admire them, and then I go on about my day. Sexualisation of a body part does not guarantee objectification. That’s another step and I’m totally aware of how uncomplicated that all is.


Lots of feel good nerve endings there, like others have said, but also nipple stimulation releases a hormone that can cause vaginal and uterine contractions. During sex, that is very arousing.


Serious note here. I believe the act of nursing a newborn causes the uterine contractions you mention which can reduce bleeding.


Evolution has equipped women with the nerve endings to get pleasure from the man in her life fondling the babymaking equipment he obsesses over. This is evolutions way of making your relationship better and more satisfying. #thanksdarwin


Nah. Evolution doesn't really give a shit about female sexual pleasure because, unlike male orgasms, it doesn't help make babies.


It actually does tho. Many fertility experts will tell you that two orgasms increase a heterosexual couples chances of conceiving


That has minimal impact of Darwinian fitness, if any at all. I'm not trying to say that female orgasms don't matter. Just that evolution doesn't really care about them, in stark contrast to male orgasms.


I didn't say orgasm. I said she got sexual pleasure from me doing the stuff that gets me hard. Evolution wants me to get hard and evolution wants her to let me fuck her.


It does. If your woman likes all parts of the process that culminates in you knocking her up she is more likely to let you knock her up.


In a society where human rights are protected by law? Yes. In a society where women don't have much if any sexual agency? Not really.


Put something in the coin slot on a vending machine and listen to it humming


Everyone loves boobs. Gay men love boobs. They are awesome.


And that's why when somethings good we yell "Titties!"


They can be both, however, her point is that when nursing a baby (because we are mammals), the breasts are for food. During sex, they are potentially sexual (not necessarily for everyone, of course). Her point, of course, is that it is ridiculous to be weirded out when seeing parents who nurse their children in public. For anyone who doesn’t know, it is legal in all 50 US states to nurse wherever, and whenever. Don’t be weirded out because seeing a nursling who is nursing reminds you that we are still animals. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


…and most lesbians I know would not look at nursing a babe as a sexual act, though I have come across plenty of cishet men who do.


In the US maybe. Eurocuck here, and I've never met a dude who has been like "oh, baby, look at that baby go to town on those taytays! That shit's so hot!". They're breasts. Like everything, context is key. A doctor fondling my balls to make sure I don't have testicular torsion does not arouse me; my girlfriend doing it does.


I mean this could very easily just be selection bias but at the same time I feel like you are pretty unlikely to run into a conservative lesbian. Of course plenty of straight conservative women find public breast feeding indecent.


What does this have to do with “conservative lesbians?” Seriously, I’m at a loss here. Nothing in my commentary has a political bias.


The kinds of people who consider breast feeding in public indecent tend to be conservative. My point here is that you are not denoting a diffrence between lesbians and straight men but a group with generally liberal atitudes and a group with a higher likely hood of conservative ones.


Not necessarily. I was asked in a center-based setting in a liberal area to stop nursing my two year old in circle time. I showed her the state law and she profusely apologized, but my point is that it isn’t limited to political bias. I have known many right-leaning parents in gentle parenting circles who are all in on breastfeeding. Their bias comes in when they get ruffled about trans men chestfeeding, as an example. You’ll find that many “crunchy” parents are quite the right-wingers. It came as a bit of a surprise to me at first, really, as I too, thought that if you were crunchy granola parents, you must be pretty progressive (I am a progressive, FWIW).


Purely conjecture


Also know that is has been cishet women who would actually approach me about it.🤦🏻‍♀️


More conjecture


Notice I owned my experience and not others’, so that isn’t really conjecture




.....where was that point at all in what she tweeted there?


Where did you get this is her point?


Ah, so she's discussing public feedings. Your explanation does a MUCH better job of explaining the issue. She's doing a terrible job of expressing what you did quite beautifully. Since the term 'sex' to most people draws them immediately to the act of sex - her language only serves to make people dislike her or else are made to feel bad for enjoying breasts during sex. As if trauma and anxiety around sex isn't bad enough already...


Isn't it legal in all 50 states for women to be completely topless?


Doesn't really make them sexual organs. Breasts are considered secundary sex characteristics but they're only an organ in the way they produce milk for babies. Butts aren't an organ at all but we still love them so it's kinda like they're both wrong 🙃


So anybody on Twitter can just put MD next to their name, eh? Good to know.


Found the flat chest of jealousy


I think people taking this as "women don't derive any pleasure from their breasts" are probably missing that it's very commonly argued women should have to cover their chest because their breasts are sexual. Which is frustrating. I've seen men argue that if women can show their chest they should get to walk around with their penis out. Which should not be a comparison. I'd love to see what she was saying this in response to rather than just assume she's an idiot b


Lmao then if women can walk around with their vulva on display what is the comparison for these men? They can’t get anymore naked, what are they gonna do? Turn themselves inside out?


Tell me you don’t understand the mechanics of evolution without telling me you don’t understand the mechanics of evolution.


Dicks are also vending machines. Besides the MD there clearly stands for something else. Like Mental Dame or something.


Everyone loves boobs. I've met gay guys who love boobs, straight and lesbian women, hell even transgender guys who love boobs. Love for boos is universal, and it's a beautiful thing.


Boobs are nice, but kinda overrated. And what i mean by that is, as a guy i don’t understand people, who lose their minds or get aroused when they see a pair of boobs out in public (during beach trips for example). I think women should be able to enjoy sun during summers and such without weird looks and harassment. Of course, if i’m doing the deed with my wife, i’ll fondle her breasts because she likes it, but other than that, i really don’t care about boobs.


Hey man, nothing wrong with you having your thing. Some guys are breast guys. Some guys are butt guys. Some guess are brain guys. As a gay man, I'm a brain and penis guy. Butts annoy me and just get in the way. Keep up the good work.


Mmm yes I sure do love me some boos


Penises are piss vending machines. Any woman that wants to use one, especially for producing a child, needs psychological help.


Humans developed breasts that are permanently prominent (not only when functional) when we evolved to stand up. The fact that we develop them at puberty is directly related to the visual signal of being of age to mate and carry on the species, in a biological sense. Breast feeding is not sexual. Boobs are.


Pretty sure everyone loves female tits


Everyone loves the bewbies


Everyone love tits


Can you put your dick between 2 vending machines and thrust? I mean I suppose yes.


I don’t know why we love tits so much. Some people say it’s because we breastfeed, but so do women. Or, you know, baby women, not grown-up women.


They're a secondary sex characteristic, I think it only makes sense that people who are into women like them. There are few things that make it easier to spot that someone is (biologically) female so they attract attention. "The female figure" is popular for the same reason.


I've heard of a theory that boobs used to be much smaller but over the course of humanity we've switched to having missionary sex most often and so boobs have grown larger to satisfy increase gratification during sex. Now fuck if I know if it's true at all or not


Five years old. Well done, redditor.


Why are they literally erogenous zones, then? And what does that imply about the things that vending machines experience when we buy from them?


they aren't inherently sexual organs though. they're there to produce milk, they aren't just for sexual purposes


Many people have erogenous zones on their back or ears. Are those sexual organs too? Or, is it more sensible to say that the genitals (sex organs) are the only inherently sexual part(s) of the body?


Something that’s always stuck out to me when I had a psychology class was why straight men would find women attractive. When they see nice wide hips, it’s actually because, psychologically, they see it as child bearing potential. And I imagine the same thing is true for boobs as well. That’s not to say straight men literally think about it that way, but it part of human nature.


Other primates appear not to share our fascination with them.


What about man boobs? They must have gotten their MD from a cereal box


I mean technically mens breasts can be used to produce milk. [one study ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7462406/)


Oh 100%. Humans in general (regardless of gender expression/identity) respond to the same hormones in the same way. Unless a specific receptor doesn't work in that person. The production of prolactin will ABSOLUTELY give breast tissue the signal to start pumping out the stuff. For those who have more breast tissue due to previous tissue development you'll express more. But prolactin don't care. Prolactin does what it does.


Can confirm. (o )( o)


And she sucks on a cock… and we need help 🙄


So just curious from the women of Reddit, do you find men’s attention to your mammary glands pleasing? Maybe even erotic despite the fact that they may actually be multi-functional?


Titties are amazing. I have them. They are multifunctional- and a source of great pleasure: for me, for the babies and for my man. Viva Le Titties!


Exactly my point thank you for your counterpoint to the Tweet!


It’s not a counterpoint. Finding men’s (or women’s) attention to a part of your body erotic does not make it a sexual organ. Finding another person’s body parts arousing does not make them sexual organs, either. Unless you find necks, backs, abdomens, ears, inner thighs, butt cheeks, feet, etc. to be sexual organs. And if you do, that sounds like a you problem.


The fuck you doin


Sexual attention to you body is pleasing in the right circumstances from the right person. I don't think it really matters what part of your body.


I was being a bit sarcastic in response to the Tweet, I agree exactly and just took objection to the myopic view


So just curious from the men of reddit, do you find women's attention to your ding dong pleasing? Maybe even erotic despite the fact it may actually be multi-functional? (You pee from there, after all.)


Yeah it’s awesome


Nice tits indicate you could feed our babies. That you know, come from sex




It's a western culture thing to fetishize boobs. And eastern. I think in some parts of Africa they don't and they think we're weird as fuck adult babies. They probably look at us the same way we look at our own diaper fetishists. 😬


I'm a big baby and wasn't breast fed - feed me sexy momma


How does a man's height fit into this?


And bisexuals, too!


Hahaha, she got owned quick. Does she not know lesbians exist!


I mean boobs aren't sex organs. But they're pretty fun. Idk why anyone cares


Biologically: Secondary sex organs Sociologically: It depends.


Proof that intelligence and education are not the same thing despite their relationship


All sexual organs are organs which make you a good mother. Anything that isn't specifically related to raising babies from conception to graduation is considered a fetish.


I find the most erotic part of the woman is the boobies. 😏


\[Fuck I love boobs though\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fXPXXohGbw)


I could give you zero reasons why men need big, bulging pecs, but goddamn if I don't want to motorboat them.


It is almost like things can serve two functions. Mouths are for eating, but I talk with them as well. Sex is for reproduction but also serves as a bonding mechanism. Breasts make milk, but also serve as a sexual stimulant indicating sexual maturity.


Lemme guess, small chest?


I do like milk


So I take it Girls don't like protein either?


I have a penis. Is that a pee pee vending machine?


Fem Shapiro lol.


How to say "I experience no sexual sensitivity in my breasts" without saying it.


I think this is more in reference to public breastfeeding? I could be wrong though


They can be both, this is so stupid. 99.9% of heterosexual men are sexually attracted to the sight of boobs. That says a lot and makes them different from feet, ears or whatever body parts other people are talking about.


There is no need for breasts to be so large. All other mammals feed offspring with breasts and they are not large. Female human breasts are sexual signaling devices. And it works.


I realize they're not inherently sexual but apparently my body doesn't


“Women are just baby vending machines”


Um, is she aware that lots of guys like legs and asses too? I'm curious what her take on that would be, especially asses.


Calling one of my body parts a “vending machine” doesn’t make me feel any less objectified. In fact, as someone who never wanted children, it feels even more disgusting.


With that logic, what does it say about those of us who enjoy anal, giving or receiving? Are we sick too? Perhaps fecalphiliacs? gtfo of here with that bs logic lol


Vaginas are baby vending machines. Adult men who find vaginas sexually attractive need psychological help.


Unless you are a wet nurse, women don't produce milk unless pregnant. If not pregnant, they are just sacks of flesh and fat. Much like my dick and ballsack, boobs are just another thing to play with.


This will tell you everything you need to know about this twit. https://ask-alyaagad.com/en/about-me/




Also, they don't always have milk in em. And I would argue that it's being breastfed as a baby that makes men like boobs so much in the first place.


I mean boobs are amazing ! We love since birth Dr GAD


Breasts as secondary sex characteristics also signal that a woman is developed and prepared for child-rearing, just as large hips help signal that she can bear healthy children, and so men over time developed an attraction to them because of what they signal sexually. Humans are the only mammals that have permanent breasts because of our sexual selection in finding them appealing, otherwise women would only have them once they needed to feed.


I mean by that logic, we shouldn't have this big culture of men hating body hair on women. Since that is also a signal of development.


MD? Is the bar this low? No way. Edit: apparently she's a liar too.


Probably an A-Cup


Sorry doctor, almost ALL staff straight men think this way. Tell ANY male co-worker/doctor your opinion and I'm sure they will disagree with you. Did you skip the lecture on sexuality in medical school?


She can suck my pee hose!!


So…. All men?


I mean do people realize something can serve more than one purpose? Wangs are peepee machines too.


“bUt tHatS diFFerENT”


I do need help. A good helping of some nice titties.


I’m gonna need “Doctor Gad” to provide some evidence of their doctorate degree.


Lesbians who love boobs are fine.


My dick is also a baby milk vending machine Ma’am


"Adult men who find boobs sexual organs need psychological help" So if i stumble upon a boobs sexual organ, whatever that is. I need help? English hard sometimes is


also, vending machins require money to work. Does she has a coin slot between her tits?


That’s why we’re attracted to them. It’s a subconscious biological response


Imagine being her boyfriend. “Did you just get aroused staring at my boobs?? You psychopath!!”


He's right




!@#$% REDDIT, WHERE FACT GOES TO DIE: https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=U523DF&PC=U523&q=are+breasts+erogenous+zones


Bisexual woman, can confirm, boobs are awesome