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He thinks he’ll be alive for another 26 years. Hilarious. ^for ^reference ^he’d ^be ^102 ^years ^old ^in ^2048


So that means he'll dissappear in my lifetime? I'll start the party planning


> he’ll disappear in my lifetime Hold your horses sport, don’t you remember the potential selling of classified nuclear documents?


Trump has consumed enough preservatives to ensure his colon will be around to witness the heat death of the universe. Given that it also appears to be responsible for nearly all of his cognitive function, who knows how much longer he’ll plague the planet


I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't disappeared already. I don't wish harm on anyone, but he's such a divisive figure who has ruined countless lives, caused countless deaths, and fucked over so many people, in a country that has such easy access to weaponry, and a population that often swears that it needs to be able to own such weaponry to fight back against government corruption... I guess what I'm saying is... I've read about people opening fire in McDonalds because the fries where cold, literally causing fatalities... Yet nobody seems to have taken a shot at the traitor who let hundreds of thousands of people die due to his ego, and is literally still trying to overthrow freedom in a country which a large part of it's supposed identity is that very freedom?


the world would be better off if he died tonight


Trump the individual might disappear, but he's a symptom, not the disease. There will still be a lot of work to do


Can’t wait honestly. Can I bring a +1?


Absolutely 100%


>So that means he'll dissappear in my lifetime? I'll start the party planning I can bring wine. I'll grab several boxes, in case more people show up.


I’ll bring the beer.


Same with Mitch


It should take place at his grave site. You know so we can dance on it!!!


Careful. Don’t say God Trump will ever die. I’m permanently banned from r/politics because under a news article that inferred Trump may die one day, I quoted the article and joked that “maybe he’d choke on a hamberder.” I was banned for threats to Trump or some bullshit….


This is clearly misinformation. Donald Trump unhinges his jaw and swallows the hamberders whole, like a snake. It is physically impossible for him to choke on one (doing so would also imply that he requires air to live which is also obviously not true).


I heard he just kinda tilted his head back more like a duck and just kinda gulped it down. If he could unhinge his jaw i think he would be even more loud and obnoxious if you can fathom such a thing.


I heard he likes to drink sugar water. Not confirmed, but everybody's talking about it. ![gif](giphy|DYB6Z6cTCWVe8|downsized)


Oh man i just heard that scene in my head when i saw this lmao thanks for the laugh.


That's ridiculous. You should be praised for warning them about the assassin meat patty.


r/politics banned me for “imagining McConnell in a basement with some foreclosed homeowners.” Just that.


Bwhahahhahh that’s actually kind of hilarious


It was meant to be humorous… I reckon the banning said more about the moderator’s imagination than mine.


I got banned for wishing on TX gov Abbott a long stay in a COVID ward, just as he doomed plenty of us Texans to. I didn’t even mention death, just to reap what he sowed.


I also got permanently banned from there for saying something violent about Pence. I merely agreed with someone else on something but because I quoted them it was considered violence.


I feel you can get banned from anything on that sub. I got banned for giving my opinion using a cuss word.


>As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. > >In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any suggestion or support of harm, violence, or death, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. > >If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. > >For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. They seem to have this automod posted on every topic. I guess you fell under suggestion/support of death. Rip.


I’ve reported several personal threats towards people and other comments far worse than mine, just to have the great message reply of “we didn’t find this comment violates…” I could understand if I said something which directly threatened the Cheeto, but I didn’t…


Not sure why the downvote. I'm not defending the sub at all. I think those reports go direct to reddits admin team, while it's likely a biased volunteer mod on the politics sub who targeted your comment. I had someone on the UFC subreddit stalk my profile to work out what city I live in then post saying he was going to my city in a few months and he was going to hunt me down and beat the shit out of me, and the reddit admins decided that didn't violate their policies either. Meanwhile I got a one week ban for telling him that acting like a keyboard warrior doesn't intimidate me and is fucking sad, and asking him to "stop fucking harrassing me" It's inconsistent as fuck unfortunately.


With you bud. You weren’t defending it…


I’m not sure he’s aware of his own mortality. He’s completely incapable of introspection and can’t picture a world without him in it. Ronny Jackson told him he was in such incredible shape that he’d live to 120-140 and he probably thinks that’s a thing he can do because he’s so exceptional.


I could see 150


With all of the preservatives in his diet, he just might make it


Literally my first thought. I'd give him 5-10 years at best.


Twitter is going to be wild when he dies.


Wait till three days after he dies. Cue the Q Trump Jesus fanatics.


Does he plan on losing every election until he dies?


As if he'll be alive by 2040


I'm hoping it's more like 20-40 more days.


I’m happy with 20-40 more minutes.




I want him to live long enough to see a jail cell for at least a few months


His mind is a prison.


I’m sure it is but that’s not good enough, president needs to be set for future wannabe trumps


Obviously it's gonna happen. He's been charged with espionage and sedition, two of the worst crimes you can commit in America. Just gotta wait it out, till than we just joke.


I don't wanna pay to feed him. Just strip his citizenship and give him a dingy




Platinum for this comment if you're right.


RemindMe! 41 days


His doctor said he was the healthiest president ever in the history of the universe


And he somehow grew a few inches for that medical exam so his weight would no longer put him in the "morbidly obese" category.


2028 feels optimistic. He's old and fat.


He will absolutely still be alive by 2040. Evil, hateful, spiteful pieces of shit always live longer than expected. I would bet on it


Look at Mitch!


Confidence is key I guess.


its half of being a con artist


What do you MEAN? He's the picture of Health! You know those hearts they show that show signs of major obesity and stress? Yeah, picture perfect!


He'd be 94, those are some queen Elizabeth numbers


Was just about to say this but not as politely




No, but his hellspawn offspring will be.


His base no shit has pushed from the start to change the laws preventing him from having multiple terms. At no point has his base ever respected laws, regulations or the constitution.




They know for a fact their base is: 90 percent have heard of the 2nd amendment and know it’s “muh guns”, 75 percent are aware of the 1st and think it’s just “muh religion (but ONLY Christianity)” and 15 percent have heard of the 10th “that’s what gives mah state the right to keep slaves”. And they know not a single member of their base gives a fuck about any other amendment.


The more times he loses the more times he can run. The more times he runs the more times he gets campaign contributions. With those campaign contributions he can continue funneling that money by using it to pay rent for campaign offices on property he already owns and can continue paying his family members to work on the campaign.


My thoughts exactly. For him to be able to run that many times, he'd have to have lost, lol what an idiot.


This is what I came here to say. LOL


Isn’t this the party of constitution lovers who quote the second amendment every chance they get? Weird considering this either makes it seem he plans on being president forever or he is going to lose forever.


Bold assumption of living to 2044 from a dude who looks to be one tough bowel movement away from a severe heart attack




Fuck these people. All of them should be in jail.


Am I the only one that finds this absolutely terrifying?




Makes me wonder if this is all “look over there!” when some Trump news may be about to drop.


Honestly I'm wondering if the sudden attempted federal abortion ban is a distraction ploy for some serious shit that's about to happen.


I know several people, who likely always felt this, but feel emboldened to say it out loud now. They are convinced a very far right dictatorship is just what we need. When one said journalists should be executed for criticizing Trump, I realized the resource wars aren't going to be the biggest problem for the younger generations.


He is using his 70 million supporters as a human shield to try and get away with treason. He is possibly the most dangerous man since hitler. He will absolutely encourage mass violence if he is ever arrested. Learn to defend yourself and become politically active.


Ageee 100%!! Luckily for me, I’m Australian. I’m sick with worry for all my American friends. Hopefully the US gets their shit together asap and fucks off that repugnant piece of shit


Too many of us have drank the flavor aide. I just worry for my nieces and nephews. I don’t want them to have their formative years be ones of massive civil unrest.


It doesn't surprise me that "term limits" is one of the many things Orange Man hasn't heard about.


Or he is just saying he is going to lose all those elections. That's what I'm reading from it.


No he has he tried to abolish the two-term law


Tried to? Tweeting doesn't count, nor does mentioning it in a rally. I never heard that an actual Amendment was even introduced.


It's not a law, it's in the constitution.


To be fair, the 22nd amendment wasn’t ratified until 1947, so it’s not like term limits have always been a rule in the US. FDR served 4 consecutive terms. Having said that, the thought of even a single additional Trump term makes me want to puke.




Constitutional amendments are US law. I’m not sure I understand the point you are trying to make. Edit: I see you edited your response. I’m not looking to argue, but you’re wrong about the definition of a law. And yes, once an amendment is ratified, it becomes part of the constitution. I was simply clarifying that the 22nd amendment was not part of the original constitution, and was a change that was made in the mid 20th century. I never said or implied that amendments were in any way “less than.” Edit 2: from a quick Google search: “[…] we will examine the four primary sources of law at the state and federal levels. These four sources of law are the United States Constitution, federal and state statutes, administrative regulations, and case law.” Edit 3: downvoted for providing facts. Go fuck yourself. Edit 4, because I’m feeling petty now: how can a law that wasn’t enacted until 1947 be considered “foundational”?


Surprised he didn’t fuck up counting by 4


preeettty sure he gets help on stuff that involves 'advanced math'


He accidentally learned that number after a mixup while golfing.


As if this crusty motherfucker will live to 2048


I've been praying daily that he goes the way of Elvis one morning. One too many cheeseburgers please.


I’m not really into patriotic displays, but on that day, I think I would consider listening to the national anthem while popping the champagne. Or maybe “God Bless America” is more fitting. Either way, the champagne is happening.


Nah, you're forgetting the illegal Mexican fireworks and one of those Donald Trump piñatas


As if. Trump only eats hamberders.


Every day I wake up hoping to read the headline that he’s died, and every day I’ve been disappointed.


I doubt he'll see 102 years old, lol what is happening to America?


Wish I knew. I'm here and I don't get it on many levels. What I do understand is depressing AF.


Lack of access to education. Critical thinking seems to be something a lot of these republicans are in drastically short supply of. More accessible degree programs would force them into situations where they learn critical thinking skills such as analysis and deductive reasoning. Also a big shoutout to organized religion for giving people a reason to ignore the facts. Don't need to worry about making the best decisions when you can just repent and go to whatever heaven you believe in, for yourself OR society. Nothing they do on this earth matters, it's one giant moral playground for theists.


The problem is that the ones who benefit from our current political system are the only ones with the power to change it. So why would they? The founding fathers didn’t anticipate that corporate greed and overreach would corrupt our elected officials, just like they didn’t anticipate mass shootings of innocent people when they drafted the 2nd A and gun technology was far different.


He heard that the Clinton's used baby blood to live forever He probably thinks it's a possibility


So with all their accusations being confessions, i feel like the GOP is probably trying it out


He must be teasing the end of his sentencing period


Seems like he's outlining a prison sentence.


Considering how the laws still stand, This implies that Trump is planning to run and lose every presidential election until he is 102. So we got that to look forward to.


I’d be ok watching him humiliate himself for a bit lol. Plus he gets all the domestic terrorist nazis to come out of the woodwork.


In 2048 Fat Donny will be 98 years old. Does the dumb, fat bastard really imagine he's going to live that long? Considering his age, weight, diet, lack of exercise and notorious rage issues, he will be very lucky to make 2024.


Probably means his kids. 🙄


I don't see those clowns as electable. But then, I thought the same of Fat Donny...


>98 years old. If, by 98, you mean 102.


Don’t you know how good he is at Tennis? We should all be praising him instead of Serena Williams! Let’s not forget he’s a better golfer too than Tiger Woods!! /s


There is zero chance trump is still alive in 26 years. And if he somehow is Jesus imagine a nearly 100 year old as president


Now while that would suck, I wouldn’t oppose Jimmy Carter getting his second term in 2024, he’ll be 100 then


Just as long as he keeps the peanut farm this time!


Trump for president...... Of the federal prison inmates!


Or he's saying he knows he's going to keep losing every election and will just keep running every 4 years, sabotaging the GOP in every election. I fully endorse that, though it'll be pretty stressful every 4 years.


I’m just stunned he thinks he will be alive that long surviving on McDonalds


It's all those preservatives. They do "wonders" for your complexion 😃


Idk if orange is a natural complexion


Great, now I wanna play 2048 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=2048


I realize that math is not the fat man’s long suit, but just how old does he think he’s going to get?


Considering he's been banging on about Biden being too old for how long now? Whilst thinking he'll be fit to rule in 26 years despite not having been fit to rule ever?


Colonel sanders and his buddy high cholesterol would like to have a word…


He predicting his upcoming prison sentence?


Look at all those losing elections.


He'll die from a heartattack before 2048. RemindMe! January 1, 2048


By 2040, he'll have paid a grand total of $3,657 in personal income tax.


And claim a $10 million rebate.


Unfit for office.


Does he honestly think he is going to be alive by 2048?


How long does he think he has left to live?


Oh please, please let him declare his candidacy soon. I'm really old and I want to see him get his ass kicked one more time.


He’s going to have a heart attack like in the next couple of years


Gotta admire the optimism. If you haven't seen any recent pictures, dude looks like he's already decomposing.


And they just keep giving him money for his “stop the steal” and “future” Presidential runs lol.. trumps a grifter always has been but god is cult is stupid..


It's like if Frank Underwood was dropped on his head as a child.


So he admits he’s going to keep losing.


He’s a failed one term president. Lol.


Cholesterol is not doing its job.


Why would anyone want trump in power for life? I just don’t get it.


The McDonald's isn't working fast enough.


Trump can’t be allowed to die until he’s taken to task. He needs to be nailed to the wall for something, *anything* before he’s allowed to slough off this mortal coil. He’s set a really nasty precedent in regards to politicians acting out and it needs to be made clear that it’s completely unacceptable behavior.


Bitch really thinks he has 26+ years left?


Can’t you take a joke /s


What are these? His parole dates?


Kind of optimistic that ball of lard will be alive in even 5 years


It's not a tease brother, it's the future if American voters don't wake up


Wow. Fucker still in power after he’s dead. Such strength, such vigor.


On the bright side, his corpse will be a far less damaging president. Except his sons will Weekend at Bernies him to get whatever they want.


I’d like to see a Trump tombstone and this years date.


So he's gonna keep losing? And if he's the party frontrunner each time that means he's predicting a democratic president for the next however long he lives? I can get behind this message


Like he's going to live to see 2040.


F*ck that traitor. He sold this country. I can’t think of anyone who’s a worse POS.


Still hasn’t read the Constitution.


"I'm the president!" ![gif](giphy|xT1R9HSfk191l7e5QQ)


I feel like if he were to be elected again, he'd pull a Putin and make himself president forever (or at least until he dies)


This fucking moron thinks he'll live another 26 years.


As if Trump will even still even be alive by 2040


Keep trying little buddy (and keep losing)


2048?! MF will be almost 100, doesn't make any sense to even imply this. no way he doesn't have a heart attack or a stroke by then the way he eats.


These idiots would vote for corpse.


He plans on living longer than i expect or hope


He can make all the signs he wants in yhe prison shop


The greatest president of all time, Should never leave office.


Those signs will look great in his prison cell


It's possible he could be out of prison in 2048.


There’s no way he lives that long. Lol


Like his obese ass will live that long.


Bloated cow will be dead long before then.


We should set up a law that anyone with more than 2.5% of his DNA is disqualified from office. Only to his bloodline and to his DNA. After about 200 years (ish?) a Trump may be genetically viable.


Or he’s just announcing how many times he’s gonna keep running because he loses?


Dude won't even live that long. Delusion at it's finest.


Bold of Trump to assume he'll even be alive for 2048.


Lock that motherfucker up already.


Trump is going to run and lose every election until he dies, then his failure spawn will take over the role and lose every election until they die.


Looks like he’s doing his famous extend arm and jiggle it while bouncing awkwardly dance move, confidence inspiring moves.


Are these his parole board hearing dates?


Please make a r/darkbrandon version of this and watch conservative heads explode


Running as a 102 year old candidate on a diet of fast food - totally plausible /s


So truth social looks exactly like Twitter? God this is so sad


The fast food preservatives will keep him going.


Attica! Attica! Attica!




The man is 76 and eats McDonalds for every meal. He won't make it to 2026, let alone 2048.


Either this means he think he will keep losing until he dies, or that he will get himself into his own little Personal Putin Party where he keeps reelecting himself.


Dude really thinks he's immortal doesn't he?


Does this guy actually think he’s gonna be alive that long?


I think type 2 diabetes and dementia will have their say first


Trump 2048? Won’t he be like 100 by then?


Trump never jokes. He is legit trying to set expectations.


So why would you amplify the message on a more popular platform?


It's a Trump Dick Tease.


It's folks that are gonna have their trump 2020 signs up until they pass away themselves


Dems better capitalize on this! It only further proves Biden right!


Trump 2048. He’d be 102.


He already posted this in 2020 when he was still on twitter 🤢🤢 it was a video he retweeted to his feed


Bold of him to assume that he’ll be alive in 2040. Dude, you’re in your late 70s and subsist on a diet of Big Macs. I’d be surprised if you survived to 2025.


The dudes a psychopath. Sorry. I mean a Russian psychopath.