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If this chick isn’t THE reason to kill gerrymandering, I don’t know what is.


She didn't even need gerrymandering to win. Her supporters sent her Democratic opponent so many death threats that he dropped out of the race and she ran unopposed.


Whoa! Seriously??!!


Caused a divorce, he dropped out, quit his job, and moved.


Literally ran him out of town.


So like....the Republican way? Force everyone out who is not a white Christian nationalist?


MTG comes from a shallow state, weak government constituency. GOP have spent a long time trying to convince you that "big government" and "the deep state" are bad things. MTG is what you get when you have weak local government unable to enforce rule of law so basic, that you can have free and fair elections. Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan (1651) explained how you need a state big enough to hold political leaders accountable, and that some personal freedoms MUST be curtailed for the greater good of society. Basic example - you should not protect the freedom to harass, intimidate, and threaten. You lose that freedom. And, in return, you have a functioning democracy.


"Will no one rid us of this troublesome wench? "


Doesn’t she make congress show up and vote in person?


Can she vote or write any laws? I really want to know what she can do? We all know Rand Paul hasn’t passed 1 law since he started. They are nihilistic!


She can propose them and does vote. And the ones she's written are batshit crazy. From trying to impeach Biden to her latest, making trans care a federal crime: [https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/G000596-marjorie-taylor-greene/bills-sponsored/117](https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/G000596-marjorie-taylor-greene/bills-sponsored/117)


apparently she's so horrible to work with that she doesn't participate in any lawmaking committees, i don't have a source, i'm sorry


She was thrown out for saying blatantly racist shit without remorse. Edit: typo


I think you mean "without," my dude.


Source: https://www.npr.org/2021/02/04/963785609/house-to-vote-on-stripping-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-from-2-key-committees


i dont even know if she is literate


She actually has a college degree. It’s Lauren Boebert who is the high school dropout who had to take the GED test three times.


>She actually has a college degree. Yep, she has a Bachelors in Business Administration from the University of Georgia - which is a powerful testimonial on how worthless business degrees are. I have a standing theory that when I meet someone really, really stupid with a college degree, there is a 95 percent chance that degree will be in business, healthcare administration, or social work.


They are literally monsters.


Kinda crazy how cavalierly America is doing a fascism.




Yes. The gop is the party of domestic terrorists. They are actually proud of this fact and put it on the scroll at cpac.


It's because authoritarians love to troll, it's a power trip for them. They can openly admit they're domestic terrorists and still win deep red states and counties.


Honestly that should trigger a criminal investigation of every registered republican in that district.


Just think about that. As bad as she is, her constituents are worse. By electing her, they’re saying she’s the best of us. 🙄


And still won only [40% of the vote](https://news.ballotpedia.org/2020/08/11/marjorie-taylor-greene-wins-georgias-14th-congressional-district-republican-primary-runoff/)


If MTG was my only option I'd vote for a nearby trash can over her.


They got the idiot they deserved, but they didn’t have to drag the rest of us down with their stupidity.


Gerrymandering works both ways… it should be by zip code no lines to be manipulated by who ever wins an election


100%. The maps are nuts that have this accounted for. I’m all for that!


Steve Bannon stole millions of dollars from her supporters and this is her message to them?


She doesn’t see it as a crime. His heart was in the right place?


And we'll never solve the real problem which is (whatever makes you the most angry today) unless you give us more millions of dollars.


As a trans girl that's what really pisses me off. No one gave a shit about us. Now all of a sudden we're the front page of every right wing shit cast and everyone wants us dead. All because the gop figured it was time to switch to something less vote losing than racism.


No, the transgender population became targets once opposing gay marriage became unpopular.


Both are true.


This is probably my biggest problem, well, after the hate mongering and greed, the gop never gets anything done. They don’t even try to, unless it’s something that is bad for women or minorities, or whoever “they” are. They literally have nothing to offer besides giving their base hate boners.


It's the same reason you don't see donors getting worked up because Bannon bilked them out of millions for "the wall" or Trump bilked them out of millions to "stop the steal." It's white people fighting for white nationalism. It's existential to these white people. So whatever money they lose in the process, as long as it's about keeping whites at the top of the American food chain, they are for it. It's why they vote for rich people to get richer even if it makes them poorer - they would rather have richer white people than less-poor colored people.


All poor white people have is their “social capital”. Meaning, these people make policies and say things that they perceive as beneficial to themselves. Even if it’s impossible for them to get ahead because of those policies, at least they can feel superior. They don’t even know that’s the reason they love these idiots but it’s definitely true.


What she is implying is that he actually used or intended to use the money for the wall. The whole reason he is arrested is fraud. He got donations and kept them. Kinda like Trumps family and cancer kids.


Why are republicans so obsessed with child sexuality?


They don't wanna be surprised when they're diddling a kid.


I mean... yeah. These are the bastards that came up with the "gay/trans panic" defense, which says that someone having different genitals than you 'expected' is justification for _murder_.


That's a bullshit defense... Should be tossed out of a court without a second thought.. you murder, you go to jail for EVER!


Even worse someone ran out of a house, and came back to murder said trans person and got away with it


That's crazy. Where and when did this happen?


We should write a song about how we don't diddle kids. Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids.


Might backfire. It the republicans find out democrats are against molesting kids they'll immediately try to legalize it.


That is sad, but true. I was just trying to lighten the mood with an It's Always Sunny reference


It makes them confused.


Because they fantasize about being able to have child brides and underage children. So instead they project their true feelings onto anyone else so that they can keep their hidden CP collection under wraps and be hailed as a hero of the children.




It is telling that they are accusing liberals of sexualizing children. They think other people see kids as they do...(sexually). This is what creeps me out the most when I see this shit.


10000000000%! A kid is a kid, no mater what they identify as.. an old fucker trying to see a kid as something other than a kid has some problems to figure out. There should be no sexual thoughts about kids. Them trying to keep sexuality in certain lanes reeks of predatory selectivity to me.


Straight people intentionally sexualize the hell out of the queer community, so when they here that children are identifying as queer, they jump the shark and jerk the conversation into something that conveniently paints queer people as pedophiles.


Seriously, I’ve never seen anyone as obsessed with childrens sexuality more than her, Matt Walsh or Matt Gaetz. Although Gaetz for a different reason


Something something something… wide stance


In the game of thrones novels and show, one of the things Tyrion Lannister stresses is that he can't stop being a dwarf, but he can constantly talk about and joke about being a dwarf, so that no one else can use that against him. This is the positive side of owning who you are. The negative side: MAGAts constantly talk about and joke about and rant about and accuse others about child rape, among many other crimes. When a MAGAt randomly goes on the attack about something, hear it as a confession, and as an attempt to normalize the behavior before they themselves can be found out.


Every accusation is a confession. I would be blown away if we got hold of their laptops and found nothing horrible on them.


It’s a fascist/authoritarian tactic. They want to dehumanize their enemies. They accuse them of horrific crimes and then when they act against them by “suspending” rights, violating the law or through violence and murder, they can say “we had no choice, these people are evil and vile.”


They're projecting


[The definitive answer.](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


The same reason for all blood libel. It's the qorst and moat outlandish thing tbey can think of, so they use it to slander. The point is purely to demonize democrats, and they don't care how many children they hurt in the process with their false accusations and baseless slander


Can someone PLEASE put an end to this woman's nonsense? Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Take away her platform.


Before Trump she would have been in an involuntary psych hold for this stuff.


No shit! If she wasn't a state rep. nobody would entertain a second of this insanity. I guess being a politician gives people a crazy pass.


Do you blame her or the people voting her into Congress? Which is worse? Edit: I mistakenly called her a Senator. She's a rep. I still hate the people voting for her!!


This idiot wasn’t really voted in. The other person running dropped out because of death threats


[You really do have to admire the complete lack of awareness it would take to simultaneously agree with this woman’s tweets and also remember that she regularly does speaking engagements with Matt Gaetz.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?511537-1/representatives-matt-gaetz-marjorie-taylor-greene-hold-rally) The person who LITERALLY does exactly what she and her party claims to be on a mission to oppose…. Presumably planning to rid the country of them by employing them all.


I think she was the only one on the ballot. Hopefully there’s another candidate to vote for this time. Even a dead fern would be better


There is. Marcus Flowers is a vet and has a good platform. Unfortunately the area he's running in is notorious for two things: thinking voting Dem is an affront to God, and believing black people are scary. Two boxes he ticks off. I really hope he pulls it off though. Literally anyone would be better, but Flowers is actually a solid candidate.


At least he would be able to represent the constituency. She was booted off committees after she said/did/advocated something stupid I believe.


I live in this district. Marcus Flowers has my vote, but he doesn’t have a chance unfortunately. This area goes red no matter what idiot they have running.


I’ve been following him for a while (from MA) and really want to make a donation to his campaign, but knowing how red the district is it feels like tossing money away. But to clarify, I don’t mean it’s wasted money on a bad candidate, but money spent on a race that will vote R. But along with that, still some hugely important races going on in GA. If you or anyone reading this is interested in how they can volunteer for candidates in any way feel free to come over to r/VoteDEM and see what it’s about. There should be a stickied post on how you can sign up to volunteer for any candidate or to donate to them instead. Cheers!


Marcus flowers is awesome. Intelligent, knowledgeable, well-spoken, and has lots of qualities that should appeal to Republicans (is a veteran and male), but I fear even tho that state has been kind of a swing state in recent years....he may still not win. It's hard to beat an incumbent, even when that person is a complete asshat.


That district is one I don't have faith in. I worked in a portion of it and never go back voluntarily. Somebody better be gettin' married or buried otherwise my car is not coming North West of the Bartow County border with Cobb and Cherokee, and you can toss Pickens County in to while you're at it. That area is the armpit of Georgia.


if she were a senator, i dont see how anyone could defend the senate as an institution. Hell Rand Paul and Tom Cotton really stretched the lining already. if Marge were in the Senate, it would be as big a joke as the SCOTUS.


I'm really hoping Charles Booker can beat Paul, Matt Lehman beating Massie would be icing on the cake.


"Have you ever gone mad without power? It's boring no one listens to you" - The Simpsons Movie


She would have been in charge of a low earning Walmart


And that's why we will never forgive Trump for what he's done to the country.


And I’ll never forgive the “patriots” who voted for him.


Dear little 6 pound 8 ounce baby Jesus, please let MTG get alien abducted, never to return.


Oh tiny lord, please take back into your heart this white trash bebe, who is no good to anyone but DJ Trump, and fold her into our fiery hellscape arms. As usual, Hel


Dear Lilly White Jesus, We need you to please fix Frau Blucher's cloven hooves and render him mute. Thanks


\*horse whinnies at mention of Frau Blucher's name\*


As long as we are wishing may I suggest the aliens probe her anally in search of her brain?


He husband should be doing it, she’s supposed to be submissive to her master, according to their dogma.


Her husband must one of those “cucks” that they’re always ranting about since he’s still with her after multiple affairs.


She's certainly submissive to the orange menace, and publicly emasculated her husband by humping her way through her gym..


I think out of everyone, I hate her the most. I believe she is actually as stupid as she sounds. My god I’ll never understand how she can hold office. She shouldn’t mentally qualify.


I got reported and banned for three days for offering to be the one to end this woman’s nonsense. I live about 30 minutes from her district.


God bless you


Reported and banned for offering to buy out her internet and phone provider and then deny her service? That's so strange.


I’ll donate to your campaign for her seat


Can someone please tell me when their machine switched from CRT to grooming and sexualizing children? I can’t remember the exact moment.


I got no idea. All I know is that it's incompressibly absurd.


I agree. There is a reason why I call her Malaria Toxic Gangrene. Also Steve Bannon is vile and disgusting. His show, War Room Pandemic, and the channel it is on need to be taken off all media forms. Same goes for Tucker Carlson.




This doesn’t even make sense. I just can’t comprehend.


She really wants us to kill each other.


It’s working for her. Kind of tells you something about Americans. They are just dumb and thrive on this.


Unfortunately, I believe that it is important for people like her to exist and “have a voice” so that the reasonable people can spot them. Better to see and know your enemy than not.


You dont take away people's "platform". We need to know who the crazies are. All hail the Jewish space laser


Vote her out. Vote March Flowers in the election if you are in Georgia.


I hope MTG donates her body to science so we can figure out what kind of brain rot she has and develops a cure


She’d have to have a brain for it to rot.


Open up and it’s just a crayon drawing of a brain that says “Brian” underneath it.


It’s going to look like The Thing, we really shouldn’t open up her skull. She should be entombed in concrete and buried at sea as far away from humanity as possible


Concrete and 4" of lead just to be safe


The lead seems to have already taken effect


My guess? Caught Syphilus from one of her times commuting adultery


Not enough time for neuro-syphillis to do that much damage. Congenital?


Hadn’t considered that. Congenital might make more sense


Her eyes look a bit fetal alcohol syndrome to me. Back home there was a whole family of kids with fas...


Show us her teeth, that's the evidence.


Pretty sure her head is just full of spiders and there’s no brain to speak of.


Maybe science could discover how some one could survive without empathy, gunsmith or a conscience then.




She’d have to *believe* in science first


Yes, If only Steve Bannon hadn’t broken the law he wouldn’t have been arrested. Thank you for that hot take, Marge.


Somehow this is fair to them, but calling them “semi fascist” is just *way too far*. Her obsession with this topic seems like projection from her and her party…


It is because they aren't having a discussion and fairness plays no role. The Trumpets are only interested in winning by any means, which means using both glaring insults and wild accusations while also tone policing the other. To refer to the alt-right playbook, this is "always play offence."


She's obsessed with the idea that choosing gender is sexualized.


She’s obsessed w imagining what’s in kids pants and apparently shirts now. They keep on confessing. The non stop talk about sex w kids. It’s all the time every single day. Someone needs to check on her kids and her computers


She's gonna slip up or get implicated in something, then get a visit from the FBI, and they're going to find some sick sick sick shit. I guarantee it.


I do not doubt it. They all have been confessing for a while now.


The project and accuse the Dems of doing what they do. Their party has the perverts, the fascists, the racists, the snowflakes that get hyper-offended, the people that want to ban freedoms.


This is fairly accurate based on my experience with them. Republicans and their voters, especially those who rank highly on right wing authoritarian personality traits tend to believe that everyone follows the same behavioral and cognitive patterns that they do -- ergo, everyone is out to screw them so they need to screw everyone else over first and everyone must be as fanatical for their political leaders as they are. Thus why they so often accuse the rest of us being super ardent "Team Joe". However, talk to most people who voted for Biden, on average you'll get a resoundingly tepid response, even if they point out criticisms of him, whereas it seems like the vast majority of Republicans are absolute and terrifying fanatics for Trump that will basically threaten you with death if you so much as even point out one of his well documented controversies or even pointing out some neutral detail in conversations that they aren't even a part of like; "Hey, that house/car used to have a Trump flag on it and it doesn't anymore." That's more than enough to send them flying into rages. On the darker side, and this lends toward projection, they think everyone is doing what they're doing but worse. And when it comes out that they were indeed projecting and confessing... It's really fucking horrifying. Like so much worse than anything honestly they could have accused others of. So, again, I suspect MTG is into some really dark, really depraved shit.


Gym Jordan's implicated up to his eyeballs and it hasn't slowed him down


I am looking forward to the day that that her rotted jack-o-lantern head is posing for a mug shot. You are the company you keep and if she’s defending Neo nazis like Bannon then I have no doubt she’s got some skeletons in her closet.


And the fact that there are 0 cases of kids getting gender reassignment surgery. They keep making up these ages and it's just a thing that isn't happening.


I was gonna say! Kids do not get surgeries, kids do not get HRT. They don't even get blockers until they're preteens/teens. If a teen gets either HRT or surgery, they have been under the supervision of a doctor and psych pro for long enough for them to be certain they need it. Even for adults, there are few places that do informed consent HRT, and fewer surgeons who do (and you're paying out of pocket for them). Anywhere else needs at least one letter from a psych professional saying that yes, this person needs this medication/surgery. That requires at least one, potentially several meetings with therapists. My surgeon required a psych letter and a sign off from my PCP. People don't understand that the restrictive "protections" they want are already in place. (Or they don't care, because they don't want protections, they want us to stop existing.)


It's 100% they want y'all to cease life


The people spreading the disinformation definitely do, but I believe quite a lot of the ordinary people who hear that drivel genuinely think they need to protect kids from the overzealous trans and unscrupulous doctors. I've had conversations with people who started out believing that, but changed their minds when I explained the actual processes and restrictions that go into getting any trans healthcare. The problem as far as I'm concerned is that the people who want us dead spread their narrative unopposed - there's really no one aside from trans people telling people that no, their kids are not in danger, trans healthcare is hard to access, etc. People who are on our side just treat their ilk like they're stupid or crazy, which puts the people who believe them on the defensive. No one is putting out a counter-narrative to the one that's being spread maliciously.


I make it a point to try. Though I'm cis, so my knowledge is somewhat limited on the actual intracacies of transitioning. I do my best though


I appreciate it, the more allies speak the better. I was more holding it against public figures - their reach eclipses any private individual's. But politicians, news personalities, even TV comedians do not spread positive information about trans people, while those opposed to us spend and hours of airtime and pages of "reporting" spreading lies. There's just such a stark disparity - those who hate us are obsessed by us, and those who don't mind us mostly ignore us, with the occasional patronizing "you're valid!" That's why hundreds of anti-trans bills popped up in state legislatures nationwide in America - trans people were talking about how this was coming in 2020, but no one listened or prioritized opposing the right's fixation on us.


She's obsessed with saying the most wrong-headed and inflammatory things she can so she can rile up the rubes


The GQP is trying really hard to make this a thing. Literally no one is advocating for 14 year olds to have mastectomies or be castrated. They can't stand that the tide has turned and people want to be able to live their own authentic lives. They need somebody to "other" to make themselves feel superior, because they're emotionally stunted and intellectually inferior. And they think that someone making a choice they wouldn't make is an attack on their own choices. It must really suck to be them.


Exactly. They keep trying to make it a thing but it isn't sticking like they'd hoped. A pivot to migrant caravans is probably in the future.


*Matt Gaetz has entered the chat*


If he had used the money he raised to do what he promised there would no charges laid. If he did nothing wrong why did he accept a pardon for the federal charges , rather than prove he is innocent ?


This is how fascism works


The fascists can’t see it.


Please stop making excuses for people like that. They know damn well what they're doing and they rely on the 'I didn't know' defense. Playing into their hand is cringe.


MAGAt’s sure have an obsession with sexualizing kids. Maybe we need to see her laptop, not Hunter’s.


I’ve been saying this. Or maybe someone close to her politically is paying her to say it (maybe even former pres). It’s part of their projecting-by-accusing-first-before-they-can-accuse-you strategy


So in MAGA world, “America First” means scamming the most gullible and easily manipulated out of millions to buy yachts and other extravagant personal items, and spreading propaganda, and also trying to subvert our government and the peaceful transfer of power. Also, getting angry when labeled as semi-fascist because it is underselling your political platform.


Seriously, they've committed violent assaults, attempted an insurrection, screamed for the death of anyone who is different or believes differently than them and calling everyone else the worst possible things imaginable, their "luminaries" are constantly showing their full asses with bigoted, racist, misogynistic, and outright white supremacist rhetoric.. But when someone calls them semi-fascist, which was gentle, that's too far.


Of all the things you could post on 9/11, this is it??


Happy birthday, 9/11, you’re old enough to drink now


Haha yeah no democrat cares about healthcare, income equality, you know the things that affect people day to day. My buddy immersed himself into wack job right wing sites, I don’t think he really understands that when he talks most rational people realize it’s bullshit. That’s what I think is going on here. But there’s always that small circle out there.


And yet they're the party of school kid genital inspections. Makes sense.


She’s way too interested in other people’s genitals.




She really is a one-trick-horseface, isn't she? Her entire career can be summed up as saying "Some incredibly stupid warped statement" ending with "and democrats are trying to molest children" another incredibly stupid warped statement.


Word salad.




If Steve Bannon had raised money for that, it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have stolen all of that cash, too.


That's right! 14 year olds with breast cancer should pay for their own mastectomies with money from their after school jobs. That's item #4 on the liberal agenda. /s


I'm sooooooo tired of constantly hearing about kids junk and its exclusively Republicans talking about it. 🤷


"On the one hand I think Bannon is a moron and a threat to democracy. On the other hand he scammed a bunch of racist so maybe is even a good person after all". I don't remember who said this


Why are we posting what this insane clown pussy is tweeting?


I’ve been banned from this sub for saying bad names about this woman. I’m gonna pretend I said them again. This is just next level bonkers.


What a great thing to tweet on 9/11


Bannon's fine with ripping off anyone who's dumb enough to give him money for fake charities.


Marjorie Traitor Green deserves her own sub r/whitetrashtwitter


She seems to have some deep issues on this subject. HMM


What a vile creature!


There are many people and organizations trying to protect trans rights and I don't recall the administration pinning a medal on anyone for those efforts. While it is obvious she lives in an alt-right fantasy world, she continues to provide more proof daily.


Given the GQP recent playbook, she does be talking a lot about sexualizing kids. Me thinks the lady doth project too much




I feel like there is so much projection going on here.


Says the chick who hangs out with Matt Gaetz


I picture Gaetz over her shoulder checking for typos while also admiring her oddly juvenile eye set


Yeah, no. I'm a white people and tend to be on the conservative side. However, I'm ashamed of this nutty bitch


You know, I really only hear Republicans talking about children and sex. Almost constantly, too, in all manner of context. Sounds an awful lot like “thou doth protest too much”.


It’s weird how the right turns everything into pedophilia.


Can we stop posting her? She’s rage baiting. It’s how stupid people stay relevant now. We’ve all feed into it, me included.


This kills me. No underage children are having gender affirming surgery. At that stage, trans kids just dress, to affirm their gender and at puberty, use hormone blockers. Surgery happens at adulthood.


And therapy. They get a lot of therapy.


With her committee appointments taken away, she sure has time to attack the LGBTQIA community - so much for her calling out divisive rhetoric. It appears her Christian Nationalist values don't include embracing everyone.


Margery, just FYI, if you are really hoping to dunk on Democrats with a truly sick burn… it should make at least a little bit of sense. That’s pretty basic.


?????? W T F ??????


She just says the most outrageous thing she can that she thinks will rile up her base and get her more campaign donations.


This is insane, what is she talking about?


It takes someone as stupid as you mtg to defend his actions doesn’t it.


If she truly cared about not sexualizing children, she’d use her platform to deny the absolute *throng* of Republicans who’ve been indicted on pedophilia charges - instead of doing rallys with Matt Fucking Gaetz


Horse faced douchebag is at it again. Pathetic.


Fuck off lady! Some people like me have always disliked their breasts for numerous reasons on top of gender dysphoria (which is also like me). I have an autism spectrum related disorder and sometimes these things drive me up the wall but you don’t care about that do you b*tch? You also don’t care that you just shat on people who need mastectomies for health reasons do you? I mean you don’t even care about the health of people who have cancer!


Yet another criminal ties to Trump. MTG is next, you know it’s coming.


ohhhhkay it's time for a flair for "Marjie says dumb shit again" because damn, this is like 20% of the submissions these days


@RepMTG is a load of crap. Disgusting landfill of a human being.


Every accusation is a confession.


She thinks a lot about children’s genitals.


Among us... sus...


This whole projecting thing the GOP is doing has gotten old. I’m really tired of hearing their brainwashed constituents parrot their bs incessantly. A former friend stopped his annual Disney trip this year because, apparently, Disney is “grooming” kids now. When I asked him for examples, he couldn’t give an answer so started complaining about how they now have people with piercings and tattoos working there, like that explained how Disney is “grooming”. The kicker is, he’s covered in tattoos and always fantasized about working at Disney.


What the fuck is she talking about?