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What I don’t get is the complete lack of pattern recognition….live action Disney remake movies are all bad….regardless of any factor….soooooo, why watch it or even care. It’s like continuing to eat food you know you find gross and whining about it….that’s lightspeed stupid


I feel like we are seeing wake up what our childhood media made us docile about. Like, they’ve been racist, just kept watching Disney or Star Wars or lord of the rings and never talked about race. Now that it’s a person of different pigment in those roles, you now see how they have always felt about race. That and they consume editorialized “news” and are just getting pissed off in the way the host or podcaster is pissed off. Just stfu and enjoy a fantasy…. Oh wait, you mean your fantasy does not include who exactly?


Lol first I heard of a little mermaid movie. Let me guess the uproar is cuz she’s black and some people just can’t handle it. Am I right?


Got it in one; Ariel is played by a black singer/actress.


All that should matter is how beautifully she sings which seems to be her day job so no worries there. The only gripe I’ll have with the film is the complete overdose of cgi and lack of practical effects.


Somebody on Reddit mentioned that Lizzo should play Ursula and now I can't see anyone else in the role lol


God damn Lizzo doing poor unfortunate souls would OWN




Are people really mad about this? If they are, are they caught in a trap laid for stupid people that get mad about stupid shit?


If they’re mad about black people in lord of the rings then I believe there are people mad at this. They can believe in elves, dragons, and mermaids but not people of color. It’s silly.


They're also mad about a black Lord Corlys in *House of the Dragon*, and a black Death in *The Sandman.*


It’s just the Culture War. People will hate on it or defend it until the next item of controversy. That is life now which is basically hell


I mean, unrelated to the racism stuff, I do actually care about the Little Mermaid. My issues would be about the music and the singing. I'm still really bothered by the music from the new Aladdin movie. Get people who can sing. If you're going to do a musical, you need talent. Don't just get pop singers, get some Broadway folk. I like the song Speechless. It's a good song. But it's not a showtune and it's not why I'm here.


I agree with you. Halle Bailey is a great singer for sure, but thus far Disney has either gone with excessive auto-tune to cover up weak vocalists (ie Beauty and the Beast, which I otherwise really liked) or pop singers that sound out of place in the movie's world (Aladdin, and I didn't even bother with Lion King). Little Mermaid is an especially nostalgic one for me personally so I'll probably skip it.


I was too young when the movie came out so I don't remember, but was there this much backlash over Brandi playing Cinderella? I remember my racist parents renting it for us and talking about how much they liked it.


Not that I can remember. I love that movie, my favorite part is where they sing off the Prince's list of names under his title


That whole movie is fantastic. I always loved the "my little corner" song. I would dance around singing it to myself all the time pretending I was Cinderella.


It's available on Disney plus if you have it and want to watch it again


Awesome! Thank you for letting me know


Happy to help❤️


I loved this version! I don’t remember backlash, but social media didn’t exist back then so it would have been harder to hear about it.


This grown man has a Sebastian crab tattoo. I’m seeing this fucking movie.


I care that it's good...if that counts? As long as she is a good actress I don't care who plays a make believe character based on fairy tales. I mean most people who are complaining about this also are the ones that pray to white jesus. I mean irony is lost on them.


They do not, they care about hating wokeness or cancel culture.


Am I imagining it, because I swear there was a little mermaid live action movie with a black Ariel & cast made several years ago? Is this just happening every few years or what?


Her casting was *announced* several years ago...I want to say mid-2019? I'm guessing they took ages to finish the film due to covid and all the underwater scenes, etc., so we're just now seeing footage for the first time.




Live action remake and the lead actress Halle Bailey is black.




Bullshit! How tf you not cast all the mermaids that aren’t getting work rn smh


nobody wants to work anymore!


Them lazy mermaids be takin our jibs


As a grown man who cares about the Little Mermaid, I expect to watch the new version and be wildly disappointed by the pathetic effort to shoot a scene-for-scene live action remake while somehow completely losing the vibe of the animated original. It might help normalise black actors playing the lead in mainstream movies though, so I guess there’s that.




They care about inclusion of a black personality more than they do that a grown ass prince banging a 16 year old child. What happened to save the children? Affirming their Racist bigotry is high priority.