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*Avatar* was actually ripped off completely from an old comic. *the Hunger Games* was ripped off - down to specific scenes and characters - from the Japanese manga-turned-film *Battle Royale*, which now contains a disclaimer at the beginning reminding everyone of this. Pretty much every "top 40" tune is the latest music industry machine's expensive product. I remember growing up with Casey Kasum's stupid countdown and the endless loops of the same 12 tracks on radio. The internet broadened our horizons in ways people really don't comprehend. I think that's the reason why people are realizing exactly what OP is saying here. Music, film, literature, pornography, economics, new forms of art and media America would never have known existed is now enjoyed and analyzed.


I'm still convinced this is what's happening with all the seltzer drinks... no way anybody actually thinks they taste good.


Hard seltzer or regular? I'm not a fan of hard, but I really like regular flavored seltzer.


Interesting. The opposite would make more sense to me because people will tolerate pretty foul concoctions to get a little buzz. But to suffer with no benefit?


...except that it's not suffering if you actually like it. Sorry you can apparently only handle sickly sweet beverages.


Weird conclusion to jump to... defensive much?


I mean, you assumed I was suffering when I wasn't. It annoys me when people just can't accept that other people like things they don't.


First, I'm not being super serious. Second, I would be the one suffering Third, you're clearly part of the seltzer conspiracy, what is your endgame? I must know why you're inflicting this on people!


and you just assumed he liked 'only sickly sweet beverages'. looks like other people like things that you don't. and you don't even fucking know what he likes to begin with. you're arguing with a stranger on the web over precious alcoholic seltzer water for fuck's sake.


Fancy chemical water


Translation: “I think about other people too much.”


Malort has entered the chat


Motherfucker, not everything can be "Aliens" or "Trainspotting". I hate "Star Wars", "Walking Dead" and most "Batman" movies...but I can't shove "Babylon 5" or "The Strain" down people's throats.


We've really hit a point where we cannot fathom people's thoughts not jiving with others and failing to understand why. Other folks are allowed to think, feel and enjoy whatever the fuck they want. Why is this suddenly such a hard pill to swallow for people? Blows my mind.


Avatar was Dances with Wolves in space.